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Hey, I see me with someone who's like half my age.

Quick, move to a place where it's legal! :P:

Edited by Folgore Yellow
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Quick, move to a place where it's legal! :P:

Hmmm. . .might not be a bad idea, though do you want to have two programmers in the same place, plotting to take over the world? :P:

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Hmmm. . .might not be a bad idea, though do you want to have two programmers in the same place, plotting to take over the world? :P:

Er, maybe we DON'T want you two together then? Or maybe we should steal you guys from Horace and make you good guys? :lol:

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Er, maybe we DON'T want you two together then? Or maybe we should steal you guys from Horace and make you good guys? :lol:

You are learning, wise grasshopper~! :P:

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You are learning, wise grasshopper~! :P:


Anyway ... not that it wasn't already unbalanced before, but our heroes-to-villains cast is really unbalanced. There's Horace, Cam, Zeddmare, and eclipse ... plus Breezy as a third party villain. And if I'm not wrong, everyone else with a role is a Folgore or an ally.

I think we need to recruit more people willing to be villains. :XD:

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Or maybe the villains are so strong that all of you against us is equal. :P:

(or you guys can deflate my ego and start being villains)

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Or maybe the villains are so strong that all of you against us is equal. :P:

This is actually quite true. All of the villains have much higher Folgore levels than the Folgore Rangers. :lol: Especially Zeddmare, he has the power to banish us!

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So like, I either wanna be THE BLUE HULK or this cool evil guy with blue robes and hood and stuff. LIKE ICE MAGIC! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Since you and Crash (Zak) already have a role in the FR stories, I'm going to have to work around that. Luckily, I already have an idea on how to do that.

Crash and Marth ... prepare to become Horita's evil Folgore clones ... Dark Folgore Teal and Dark Folgore Navy!

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Hey, you guys are all hopeless when I'm not around! In my absence, the Apoceclipse has created chaos! Which leads me to...

It felt like it had been hours, if not days since Doku had been dropped into the maze by Nightmare. All of his efforts to escape had proved futile. The hedges were too dense to go through, and too tall to climb. Nightmare was a cunning, as well as manly, villain indeed. He'd starve at this rate, there was only so long one's ego could keep one going.

"I hope the other rangers have noticed my absence... wait! I have an idea!"

Why hadn't he thought of this before? He could use his watch to communicate with them! He raised his arm to his chest, ready to speak into it. However, the words "NO SIGNAL" glared at him mockingly.

"Curse you, Zeddmare!"


Camdar's disguise and acting seemed to be working. As long as he said the occasional "curse you" and pretended to get lost once in a while, nobody would suspect anything. It had been too easy to disrupt the rangers, was their leader really that important?

Banzai and Harpoon were fighting over the TV remote. With Doku gone, it meant that they were free to watch what they liked. Banzai smacked Harpoon over the head with a copy of War and Peace, there was no way he'd let Harpoon win.

"Release the remote, you Neanderthal! My brilliance requires the viewing of the Tom Sawyer TV special! I must compare it to the source material and then criticize it... because I'm-" Banzai began.

"Yeah, yeah, you're a book nerd! I need to watch the monster truck derby! Can't you just read a book or something?" Harpoon shouted back, shoving a brick into Banzai's face.

"Well, at least I am literate, you buffoon! Maybe you can start with something on your level, like the Very Hungry Caterpillar!" Banzai retorted. "I could recommend that because I'm an English Major!"

Boron had fallen asleep at the dining room table, whilst Timp was happily chatting away about JoJo to her. Without the constant shouts of her leader, she could actually finish more than a sentence. Poor Darros was in the corner feeling neglected, even with all the chaos he wasn't doing much out of the ordinary. Camdar, for once, had done a good job.

"Hehehe, this is too easy." He thought to himself, relaxing in an armchair. "These rangers are easy to beat. I just had to remove that stupid Refa-5's batteries and he soon kept quiet... I don't think I can eat toast for a while."


Meanwhile, in Timp's Swimming Pool, Eliedon was doing his best to contact the rangers, but with no results. Nobody was picking up and Folgore Red seemed to be out of range. He would have asked Shojor to go help, but unfortunately, he had been unplugged. Lacking arms, Eliedon was unable to do it himself.

"The rangers are in great trouble... but I am powerless to aid them... return soon, Folgore Red."

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As you can probably guess by the names ... Horita captured Green and Blue. :P


Man I hate it when.

good thing me and horace are bros, right? :Canada:

Also Eliedon got screwed. lol

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I guess this is hq, so.....

Trueblade Falco reporting for recruitment?

Not siding with any party, but for the right amount of grapefruits, i will extend a hand to the destruction of the opposing team. Does more kind of sabotage and Shadow work... And always leaves the skin of a grapefruit behind as a signature.

Beware the blinding attack of grapefruit squeeze in your eyes, followed by the slash of a sword.

Or even worse, the burning cuts of a sword dipped in grapefruit juice, not only incapacitating people, but also leaving them in agony with stinging acid in their wounds.

Wears a verrrrry ragged denim jacket. And does not like suggestions to discard it.

Will that do?

Edit: self proclaimed drafting rival of the pickle.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Hey, you guys are all hopeless when I'm not around! In my absence, the Apoceclipse has created chaos! Which leads me to...

It felt like it had been hours, if not days since Doku had been dropped into the maze by Nightmare. All of his efforts to escape had proved futile. The hedges were too dense to go through, and too tall to climb. Nightmare was a cunning, as well as manly, villain indeed. He'd starve at this rate, there was only so long one's ego could keep one going.

"I hope the other rangers have noticed my absence... wait! I have an idea!"

Why hadn't he thought of this before? He could use his watch to communicate with them! He raised his arm to his chest, ready to speak into it. However, the words "NO SIGNAL" glared at him mockingly.

"Curse you, Zeddmare!"


Camdar's disguise and acting seemed to be working. As long as he said the occasional "curse you" and pretended to get lost once in a while, nobody would suspect anything. It had been too easy to disrupt the rangers, was their leader really that important?

Banzai and Harpoon were fighting over the TV remote. With Doku gone, it meant that they were free to watch what they liked. Banzai smacked Harpoon over the head with a copy of War and Peace, there was no way he'd let Harpoon win.

"Release the remote, you Neanderthal! My brilliance requires the viewing of the Tom Sawyer TV special! I must compare it to the source material and then criticize it... because I'm-" Banzai began.

"Yeah, yeah, you're a book nerd! I need to watch the monster truck derby! Can't you just read a book or something?" Harpoon shouted back, shoving a brick into Banzai's face.

"Well, at least I am literate, you buffoon! Maybe you can start with something on your level, like the Very Hungry Caterpillar!" Banzai retorted. "I could recommend that because I'm an English Major!"

Boron had fallen asleep at the dining room table, whilst Timp was happily chatting away about JoJo to her. Without the constant shouts of her leader, she could actually finish more than a sentence. Poor Darros was in the corner feeling neglected, even with all the chaos he wasn't doing much out of the ordinary. Camdar, for once, had done a good job.

"Hehehe, this is too easy." He thought to himself, relaxing in an armchair. "These rangers are easy to beat. I just had to remove that stupid Refa-5's batteries and he soon kept quiet... I don't think I can eat toast for a while."


Meanwhile, in Timp's Swimming Pool, Eliedon was doing his best to contact the rangers, but with no results. Nobody was picking up and Folgore Red seemed to be out of range. He would have asked Shojor to go help, but unfortunately, he had been unplugged. Lacking arms, Eliedon was unable to do it himself.

"The rangers are in great trouble... but I am powerless to aid them... return soon, Folgore Red."


I'm actually a book nerd IRL and am not a fan of MOnster Truck Rallies

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Hmmm. . .might not be a bad idea, though do you want to have two programmers in the same place, plotting to take over the world? :P:


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If you still need villains, I'd gladly comply. I am very lazy when it comes to things like this though, but I do stalk intensely in cyber-space. I also have a weakness in the form of puppies.

Other than that...I'll leave myself in your care -bows-

Edit: Oh! I'm also English, so that has to get me villain points, right!? And, if you allow me, I'll smother the world with NavarrexOguma tea.

Edited by Crazy Foxie
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And a new tale is being spun!

Following a defeat by some powerful enemy (blame Horita and Zeddmare), Folgore White vanished for a long time. This tale tells you about his epic search for greater power.

Standing at the site he had been defeated, Folgore White powered down to his civilian forme. Covered in blood, mud, and monster goop, he wanted to clean up. His fellow Folgores had been fighting elsewhere, but he went off on his own. His varying power level changed according to the workings of the creation of the Folgore Rangers, and his level had dropped to where he was able to be beaten by the simple 999 power monster.

He knew that if the Folgores were to survive, they needed to find new powers. Folgore White was determined to arm himself first, and bring back the powers of Jyo to the rangers. Taking his own motorcycle, he drove off into the sunset, which contradicted everything, because it was early morning, yet it was definitely a sunset.

Arriving at the Serious Temple of Bananas, he looked up. The great statue of the ancient Mage Knight Sam, also known as Seriouss Bananas, with Sword in hand, and elemental seals around him, was still shining. This was good, because the temple was built the day before. There was a treasure in this temple, and 13th would find it.

Falling into the pit that was in front of the statue, 13th wandered the maze, where the monsters had been buried. He knew that somewhere down here were the Folgore Jyo Emblems, and those would let him and his fellow Folgores promote. He knew they HAD to be level 10 by now.

Finding the deepest part of the cavern, he saw seven emblems. The Folgore Jyo emblems. There were the important colors too: Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, White, Pink, and Green. Taking the emblems, he triggered the temple's trap. Wind blew, Thunder Roared, and Fire Burned, and the Mage Knight had arrived.

"You shall not pass. Not without a fight."

Morphing into his Folgore White forme, he grabbed his weapon (A tome of Elfire) and began to fight. He knew that he had to promote eventually, and this would be his last fight as Folgore White the Mage. He intend to best the Mage Knight and become a Folgore Ranger Mage Knight.

Fire crashed into the Mage Knight, who retaliated with another Thunderclap. But the battle was slowing quickly, and soon the Mage Knight let the Mage go. "You have proven yourself worthy of the Emblems. Hurry."

Returning to the Folgore Command Center, he presented the 7 emblems to the other Folgores.

"Are we ready to promote into Folgore Ranger Jyo?"

Grabbing his own emblem, he held it to the sky, and promoted.


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