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Doomsday Clock Mafia - Town/ITP Win


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Hey I had a really shitty family circumstance and another circumstance that I'd rather not get in to come up, and I'm gonna either Need a sub or a pass until Monday or early Tuesday at the latest.

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Manix: what makes BBM asking for comments on his and kirsche's posts different than kirsche doing it?

i noted this vaguely in regards to kirsche's obstinacy. whichever post that had the "starting points" (the one where he unvoted bbm and voted ffm, cbf looking it up now)

when i think on it more, it reads kinda similar to bbm.

i should probably move my vote too, now that i remember


##Vote: BBM

tone still too stronk

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Because I still wanted to hear from you before I spoke on the matter.


What you have there is a very satisfactory response and set of actions.

People like FFM/Shinori should really contribute to scumhunting, a good place to start is analysis of my BBm discussion. Bonus points if you comment on the FFM cases, the Polydeuce case, the Eurykins case or scorri's case on me. To the general populace: if you nullread any of the people I just mentioned then you clearly disagree with the cases on them so you can at least state why/where they are flawed.

##Vote: FFM

Upping the pressure as that post isn't satisfactory.

I disliked this post. I felt like his FFM vote was really easy. I also personally don't like the majority of his other posts either. A big part I don't like though is the fact that he asks people to comment on his bbm interactions as well as the FFM case, the poly case, the eury case, as well as the case on him from Scorri. Yet I don't think he's stated what he thinks about the majority of these himself.

Leaning Scum



Note that these are based solely on the reaction test and just so people don't have to read my huge wall of text to know what my opinion is. Also they're in order.

I disagree with the Eury read personally. I don't quite see how her reaction to your reaction test was really all that scummy.

I like Marth's posts across the last page or so.

I don't quite like FFM's posts but I also don't think it's anything to worry about that much at the moment.

Also everything in Mitsuki's post #82 is pretty sheep worthy IMO.

I also like SB's post #99. The only thing I might disagree with is his Scorri read. As I'm not so sure about it.

Darros hasn't really done anything besides his Poly vote. Would be fine lynching this or getting a vig to shoot this slot!

I also kind of dislike BBM's posts as well. I don't know. I also kind of felt the argument between Kirsche and BBM felt forced or something. And the fact that both of them are all like "GAIS LOOK AT ME REACT TO MY POST." That really stands out to me.

But anyway moving on. Something like Kirsche > Darros > BBM at the moment would be my current reads.


##Vote: Kirsche

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I just didn't consider that it could be a reaction test. I can't give reasoning on why I didn't think something that never crossed my mind.
Why are you asking FFM and me only and not Manix and Poly? They also voted for Marth.

The reason I asked the two of you is because you two both went in depth about the fact that it was extremely likely that one of them was town and the other scum. You like... analyzed it. Whereas Manix and Poly (keep in mind, I called Poly scummy for his vote soooo) just went along with it, such that I could believe the two of them considered the possibility that it was a reaction test and just didn't bother trying to analyze it due to not wanting to tip Marth off? I dunno, it was something about your two reactions that felt kinda forced like you needed to be very obvious about the fact that one of the two was almost certainly scum.

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I really don't see why "react to my posts" is scummy? I'm not asking for people to go "oh it's just town in-fighting" I'm asking for people to actually consider it, or any of the things that I mentioned, so that I have something to analyse. I'm refraining from commenting on them because I don't want people to go "oh those were my thoughts". Basically, doing the same thing as Mitsuki descibed in her first line of #100

Those who think my FFM vote was easy, you're right, it IS easy. But that's because it's obviously right, FFM is flat-out ignoring criticisms on him and is refusing to contribute, even when asked. Instead of that, hevotes Elie and let me say that his reason for voting him seems really contrived too and a little nonsensical imo.

he says BBM is "satisfactory" due to his recent posts but he never really explains why or what his read is on him now



The Darros cases are good and I still don't like how he dodged discussion between me and BBM considering the origin of it all.

FFM > Darros atm

Lots of inactives make it hard.

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@Manix- scum don't really want attention

someone (Refa?) said that he thought that FFM would realize if he was scum that it was a reaction test and that the truth would be revealed. Not necessarily; I can't remember FFM ever having seen one of those, and he might not have thought of that. Besides, by that logic everyone who believed the cop report would be town.

Also I don't really like FFM's Elie vote. I mean, I guess I agree that Elie's vote is the weakest because it doesn't really explain why FFM's reaction is weird, just that it is, but voting him just for being the first vote doesn't even really make sense- what's suspicious about that? Also it's still really little; I'm still not seeing a lot of effort.

I don't really like kirsche's reasons for unvoting me; literally the only new thing I said was "no I don't consider it scummy to votehop". If he really felt that I was dodging questions and whatnot earlier, I don't understand how a response that perfunctory was all that was necessary to change his read on me and make it satisfactory. I also agree with what Shinori said about kirsche- he's asking other people to comment on stuff that he himself hasn't talked about at all, which I don't like. His FFM vote is also just "that post was unsatisfactory". I don't like how he's basically still just pressuring people for reactions rather than actually voting based on suspicious stuff.

Cut by kirsche; I guess those reasons are okay. However I still want him to talk about the stuff he's telling others to talk about- maybe not now but later.

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I don't really agree with Darros's Poly vote (don't think that it's scummy to joke about what he did- in fact scum would be more self-conscious there IMO) but I don't think it's really suspicious. I do think he should post more but I know he works on the weekends.

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Votecount of Utter Incompetence and Lost Sleep

BBM (1): Curly Brace,

kirsche (3): scorri, SB, Shinori

Refa (1): Eurykins

Bluedoom (1):Polydeuces

Pascal (3): Elieson, BBM, kirsche

Eurykins (1): Refa

Polydeuces (1): Poliwrath

Elieson (1): Pascal

Darros (1): Mitsuki

Scorri (1): Bluedoom

There are ~21.5 Hours left in the day!

It takes 8 votes to Hammer!

So my mom decided to overdose on Xanax today.

I'm probably getting these names wrong since I tend to forget everyone's nickname

Edited by NekoRex
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Holy shit these votals are spread out as fuck. I'll do some rereading after I finish doing this essay and name my top three lynch targets. I know other people have done this already, but people who haven't should do the same.

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wait how has it been that long already wtf

a little iffy about kirsche but definitely not up for lynching him today. Some of his posts have been annoying but overall I think his tone feels town.

To be perfectly honest I don't have any suspicions other than FFM; I think that all the people posting a lot are town. I think Refa, Manix, and SB are town off general posting style and tone. Leaning town on scorri as well because she likes lurking on D1 as scum. She's not like super active, but she could be lurking a lot more considering how inactive other people are. Marth as well is leaning town because of the reaction to the fake report. I feel like Mitsuki is town because she seemed genuinely surprised to learn that the cop report was a reaction test. Shinori's one post was decent but Scumnori is capable of that before starting to lurk so not sure about him.

So yeah that leaves like FFM/Eury/Darros/Elie/Poly/Shinori that I think scum are likely to be between. Eury has literally no non-RVS posts. I think Elie could be scum honestly but he's not here at all so I don't really want to lynch him today. Don't really want to go after Poly either for what I said earlier when I was talking about Darros.

SO I suppose it's something like FFM > Darros > Shinori > kirsche I guess just because everybody else is either completely absent or on the townier side, whereas Darros and Shinori are nuller.

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Don't lie to me Darros.

I can clearly see 2 vote swaps there. I know I do Maths at uni I can count to 2.

@BBM: Here's a better question: do you think Darros hopping about and then lying about it is scummy?

It's customary to share your opinions before asking others to share theirs.

Great, except my criticism was:

You've never commented on if you thought him votehopping was scummy. So again: do you think him votehopping is scummy?

Yes, and that's because I am obvtown. Also, there's a difference between openly avoiding a question and slyly dodging it by answering a different one. I was clearly doing the former, whereas I believe you did the latter.

Ftr Darros is completely null, I just wanted to see how he and others would react to the pressure.

@SB: I'd be hesitant to apply that kind of meta to Mitsuki, at least based off of EM. In our last game yesterday it took quite a bit of prodding to get scum!Mitsuki to give me her report. Being trusting is just quite simply not characteristic of her of either alignment.

Can people comment on my BBM interactions please :)

So you asked for his opinion on Darros despite not having any strong feelings on him either way. Why didn't you just say so in the beginning?

[My read on FFM doesn't apply anymore, but he's null to me.]


Poly's vote was kinda sheepish but if he's scum he's really not concerned with not appearing scummy so I'm null on him.

Elieson is subbing out so I'll take my vote off him.

Refa seems really motivated which I'm guessing is due to rolling town this time.


##Vote: kirsche

Prioritizing fishing for reads instead of scumhunting feels really off.

Also Marth I wasn't referring to you, I am well aware of Refa's reaction test had no real basis. I don't see why you think I still think you're scummy.

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woke up feeling like i got hit by a ton of bricks

give me time to push something out

@bbm: scum don't want negative attention, there's a slight difference (and it's not really ever mentioned). considering you're not under a whole lot of pressure and people don't like kirsche more, there's something to be had for trying to garner attention.

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It's customary to share your opinions before asking others to share theirs.

Screw customs I'm here to fish for scum.

On second thoughts, instead of forcing you to drop this line of conversation by being obstinate I feel like I can maybe extrapolate a bit more. What do you think of the line of reasoning I presented at the start of #42 ("telling you doesn't benefit me")?

Why didn't you just say so in the beginning?

That's because that defeats the purpose of a reaction test.

Poly's vote was kinda sheepish but if he's scum he's really not concerned with not appearing scummy so I'm null on him.

What? I feel like there's too many negatives in this sentence. If you're saying that scum wouldn't draw attention to themselves like that, i would argue that him voting a cop guilty isn't really drawing attention to himself. If not then I don't really see your point.

Prioritizing fishing for reads instead of scumhunting feels really off.

Why are these two mutually exclusive things?

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effort is hard

so are reads

i don't particularly want to lynch ffm or kirsche today, and bbm probably isn't being lynched.

i keep thinking that SB is scum on gut as well but that's also not happening

I think Shinori may have died.

what was the point of mentioning this? shinori had not posted in the thread at all to this point.

With Shinori apparently having completely disappeared this is the next thing I have to go on.

so you wanted to keep justifying your rvs vote? even though there was enough content to that point to comment on (and you did, but it looks like you wanted to keep your vote there which is???)
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honestly at this point people should just place whatever thoughts they have into the thread when they see this. we need something to work with

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I still don't like kirsche or FFM atm. It feels like they're just going after each other after a wagoned formed there and their other opinions feel like they're just there to make them look better. kirsche's only other opinion is "I agree with Darros cases" but he doesn't say what or why he feels that way about them, and his response to my suspicions is still impossible to tell whether or not he's serious, and it feels like scum trying to dodge around it by joking than town explaining their thought processes. FFM kind of ignores the cases on him in hopes they'll go away and just pulls up a scumread on his counterwagon, says Refa is town and waffles on Poly, so he's not much better.

Everyone else I'm still kinda eh on. I feel better on Mitsuki from earlier and don't really feel strongly about her any more, and I'm nullish on Darros so I guess I'll reread him at some point?

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