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Healer Mafia - D6 ends on Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM HST


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There's no point in lynching BBM now, especially if Manix flips scum, because then Shin can vig him through the magic of PoE. If somehow there's a Day 6, then we lynch Shinori and be done with it.

I like Shinori's plan better, tbf. Lynch Manix + Vig BBM works best.

Refa should idle, Shinori can do whatever the fuck, and I'm scanning Shinori due to PoE.

Either way we do this, this game's not lasting past Day 6.

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Plan should go like this:

Manix: lynched, idgaf what you do

BBM: dun curr

Shinori: eh, you don't do anything anyway

Shin: Vig BBM

Refa: Idle or if you want drive Shinori

Me: Scan Shinori

If I get town results on Shinori, something's up.

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I've already proven my role. Yeah, whatever, I admit that my opinion on Poly has changed. But my townread on Shinori has always been stronger than my townread on Poly. So I kind of had to change it. >_> I really haven't had time to reread you, but I am more confident about Poly being scum.

How has your role been proven?

the hook was due to Grass + Scorri's role

Grass claimed to have hooked you IIRC.

There's no point in lynching BBM now, especially if Manix flips scum, because then Shin can vig him through the magic of PoE. If somehow there's a Day 6, then we lynch Shinori and be done with it.

What if Manix flips town and there is a scum!redirector/roleblocker (or just scum!BPV)?

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well fuck if I know then if we have a scum roleblocker.

Okay. Refa, drive Shinori. If BBM's got a BPV, everyone else is clear (you & Shin via cop scans and me cuz lel), so... yeah.

Here's the lowdown of how I figure this works.

Option 1:

Manix gets lynched, flips scum. Shin shoots BBM, you (Refa) drive Shinori onto BBM, I scan Shinori. BBM dies, flips town, we lynch Shinori for the win.

Option 2:

Manix gets lynched, flips scum still. Shin shoots BBM again, but a BPV triggers. Our (me & Refa) actions stay the same. Lynch depends on my scan (either BBM if Shinori's town or Shinori if he's scum).

Option 3:

Manix gets lynched, flips town. Shin shoots BBM and our (again, me & Refa) actions are still the same. Even if BPV triggers for BBM, we'd need a successful vig and lynch to win.

Option 4:

Manix gets lynched, flips town. Shin shoots me, gg town. BBM & Shinori will have punk'd us all.

Everyone cool with that?

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Eh, whatever don't think I'll be convincing anyone at this point. Sorry for my lack of activity these past few days, exams + vacation bliss laziness have really taken their toll on me.


##Vote: Manix

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Basically if Manix flips town and BBM + Shinori/Polydeuces end up winning you can blame me. If BBM is town though, than feel free to blame him instead.

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Votals, D5 the final

BBM (1) - Manix

Manix (4) - Shin, Polydeuces, Shinori, Refa

Polydeuces (1) - BBM

Not Voting - That's everyone!

"Hey, y'know what would be totally rad?"


"Let's lynch the person that's silenced!"

So that's exactly what happened.

Dear Bizz Manix,

You are Nurse Joy. You'd rather heal Pokemon than people, but you felt you could learn something at this conference. After all, who said that people are the only ones that should get medical treatment?

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with Night X - Target PLAYER. You'll learn all the roles that targeted PLAYER that night.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

It is now Night 5! Night 5 ends--what?!

Dear Kaoz,

You are Nurse Joy. Your second cousin mills about in the crowd, unaware of her true role. You are the one in charge of her actions.

You know that Bizz is Nurse Joy, and the role PM they have is as follows:

Dear Bizz,

You are Nurse Joy. You'd rather heal Pokemon than people, but you felt you could learn something at this conference. After all, who said that people are the only ones that should get medical treatment?

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with Night X - Target PLAYER. You'll learn all the roles that targeted PLAYER that night.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

During the night, you may do the following:

- If you reply to your role PM with Night X - You should really visit PLAYER instead!, your puppet will use her action on PLAYER instead of her original target. The one responsible for the redirect (you) will not show up on any investigative reports.

- If you reply to your role PM with Night X - Oh cousin, you talk too much!, you will silence your puppet for the day phase. If you use this on two consecutive nights, she'll die of fright, and YOU will have to take her place during the day! If you enter the game in this manner, you will lose your semi-hidden status. Your role will change to your puppet's role, as well (but you will still win with the mafia).

- If you reply to your role PM with Night X - I have a message for you!, followed by a message that is 300 characters or less, your puppet will receive it the next morning, with the flavor that she heard it in a dream. Note that this message CANNOT tell her that she's a mafia puppet, nor can it reveal who you are - either of those will cause her to drop dead from shock! If you are uncertain of whether or not something will be allowed, run it by me first. If I feel that your message breaks the spirit of this role, I won't allow it.

You may use as many of these abilities as you wish per night. As she is your puppet, you will get her night results as part of your own night result update.

You may take the night kill. However, you may be indirectly targeted while doing so, and your puppet may be, as well, which is not something you desire!

As you are semi-hidden, the following rules apply to you:

- You may not post in the thread, no matter what

- You may not cast a vote

- You may not be lynched

- Any action that targets you at night automatically fails, BUT certain things that target your puppet will target you as well

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

(note: the "she" in Kaoz's role PM refers to Nurse Joy herself)

You guys get a proper explanation in postgame. Commence the complaints.

It is now Night 5! Night 5 ends on December 12 at 8:00 PM (reference); if I'm late, blame Christmas traffic

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Whilst unfortunate that we got Manix, we actually managed to get one of our remaining scum. This means we only have one remaining, although we're gonna lose a town tonight. The Poly/Refa scum theory doesn't work, otherwise Poly's a dope... or incredibly cunning scum! We're at 4/1 now so that kinda leaves me with a one in three chance of nailing the scum... assuming I totally guess of course!

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"If Hope never dies, then WTF is this?!"

Dear Refa,

You are Hope. You are one of the starting healers in FF13, and the host thinks that you're annoying. Sadly, you don't improve much in 13-2.

During the night, you MUST respond to your role PM with Night X - Targeting PLAYER. Anything that targets PLAYER will target whoever Vanille targeted instead, and vice versa. Oh, Vanille? She's your co-driver, and you know she's allied with the town, just like you! Failure to submit an action will have unpredictable results!

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with Night B - Targeting PLAYER1 and PLAYER2. Anything that targets PLAYER1 will target PLAYER2 and vice versa.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

(the snips in SB's PM should be bloody obvious)

Not too far away is another body.

Dear Shin,

You are Tear Grants. You've overworked yourself, and your voice isn't what it used to be. You should be able to make yourself heard over the din of the crowd today, but you know you won't be so lucky starting tomorrow. Perhaps you'd have better luck talking during a time when no one else is supposed to talk.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with Night X - Sing for PLAYER. The resulting fonic hymn will kill PLAYER. However. . .this power comes with a price. You may post, at most, three times during the day phase. The number of day posts is also the number of times you may use your night ability. If you kill a town-aligned player with a fonic hymn, you will lose a day post. If you kill a player that is NOT aligned with the town, you will NOT lose a day post.

To compensate for this, you may post as many times as you wish during the night phase. However, you can't vote during the night phase, so if you use all your shots incorrectly, you will be unable to vote. Choose carefully!

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

The remaining three of you think you hear someone cursing out the host to the tune of "Dammit mother", but you can't be certain.

It is now Day 6! Due to the nature of this day phase, I will post an end time later. I will have some other notes in the next post. It is technically MYLO. GO!

(man, I'm bad at terminology)

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The game is NOT over until I say it is over - that means that the game should be considered "running", even if a hammer occurs and I am not around to end the phase. This means that dead people should follow rule 14 until I say the game is over.

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The only explanation I have for it only being MYLO at 3p and not LYLO is that Shinori targeted the person the mafia killed, so now they can't act tonight. With that part of his role confirmed, he's basically 99% confirmed town.

I can only imagine with Refa and Shin both dying that Refa tried driving and shit went wrong.

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I idled because I got the sense that Refa was going to use his ability even against my cautioning, and I didn't want to mess that up. I considered safeguarding him since I didn't think he'd self-drive, but then I thought that you might target him, and I didn't want to block that either.

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Poly I'm assuming you tried to inspect shin last night?

I scanned you.

So... uh, what the fuck.

also I'm gay for yesterday

##Vote: BBM

PoE since Shinori came up town when I scanned him and I'm not that gay.

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