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Shining Force 2 Mafia: Game Over


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Proto, less rolespec/flavorspec (which isn't concrete, because the roles in question haven't flipped), more scumhunting. Do you believe Sho is worth a vote, based on your posts with flavorspec?

Like I said, I think ShoM is Town. So no, I wouldn't vote for him. In fact, I find him to be most Townish player atm. Should Loocy drop dead, I'd rather go for BBM or Snike.

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Like I said, I think ShoM is Town. So no, I wouldn't vote for him. In fact, I find him to be most Townish player atm. Should Loocy drop dead, I'd rather go for BBM or Snike.

Yay, the beginnings of scumhunting~! Next question: Why those two?

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Quote tags adapt around the person's timezone who's quoting it (see how what I'm quoting now is at 11:31 AM, when it isn't that time for you)

Yes but even though that's the case there's a minute discrepancy which doesn't make sense given that phase end was at :04 and the update and all results out was at :09 and :11 respectively. The quote in question is :52. That's why I'm not sure if it was an early result or something.

IE I am quoting the 8:34 PM post my time. for you it was made around 11:34 AM. Sho's doesn't make sense because adjusted for timezones it's at the same time as the 9 hours remaining post.

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Due to the fact that a reaction test is pointless when your target won't even post and that the amount of people using the guilty as an excuse to not read other players it's probably worth noting that I'm not actually a Jack of All Trades and haven't even targeted Lucina.

I'm pretty sure he's scum though since the way he handled his Marth read was scummy and his idea of responding to a cop guilty is lurking the thread without saying anything to rebuke me, even though he should know my result isn't accurate.

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also I have further reasons as to why i'm sure it's vanillzer but they're a *secret*

Just saw this. I'd rather know about this sooner rather than later, but I suppose if Lucina doesn't croak before the end of the day it will have to wait until the next day phase.

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Proto what do you think of Snike's miller claim then?

Huh, he claimed Miller? I completely missed that. When did he do it?

Miller is a VERY suspicious role to claim, since Mafia would use it to avoid being lynched from a cop inspection. In particular, if Snike claimed Miller alone with no other abilities, I would find it to be extremely suspicious, since I very much doubt that Elieson would give anybody a role that is purely negative with no potentially positive aspects.

Yay, the beginnings of scumhunting~! Next question: Why those two?

BBM, because some of his posts sounded different from the way I remember him posting in Mafia. With pointless stuff like doubting ShoM because of being a potential Cultist. Snike, because of how he pushed ShoM for a roleclaim and then proceeded to try hard in defending his pushing, without realizing that it may turn out to be a bad idea to have ShoM's role out to the public.

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Rocker is useless and flakes a lot so I guess I can't blame him for being dumb so far in this game. But oh wait that's meta and I guess I can't really trust that.

This game is already turning out to be a bad idea for me really fast. There's simply too much to sift through for me.

All this role spec is giving me a headache. Same with this apparent massclaim we're having. Seeing lots of role PMs on D1 is not something I enjoy seeing.

Someone remind me how to ISO because if there's 21 people posting and I have to sift through this giant thread to read one person's posts then fuck that.

BBM's and Rocker's reaction (mostly BBM) to losing the cop rub me the wrong way for gut-based reasons.

Leder/Snike rolespec is highly annoying and a general waste of space, and slightly scummy.

Leder's vote on Rocker looks at first like a lazy votepark but I'm wary of being suspect of this because I got lynched as town for that exact reason in my last Mafia game.

Disagree with Prims on SB's reaction to the claim being scummy, esp since I liked his Rocker vote since it looked less like a lazy votepark then Leder's.

I'm skipping the last two pages right now because this is about all I can handle in one sitting.

Thanks eclipse for this "write posts in notepad" idea, it's really helpful.

Also I'm from a community where townreads aren't bad and also slightly contributory. Is it the opposite here or something?

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Huh, he claimed Miller? I completely missed that. When did he do it?

Miller is a VERY suspicious role to claim, since Mafia would use it to avoid being lynched from a cop inspection. In particular, if Snike claimed Miller alone with no other abilities, I would find it to be extremely suspicious, since I very much doubt that Elieson would give anybody a role that is purely negative with no potentially positive aspects.

In other news, I am a miller role, so I will inspect as guilty. Take that as you will.

over here, and it's implied he has another part to his role imo

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Also I wasn't rolespeccing!!!!!! Stop taking my shit out of context!!!!! I got suspicious of Snike because I felt that he used his rolespec assumption to rolefish and then call someone else out for rolefishing, but he clarified that for me.

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Due to the fact that a reaction test is pointless when your target won't even post and that the amount of people using the guilty as an excuse to not read other players it's probably worth noting that I'm not actually a Jack of All Trades and haven't even targeted Lucina.

I'm pretty sure he's scum though since the way he handled his Marth read was scummy and his idea of responding to a cop guilty is lurking the thread without saying anything to rebuke me, even though he should know my result isn't accurate.

Prims likes his fakecop guilties. I'm still cool with this lynch as well for the reasons prims laid down (seriously the heck is up with lucina anyway)

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Prims likes his fakecop guilties. I'm still cool with this lynch as well for the reasons prims laid down (seriously the heck is up with lucina anyway)

This rubs me the wrong way actually like what was the point of this post?

I wouldn't mind either a Rocker or Lucina lynch today!! Aside from Rocker's N0 content bothering me he responded to my vote on him (which was supposed to be a test) with "why me?? shit we lost our cop" and posted some other one-liner and I asked him for opinions/reads once but he didn't give any.

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Why am I not surpriced you pull back your claim?

js if you thought my claim was fake then you shouldn't have been harping on it and screaming "HEY SCUM, DON'T WORRY, HE'S FAKING IT, IT'S A REACTION TEST" to scum. Now that I've withdrawn it you owe town some real opinions on other players instead of just "herp derp something's up with Prims' claim".

To be honest I hope the SK wrecks you tonight for being too clear to be lynched but too useless to get NKed.

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