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Final Fantasy Mafia- GAME OVER, Town Wins


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Anyway it's getting late and I don't want a repeat of that shitposting I was doing in Great Awakening. I'm not posting in this thread anymore for the night, I'm starting to lose my trains of thought already. Night all.

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I think my "overreactions" happen because I seem to be more of the reciprocating type of person. If I say something and someone else responds, I tend to just continue responding to it instinctively.

@Snike: Why can't you just accept that you have misrepresented my post? There was nothing in that post of mine that mentioned anything about Elieson, so the fact that you linked it to Elieson makes me think that you were intentionally trying to defend Elieson by attacking me.

In fact, in that particular post itself, I mentioned nothing of anyone overreacting or of Elieson. The fact that you can link it to Elieson overreacting at all is awesome.

I think Darros's posts seem to be getting more messy and hurried, much like he's panicking and getting distressed. Compare his earlier posts to the last few posts that he has made. It could just be me beinf overly sensitive to it, but I think it deserves a mention.

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I think my "overreactions" happen because I seem to be more of the reciprocating type of person. If I say something and someone else responds, I tend to just continue responding to it instinctively.

@Snike: Why can't you just accept that you have misrepresented my post? There was nothing in that post of mine that mentioned anything about Elieson, so the fact that you linked it to Elieson makes me think that you were intentionally trying to defend Elieson by attacking me.

In fact, in that particular post itself, I mentioned nothing of anyone overreacting or of Elieson. The fact that you can link it to Elieson overreacting at all is awesome.

I think Darros's posts seem to be getting more messy and hurried, much like he's panicking and getting distressed. Compare his earlier posts to the last few posts that he has made. It could just be me beinf overly sensitive to it, but I think it deserves a mention.

@Snike: There's more than just the Elie and SB exchanges. There's the part about scorri's claim, and Levity and SB's scummy role proclamations. I'm satisfied that you placed a vote with a more justified reason though.


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I find it really odd how Darros said several times how he was having trouble finding anything in the first five pages, and then when he does come up with something, it's something that's one of the very first non-RVS things to happen, and something about which several people commented. I don't understand why he couldn't have made the exact same post several pages back instead of saying there was nothing to go off. Also, Darros, you don't need to vote for me for it to be an OMGUS. You took my attack against you and used it as an attack against me. That's an OMGUS.

Lucina's bit about me is sort of funny because she says she can't see my point and then states my exact point. Darros saying Mancer was playing badly is what I was referring to. Lucina's vote (and all the votes/attacks against Prims for the "Levity is mafia" followed by the Helios vote) feel really easy to me.

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ITT: I'm a canary. One that takes half an hour to make posts.

It's okay my sweet canary.

##Vote: Prims

Don't like this, nor the reasons for the vote considering he already answered that question.

Shinori will you accept this ring, this one ring to rule them all?

If only I could my sweet. However neither you nor Lucina is my true Canary.

Okay Lucina that took forever but I'm satisfied. Basically I was waiting to see if Lucina would bother responding and how much she would respond with to see what kind of vibes I would get from her. With the response I got, I'm leaning a bit towards town with her. I'm really facepalming at myself for not noticing that. However, I've caught myself with another scum read that would tie in nicely if Prims is scum. Which with that post he very well could be. I'll wait until he replies though.

My scumread that I've developed after reading the thread and waiting for Lucina to post is SB. His response to Cam back on page 2 I found very weird. He kind of tried to pressure Cam into voting for Elieson, and when Cam didn't do it, SB jumped on Cam a little bit. What really struck me funny was the timing of his vote. SB held of on voting for Eli until after he got on Cam's case about it, instead of voting for him as soon as he "found him scummy". Of course, we soonafter have Prims saying that he doesn't find SB scummy. I think these two might be scumbuddies.

##Vote: SB

FME this is horribly incorrect and would probably make me feel worse Well I guess I can. Soon enough I'll know what to say about j00 though. I'm expecting j00 to make a post before the time I wake up.

You were satisfied with Lucina's post? How are you leaning town on her? Her vote on Prims is poor and based off of a question that I already asked. It highly gives the impression that she isn't reading the game. We could use the same logic and say that you and Lucina are scumbuddies frankly. Because it seems that you are giving her a town read that she doesn't deserve, which can constitute as defending her. Why do you think Prims is scum?

##FOS: Darros

I'm also still leaving my vote on Lucina because I'd like more logic as to why Prims is scum and as to why she continues to vote him.

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Mancer, please stop calling people scummy for the specific choice of words they use, it's really aggravating and makes it look like you have nothing better to do.

I'm not sure why SB kept going on about his role, but it's not really scummy, just kind of not a good town move (for example, you could go "HEY I'M DOC" which would be not helpful to town but not scummy). I don't find any of the other stuff he did scummy

Speaking of this, I'm pretty sure that the above is what Darros meant when he was referring to Mancer, so I'm not sure why people are making such a big deal about it

Also I'm pretty annoyed that Lucina can apparently read the posts saying "Hey you voted wrong" but not the ones where Prims explained his "Levity is scum." Not reading isn't really scummy (#personalexperience), but come on

PS, PROTIP for people too lazy to make ISO links (like me): ctrl+f for people's member titles on each page, since it's usually stuff that you won't find anywhere else

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Hi!! I'm finally back.

If people are suspicious of Prims only because he implied he thought I was mafia and then voted for Helios, that's dumb because he even said in that same post something to the effect of "the selfvote is worse though because it's useless"

and if people are going to get on him for doing that earlygame then people should be getting on me because I made a post that was basically "I think Darros might be scum because ~gut read~ but I'm voting for SB anyway"

Anyway I'm trying to determine whether Mancer is being Mancer or he's being especially pushy since the latter happens when he's scum. I'll probably change my vote here in a minute once I read over what I missed.

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##Vote Lucina

Prims vote is bad seeing as all the points she made about him were explained by Prims in a previous point. Also disappointed that people didn't react to my self-vote much (the ones who did gave the exact reactions I expected).

Secondary scumread on Mancer for trying to bring rolespec into this for no reason.

Scorri also scumslipped by saying that she's disappointed we couldn't be buddies this time (since I'm town)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head that looked interesting.

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Helios, the thing about your selfvote is you already pulled that shit in ToS mafia and it bothers me you tried it again, especially since it seemed a bit more exaggerated.

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Not done reading the thread and I'm sorry if any of this is outdated but Darros and his points on Mancer feel kind of useless. You could have used less words to explain "I'm not sure if this is just typical Mancer meta but I think he's just overreacting." I basically just summed up like seven sentences into one sentence. A lot of your posts feel kinda spammy too, at least they were especially so during RVS and now they feel just kinda padded up.

However, BBM's initial reason for voting Darros sounds like misrep, since Darros never actually said in his #87 that he thought what Mancer was doing was scummy. BBM seems to have been trying to say that Darros waffled on Mancer when what he really did was fluff up a post more than it had to be.


##Vote: BBM

Although if we do end up lynching Mancer today I wouldn't be entirely opposed to it, I just wouldn't consider it my first choice.

also @Darros, what did you mean by this: "I'm hoping this doesn't turn out to be the same." ??? You hope Mancer isn't just being silly town? Since that does kinda contradict everything else you just said in that post

(more coming tomorrow because I need bed)

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Prims: Lucina (1)

Darros: BBM, Xinnidy (2)

Camtech: Scorri (1)

Elieson: Paperblade, Mancer (2)

SB: Darros (1)

Mancer: Snike, Prims (2)

Snike: eclipse (1)

Xinnidy: Camtech (1)

BBM: Levity (1)

Helios: Kay (1)

Voteless: j00, Areox, whoever else .

Phase ends in about 51 hours and 40 minutes.

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That post basically said that he thought Mancer had been playing badly, but that was just the same as he always played, so he actually thought that Mancer was town. That is waffling IMO, because you're using his bad play as a reason to call him townie. So if he flips town you can say "lolMancer" and if he flips scum you can say "oh well I thought his play was bad..."

Bizz, if Helios pulled the self-vote in a game where he was town, why does it bother you more here?

I like how Marth just didn't even list a good quarter of the playerlist.

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Bizz, if Helios pulled the self-vote in a game where he was town, why does it bother you more here?

... ??? you're missing the point

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Ugh fuck sorry some of my other post got cut out.

BBM, saying that someone is playing badly isn't the same as saying that you think someone is scum. And I don't think he was using his bad play as a reason to call him town??

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Actual votals:

Areox (0): Prims

BBM (1): SB, Elieson, Levity

Snike (1): eclipse

Prims (2): Darros, Shinori, Lucina, Areox

Darros (2): Xinnidy, Mancer, BBM

SB (1): Shinori, BBM, Levity, Darros

Helios (1): Kay, Helios, Prims

Xinnidy (1): CT075

Paperblade (1): JB, Levity

Elieson (3): SB, Mancer, Lucina, Paperblade

eclipse (0): Snike

j00 (0): Darros

Kay (0): Lucina

Mancer (2): Snike, Prims

Lucina (3): Shinori, Elieson, Helios

CT075 (1): scorri

Not Voting (1): j00

pretty sure this is right. i'll do votals throughout the game i suppose.

Edited by Manix
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That post basically said that he thought Mancer had been playing badly, but that was just the same as he always played, so he actually thought that Mancer was town. That is waffling IMO, because you're using his bad play as a reason to call him townie. So if he flips town you can say "lolMancer" and if he flips scum you can say "oh well I thought his play was bad..."

(for example, you could go "HEY I'M DOC" which would be not helpful to town but not scummy)

Obviously this is not the exact same thing but you trying to simplify things in this manner is totally changing the meaning of Darros's post.

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I think eclipse means seppuku?

@Paperblade: I didn't bring in a whole lot of role spec in, that's just a minor point I brought out that could be relevant.

@Snike: Read the context again. If you can quote and bold, I'm sure you can read. That basically diverts my post away from Elie and not onto him, hence why I said I didn't mention about anything Elie did.

@Prims: IMO, Elie had looked surprised and shocked at scorri's revelations. Overly so, in fact. It makes me think that he seemed surprise that scorri might have known something that she supposedly shoukd not have known, like the number of scum alive, that only scum should know.

That's why I went out of my way to show how he was overreacting. I wanted to show that his hypothetical overreaction was probably because of this.

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@Prims: IMO, Elie had looked surprised and shocked at scorri's revelations. Overly so, in fact. It makes me think that he seemed surprise that scorri might have known something that she supposedly shoukd not have known, like the number of scum alive, that only scum should know.

This is a bullshit case because Elie knows that numbers is a role that exists and has no reason to be surprised scorri would know that information. Also, there's no reason he'd be more surprised as scum as town. You're forcing scum intent somewhere it isn't.

I'm pretty sure the fact that Mancer is pushing this craplogic so seriously means he's scum. He's not really scumhunting elsewhere either, just tunneling on a point that makes no sense.

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