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Final Fantasy Mafia- GAME OVER, Town Wins


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The @Paperblade should be @Helios.

Bad memory as I was trying to respond to everything in one post.

@Paperblade: I was just trying to show an overreaction and once it was proven, link it towards my theory.

##Unvote: Elieson for now as I scour the thread again.

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This is a bullshit case because Elie knows that numbers is a role that exists and has no reason to be surprised scorri would know that information. Also, there's no reason he'd be more surprised as scum as town. You're forcing scum intent somewhere it isn't.

I'm pretty sure the fact that Mancer is pushing this craplogic so seriously means he's scum. He's not really scumhunting elsewhere either, just tunneling on a point that makes no sense.

Technically, he might not know that Numbers was a role that exists because it's quite an uncommon role but I can see your point there.

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I think Elieson is scummy but the reasons you're providing are really reaching

I'm just working impulsively on the random thoughts that I have and come to as I read the thread.

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PS, PROTIP for people too lazy to make ISO links (like me): ctrl+f for people's member titles on each page, since it's usually stuff that you won't find anywhere else

brb changing member title to "the" (no quotes)

ITT: Mancer thinks he knows more about sudoku than the Japanese chick :P:

Ahem. . .(serious stuff)

I'd say more but I think it's best to keep that to myself until it's necessary. Also I didn't see that anyone else claimed a scummy role because I'm in a hurry and didn't read the first page

Also the next time someone says I post hyperactive spam I'm not going to be happy because even if what I post seems spammy sometimes I try to help for the most part. thanks

Did someone say you post "hyperactive spam"? I don't remember seeing that, so why bring this up?

Elie is a town bro. I am sadly not the third party scorri mentioned. My role is townie as fuck and Levity and SB are chumps.

I don't find SB scummy, though, it makes sense for him to want Cam to vote with him if he thought Elie was scummy. Levity is probably mafia.

##Vote: Helios

It's pretty weird that SB/Cam/Levity all had a kerfuffle and a lot of people ignored it to continue jokevoting but a selfvote takes the cake since it's totally useless.

I read it as "people being needlessly touchy", which isn't enough to vote any of them over.

Please tell me that you read no emotion from this. The repetition of the question, the ellipses and the usage of "wait" and "specifically" makes me feel that there is a lot more to this post than you want to let on.

Not enough to call out, and why are you nitpicking words? This is a forum. People can preview their stuff and change it as necessary.

"oh okay... wait what?" is an overreaction to me too. You did not have to actually post such a thing since the whole information on the whole setup and Numbers claim was given in the same post.

A non-overreacting curiosity post would be something like this "Are you Numbers? You know the whole setup from your role?".

The former type of post (the one that you posted) is only not an overreaction to me if you had types your post, clicked post preview and saw another set of information that changes what you were about to say halfway.

This could not be the case since scorri had only made one post before yours.

Why are you trying to assume Elieson's motives?

##Unvote, ##Vote: Darros

Says what Mancer is doing is scummy, doesn't vote for him on terms of him doing this all the time (boy who cried wolf argument), and then just stays with his inactive player prod.

That is NOT what I got from Darros' post. I got more of a "dammit, Mancer, WTF" vibe, which doesn't look like a scum accusation to me. I don't like the reasoning behind this vote.

The bold says that you think what he's doing is scummy, or at least bad play. However, you say he's town and don't vote for him because he's done it as town. But meta in that sense is bad because if Mancer looks scummy as town, why would he look any better as mafia? Saying lolMancer is a bad reason for having him as a townread, because when he actually is scum, he's going to slide by you. And prodding inactives as a serious vote and not an RVS at this stage in the game is not very useful because the most likely explanation is that j00 hasn't seen the thread yet. Voting for him allows you to get around having to actually scumhunt while still appearing like you're doing something.

Bad play does not always mean scummy. I'm more inclined to believe Darros' thoughts on Mancer than your interpretation of Darros' thoughts on Mancer. The vote on j00 is an eh read, because it's still relatively early in the day phase.

Banana-face is still someone I don't like. His reactions towards Levy seem weird to me. Like he's just trying to force that something scummy is gonna happen but since he's claiming he's town. I don't know. Seems like he put too much emphasis on his role being scummy more than he had to.

Bananas mentioned compulsory, so I don't think this his actions are weird.

At the point when I voted for him, it felt like Darros's entire activity was just announcing a townread, and keeping a vote on an inactive. After that he had a prod against Scorri which I didn't like at all because it called her out solely for the claim. I can understand not trusting her based on the claim because it's an easy mafia fake, but so are a lot of other roles. Finding someone suspicious solely on that is really weak. Then he took that back and actually said he had a slight townread on her from the interaction. I don't feel like he's actually trying to scumhunt. He also dropped the j00 vote weirdly- it felt like he was doing it solely because of the pressure. And he didn't replace it with a vote for anyone else either.

As for Mancer, null read because I haven't actually seen anything scummy he's done. I feel like people are overanalyzing his posts, idk. I'm not really getting anything from them.

As for Scorri I kind of let her pass because of the Numbers claim. If I were part of a 4p mafia, I wouldn't fake Numbers at all, because 4 is that awkward number where it's too small to know for sure that there isn't another team, but it's too big to know for sure that there is another team.

All that chasing after Darros and nary a read on Mancer. IMO, word nitpicking is NOT a null read in Mancer's situation (I have yet to see it used outside of people who are really new/people pushing a bullshit case).

Your post is both OMGUS and hypocritical, because you want me to be okay with you having no reads, and then call me out for only having one read. One read is still better than zero, no? Tunneling isn't the same as not scumhunting.

Anyways, something about Snike's posts rubs me the wrong way but I'm not sure what it is. I guess I didn't really like how his last posts where he misread something Mancer said and then just sort of twisted it into his original case.

Holy overreaction to a relatively weak suspicion prod. Darros is being relatively forceless, so I don't see what the huge deal is. I'm certainly not reading him as vote-worthy right now.

ITT shit actually happens.

Shinori will you accept this ring, this one ring to rule them all?


##Vote Doofina

Copypasta reasoning and logic do not a case make, especially at this point in the game. It's not cool to try to look cool by hopping on the wagon you think is coolest.

I love how our votes mean literally nothing right now.

And here's the scummiest thing Elieson has done: NOT respond to the votes/case on him.

I think my "overreactions" happen because I seem to be more of the reciprocating type of person. If I say something and someone else responds, I tend to just continue responding to it instinctively.

@Snike: Why can't you just accept that you have misrepresented my post? There was nothing in that post of mine that mentioned anything about Elieson, so the fact that you linked it to Elieson makes me think that you were intentionally trying to defend Elieson by attacking me.

In fact, in that particular post itself, I mentioned nothing of anyone overreacting or of Elieson. The fact that you can link it to Elieson overreacting at all is awesome.

I think Darros's posts seem to be getting more messy and hurried, much like he's panicking and getting distressed. Compare his earlier posts to the last few posts that he has made. It could just be me beinf overly sensitive to it, but I think it deserves a mention.

FFS, THINK before you respond.

Technically, he might not know that Numbers was a role that exists because it's quite an uncommon role but I can see your point there.

Dude. That's a typo.

After that shouting match, I am not fond of Mancer's insistence that Elieson is scummy based on weak reasoning. Elieson not saying anything about the case on him is also odd, but not enough for a vote (yet). I am less happy about the BBM/Darros interaction; BBM's reaction to Darros' thoughts on him were completely out of line.


##Vote: BBM

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@Mancer: Not buying it, but I am glad you finally decided to drop that case. Will explain more when I get back from family things.

Speaking of which, I will not be here for most of the rest of the day, as I am going to be occupied with family things.

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@eclipse: In cases like that I can ctrl+f for unique things in sigs

Also what do you think of the fact that most of Elieson's posts are just him correcting factual errors or saying "Yeah roles work like this"?

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I've met a somewhat familiar black chocobo in my travels through University Hellâ„¢ , he told me to give you guys a message:


Anyways, now that I'm finally free to concentrate on the internet as a whole without a certain someone bothering me to RP when I'm not in the mood I can leisurely read those 3 pages (40ppp) that sprouted out of the Void while I wasn't looking!

Some of what Mancer is doing does seem worse than his usual play, if I'm allowed to say so. If anything, him going out of his way to explain his suspicion on Elie in a bunch of posts (no I don't wanna source my shit I'm lazy when it's past midnight), claiming Elie's emotions/reactions as a sort of scumtell like he did is something I find worthy keeping an eye on.

PEDIT: this unvote with a promise of "I'm going to reread the thread now" was pretty poor timed. >l

Though I'll look forward to it.

Darros' defences in regards to Mancer did feel stretched out, I didn't feel you had to post over and over about how your gut tells you that Mancer is town, that short obssession with clarifying that he was a townread without bringing any other content did stand out. I understand that bad play=/= scummy enough, but you seem to be struggling to make your points be seen. You remind me of me in SF2 mafia quite a bit right now (which is not really a good thing), but I ask you to expand on the SB scumread or anyone else's if you do have, because it just doesn't sit well enough as it is now, and you had plenty of time and content to analyse and point out weird things, in my opinion (and please don't put such weight on assigning scumbuddies before flips happen). The fact you agreed with Lucina's reasoning to vote Prims is also odd, which brings me to my next point:

Lucina, this has been hammered enough, but your point against Prims needs more work than that, the thread itself has moved way past that point a good time ago. Your lack of effort is somewhat your signature trait lately, which isn't a good thing at all. If anything, Prim's quote that you mentioned when you voted him already explained his take on the SB/Cam/Leder shenanigans on the second paragraph, I'm sure it doesn't take a lot of reading comprehension, nor is it a stretch of though when you read the last line of his quote with this in mind. Other than that, what do you have to say about the other stuff that happened in the thread?

BBM I do have a major gripe with: This post right here, not scumhunting/struggling to scumhunt can be a problem, but you're basically admitting to tunneling? You may say that it's a stir-of-the-moment rebuttal, but claiming that a poor way of playing is better than a poor way of playing just feels awkward and breaks the rest of your argument on Darros right there, for me. Not only that, but after basically admitting you have one read you go and use gut feelings to find a second one. Overall, this post looks really weird and not a good way to backup your argument on Darros.

I'd say my biggest suspicion goes for you right now. I had something to nitpick in one of the few posts where Elieson defended himself from Mancer but somehow I feel I've failed to read what he tried to say accurately in my read of the thread. I'll probably have to read part of page 2 again. >l


##Vote: BabyBowserMonster

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I should probably be sleeping, but let me respond to this first by going back to this post, as it seems to be the root of the suspicion against me at the moment.

Oh god what is going on. By the looks of things Mancer is being typical by jumping around and making himself look bad. The other two games I played with him he did this and flipped town. I'm hoping this doesn't turn out to be the same. This looks like a town argument to me based off my previous experience with Mancer.

Then again metagaming is kind of terrible and I feel bad for this because I could be oh so very wrong. Either way I think Mancer is overreacting.

j00 should still post something because I'm not unvoting until he does or something else worth voting over happens.

In the first line, Darros said that he felt that Mancer was jumping around and making himself look bad. Okay, I admit, saying that Darros found Mancer scummy might have been a misinterpretation on my part. However, he did say that he found Mancer's play bad, if not scummy. He then goes on to say that in the other games he's played with Mancer, Mancer flipped town despite similar play. He then says that based on those previous games, he feels Mancer is town. How is this not using Mancer's bad play to justify a townread on him?

Also, Eclipse, I dislike parts of your case against me for meta reasons because I know you've told me several times in the past (SF2 comes to mind) that priorities from person to person change. I'm sorry, but I didn't, and don't find Mancer's word nitpicking scummy. I think he should be focusing himself on other things, yeah, but you telling me that I'm not allowed to have a null read on him irks me heavily.

I find the things Darros has done scummy because despite having the most posts in the game, I feel like he's said really little. I didn't like his reasoning for the Mancer townread in his first post. When I pressured him to come up with actual scumreads, he first said that he didn't feel there was enough for him to go off properly, and then once he did say something, it was all about things from the early stages of the game that he could have said earlier anyways. Also frustrates me that a lot people prodded Lucina for not paying attention to Prims's explanation about the "Levity is mafia, vote Helios" post, but didn't really say anything about Darros basically agreeing with the same point.

Anyways, I'll respond to the other stuff and try to reread the thread in the morning.

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@eclipse: In cases like that I can ctrl+f for unique things in sigs

Also what do you think of the fact that most of Elieson's posts are just him correcting factual errors or saying "Yeah roles work like this"?

brb changing everything about me to "the" (no quotes)

I see random vote, two posts that don't seem that important, a minor scuffle with Bizz, a bit of arrogance, a reaction to scorri's role, more things that don't seem important, defense against Mancer and a scum read (though him not voting it is also slightly eyebrow-raising), more defense, and then. . .WTF. I'd say the lack of response to his case (besides Mancer) is the worst thing he's got, followed by a lack of push on his scum read, followed by that echoey Lucina vote. I still think the BBM/Darros interaction makes BBM look worse, because being that defensive rubs me wrong.

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? I don't feel like I was being defensive at all. IMO I was being more aggressive.

Xinny, I wasn't excusing my tunneling, I was saying that prodding me for having only one scumread while his defence against me was "I have no scumreads" was hypocritical. I did acknowledge that I was tunneling, which was why I made an attempt to say my feelings about other people. But all I had was the gut on Snike, so I posted it.

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If I wanna rolefish I'll make it way the hell obvious.

Uh, why? If you're rolefishing as scum, wouldn't you not make it obvious? What reason do we have to believe you?

And FTR I don't really have a scum read on you, scorri. I was just kind of theory-ing out loud about your role claim, trying to show that there's more process to what I'm thinking than just lolMancer. From the interaction we just had I have a bit of a town read on you.

Let me guess, you're posting town reads to show that you're being useful too?

My Helios vote wasn't RVS, and Levity is actually probably not mafia (but still could be). Wanted to see what she'd say, though.

Everyone is either jumping on Prims for the apparent contradiction or jumping on them for opportunism/not reading, no one seems to have pointed out yet that this is the exact same "that scummy thing I did was on purpose, it was a reaction test!" argument that people are going after Cam and Helios for.

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ok now i'm actually here

wrt to the super old thing about helios' selfvote and people calling it useless i don't really get the point; helios voting himself had the exact same effect as snike voting eclipse or whatever rvs happened

mancer's case against elie is/was pathetic (i don't know if he's dropped it), going off things as trivial as choice of words on D1 is stupid as all hell

not seeing BBM's case on darros either, darros might be a little wishy-washy or whatever but that doesn't really show scumminess imo. would probably call bbm closer to scum for pushing that case for so long

i can kind of follow darros' logic on his mancer view but i don't share his thoughts on mancer being town

it feels difficult for me to commit to a vote but ehh

##Vote: Mancer

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Uh, why? If you're rolefishing as scum, wouldn't you not make it obvious? What reason do we have to believe you?

Let me guess, you're posting town reads to show that you're being useful too?

Everyone is either jumping on Prims for the apparent contradiction or jumping on them for opportunism/not reading, no one seems to have pointed out yet that this is the exact same "that scummy thing I did was on purpose, it was a reaction test!" argument that people are going after Cam and Helios for.

reminder that kay's vote is currently on helios

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I should probably be sleeping, but let me respond to this first by going back to this post, as it seems to be the root of the suspicion against me at the moment.

In the first line, Darros said that he felt that Mancer was jumping around and making himself look bad. Okay, I admit, saying that Darros found Mancer scummy might have been a misinterpretation on my part. However, he did say that he found Mancer's play bad, if not scummy. He then goes on to say that in the other games he's played with Mancer, Mancer flipped town despite similar play. He then says that based on those previous games, he feels Mancer is town. How is this not using Mancer's bad play to justify a townread on him?

Also, Eclipse, I dislike parts of your case against me for meta reasons because I know you've told me several times in the past (SF2 comes to mind) that priorities from person to person change. I'm sorry, but I didn't, and don't find Mancer's word nitpicking scummy. I think he should be focusing himself on other things, yeah, but you telling me that I'm not allowed to have a null read on him irks me heavily.

I find the things Darros has done scummy because despite having the most posts in the game, I feel like he's said really little. I didn't like his reasoning for the Mancer townread in his first post. When I pressured him to come up with actual scumreads, he first said that he didn't feel there was enough for him to go off properly, and then once he did say something, it was all about things from the early stages of the game that he could have said earlier anyways. Also frustrates me that a lot people prodded Lucina for not paying attention to Prims's explanation about the "Levity is mafia, vote Helios" post, but didn't really say anything about Darros basically agreeing with the same point.

Anyways, I'll respond to the other stuff and try to reread the thread in the morning.

(yeah, I missed this, sorry)

You've got a lot on Darros, yet much less about Mancer, despite the fact that this all started over Darros' statements about Mancer. This does not make sense to me; if you're gonna attack someone's opinion on someone else, it tells me that you have some sort of read on all the parties that isn't flat-out null.

I'm not seeing Darros as scummy, and the fact that you're being super-aggressive on someone who's being relatively passive looks like you're pushing a case for your own purposes. You calling out Darros when he finally said something against you looks even worse, IMO (being stupidly aggressive against a poke looks like you're being defensive). I'm quite happy to leave my vote on you, because your response didn't alleviate my suspicions.

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ok now i'm actually here

wrt to the super old thing about helios' selfvote and people calling it useless i don't really get the point; helios voting himself had the exact same effect as snike voting eclipse or whatever rvs happened

mancer's case against elie is/was pathetic (i don't know if he's dropped it), going off things as trivial as choice of words on D1 is stupid as all hell

not seeing BBM's case on darros either, darros might be a little wishy-washy or whatever but that doesn't really show scumminess imo. would probably call bbm closer to scum for pushing that case for so long

i can kind of follow darros' logic on his mancer view but i don't share his thoughts on mancer being town

it feels difficult for me to commit to a vote but ehh

##Vote: Mancer

So, my case is pathetic? Do you actually find me scummy? Because you have not mentioned this in your post.

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I realise Kay's last post is just her bringing up stuff that has already been brought up and dealt with earlier in the phase. Feels like sheeping and coasting to me.

##Vote: Gallade

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not really reading the thread instead of skimming atm but tbh bbmaf annoys me this game because while i think darros is town, i can't really fault bbm for making the vote since darros has been posting a lot of confused babble, yet i just kinda feel like bbm might be scum. i am kind of annoyed that i have trouble telling what his other reads are either way

i really do think mancer's elie push is the scummiest thing in the thread so far though but i will see if eclipse and xinnidy's bbm case is 10/10 would sheep when i'm not busy playing lunatic rave 2 with a keyboard and sobbing to myself because i caught a cold and couldn't actually go to an arcade. that might be tomorrow since it's like 2 am and i should probably sleep, i dunno

if kay doesn't post Real Votes by the time that happens though she's probably mafia.

eclipse, would you wagon mancer? same question goes for xinnidy.

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But yeah. Reason for my SB vote is because I got a bad taste from the way he found a chance to attack Cam for his vagueness even though it's something he always does (metametameta), ftr my read on Cam is null though.

It wasn't an attack, it was asking for clarification.

Helios is also kinda weird to me because of the selfvote, which I find to be really stupid.

I don't think I'll ever get this. RVS votes are useless no matter who they're on, does it matter if it's yourself?

As for the scorri claim, I'll believe it because scum could just get away with saying that there are 4 scum, and not say anything about potential thirds.

Personally, I think that there might be a 1v1 thing happening between SB and Levity, but that's not actually fully concrete because it's entirely possible that town does have two scummy roles (it's possible that Roleblocker is considered scummy too).

I don't think Levity or me got into our argument (if you can even call it that) because we both claimed scummy roles. Why would we get into a 1v1 this early? It seems more like you're suggesting it than anything else.

Oh god what is going on. By the looks of things Mancer is being typical by jumping around and making himself look bad. The other two games I played with him he did this and flipped town. I'm hoping this doesn't turn out to be the same. This looks like a town argument to me based off my previous experience with Mancer.

Then again metagaming is kind of terrible and I feel bad for this because I could be oh so very wrong. Either way I think Mancer is overreacting.

j00 should still post something because I'm not unvoting until he does or something else worth voting over happens.

Mancer looks scummy as scum too, so you can't just ignore him because he's doing the stuff he always does.

I thin it's poor play, but not scummy. He's picking fights is what he's doing, or at least it is FMPoV. IT's a bit hard to tell. It's detrimental to town, but I don't have any scum vibes from it at alfor some reason I'm not getting scum vibes from it. It might be a bad idea for a town read, but I don't see him as being scum. All it looks like to me is that he overreacted to Elieson, but it doesn't give off any scum vibes.

For the first two points, why don't you get scumvibes from it? Also, not getting scumvibes or townvibes is a null read, not a town read, making one of your above posts completely worthless.

I don't see a problem with voting j00 on my end. Prod votes on early D1, which it still is because we've only been here for 12 hours, are pretty acceptable. As soon as he posts something, my vote comes down. And I'm still trying to scumhunt. I've posted something that resembles a view ((though it is a mess)) already, which is more than some people have.

Why are you defending your vote on an inactive so hard?

Right now, my scumdar has me looking at scorri. Her numbers claim is a very easy mafia fakeclaim. I mean they know their own numbers, and could easily give them out and call it a claim. She's not posted enough for me to really get a read at the moment though. I'm just playing with theory here. ;/

You kind of openly admitted the last point was you grasping here, so I'm not really sure I'd call it a scumread.

Your post is both OMGUS and hypocritical, because you want me to be okay with you having no reads, and then call me out for only having one read. One read is still better than zero, no? Tunneling isn't the same as not scumhunting.

Anyways, something about Snike's posts rubs me the wrong way but I'm not sure what it is. I guess I didn't really like how his last posts where he misread something Mancer said and then just sort of twisted it into his original case.

Snike read seems like just thrown in there due to gut in order to make BBM look better. Admitting that you're tunneling isn't great, but we'll see.

In other news, I don't Frog, because of his lack of actual opinions and content that is mostly defenses, but BBM is arguably worse for the aggression on the amphibian. Still 0/10 would not lynch for now on both of them.

If you don't like either of them, why don't you want either of them lynched? Seems kind of funny to me.

ITT: I'm a canary. One that takes half an hour to make posts.

lesigh Mancer play is bad. I don't like how he plays really scummy in /every/ game I see him in. The metagamer in me is wanting to not vote for him because I've been screwed over by him so many times, but I don't want to let scum behavior stand.

That being said, I'm not much of a BBM supporter right now. I don't see anything in Darros' posts about how Mancer is scummy, just that he plays bad.

Gonna believe the scorri claim right now if I didn't make that clear before (and I don't think I did). I don't see any reason not to right now.

Though I think this post bothers me the most.

>"levity is probably mafia"

>votes for helios


##Vote: Prims

So you have a couple of other reads, and vote Prims over one post? I read the "levity is maf" as a joke tbh though. Looking back, it was. I just missed it.

Gonna go eat breakfast and finish up now.


Huh. I never clicked post. Weird.

Whoops, knew I was missing something.


##Vote: Prims

There all better I think.

and now I sleep.

He just explained his reasoning again. What.

You were satisfied with Lucina's post? How are you leaning town on her? Her vote on Prims is poor and based off of a question that I already asked. It highly gives the impression that she isn't reading the game. We could use the same logic and say that you and Lucina are scumbuddies frankly. Because it seems that you are giving her a town read that she doesn't deserve, which can constitute as defending her. Why do you think Prims is scum?

##FOS: Darros

I can agree with all of this.

I think Helios could have got more out of these pages than two reads, but it's not enough for me to call him scum yet, since I think the self-vote thing is just him messing around.

I swear JB has a vendetta against Mancer or something.

##Vote: Darros

I'd also like to say that his "defense" of Lucina (well, sort of, the bit where he said Lucina's post was good enough for him) gave me really weird vibes as well.

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well mancer does have this very irritating habit of calling JB's meta when a) he hasn't actually played enough games to know JB's meta and b) he gets it wrong anyway

incidentally i'll get my opinion of the situation in about three hours after i a) eat dinner b) play some srw and c) read the thread

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He just hates me and likes to tunnel me and take offence at me every game. It's really frustrating because it's like having a negative vote on me right from the start.

It's because scummy roles are unlikely town and the fact that both of you claimed to have scummy roles, I had this thought that one of you might be scum claiming town or something.

I feel vibes on the fact that you're a little overconcerned over this fact, but apparently, I'm not allowed to have my own little theories and thoughts about other players' reactions.


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Also, @eclipse: If you meant to commit suicide, it's seppuku and not sudoku. Sudoku is the number game where you have to fill up squares with numbers 1 to 9 withour repetition.

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two things:

I derped the previous votals: areox is actually voting Prims (and i've edited those votals to indicate that)

also getting ISO's prepared right now

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