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(Serenes Forest Mafia) General Discussion


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imo after TPP1 ends immediately shove the same playerlist into TPP2 mafia and everybody tries to reference roles from the past game everybody shouts "NO WE NEED NEW ROLES SHUT THE FUCK UP" and it devolves into nobody caring by day 2

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will also be very disappointed if the gimmick for at least one tpp mafia isn't that you can choose between traditional lynch and kingmaker each day

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you could go either route honestly

alternately just choose between normal lynch (democracy) and giving everybody a vest and a 1-shot dayvig and seeing how things play out from there

Edited by Prims
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you could go either route honestly

alternately just choose between normal lynch (democracy) and giving everybody a vest and a 1-shot dayvig and seeing how things play out from there

I would be down for an all-VT game like this.

N0 start people vote for anarchy/democracy. If anarchy wins, everybody gets a vest and a dayvig just for that day (vests don't carry over if you don't get hit). If democracy wins, it's normal. No posts in anarchy day phases; just 24 hours to send in a shot. The night after, you choose again and mafia chooses a NK if it was democracy that day. No mafia NK on nights following anarchy day phases.

EDIT: actually maybe let vests carry over if you don't get hit

Edited by BigPlaysMeteor
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Twitch Plays Pokemon Mafia

Yes guys this is fucking happening I'm already designing role PMs for this <3

Aw yeah we're doing this shit
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everybody getting a vest and a gun also sounds like it'd be an event in bgo mafia which needs to happen

SB and I are still working that out. We'll get it finished and on the queue.


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also if somebody hosts the vanilla set-up BBM suggested I would definitely /in, it sounds hilarious.

I think BPVs should hold over from phases, though.

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I would be down for an all-VT game like this.

N0 start people vote for anarchy/democracy. If anarchy wins, everybody gets a vest and a dayvig just for that day (vests don't carry over if you don't get hit). If democracy wins, it's normal. No posts in anarchy day phases; just 24 hours to send in a shot. The night after, you choose again and mafia chooses a NK if it was democracy that day. No mafia NK on nights following anarchy day phases.

EDIT: actually maybe let vests carry over if you don't get hit

Why would anyone pick democracy ever, that basically makes you a confirmed horrible person regardless of alignment.

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Why would anyone pick democracy ever, that basically makes you a confirmed horrible person regardless of alignment.


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If multiple people shoot the same guy, then he's dead. So, there's still likely to be many deaths :):

Anyways this sounds like fun.

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Also keep in mind that mafia would probably (citation needed) be able to coordinate their kills, so the vests help make it so that there aren't 2 mafia aligned kills every day. Or maybe there still would be, fuck if I know! ##anarchy

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If multiple people shoot the same guy, then he's dead. So, there's still likely to be many deaths :):

Anyways this sounds like fun.

i imagine the shots being public instant daykills

the vest is basically so people can't all just shoot eachother for a guaranteed win, or otherwise try to game the set-up like texas justice

manix probably has a better understanding of why texas justice is bad than i do since he likes open set-ups

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Potential D1 LYLO gogogogo

ofc to make it proper we'd vote for giving everyone a vote or giving everyone a daygun at the beginning of each phase.

So there wouldn't even be a lynch, I guess?

Also there should be a way to have players be "released from the PC" en masse.

EDIT: ninja'd. This was @Refa

Edited by Euklyd
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