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Here's a quick mod message:

Players may request one 24-hour extension period for one day phase the entire game. Use (or don't use) wisely!

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(4) Darros: Strege, SSG, Prims, Elieson

(4) Marth: Shinori, Terrador, kirsche, Rapier

(3) JB: Darros, Breezy, Shin

(3) Breezy: JB, scorri, bearclaw

(1) SSG: Marth

(1) bearclaw: JB

With 15 voting, it takes 5 to lynch at deadline and 10 to hammer.

You have 40 minutes left in the phase.

(Ps Those last votals had Prims listed twice)

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If anything I'd prefer to save our extension for a day in which it'd be actually useful (when inactivity < activity)

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Hrrrkblahhh, I just got back, sorry. As we're so close to deadline, I think of the top four lynch candidates I'd go Darros >> Breezy = JB > Marth. All I see from Marth is inactivity and kind of a lame claim, and I'm not eager to vote someone I don't find voteworthy just because we know we aren't losing a major power role.

bear looks worse than breezy atm - at least breezy is trying to contribute by voting and some fruitless bbm discussion, but it's an effort. bear did some rvs, unvoted, left his vote off for over a day, came back and sheeps breezy. at least sheeping lets us know what a player is thinking the majority of the time.


##Vote: Bear

To start, I'd just like some clarification of the sheeping comment because I don't quite understand what you're saying. It might be a little paranoid of me but I'm more concerned about the timing of this vote, right when the Breezy wagon was gaining momentum. It looks kinda like an attempt to distance yourself from a potential lynch. Voting bearclaw specifically is a bit weird, since he said his activity would be bad for a little while and he was actually voting for Breezy at the time (which adds to the potential distancing thing). I will agree that his vote looks sheepy, though.

I'm not really sure how to factor the tracker claim into my read on Breezy. His content is just kind of weird, and given last game's wagons I'm less inclined to lynch people for weirdness.

Darros is still the scummiest for me. His JB vote is really ill-supported and he's putting the onus on JB to address that, without pushing him or asking questions. I don't even know where his other reads are as of his last few posts. If a Darros lynch isn't happening I think I'd rather vote JB over Breezy by a small margin, and I wouldn't be happy with a Marth lynch at this point.

Incidentally to the lynch: kirsche's vote on Marth is so bad, even for a consolidation vote. It seems like you're busy, but could you not have given any read on him, or any of the other lynch candidates?

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After skimreading it looks like Darros hasn't scumhunted overall too much. A few of his posts stand out to me in specific. I think it was like his third post and his most recent post irked me the most. He seems to be mentioning terrador quite a bit or at least talking about him a bit. Not sure what to think about that.

I'll swap if need be just to guarantee we don't end in like a nolynch type universal loss thing if that's what would happen.

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yes but not being pro-town is different from having scum intent and townies can be annoying assholes. It's just a shallow reason to vote somebody.

Apologies for not having an in-depth read on someone ED1.

kirsche's vote on Marth is so bad, even for a consolidation vote. It seems like you're busy, but could you not have given any read on him, or any of the other lynch candidates?

If it wasn't obvious I'm lynching him based purely on role alone. I basically chose the scummiest role out of him and Breezy. Not sure if I like lynching someone who's unclaimed and I'm not sure if it's particularly scummy to overreact to JB taking Prims seriously.

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That last bit is about Darros. I actually sort of see where Shinori was coming from about Marth too.

I'd rather a Marth lynch but meh, haven't paid enough attention for my opinion to really count for much.

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(5) Darros: Strege, SSG, Prims, Elieson, Shinori
(3) Breezy: JB, scorri, bearclaw,
(3) Marth: Terrador, kirsche, Rapier
(3) JB: Darros, Breezy, Shin
(1) kirsche: Prims
(1) SSG: Marth
(1) bearclaw: JB

"Hey guys, I'm gonna be gone for a little while. Don't kill me please!" Darros proclaimed, before strolling out of the room to do Canadian stuff. It wasn't like anything was gonna happen while he was gone, right?

"Hey, that Darros guy looks pretty shady, right?" someone commented.
"Yeah, let's lynch him." another replied.
"B-but didn't he say he would be out at phase end?" someone offered, although it fell upon death ears.

"Hey guys I'm ba-" was all he had time to say before his old friends strung him up.

Darros has been lynched! He was...

Dear Darros,




You are SB, Town Doctor.

You're a self-proclaimed jerk drafter who sometimes just forgets about common sense. You do stupid things and then rage in all caps about them afterwards a lot. Nobody could forget your 8 Magic Moulder from the Sadist Draft - it was the stuff of legends. You also read a lot of bad fanfiction, because you just can't seem to find any good ones.

During the night, you may reply to your role pm Moulder, heal <USER>. Moulder will prevent the target from dying that night, despite him only having 8 magic the piece of shit.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats are removed.

And then, silence. The town realized that they'd made a horrible mistake. There was an awkward silence, as they stood their and considered what they'd done. The silence was broken, by the arrival of BBM.

"Sorry guys, I just got here. This giant boot kicked me and-" he stopped, noting the silence, then spotted a Darros' body. "Deja vu..." he muttered.

It is now Night 1. You have till Midnight 14/07/13 GMT+0 to submit your actions. BBM is back.

Edited by Essbee
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After a restless night (for most of you,) you gather again in the square. You notice that your number has reduced by two in the night, even with BBM's return! Leaving nothing to chance, you disperse and search. It doesn't take long, before scorri calls the rest of the group over.

"I've... found one of them." she muttered, motioning to SSG, laid perfectly still against the wall. Wasting no time, Elieson picks up a slip of paper laid next to her, and reads it aloud.

Dear SSG,

Chrom and Robin C-support activate! They immediately show the power of their newfound support by ... blocking things with their face (Chrom) and missing the enemy (Robin) ...

You are Boron, Town Messenger.

Your backlog is... practically empty? What? While your turncounts are, from your own words "terrible", your backlog is pretty much empty. You seem to always end up with Rath, and he tends to get some pretty insane stats for you. You're also terrible at Korean, managing to turn "Hello" into "Not below zero leak". It makes no sense to any of us, don't worry.

You are persistant about reminding others to finish their drafts. At night, you may reply to your role PM with: Reminding <USER> to finish draft: <words>. These <words> will be sent to <USER>. You may message only 1 person per day or night phase. There is no word limit.

You are allied with town. You win when all threats have been removed.

With one person still unaccounted for, you realize that there is no time to grieve, You proceed outside, hoping that there would be better results outside. Upon finding Prims' corpse, you soon realize there wasn't. This time, kirsche reads out the dreaded slip.

Dear Prims,


@Harpoon: Do you know what baffles me about you? You screw up every inch of formatting in your submissions, give me the ugliest bullshit, make me go look at your threads because I can get shit more concisely and accurately there, and misspell a whole lot of shit.
And somehow, somehow you never misspell L'Arachel. How.

You are Integrity, Town Vigilante.

Drafting Tournements Explained is your responsibility. You keep order in the drafting section, keeping logs of all drafts, and just being a generally cool guy. You don't really draft that much anymore, you just tend to play Monster Hunter instead. Whenever you have something to say though, pretty much everyone will listen.

It really annoys you when people join and start drafts without clearing their backlog first. During the night, you may reply to your role PM with: I forbid <USER> from joining any more drafts! You will personally make sure that <USER> never starts or joins another draft again. You may do this twice in the game.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats are removed.

Two more dead. No answers yet. It looked like you'd have to continue looking.

It is now Day 2. You have 72 hours to lynch. Day 2 ends Midnight 17/07/13 GMT+0. With 13 alive, it takes 5 to lynch and 8 to hammer.

Edited by Essbee
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Uh, I'm off to bed now but I'm guessing Prims vig'd SSG and then got killed by scum? It's the only thing that I can think of, unless we've got a third party lurking about.

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Finally I can post; that D1 was painful. Before I get to my reads and stuff, since I'm a bit busy at the moment, the kidnap hooked me as well as silenced me. So Breezy knowing that I went nowhere doesn't mean anything. That being said, if he can prove Tracker results on somebody else, it more or less clears him FMPOV since I can't see why the mafia would have a Tracker target somebody they know is going to be hooked.

Prims probably did kill SSG, but IIRC Strege said that there were 5 non-town, and 11/5 sounds kind of imbalanced, so 11/4/1 and a third is probable.

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D1 Analysis:

Gah ok fine I'll keep this concise because I'm not very good at figuring out stuff.

- The Darros wagon had two flipped townies on it, and I'm townreading Strege atm, so probably three. Elieson's D1 play involved a lot of attacks on Breezy, that can be possible bussing but as a lone scum i don't think he'd do that.

-But, as for Shinori, ##Vote: Shinori

At the time of your vote, Darros and I were tied at votes. So basically you would be making the tiebreaking vote. In ##236 you vote Darros but proceed to say you'd have rather lynched me. So why didn't you vote me?

-kirsche's D1 play was... can't even judge it because in ED1 he just harped on Eli's shenanigans and then he voted me for consolidation. Points that irk me are:

a) Calling backup/amnesiac a common scum fakeclaim: That has no bearing on whether I'm scum or not. The reason UB is a common fake is because its easy to do it at massclaim time which happens at LYLO/MYLO. Ergo, if I'm claiming it D1, that's very risky since I technically haven't planned on who I'm 'backing up and faking reports' as scum.

b) Explain why you were starting to see Shinori's case on me. What exactly did you think of it?

More in next post.

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-But, as for Shinori, ##Vote: Shinori

At the time of your vote, Darros and I were tied at votes. So basically you would be making the tiebreaking vote. In ##236 you vote Darros but proceed to say you'd have rather lynched me. So why didn't you vote me?



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