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It's Time To Duel!!!! Mafia [Game Over]


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Perplexed by the lack of motion, conviction and participation by the remaining survivors, the few that could actually break free from the grip of the shadows rose up and decided with their heads down, that Randoom and his bipolar personality was simply not meant to continue living.

Nothing personal, sometimes, things just happen. Randa and Bluedoom will be joining the others in the Shadow Realm, where the both probably deserve to be.



Wait...what are you talking about?

ENOUGH! Ahh....ok. Let me put this bluntly. I'm going to eat your cumulative soul, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Consider this punishment.

For Existing!

Randa/Bluedoom has died. Together, they formed Captain Planet were...

Dear Randa/Bluedoom, you are Duke Devlin.

You are the inventor of the hit game Dungeon Dice Monsters. Maximillian Pegasus didn't support this game off the bat, but you proved its worth, and became famous as a game designer.

During the day, you may draw from two of the four decks, and keep both cards in your hand. You have no designated night abilities, but you do have your word and your vote.

Your Archive hand includes:

In short, you are the Town Double Draw Specialist.

You are aligned with the The Good Guys, and win when all threats are removed from the game.


Night 4 has begun, and ends in 36 hours (up to 12 hours early if all actions are in). Phase End is at 12:30AM CST on 4/4/14 (1:30AM on 4/4/14 EST -- 10:30PM PST, 5:30PM HST, etcetc))

[Card Graveyard update coming in a moment]
[Draw Results coming in a moment]
Edited by Elieson
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[spoiler=Day 4 Additions to the Card Graveyard][spoiler=Thematic Check (Hand Theme Cop)]You are holding the Thematic Check card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Thematic Check card on [uSER]. You will learn the bolded theme of the hand held by [uSER].

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Deck Check (Next Day Card-in-Deck Identifier)]You are holding the Deck Check card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Deck Check. You will be alerted, in private, as to which cards are in each deck during the following morning. This will occur before your draw occurs, so you can pick and choose the card you want during your Day draw.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Deck Check (Next Day Card-in-Deck Identifier)]You are holding the Deck Check card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Deck Check. You will be alerted, in private, as to which cards are in each deck during the following morning. This will occur before your draw occurs, so you can pick and choose the card you want during your Day draw.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Insomnia (Insomniac)]You are holding the Insomnia card.

During the night, you may play this card by posting in thread ##Night X: Activating Insomnia. You will be able to post limitlessly during the night in which this card is played. Its effect is considered instant, but must be played properly in thread before having its effect applied.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Insomnia (Insomniac)]You are holding the Insomnia card.

During the night, you may play this card by posting in thread ##Night X: Activating Insomnia. You will be able to post limitlessly during the night in which this card is played. Its effect is considered instant, but must be played properly in thread before having its effect applied.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Behind The Wheel (Drive)]You are holding the Behind the Wheel card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Behind the Wheel on [uSER1] and [uSER2]. You will cause all actions targetting [uSER1] to target [uSER2], and vice versa.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

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Dammit Baldrick

Baldrick has been modkilled. He was...


Note, 3-13 Garland was not modkilled.

Edited by Elieson
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Phase ended 6 hours ago, I just fell asleep because i'm tired and apparently still hurting. Consider your actions locked in as of this post.

You all get phase update in an hour+ish, I gotta go to work, but I can update there.

I will say this regarding last night's actions.

Heh heh heh heh.

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I'm well prepared to end the madness, but not before you've all had one last chance to suffer in my little game. Some people just couldn't handle the pressure, and died. It's a shame really, they had a lot going for them. Let's take a look at the corpses, shall we?

Oh look, here's a duelist with lacerations around her neck. That must have hurt!

kirsche has died. He was...

Dear kirsche, you are Tea Gardner.

You are a school student with Yugi and friends. You aren't that special, but you tag along and provide emotional support to everyone on the team, and even find a way to win a duel here and there. Your quite the dancer, and very fashionable.

You have no designated night abilities, but you do have your word and your vote.

Your Reader hand includes:

In short, you are the Town Vanilla.

You are aligned with the The Good Guys, and win when all threats are removed from the game.

Oh look, there's more. Next we have a...little girl? I really am a monster, aren't I? Oh well, the Shadow Realm shows mercy to no one, as you can plainly see.

Polydeuces has died. He was...

Dear Mango Sentinel (Polydeuces), you are Rebecca Hawkins.

You are the daughter of Professor Hawkins, a world famous archaeologist known for his research on Egyptian history and Duel Monsters legacy. You're extremely smart for your age, and have great technical skills.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with ##Night X: Give a communication device to [uSER]. You will hand [uSER] a device that will allow private communication via OC. This device can only work with one player, and will last for the duration of the following day phase only.

Your Fist hand includes:

In short, you are the Town Gadgeteer.

You are aligned with the The Good Guys, and win when all threats are removed from the game.

And oh hoo, look here, this is a surprise.

Shinori/Eclipse has died. They were...

Dear Shinori, you are Noah Kaiba.

You are the rejected little brother of Seto Kaiba. You were supposed to inherit Kaiba Corp, but instead, they got it. That made you so mad! Your poor health led your father, Gozuboro Kaiba, to implant your mind into a machine, where you could live healthily as a psuedo-god of your own world, but Yugi defeated you in there, and have a humongous thirst for vengeance.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with ##Night X: Peek at [uSER]'s hand. You will use your high tech camera system to view the cards [uSER]'s hand from the safety of your side of the duel stadium.

Your Rich hand includes:

In short, you are the Mafia Spy.

You are aligned with The Bad Guys, and win when The Bad Guys finally get to take over the world!

I'm running out of puppets to play with in my show, so I'll give you three just a single day's notice; notice that you're all going to have your souls siphoned from your meat sack bodies. Enjoy, my desserts....

Day 5 has begun. With 3 alive, 2 hammers. This is the final phase, and will have no time limit.

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[spoiler=Night 4 Additions to the Card Graveyard]
[spoiler=My Gut Says No (Character Claim Cop)]You are holding the My Gut Says No card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating My Gut Says No on [uSER], because of . Link the post number in . You will learn if [uSER]'s character claim in is correct. This card will only cause a positive result if [uSER] has posted their claim in proper formatting, identical to the host's designed name in their RolePM. If any formatting is different, or the name provided is incomplete/not identical to the name in their RolePM, you will receive a negative result.

For Instance, if [uSER]'s identity is "Character" and the linked post has "character", you will receive a negative result.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Blank Card (Vanilla)]You are holding the Blank Card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Discarding Blank Card. You will toss the Blank Card to the Card Graveyard. This card has no hidden abilities, and is essentially a Vanilla card.

Once this card is successfully discarded to the card Graveyard, you will be rid of this card. Should you choose to discard this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Behind The Wheel (Drive)]You are holding the Behind the Wheel card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Behind the Wheel on [uSER1] and [uSER2]. You will cause all actions targetting [uSER1] to target [uSER2], and vice versa.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Behind The Wheel (Drive)]You are holding the Behind the Wheel card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Behind the Wheel on [uSER1] and [uSER2]. You will cause all actions targetting [uSER1] to target [uSER2], and vice versa.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Player Rebirth (Doctor)]You are holding the Player Rebirth card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Player Rebirth on [uSER]. You will protect [uSER] from anything that would end their life for the duration of this night.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Warp Portal (Commute)]You are holding the Warp Portal card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Warp Portal. You will vanish into a transdimensional portal for a brief period of time, and be unable to be targeted by any actions or cards during this night phase.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Silence! (Vote Bomb Enabler)]You are holding the Silence! card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Silence! on [uSER]. You will make [uSER] into a bomb for the night, preventing the user who kills him from making a vote during the next phase. [uSER] will still be able to vote, but if this effect is applied, the vote will not count towards the actual hammer. It will be displayed in votals normally.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Take One for the Team (Self-Sacrificial Vig)]You are holding the Take One for the Team card.

During the day, you may play this card by posting in thread ##Activating my Take One for the Team Card on [uSER]!


During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activate Take One for the Team on [uSER].

No matter how you activate this card, it will target both [uSER] and yourself with a powerful explosion, dealing so much damage that it will deplete all life points between you and [uSER], causing you both to be removed from the game.

If used during the day, the deaths occur instantly. If used during the night, the deaths occur by phase end, and processes as if it were a typical action.

This card can only be played if its holder possesses a great Fist.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Talk This Way (PR Enabler)]You are holding the Talk This Way card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Talk This Way on [uSER] Talk like [THIS]. You will force [uSER] to post with a post restriction identified by [THIS] for the next day phase only.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Secrets of the Pharoah, Volume 3 (Setup Piece 3/3)]You are holding the Secrets of the Pharoah Volume 3 card.

This card cannot be played unless you hold all three Secrets of the Pharoah Volume 1-3 cards. During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Unleash the Secrets of the Pharoah.

If you do, and play this, you will learn the numbers setup of the game, as well as earn the right to ask one "Yes or No" question to the hosts, inquiring about anything with the exception of a specific player's alignment or general setup information.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Deduction (Vanilla Cards in Hand Cop)]
~You are holding the Deduction card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Deduction on [uSER]. You will learn if [uSER] is holding any Vanilla-effect cards, and how many.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Megaphone (Announce)]You are holding the Megaphone card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Megaphone. [WORDS]. This will cause [WORDS] to be displayed at the opening post of the following day phase. This card may be played in combination with any other card.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard.

[spoiler=Strong-Willed Modifier to (Block/Redirect Protection for X Card)]You are holding the Strong-Willed Modifier to card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating Strong-Willed Modifier to on [CARD]. [CARD] will be invulnerable to any forms of prevention via hooking or redirection.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=A Shiny Object (Roleblock)]
You are holding the A Shiny Object card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating A Shiny Object on [uSER]. You will generate a shiny object within eyesight of [uSER], causing him or her to be distracted by it and forego using any of their abilities or playing any of their cards.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=A Shiny Object (Roleblock)]
You are holding the A Shiny Object card.

During the night, you may play this card by responding to your RolePM with ##Night X: Activating A Shiny Object on [uSER]. You will generate a shiny object within eyesight of [uSER], causing him or her to be distracted by it and forego using any of their abilities or playing any of their cards.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

[spoiler=Insomnia (Insomniac)]You are holding the Insomnia card.

During the night, you may play this card by posting in thread ##Night X: Activating Insomnia. You will be able to post limitlessly during the night in which this card is played. Its effect is considered instant, but must be played properly in thread before having its effect applied.

Once this card is successfully played, it is discarded to the card Graveyard. Should you choose to play this card during the phase, you cannot play any other card until the following phase.

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Oh my god I cannot believe this. I'm responsibleish for Kirsche's death.

I drove Kirsche and Eury at the last moment because I thought Eury was more likely scum then Shinori. Either way Kirsche would have died and this way resulted in the death of scum though so I'm happy.

Also since poly obviously blew himself up we seem to be short a kill.

My read on Eury was scum not SK so I will not be dumb and vote her off the bat.

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Pretty much that entire post was unnecessary wow.

The strong-willed modifier probably killed Kirsche actually, I should read the card graveyard before posting in the nonexistent future.

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@Mod: why is the Warp Portal in the N2 card graveyard additions crossed out?

Also two commutes dropped on N1, I'm unsure what to think of this with scorri claiming to use one.

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I feel like I'm talking to myself.

So I'm going to read over Eury in a sec but Scorri's claim is giving me bad vibes and the lack of cards used by her (unless she drew something and used it last night she card idled...) is just weird.

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ITT: I ask eli if it's kingmaker. whee

I should just spam so I have more posts and can catch up with Scorri (eury has like 40 posts on me lol)

Eury pressing for a hammer when I had been there and said I would be there and there were two hours left makes more sense as scum then town but shinori flipped scum so yay. I guess she could be town anxious for a hammer there???? Or she could be Shinori's scumbuddy and this is secretly kingmaker and I'm trying too hard on a lost cause

I can't remember what Eury claimed so I'll try to find that. thinking aloud is best strategy

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I feel like SK!Eury wouldn't claim two failed actions on the first two nights and the cards are there and stuff but it still seems really convenient that there's no way to actually used those cards and it's not some dead guy.

I'm being way too paranoid.

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I guess I should've mentioned this:

As the game is in it's final phase, the game is in a state of LYLO.

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So, I'm guessing in you driving me/Kirsche, that frickin' made the Vote bomb I tried tying onto Kirsche... hit myself instead? (Apparently I turned MYSELF into said Vote bomb, which effectively, ONCE AGAIN, MADE MY NIGHT ACTION MOOT. WHAT IS WITH YOU GUYS AND SCREWING UP WHEN I'M TRYING TO USE MY BOMB CARDS?!)

My claim, as I said before: Mai Valentine, Vanilla Townie. I'm NOT scum, nor am I SK. And with the death flips as they are, either you're the SK (which I'm slightly doubting at this point) or Scorri is. That is a fact.

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*So the only cards I had in my hand by last night phase were 3 blank/vanilla cards, a self-safeguard, and Vote bomb (which I tried using last night phase, but CLEARLY FAILED DUE TO SOMEONE DRIVING ME AND KIRSCHE *cough*)

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And I don't regret driving you and kirsche, you're the one who tried to remove the voting abilities of cleartown.

So I don't even know. This is legit horrible, why would eli let that work in lylo

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I have the ability to still vote yo.

What I did: I EXPECTED Kirsche to die. Ergo, I made him into a vote bomb: "Whoever kills the target/bomb effectively cannot vote the next day phase, despite it coming up on the votals."

So I was hoping to gimp Kirsche's killer today, and effectively nail down the scum since, well, the remaining person shouldnt' have been able to vote! OF COURSE, since it was cast on MYSELF and didn't go off ('cause I'm still ALIVE obviously), it did absolutely NO good.

**It's exactly like the Role Bomb card I tried using N1.

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And I'm sorry- I was sold on Kirsche being as solid townie as could be amongst the rest of us during the last Day phase. So I figured that, if I can't PROTECT him with some sort of safeguard/doc/etc. The next best thing I CAN do is hinder whoever the hell kills him. That and the fact that I had little to nothing else to use last night phase meant that I just went with what my gut told me I should do.

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