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Group Mafia -- Game Over


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Don't have time right now for detail right now.

Town was overpowered and game too town-sided, I apologize. Levity was listed as a checker at the time I asked her and no one told me otherwise. Kaoz checked for completeness. By the time I realized town was too strong game had already started. Sorry I suck.

EDIT: Role PM compilations

[spoiler=Sara]Dear <USER>,

Sara: It's baseball you fucker.

You are Sara R. You are Kelsey's sister and the youngest person in the Group. You don't seem to have much of an opinion on anything and you're generally very apathetic. The only time you're not is when you're watching or talking about anime with Eryka. You have a surprisingly dirty mind (and mouth), to the surprise of everyone. Also … why are you so mean to your sister, kicking her in the shins like that?

You know that Kelsey is your sister and the user <USER>. The two of you may converse privately in <this quicktopic> at any time.

Additionally, you will survive the first attempt on your life because no one wants to deal with your sister to bother you if they can avoid it. This does not affect lynches.

You are allied with Taehyun's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

[spoiler=Taehyun]Dear <USER>,

Taehyun trips over a crack in the sidewalk.
One hour later …
Taehyun trips over the same crack in the sidewalk.

You are Taehyun S. You are the unofficial leader of the Group. On a good day you are merely the third most annoying person around, but you're responsible for single-handedly keeping everyone together. You plan group get-togethers that don't always go according to plan. You're also afraid of talking on the phone, can't drive on the freeway, and suffer from a plethora of problems. How are you the leader of the Group again?

Once during the day phase, you may respond in-thread or in your role PM with: Guys, this isn't part of the plan! Because you are in charge, everyone will listen to you and the day's lynch will be canceled.

Twice during the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: Night X: Wave Dory at <USER>! You will spend the night threatening <USER> with your plush dolphin Dory, making all people attempting to kill <USER> change their plans in fear of being pelted by Dory.

You may not claim your character name under any circumstances, or you will be modkilled. You also know that Chris H. is not in this game.

You are allied with Taehyun's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

[spoiler=Mark]Dear <USER>,

Mark: If you take the "i" in "fail," you get "fall!"

You are Mark F. You are a cheerful and kind-hearted guy who likes stuffed animals. You are also known as "The Weatherman" or "The Bringer of Rain" because apparently your dances allow you to control the weather. Despite your cheerful exterior, you have a troubled family life and you were a popular target for being picked on in high school, both of which have left you slightly depressed. However, you always put your brave face on for the world.

During the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: Hey <USER>, can we talk? You will spend the night discussing private matters with <USER>, and everyone attempting to target <USER> will leave you alone. However, killers won't care about your personal matters and will not be deterred in their plans.

You are allied with Taehyun's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

[spoiler=Ichigo]Dear <USER>,

Mark: Oh my gosh, we forgot Ichigo!
Ichigo: I'm right here.

You are Ichigo T. You are a talkative video game and anime self-proclaimed expert. You love to talk about everything related to anime and video games, much to the chagrin of everyone else ... especially because you never shut up. You and L.N. dated for a short time, but said relationship barely existed and Aiden thought it had been a practical joke everyone had been pulling on him. You do not take well to being picked on or teased.

Most people cannot listen to you talk for extended periods of time, not even your friends in the Group. As a result, you require one less vote to be lynched because people just want you to stop talking already.

During the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: <USER>, did you know ... You will spend the night telling <USER> about everything that comes to your mind. You will also tell <USER> your entire role PM during your conversation.

You are allied with Taehyun's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

[spoiler=Eryka]Dear <USER>,

Eryka: Amy, have you ever heard of the Happy Hospital? Please go there.
Amy: I've never heard of the Happy Hospital before! Hey Helen, have you heard of the Happy Hospital? Can you tell me how to get there?
Helen: Um, no. They kicked me out after I ran around screaming that the end of the world was near.

You are Eryka F. You are the quiet one who sits off to the side and draws, never really interacting with the rest of the Group. The only people you ever talk to regularly are the sisters, Kelsey and Sara. You're a big fan of furries and you have your own "fur-sona." No one in the Group knows a lot about you because you never take part in the games that the others play, nor do you put any effort into getting to know anyone else.

You often stay up late at night, well after the others have already gone to bed, and you may post during the night phase.

During the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: Drawing a picture of <USER>. You will spend the night drawing a picture of <USER>, but because you are secretive you will keep it to yourself. If you are killed, the role PM of the last <USER> you targeted will be made public.

You are allied with Taehyun's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

[spoiler=Helen]Dear <USER>,

Helen: Why do I hang out with you guys?

You are Helen I. You are arguably the most normal person in the Group. You love to write, sing, draw, and hang out with your friends -- even if you thought everyone in the Group was weird in the early years. You had a bit of a crush on Aiden a long time ago, which had been quite obvious to almost everyone, but you also have feelings for Jayden despite your frustration towards him. You are also the official leader in name of the Group.

Once during the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: <USER>, I missed you! The two of you will spend the night talking and catching up. Because you are so trustworthy and friendly, <USER> will happily tell you his or her role.

Once during the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: <USER1>, you really should target <USER2>. <USER1> will listen to you and target <USER2> instead of his or her intended target.

You are allied with Jayden's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

[spoiler=L.N.]Dear <USER>,

Matt: How do you put up with that?
L.N.: I don't. I either ignore him or beat him to a pulp.

You are L.N. G. You are the resident physicist and astronomy expert. Some of your other hobbies include singing, dancing, writing, and drawing. You are a tall girl with a mean high kick and an intimidating side. You're probably one of the scariest people in the Group and you can be highly antisocial at times, but you are a good friend to people you actually like. You are the "scary best friend" that people will listen to.

Twice during the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: What I learned about <USER> in "Things" today. You will look over <USER>'s responses to the day's round of "Things". While doing so, you will learn what <USER>'s entire role is but not their alignment or name.

You are allied with Taehyun's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

[spoiler=Aiden]Dear <USER>,

Joseph: What's a pacifier?
Aiden: It's a thing in a baby's mouth.
Joseph: Oh. Why are you in a baby's mouth?
Aiden: I said pacifist! Not pacifier!
L.N.: Really? Because I thought you said pessimist.

You are Aiden H. You are probably the second most annoying person in the Group on a good day. You are a super cynical pessimist, often coming up with the most ridiculous and depressing scenarios. Your opinion on the state of the world and people is low, and you are fond of dark jokes. You always wanted to be a villain in stories. You're often a target for getting stepped on or having stuff thrown at you, and you get pushed around easily.

You usually stay up late, working on schoolwork or gaming or whatever it is you do. Therefore, you may post during the night phase.

Because you're so morbidly depressing and likely to get pelted by random water mammals, you will require one less vote to be lynched because people just want you to stop talking already. This ability is inactive during LYLO or variations.

During the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: <USER>, my life sucks and this is why. You will spend the night complaining to <USER> about how much everything just sucks. <USER> will be stuck listening to you whine and will be unable to perform their night action.

You are allied with Jayden's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

[spoiler=Zane]Dear <USER>,

Kaylee: Copilot needs more hot water!
Zane: Copilot is being useless!
Kaylee: Oh yeah? Well, copilot says we're not going anywhere!
Kaylee pulls the parking brake.

You are Zane D. You are the most recent person to be a part of the Group. Although you are from the same city as the others, you went to a different high school. You met Taehyun during your first year of undergrad, and ever since then you've been in the Group. Two of your interests are botany and cooking. You are a good driver, unless your car decides it hates the city you're in. Everyone gets along with you because you're so easygoing.

You are skilled at many different things, more so than anyone else. During the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: I know what <USER> is. Because your understanding of people is almost always accurate, you will determine <USER>'s alignment.

Alternatively, during the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: What's <USER> doing? You will spend the night phase analyzing <USER>'s every action and you will see whomever <USER> visited that night.

Alternatively, during the day phase, you may respond to your role PM with: <USER>, let's go look at some plants. At the start of the night phase, you and <USER> will go out of town to the nearest garden center, and night phase actions targeting either of you will fail because you and <USER> won't be present. You may not use a night phase ability on the same night you use this ability. You may use each of your abilities once.

You are allied with Taehyun's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

[spoiler=Kris]Dear <USER>,

Kris: You could join the French Foreign Legion.
Aiden: Shut up, Kris!
Ichigo: Did you just tell Kris to shut up?

You are Kris R. You are the quiet person who would rather observe everyone's interactions but say the most hilarious things. In high school, you used to sit off to the side by yourself and read sci-fi novels during break, but lately you've become more social and have started talking more with the others. Because you're so quiet and unnoticeable most of the time, your friends often forget that you are even present and at times can't even remember you.

During the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: Staring at <USER>. You will watch <USER> for the entirety of the night, and so you will see everyone who visits <USER> that night.

Once during the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: Everybody forgot about me again. This will make you immune to all night actions that target you on the night you use it, but you will be unable to post or vote the following day phase. Because everyone forgot that you are present, you may not be voted for either.

You are allied with Taehyun's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

[spoiler=Jayden]Dear <USER>,

Jayden: If Aiden wins this round, I will kill you all.

You are Jayden P. You are overly aggressive and a bit of a control freak, not completely sure how you feel about the Group. You're conflicted in your interests because on the one hand, you want to be popular and not be a nerd; but on the other hand, you really do like video games like the rest of the Group. You're still trying to figure out where you stand. You are said to be polite to girls, but that implies that four out of six girls in the Group actually aren't girls.

Because you are a forceful and a rather intimidating presence in the Group, you don't back down easily (if at all). As a result, you will require one additional vote to be lynched. This ability is inactive during LYLO or variations.

Once during the day phase, you may respond to your role PM with: <USER1>, I order you to vote for <USER2>! You will intimidate <USER1> into voting for <USER2> for the rest of the day phase. This ability may not be used during LYLO or variations.

Once during the night phase, you may respond to your role PM with: Can't sleep. What's <USER> up to? You will watch <USER> for the entirety of the night, and you will learn of all actions that targeted <USER>. However, you will not learn who visited <USER>.

It is probably unwise to claim your actual character name and let people know who you are. You also know that Nicky F. is not in this game.

You are allied with Jayden's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

[spoiler=Kelsey]Dear <USER>,

Kelsey: Stop calling me short!

You are Kelsey R. You are Sara's older sister, and you have a very nasty temper. You do not take kindly to comments about your height, or lack thereof, and will lash out if provoked. You have a violent streak and you will kick people in the shins for annoying you. However, you have issues with self-confidence in all that you do and you believe that nothing you do is good enough. You are also a bit of a prude and refuse to swear.

You often stay up late at night working on AMVs ... or perhaps you just have trouble sleeping, and so you will be able to post during the night phase.

You know that Sara is your sister and the user <USER>. The two of you may converse privately in <this quicktopic> at any time.

You are allied with Taehyun's Group. You win when all threats have been eliminated.

Edited by Sangyul
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yea apparently levity did and she did like no reviewing in the mod pm wtf

oh well

Levity checked game setup over Skype

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Oh, it's over. scorri, if you thought my one-time jail was bad. . .couple it with a one-shot alignment cop (failed on Shinori) and one-shot tracker. The tracker part was why I pushed for your lynch.

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eclipse: Like it's been said. Town was way overpowered and scum was barely powered. Plus our fakeclaims sucked.

I hear ya. You guys should've had the safeguard, and the masons shouldn't have been BP.

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