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Final Fantasy Mafia- GAME OVER, Town Wins


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ISO's (starting at their first post in thread)

1. Shinori

2. Elieson

3. Helios

4. MancerNecro

5. Prims

6. eclipse

7. BBM

8. scorri

9. Leder/Levity/Bizz

10. Frog/Darros

11. Xinnidy

12. CT075/Cam

13. Serious Bananas/SB

14. Gallade/Kay

15. Skyward/JB

16. j00

17. Areox

18. Doofina/Lucina

19. Snike

20. Paperblade

pro boredom killer. now off to actually do something more productive.

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Also, @eclipse: If you meant to commit suicide, it's seppuku and not sudoku. Sudoku is the number game where you have to fill up squares with numbers 1 to 9 withour repetition.

Mancer, I hope you realize that you're attempting to tell someone who has grown up with way too many old samurai TV shows about this difference. In other words, :facepalm:

(end spam)

eclipse, would you wagon mancer? same question goes for xinnidy.

If it's needed for the end-of-day hammer. I'm not that happy with his original Elieson case, and now I hear the beginnings of whining (just. . .play the game, and don't turn this into FR2). Right now, I want more out of BBM.

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I realise Kay's last post is just her bringing up stuff that has already been brought up and dealt with earlier in the phase. Feels like sheeping and coasting to me.

##Vote: Gallade

...uh, mind quoting the posts that say the same things as mine? It's possible I'm too tired to read right now but I think you're just wrong.

[spoiler=Not really game related? @Mancer]

He just hates me and likes to tunnel me and take offence at me every game. It's really frustrating because it's like having a negative vote on me right from the start.

I think you're taking things a bit too personally, unless JB has said something outside of the game to indicate that he hates you. Maybe you just seem scummy to him every game.

Forgot to vote earlier, so yeah

##Unvote (Helios)

##Vote: Darros

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I find it really odd how Darros said several times how he was having trouble finding anything in the first five pages, and then when he does come up with something, it's something that's one of the very first non-RVS things to happen, and something about which several people commented. I don't understand why he couldn't have made the exact same post several pages back instead of saying there was nothing to go off. Also, Darros, you don't need to vote for me for it to be an OMGUS. You took my attack against you and used it as an attack against me. That's an OMGUS.

I've even had difficulty picking up that. It's not a lot to go off of, and it took multiple rereads of the thread for me to even kind of think "Hey SB may be scum". Picking up initial reads from an entire 2 posts SB made is tough and can easily be misrepresented. As for the OMGUS bit, your attacks against me have been pretty much the only thing you've posted in the entire thread. I'm not using that point specifically to OMGUS, but when you're tunneling one player it's not going to make you look good.

You were satisfied with Lucina's post? How are you leaning town on her? Her vote on Prims is poor and based off of a question that I already asked. It highly gives the impression that she isn't reading the game. We could use the same logic and say that you and Lucina are scumbuddies frankly. Because it seems that you are giving her a town read that she doesn't deserve, which can constitute as defending her. Why do you think Prims is scum?

##FOS: Darros

I'm also still leaving my vote on Lucina because I'd like more logic as to why Prims is scum and as to why she continues to vote him.

My idiotic self already explained this. Prims asked me why I found him scummy, and referred to his explanation, which at that time I hadn't seen. Prims isn't leaning mafia to me. With Lucina, I was leaning town on her due to the Prims vote, which at the time I somehow hadn't noticed and hadn't seen his explanation. now it's looking pretty null again to me.

Not really hunting, but more of "wow this would be convenient and is plausible". I DO think SB is scummy, and until Lucina quoted it I hadn't noticed what you did with the Levity -> Helios vote. This made me think you were scum. Apparently I'm really bad at noticing things Christ. I'm looking back and seeing your explanation post now. That's a pretty weird way to get a reaction out of someone, but whatever. It's not looking scummy to me now that I'm seeing what you were actually doing there.

This doesn't change my stance on SB. He still looks bad to me.


Not done reading the thread and I'm sorry if any of this is outdated but Darros and his points on Mancer feel kind of useless. You could have used less words to explain "I'm not sure if this is just typical Mancer meta but I think he's just overreacting." I basically just summed up like seven sentences into one sentence. A lot of your posts feel kinda spammy too, at least they were especially so during RVS and now they feel just kinda padded up.

I can't words. I was trying to explain it but my general inexperience with Mancer's Meta ((we've played 2 games together)) made it difficult for me to stick it all into one sentence.

also @Darros, what did you mean by this: "I'm hoping this doesn't turn out to be the same." ??? You hope Mancer isn't just being silly town? Since that does kinda contradict everything else you just said in that post

I was referring to Mancer playing poorly and then flipping town at the end of it all; I'm hoping this game doesn't turn out to be the same as the other ones.

BBM, you've seriously misinterpreted me somewhere. At no point in time did I say Mancer is scum. Ever. I just kind of commented on how his play was bad, and how he could turn out to be town again. The odd argument that was happening did not give off any scum vibes to me.

The English language too difficult and I'm a native speaker of it...

Darros' defences in regards to Mancer did feel stretched out, I didn't feel you had to post over and over about how your gut tells you that Mancer is town, that short obssession with clarifying that he was a townread without bringing any other content did stand out. I understand that bad play=/= scummy enough, but you seem to be struggling to make your points be seen. You remind me of me in SF2 mafia quite a bit right now (which is not really a good thing), but I ask you to expand on the SB scumread or anyone else's if you do have, because it just doesn't sit well enough as it is now, and you had plenty of time and content to analyse and point out weird things, in my opinion (and please don't put such weight on assigning scumbuddies before flips happen). The fact you agreed with Lucina's reasoning to vote Prims is also odd, which brings me to my next point:

With BBM responding and nitpicking literally every little thing I said, I feel like I kind of had to. I will post more on my reads after I come back home today, even though that will be super late ((musical rehearsal tonight))

Unfortunately I have to go now, but I will return tonight to finish scouring the thread.

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Let me guess, you're posting town reads to show that you're being useful too?

I'd like to respond to this first before I go actually. Would you rather me continue to post no reads than post a town read I do have? Because at this point I still didn't have scum reads. It almost seems like you would rather me not post the town reads I do have and post nothing instead. This isn't sitting well with me.

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Outing town reads for no reason (defending them from a lynch, ok fine) just gives the mafia a better idea of who to kill off, so unless the situation calls for it it's not a great idea.

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Mancer is overreacting which have been covered extensively but

I don't like how jumpy Elieson is though. His huge inquisitiveness towards both Levity and scorri strikes my interest. Also, for some reason, the tone of his post when he asks if scorri was a Numbers seemed like a bit of an overreaction to me.

I can buy his first part of the argument, but he then goes on to cherrypick on that Numbers reaction a lot which yeah, is horrible, but I find it more stupid typical-mancer than scummy. He has comments on other people too, and I don't really want to lynch him today unless he gets worse wrt other stuff than elieson.

BBM's stance on Darros irks me a bit, since his first vote was a misrep (Darros said Mancer didn't seem scummy) and then calling him out for a OMGUS which I don't think it was. His last posts are mainly defending himself and explaining his suspicions on Darros, and I'd like him to state some other reads than a gut read on Snike.

As for Scorri I kind of let her pass because of the Numbers claim. If I were part of a 4p mafia, I wouldn't fake Numbers at all, because 4 is that awkward number where it's too small to know for sure that there isn't another team, but it's too big to know for sure that there is another team.

I don't find scorri scummy myself either, but rules have already said that we shouldn't let people off or on the hook just by claimed roles. This doesn't hold anyway because if scorri were scum she could easily just lie to catch town off guard when the scum team actually is actually bigger or something.

As for Lucina and Darros, the main thing bothering me about them is how they missed both Prims post in RVS saying Bizz was scum and Shinori calling him out and Prims explaining it. Expecially in Lucina's case it seems really lazy because her posts are few and the rest of her content isn't much. Still, this is even more lazy:


##Vote Lucina

Prims vote is bad seeing as all the points she made about him were explained by Prims in a previous point. Also disappointed that people didn't react to my self-vote much (the ones who did gave the exact reactions I expected).

Secondary scumread on Mancer for trying to bring rolespec into this for no reason.

Scorri also scumslipped by saying that she's disappointed we couldn't be buddies this time (since I'm town)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head that looked interesting.

this is the only post he's made beside his self-vote in RVS and I fail to see how any of those are helpful at all, considering this have already been said a lot about both Mancer and Lucina and self-votes are never helpful.

Cam too has been completely worthless. If you're gonna post plz post some reads or relevant comments

Mainly don't like Helios and Cam right now but

##Vote: Helios

do something else than sheep a couple of points when you can't get reads off your self-vote

and cam can you please say something for real so I can get a read of you other than trololol

As for the j00 thing I didn't know that zie was timezone impaired and then I felt all bad ((which would explain the weirdness maybe)) because I was calling zer a he and a she when I don't know and I really hope I do soon because everytime I mention j00 I feel all like "oh my god I'm saying the wrong pronoun and j00 is going to hate me".

Hey, if I got offended by people referring to me as the gender I put up on my profile I'd have to be a retarded douchebag or something. I obviously don't care what people think I am as this is the internet and I'm just a string of text for all you know, but yeah, if it bothers you, I'm a girl

also the only FF games I've tried somewhat were FFTA which fell through because of asdklsjdgf rules and FF:CC - Ring of Fates which blaaarrrgh so what should I play

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It wasn't an attack, it was asking for clarification.

It read as aggressive/a nice opportunity to prod someone, to me.

Nice to know Prims ignores me in favor of the people that voted BBM after I did (o:

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In the first line, Darros said that he felt that Mancer was jumping around and making himself look bad. Okay, I admit, saying that Darros found Mancer scummy might have been a misinterpretation on my part. However, he did say that he found Mancer's play bad, if not scummy. He then goes on to say that in the other games he's played with Mancer, Mancer flipped town despite similar play. He then says that based on those previous games, he feels Mancer is town. How is this not using Mancer's bad play to justify a townread on him?

I think it's because I can see where he's coming from. Mancer is acting scummy/silly but it's usually hard to determine whether what Mancer is doing has scum intent in it because in previous games he has done similar things and I read Darros's point as more "in previous games Mancer also did this and he was town, so I feel he might be town," not really "Mancer is playing badly, that probably means he's town." I also don't understand why it's so bad for Darros to say Mancer is playing badly, I mean yeah he was just kinda stating a truth there.

I like that you understand you misinterpreted Darros's point at first but your case still comes off as grasping to me, kind of similar to what Mancer did with Elie but with a lot more substance to it.

Ftr I do have some iffy feelings on Darros because it feels like he hasn't done a lot this game, and I would like more actual reads from him instead of attempts to explain his point on Mancer 20 times.

Also frustrates me that a lot people prodded Lucina for not paying attention to Prims's explanation about the "Levity is mafia, vote Helios" post, but didn't really say anything about Darros basically agreeing with the same point.

I was actually going to point this out too though (I couldn't remember who else it was that thought Prims was suspicious that people ignored in favor for Lucina); I think it was just because it looked like Lucina didn't even put a lot of effort into what she was trying to say so people found easy to jump on.

As for Mancer, his Kay vote rubs me the wrong way and I think he has been kind of aggressive to be town and if we do end up lynching him today I wouldn't mind switching my vote.

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Oh ftr my snide comment on Prims was more "I find it weird that he did that" but not scummy so w/e

j00's Helios vote actually bugs me a bit too when I read it again, it feels like an empty prod on an inactive. I find lack of content from Helios a bit scummy too but we can wait until he tries to post more, and there are more important things going on right now. Also "Lucina and Darros bother me, Lucina's being actively useless, I'm going to vote Helios though and prod him a couple of times for being useless. Cam quit being useless too"

this almost warrants a vote from me but I don't think it's worth it yet

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well if someone is going to publicly declare hate then

requesting sub

Except I didn't. You were the one who openly started your biased pushes and aggressions, and I'm really annoyed enough by it already. Look at the previous games you've played with me.

Pot calling the kettle black here, really.

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guys don't make this personal please

I'd like to ask JB to point out my "open declaration of hate".

Also, I'm requesting a sub. I'm sorry for this so early on, Bluedoom, bur I don't want to have to deal with online politics when I've had so much of it to deal with at school and in real life already.

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@Darros- I took back the part where I said you called Mancer scummy. That doesn't change why I'm voting for you.

I don't really have any more to say in defence of myself. I feel that what I've said about Darros up to this point, if I haven't taken it back, has been justified.

Kay's Darros vote rubs me the wrong way because she doesn't really explain what makes her reasoning against Darros stronger than her reasoning against Elie and Prims outlined in the same post, and they're all also one-liners with not a whole lot behind them.

Also, Marth, could you edit those ISO links Manix posted into the first post? It'll make them easier to access than if they're just randomly in the middle somewhere.

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Other than Darros, I've seen stuff I don't like from Eclipse, Snike, and Kay, though not so much. Lucina's posts are generally lacking in content and somewhat sheepy. Want to see more (or rather, something) from Areox and Helios.

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I'd like to respond to this first before I go actually. Would you rather me continue to post no reads than post a town read I do have? Because at this point I still didn't have scum reads. It almost seems like you would rather me not post the town reads I do have and post nothing instead. This isn't sitting well with me.

Yes, I would prefer that. What good would/did it do in that case?

Kay's Darros vote rubs me the wrong way because she doesn't really explain what makes her reasoning against Darros stronger than her reasoning against Elie and Prims outlined in the same post, and they're all also one-liners with not a whole lot behind them.

Why is a "one-liner" with decent reasoning worse than a paragraph of grasping? I'm not going to try to pad my case on anyone with a bunch of fluff about how they chose this word over that word or had an ellipse in their post so they have to be scum, and it's not like there have been enough posts in the game that people are likely to have said that many scummy things.

I'm voting for Darros over Prims/Eli because I have a stronger scumread on him. Prims has done some townish things, and Eli's post didn't seem as important. I don't honestly see why this would rub you the wrong way.

JB... :(:

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Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Mancer and JB why do guys fuckin' act like kids? JB there's no need for you to sub-out just because someone's whining in an a total irrational manner and Mancer I don't know from where do you get this idea that people have a personal vendetta against you but...

I shall honour both of your requests.

Chances are Boron's gonna sub-in for one of you(lol she's busy wtf), and if that's the case, and I can't find another sub, whoever doesn't get subbed will be modkilled at the end of the Day Phase. Cruel, yeah, but at this point I can't really do anything about it.

And got it BBM, your wish shall be granted.

EDIT: Actually Nvm BBM I'll do it later when I don't feel lazy and sleepy. ITT: Tomorrow sometime in the evening my time lol.

Edited by Bluedoom
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let's see

mancer is all over the place for me, i actually cannot into anything he's saying

in particular this post

I think my "overreactions" happen because I seem to be more of the reciprocating type of person. If I say something and someone else responds, I tend to just continue responding to it instinctively.

sounds like backing himself up from having actually blown up a molehill to a mountain

i feel like the town way to have dealt with this would have been to just concede and let it drop instead of saying this (which potentially allows him to continue jumping on tiny things with this excuse)

@Snike: Why can't you just accept that you have misrepresented my post? There was nothing in that post of mine that mentioned anything about Elieson, so the fact that you linked it to Elieson makes me think that you were intentionally trying to defend Elieson by attacking me.

In fact, in that particular post itself, I mentioned nothing of anyone overreacting or of Elieson. The fact that you can link it to Elieson overreacting at all is awesome.

This part is kind of hilarious because he spent so much effort trying to say "omg elieson overreacted" and then backs up and says "OH HEY NO I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING IN *THIS POST* ABOUT IT"

it just seems like a way of avoiding owning up to what was said

I think Darros's posts seem to be getting more messy and hurried, much like he's panicking and getting distressed. Compare his earlier posts to the last few posts that he has made. It could just be me beinf overly sensitive to it, but I think it deserves a mention.

maybe because he actually WAS hurried? he did JUST say that he had homework to finish; i would consider "bio assignment due in a day" to be a great reason to panic and get distressed

I might actually attribute this to Mancer not paying attention but it's worth noting.

more in 15

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I don't find scorri scummy myself either, but rules have already said that we shouldn't let people off or on the hook just by claimed roles. This doesn't hold anyway because if scorri were scum she could easily just lie to catch town off guard when the scum team actually is actually bigger or something.

I don't expect or want you guys to let me off the hook just because of my claim. I've pointed out a couple times that we can't just go by flavor or roles in this game. If you think I'm scummy, screw my claim and vote for me. If you don't think I'm scummy, don't. It's that simple.

this is the only post he's made beside his self-vote in RVS and I fail to see how any of those are helpful at all, considering this have already been said a lot about both Mancer and Lucina and self-votes are never helpful.

Cam too has been completely worthless. If you're gonna post plz post some reads or relevant comments

Mainly don't like Helios and Cam right now but

##Vote: Helios

do something else than sheep a couple of points when you can't get reads off your self-vote

So basically, after all the arguing, all the discussion, your two scum reads are on the inactives? You can do better than that.

That being said, I realize that my current vote is on an inactive and while it was there for something other than being inactive, it's not going to do much good there until Cam reappears. So.


While Mancer is doing a lot of crazy stuff right now, with him subbing out there's not much me putting a vote there would do.

So, what I'm going to do is


He does:

-RVS vote

-Jump to Prims then jump to inactive after a small explanation from Prims but phrases it as "I'll take that for now" which leaves an easy jump back to Prims if he so chooses

-Points out a FoS at Darros that (at least from my read of it) made it seem like he was more suspicious of Darros than Lucina, but leaves the vote on Lucina because he wants to see more out of her.

He's barely talked about anyone besides Lucina and Darros and is forging scumbuddy connections without seeing a flip. I'm going to leave this vote here. Still don't like Cam and would like to see more out of j00 as well.

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