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Etrian Odyssey 2 Mafia - Game Over


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I did flavor for day start, and updated the first post to include phase links. ISO's will be up shortly after this post.

edit: ISO's are up. Tell me if any of them are broken (they shouldn't be, I checked each one).

Edited by Curly Brace
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I'm going to curse all of our enemies!!

I don't like how Poly switched his vote off of Shin right after Shin voted him. Seems a bit reactionary? I guess the same could be said about Shin...

I think this is a little opportunistic, to be honest. There was no reaction between Flan (I assume Poly is Flan?) and Shin at all. As Radiant Dragon pointed out, they have the same timestamp, so it is possible that they just posted at the same time as each other and Flan had no idea of Shin's vote change to him.


##Vote: Refa

I'll show you reactionary!

This, on the other hand, is very, very bad. Feels a little hasty and shows up to me as a subtle defense of Flan.

##Vote: Refa because opportunism is scummier than bad play to me.

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1) It's not opportunistic if I didn't vote Poly.

2) Why would I need to be opportunistic in RVS?

3) I already acknowledged Radiant Dragon's post.

I don't know if Shin's comment is as bad as you make it out to be, but I guess it could be construed as a chainsaw defense of Flan. However, town can do that as well, so it's not really that important unless Flan flips scum later on (in which case, I'd look a lot closer at Shin).

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Yo Fleur! If you think Shin is defending Flan, then does that mean that you think Flan is scummy?

I don't like how Refa collected votes that fast over what I can see as a legitimate oversight. Until RD pointed it out, I didn't notice it, either. Of those, Shin's feels like he's still in RVS and BBM's/Fleur's is taking things way too seriously.

NOW, for a list of things I'll probably refer to people as (before I forget). . .

RD = Radiant Dragon

Wen = Kopfjager (seriously, this is a pain to type out)

Poly = Flan (or Puddingface)

SB = Shark Bait

Boron = Sangyul

This little kerfuffle has moved people into various directions, but not enough to warrant me moving my second RVS vote. Yet.

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I think this is a little opportunistic, to be honest. There was no reaction between Flan (I assume Poly is Flan?) and Shin at all. As Radiant Dragon pointed out, they have the same timestamp, so it is possible that they just posted at the same time as each other and Flan had no idea of Shin's vote change to him.

A few things here:

1) Yes, I can go by either Poly or Flan. Preference is a great thing.

2) I feel like this is overanalyzing an honest mistake on Refa's part, especially in RVS. I also don't see the opportunistic intent on Refa's part with said post, especially this early.

3) Why are we still thinking it's only a possibility when it's clearly been noted? Moving on...

##Vote: Refa because opportunism is scummier than bad play to me.

This vote is also bad on multiple counts. Again, how is Refa opportunistic in a very vague post during RVS? How was Shin's vote bad play, exactly, since it was still RVS when he made it? And how is opportunism worse than bad play in your eyes, especially when it concerns two veteran mafia players?

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This vote is also bad on multiple counts. Again, how is Refa opportunistic in a very vague post during RVS? How was Shin's vote bad play, exactly, since it was still RVS when he made it? And how is opportunism worse than bad play in your eyes, especially when it concerns two veteran mafia players?

To be fair, Fleur is new so she shouldn't exactly be expected to know if we are veteran players.

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1) It's not opportunistic if I didn't vote Poly.

2) Why would I need to be opportunistic in RVS?

3) I already acknowledged Radiant Dragon's post.

I don't know if Shin's comment is as bad as you make it out to be, but I guess it could be construed as a chainsaw defense of Flan. However, town can do that as well, so it's not really that important unless Flan flips scum later on (in which case, I'd look a lot closer at Shin).

1) I think it can be opportunistic either way since it can give you a good reason to jump on Shin later on in the day.

2) Point taken.

3) It doesn't make the comment made earlier on less opportunistic.

I was thinking bad as in unskilled. Scummy and bad have two different meanings to me. I pursued your case first since I think you're scummier than Shin at the moment.

EDIT (because Post Preview): Opportunism is worse than bad play because of the chance of jumping onto Shin later on.

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To be fair, Fleur is new so she shouldn't exactly be expected to know if we are veteran players.

Hence why I'm not pushing a "Fleur is scum" case atm.

I did not remember this

but lol Fakeclaim

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My scum read now isn't too strong but it's my only read now given how little has happened so my vote is justified to me. I'll scour the thread again in a while (I post slow, so forgive me).

I never like RVS so I tend to just go straight to finding the first few scummy posts that I notice.

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Actually the joke was obvious if you looked at the character names

I see... my bad.

Regarding what's just been said - I don't think Refa's been opportunistic. I was also curious about the timing of their posts, and his thought process feels justified to me.

Shin's potential defense of Flan interests me more, and since it's a stronger case than my completely random RVS vote, I'll switch.


##Vote: Shin

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I absolutely adore the new (unless I simply never knew it existed, which is possible) ISO feature.

I never like RVS so I tend to just go straight to finding the first few scummy posts that I notice.

Nothing wrong with this. That is the whole point of RVS, after all: to get out of RVS and into more productive discussion as soon as possible.

In other news, I'm going to ##Unvote, ##Vote: Shin for now. Let's see where this goes.

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I'm bored.


BBM (1): Flan-kun~

Eclipse (1): Shinori

Flan-kun~ (1): Shin

Fleur De Glace (1): SB

Kopfjager (1): eclipse

Refa (3): Shin, BBM, Fleur De Glace

Shark Bait (1): Elieson

Shin (1): Green Poet, Radiant Dragon

scorri (1): Refa

Xinnidy (1): scorri

Well, don't I feel loved.

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Also read this part in the opening.

i) Modifiers like Hated/Loved will trigger as appropriate based on the number of votes required.

Should we be claiming these modifiers (or lack of them) at the start of the game? Like on one hand (regarding Hated here), there's a chance for a surprise hammer, but it could really screw us over at LYLO. I dunno what to think of loved tbh. Thoughts?

Apart from if it doesn't deactivate in *YLO, Hated people should claim. Loved can do whatever.

I have a sudden thought that there might only be one of the Hated/Loved modifier and that the one that exists is Loved and belongs to the scum team to make lynching more difficult for town.

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I got back home about an hour ago after hanging out with my friends all day and I'm really tired. Don't think I'm gonna be all that coherent. But for now ...

Fleur and Green Poet nitpicking at Shin's "defense" of Poly, if it can even be called that, looks like they're making a big deal out of something very minor. I don't like it. Also, Fleur's vote is on Refa for being "a little bit opportunistic," but why is Refa opportunistic?

Radiant Dragon, on the other hand, didn't give an actual reason for voting Shin. "Let's see where this goes" does not satisfy me because his vote does not seem to be an RVS vote, nor did he express suspicion of Shin before.

##Vote: Radiant Dragon

What's your reason?

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I have a sudden thought that there might only be one of the Hated/Loved modifier and that the one that exists is Loved and belongs to the scum team to make lynching more difficult for town.

I've never seen a Loved Mafioso before. Not that the role couldn't exist, mind you, but I wouldn't assume that the Loved is scum at this point.

Radiant Dragon, on the other hand, didn't give an actual reason for voting Shin. "Let's see where this goes" does not satisfy me because his vote does not seem to be an RVS vote, nor did he express suspicion of Shin before.

##Vote: Radiant Dragon

What's your reason?

Sorry, attribute that to me being rusty. I voted for him because he seemed somewhat eager to jump-start a Refa bandwagon.

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Fleur and Green Poet nitpicking at Shin's "defense" of Poly, if it can even be called that, looks like they're making a big deal out of something very minor. I don't like it.

I'll concede that my reads were pretty insubstantial. I decided to switch my vote to Shin because:

-I had something more solid than my baseless vote in RVS, and

-as Refa pointed out, his voteswitch looked like the beginnings of a chainsaw defense. My opinion of Flan was admittedly shaky, but it's a possibility.

Anyway, that's all from me today. Hopefully I haven't misused terms too much.

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I honestly don't understand the whole "Shin was subtly defending Refa thing. If you look at Refa's post ...

I don't like how Poly switched his vote off of Shin right after Shin voted him. Seems a bit reactionary? I guess the same could be said about Shin...


##Vote: Refa

I'll show you reactionary!

Refa was pretty-much-but-not-directly calling Shin reactionary. I took his vote switch as a joke, and did not think much about it. So for people who are saying Shin was defending Poly ... what?

Neither do I see Shin as being eager to start a Refa wagon, especially seeing as how he's the first person to actually vote Refa. Wouldn't the people who voted Refa after Shin be the ones trying to start a wagon?

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I don't see the point of discussing chainsaw defences until one of them actually flips scum.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Radiant Dragon

tired and sheeping what Boron said in her last post

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I've never seen a Loved Mafioso before. Not that the role couldn't exist, mind you, but I wouldn't assume that the Loved is scum at this point.

Forgot to respond to this, but I had a game with a scum that was "loved" once, so it's not exactly without precedent. In the previous EO game, one of the scum had an ability that made them "loved" for a phase as well.

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Fleur and Green Poet nitpicking at Shin's "defense" of Poly, if it can even be called that, looks like they're making a big deal out of something very minor. I don't like it.

To be fair, I only said it seemed like only a subtle defense. As Refa said, this is not something to be concerned about until or if Flan flips.

Also, Fleur's vote is on Refa for being "a little bit opportunistic," but why is Refa opportunistic?

I think that Refa stood to be in a position where she could easily jump into voting Flan or removing her vote from him easily, which I do not like.

Radiant Dragon, on the other hand, didn't give an actual reason for voting Shin. "Let's see where this goes" does not satisfy me because his vote does not seem to be an RVS vote, nor did he express suspicion of Shin before.

##Vote: Radiant Dragon

What's your reason?

Well, I agree with your point about Radiant Dragon. More because he had mentioned that it is fine to move on quickly from RVS posts. His sudden change of votes onto Shin without much explanation and with only a:

Let's see where this goes.

feels slightly hypocritical to me. Feels like an RVS or meaningless vote with the excuse of a "Moving on from RVS" to votepark onto Shin.


##Vote: Radiant Dragon

Noting that Refa had time to collect information about and post vote totals but did not address several of the new points I raised about her in the thread.

EDIT (because of Post Preview): @Sangyul: I don't think anyone made any points about Shin starting a vote wagon on Refa at all. Where did you get that?

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