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Well if I were align cop I'd out the guilty scan immediately regardless[/quote

That's dumb because protection is gone, and you could potentially have nabbed 2 scum without claiming (n1/2 scans).


And then get nightkilled for it anyway. Saw no point in that.

We don't wait to potentially nab scum, we take opportunities when we get them. The future's unknown, to wait for it would be very risky IMO.

That and there's no guarantee you can 'get' your guilty lynched.

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So what, we get a clear or we nab a scum (my plan) or you prefer to have scumHUNTING over cop reports (your plan). Which sounds more effective?

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No I didn't get you.

If I say, get a guilty on 'A' but I never outed that guilty and believe A is gonna get lynched. That's stupid, because A may not getting lynched, and then I'm LETTING A SCUM LIVE. And on the bad chance that I do die the following night town's still left unknown.

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Rolecop is just about the dumbest scumclaim I can think of.

What Marth is saying right now is interesting, the way I see it though if we lynch him and he's town Shinori becomes tomorrow's lynch anyway, so we get a scum out of this (unless there's something big I'm missing)... and going your way seems to not be that guaranteed.

Vote: Marth

(posting on low sleep so sorry about the terribleness of this post)

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You forgot the hashtags. And he claimed alignment cop, not role cop.

If you scan scumA and scumB and townC, then push a lynch on scumA and B, and say you aren't worried about C, and you were to flip, OMG people would put shit together and realize "wow he pushed A and B do hard and withdrew his suspicion about C, it all makes sense based on his fucking flip".

Now we have to rely on hope that our alignment cop won't die tonight (assuming he is town) and likely won't have any more town/scum confirmations.

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##Vote: Marth

Now we have to rely on hope that our alignment cop won't die tonight (assuming he is town) and likely won't have any more town/scum confirmations.

I would be extremely surprised to see him survive as town...

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I think you mean Alignment Cop, Bearclaw. The mafia is given Rolecop as a role very often.

fwiw I don't think Marth's Lyncher defence is out of nowhere; my mind jumped to that as a possibility as soon as I saw Shinori's "I want to be the one to hammer", when coupled with the fact that he's been pushing for Marth literally all game.

However, Marth I don't understand- why on earth would you not copy Doc?

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I think you mean Alignment Cop, Bearclaw. The mafia is given Rolecop as a role very often.

fwiw I don't think Marth's Lyncher defence is out of nowhere; my mind jumped to that as a possibility as soon as I saw Shinori's "I want to be the one to hammer", when coupled with the fact that he's been pushing for Marth literally all game.

However, Marth I don't understand- why on earth would you not copy Doc?

I didn't copy Doc because I didn't think it'd be useful in the long wrong; I'm bad at picking targets to doc and knowing my bad luck if I had to out that I'm doc later on I'd just be nightkilled anyway

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[7] Marth: Terrador, Shin, scorri, BBM, Elieson, kirsche, DA BEAR (L-1!!!)

[1] Shinori: Bear

[1] Shin: Marth

With 13 players alive, 8 votes are needed to hammer and 5 votes are needed to lynch at phase end. You have roughly 7 hours left in the day.

Edited by CT075
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First off, I've seen cases where that reasoning is used but its in fact a fake and they flip scum. Remember .hack? Dat vig claim was the worst I ever saw. Still I got lynched anyway. >_>

And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord

Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord

Shinori, you poor sod, I'm sorry to say it isn't YOU who get's to hammer me. > : )

Scumteam's(including 3rd) probably Shin/bearclaw/maybeShinori/JB/ kirsche

##Unvote ##Vote:Bluedoom


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The town argued all day long, with no real majority being found. That was, until Shinori's intervention.

"Guys we should all lynch Marth." he stated.

"Why?" replied one of them.

"I'm sure he's scum. Absolutely certain."

And with that, the mob turned to Marth, who began to panic.

"No wait, guys! I'm mayor, claimtome!" he tried making a face like this (;/) but it didn't change anyone's minds. He was the one to take his own life in the end, he wouldn't accept it from Shinori.

Marth had been lynched! He was...

Dear Bluedoom,


should totally use mine

My Gilliam has four Speed

You are Paperblade, Town Amnesiac

;/ Claimtome I'm mayor. You participate in drafting occasionally, starting the first Lockstep draft and taking part in several of the first Awakening English drafts, but you don't interact much with the drafting community. You're also always mayor and everyone should claim to you, and you started an FE7 playlog like three years ago that you have yet to finish.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with: Taking over <USER>'s save file. <USER> must be dead and town-aligned. You will receive all of <USER>'s abilities for the rest of the game. If <USER> has limited shots, then the number of shots you receive will vary depending on how many shots <USER> had already used up.

You are allied with town. You win when all threats are eliminated.

"Well, looks like he's never finishing that playlog." Shin offered, but he failed to lighten the mood.

It is now Night 2. You have until 5:30 PM 18/07/13 GMT+0 to send in your actions.

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THe drafters awoke, and did a quick headcount. Everyone was there, except for- ew, what was that in the corner?

"Hey, that's a pile of unfinished drafts! And there's someone in there!"

Terror Door (the alter-ego of Terrador) confidently strode over and hoisted kirsche's corpse out of the pile.

"Aha! Now we'll see why he was so sure about rolespec!" he cried, shaking the corpse down. A role PM came fluttering out, but Terror Door fumbled it and it landed in the pile of drafts.

"No!" shouted Shin, diving into the pile to retrieve it. The other drafters followed suit, quickly making a mess of the place. What they found was this:

Dear kirsche,

Once this is over he decides to join the shepherds and aid them on their quest to do whatever there doing, sadly Donnel cant remeber. He goes on to the arena in Ferox and continues to kill people hes not liking Marths maks. but they keep on coming back every times he is killing them! Not that he minds, all the others stayed behind and ate bon-bons while he fights and cheer him on well except for Miriel who is allergy to things without gruten. As he continues killing them they slowly change into Chuck Norriss stunt doubles!

You are DA BEAR, self-aligned Donnel hyper.

Stop writing those fanfics. Please. And shut up about Donnel. Please. And stop writing fanfics about Donnel. Please. We don't need to hear about the pothead.

During the night, you may respond to your role pm "Hey USER, read this!" USER will read your terrible fanfiction, and will be stuck with a terrible headache after barely escaping with their sanity.

You are aligned with yourself. You win if you give everyone headaches.

"Wait, that's not right."

"Yeah, we killed that guy way back before night 0!"

"Well, then what's his real role?"

They searched and they searched, but to no avail. It seemed that kirsche's role PM was lost to the sands of time.

It is now Day 3. With 11 alive, it takes 7 to hammer and 4 to lynch at phase end. You have 72 hours left.

It is possible for town to lose following a mislynch today.

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Alright, let's kick this Day off with the topics probably on everyone's minds.

Not gonna lie, I didn't expect Marth to be telling the truth. In hindsight, it could've been explained away by him just being Marth, but I don't see the case for him as actually being weak, either.

However, the big issue of today: Shinori claiming he had cop results on Marth, who flipped town. I could absolutely see the angle for a gambit, but frankly, seeing as he's the one player with a clear-cut inconsistency between facts and their claims, he needs to be the first target of our collective suspicion.

##Kicking Off the Day: Shinori, whatchagonnado?

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However I do know that town doesn't have an alignment cop.

I'm third party.

And not actually hostile.

However I did think marth was scum. I just obviously wasn't putting much effort forward about it or anything.

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Hello. Content coming soon.

Given it's only potential MYLO, and Strege said there was 5 non-town, that means there is a third. And the kills support it being non-hostile assuming prims vigged ssg.

Do you mind telling us your win condition?

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Mmm. I'd rather not.

But it has to do with hammering if you hadn't guessed!

I win completely alone and can't win along side town or mafia though.

Also I THINK I am more harmful to scum than I am town. Not that it matters though cause I don't care either way.

Btw the potential mylo is probably because of me. I would assume.

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