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Mystery Mafia 2 - Game Over


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Blitz subs in for Via, effective immediately.

I would like to note though that Blitz will only be around until the 10th (i think US 10th) so I will need another sub then potentially.

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hey guys, I still haven't caught up this game, but there is something I want to start with (and also, I will only be around for 4 days)



nothing because I fakeclaimed miller for town cred since I didn't think there'd be a miller in the game. <_<

why did you want town cred?

##Vote: Prims

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well that sucked. (@Via subbing out) :(

Would've posted earlier but then I had to do RP stuff like a SIGNUP oops.

*ahem* Now, looking at what's happened so far, these are my thoughts:

1. I feel like Prims' play past his Mid-D1 vote on me has just been... lackluster. I mean I get that he said he wouldn't be as motivated to play this game and has allergies and stuff but... that FFM vote just feel so wrong. What makes FFM a better vote candidate than the other inactives, like J and Randa(well he's more active but also hasn't said a lot)? Do you think the inactive FFM will ay anything if he doesn't see a stack of votes on him?

2.I feel like Elie is town because yeah the claim had dumb timing but I can't see why scum would want to do that? I can't remember the last time the mafia claimed for no reason. That said, Elie does need to say more since he mostly did defend himself after his initial content posts earlier in the phase.

3.I remember disliking Poly's vote on Elie at first because it felt too esy and convenient but gave it a pass because I realized he needed to maybe read more before coming up with better content. BBM seems to be making good points about Poly but I haven't read his ISO to check their validity but I will when I get back on because atm I need to go out and do something. I'll post more when I get back on.

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marf i think ffm is being purposely inactive because he's scum and has to make up thoughts instead of them coming out naturally. had he been reading enough to make that vote on you then he shouldn't have needed a break before commenting on other people.

but yeah i do want to pile votes on him so that there's pressure on him, forcing him to react to something

and randa actually is a good vote target too, found him scummy early day 1 and he hasn't really done anything since then

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"why does town want to look town"

use your head

first off, you are THE PRIMS, not sime random dude who will end up getting hit by a truck and especially on D1. For you, when you are town, towncred is a bad thing cause that will just make you a more likely nightkill target. In otherwords, towncred for town!Prims is worthless. So, why do you want towncred?

and randa actually is a good vote target too, found him scummy early day 1 and he hasn't really done anything since then

I think Randa is scummy for Paper's death (hint: Randa ALWAYS kills people who suspects him)

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bc im town and want to look town!!!!

i already said i'd fully explain the miller thing when i fullclaim so if you're pressing this that means you're probably scum rolefishing

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actually whatever I claimed miller because I misread my PM and didn't realize it until SB asked me for PM wording and I checked my PM again. Pretended it was a gambit so people wouldn't be able to figure things about my role, but yeah.

This probably makes my role obvious. Oh well.

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bc im town and want to look town!!!!

i already said i'd fully explain the miller thing when i fullclaim so if you're pressing this that means you're probably scum rolefishing

I don't care about the miller thing for now, what I care about is why would town!prims want towncred unless he is actually not town!prims.


actually whatever I claimed miller because I misread my PM and didn't realize it until SB asked me for PM wording and I checked my PM again. Pretended it was a gambit so people wouldn't be able to figure things about my role, but yeah.

This probably makes my role obvious. Oh well.

I must be getting too stupid for mafia, cause I don't have a clue as to what you are talking about, but I guess fair enough for now

after reading a little more, I think Randa's question to Refa in #114 was to point out that Refa didn't have a vote and sorta discrediting Refa in the process, but he just goes in and drops his own vote a few posts later in #118

for the time being, I will leave my vote on him for having so much circumstancial evidence stacked against him


##Vote: Randa

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I must be getting too stupid for mafia, cause I don't have a clue as to what you are talking about, but I guess fair enough for now

what im saying is im probably getting roleblocked tonight
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Marth defending Elieson is a bit ??? to me. My first thought is "scumbuddies" but I'm not sure.

agreeing completely with this. Also, I think Randa and Elie makes perfect buddies. It somehow feels to me like their conversations are extensions following conversations from some other place (as in the scum QT)

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what about miller??? the most powerful role of all!

what did you not like about Randa ED1? I thought he was a little all over the place but that's him in every game

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I will agree that Randa's Day 1's are always bad, but for some reason, I think Randa's play has been more about trying to look townie over trying to find scum. His questions to Refa as mentioned by SB (before me, lol) shows Randa is more interested in discrediting Refa than actually pressuring Refa to see how things go and then dropping his own vote while discrediting Refa for not having a proper vote.

Other things that bug me are

1. Him claiming to be RVSing Elie. (this is an issue because as scum, I tend to RVS scum buddies)

2. In post #140, he says he talked about/asked about masons, but he didn't and it feels like he talked about that somewhere, just not in this thread and Elie's posts drop similar vibes to this issue

3. Calling Elie scummy, all the while never actually pusing a case on Elie (I actually cannot deduce whether is if this was done to gain towncred for himself or for pushing a lynch on Elie, both are feasible and so, I would rather lynch Randa and not Elie

also, in other news, if Randa is scum, we should lynch Marth next for defending Elie out of the blue (last I saw, Marth doesn't defend too many people as town)

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So I read Poly's ISO and yeah BBM's points would've stood well but why would scum!Poly go on about consolidating on his Mancer townread while continuing to keep his vote on Eli? This makes no sense whatsoever, but for like, either alignment really >_>

I read Randa's ISO and he has hasn't had anything of substance, so far into the game, other than maybe questioning Refa on his Weapons stance ED1. Things is he vanished for the rest of D1 and then showed up at the end of it just to say he's still there but can't post content at that time. IMO if we're lynching an inactive today, he's the better lynch, but barely, honestly. He has more content than FFM and J but has said less/ played passive, but the thing is, that's also his playstyle. I'd rather NOT lynch an inactive today because we need to choose 1 from 3 (or possibly 4 if poly flakes again) and I don't feel like risking it at this point when there's a good chunk of activity elsewhere. I am HOPING that a vig fires one of those slots though. If there even is one. I'm not really sure how to handle the situation though, its either lynch inactives now or lynch them later.

@Prims: Well the thing is FFM's vote on me actually read like he never read the thread properly. I mean how did he even come to the conclusion that I was waffling on something that was as early as ED1? It doesn't even make sense!

uhhhh I think I'll stick to this for now, ##Vote: Prims

I feel like your vote should've been on Randa instead of FFM.

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Also Also


Man Idk why you're speccing and voting based on assoc reads when neither of Eli/Randa have flipped. But here are some points:

1.Randa dished dirt at Weapons and Refa too for their ED1 antics but he never voted them. He did the same with Eli later in the phase too. But the only reason Randa/Weapons/Refa buddying can't work out is because Weapons/Refa are Masons(aka confirmed town.) But that said, what makes Eli/Randa likely buddies then, if the hypothetical scum Randa acted the same way with town?

2.Since you're basing your suspicion of Randa off of an Eli scumread, could you care to tell us as to WHY you find Elieson scummy? You haven't really mentioned this in any of your posts.

3.Also Idk where you're getting your scumread on me from, but I defend other players as town two, even my most recent town games, like CYOU'RE(I defended Randa and Shin). I may not be accurate in that sense but if I think someone's not worth lynching, I defend them.

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...how does this refute my case on FFM at all? Also, he's evidently reading enough to have written something about your post. I think he has a confusing interpretation of it, but that's not the same as not reading.

Why am I scummy for scumreading FFM more than I'm scumreading Randa? Note that I would support a Randa lynch anyway.

Also, it's best to get rid of inactives now and not in LYLO when they'll make up half the game.

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RE: BBM: Considering that he was only worried about masons once I brought it up, him being hesitant to vote Refa ED1 seems unrealistic for town!Randa thinking he's on to something. Otherwise, despite taking notice of Paper's meta on Elie he doesn't pursue it, and basically everything else has been minor comments. Overall looks like he's not very interested in finding scum.

also Marf if inactives are bad lynches then which actives other than me are scum? If there aren't any then inactives obviously aren't a bad pool to lynch from.

@everybody who didn't post during the night phase: why didn't you post anything whatsoever during the night phase?

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@Poly: if Elie was your #1 scumread then why wouldn't you read all his posts? They weren't -that- long. Also, what is your read on Bluedoom? He would've been the obvious choice for Elie's buddy but you glazed over him while talking about how Elie wouldn't provide many associative reads.

You guys need to be better at getting content out. Reminder that we have shortened days due to the global night talk.

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Well fuck I didn't know day phases were 48 hours! I thought we had 72 hours gg me.

I just realized apart from me Miller+Masons+Eli!townread is like half of the game. waoh!

Apart from you I found Blitz scummy, although I hadn't had any problems with Via. Just found the way he suddenly cased you and then the Randa case p scummy. I'd like him to still answer my questions.

Also I'll actually scratch what I said earlier- I'm fine with an inactive lynch since we have less time that usual. Haven't had any problems with BBM really, it irks me that we'd have to lynch among people who haven't really posted ever though, two of whom have like maybe on or 0 posts to their name.

And lastly I feel that you pushing FFM as 'scum who can't come up with anything so they're inactive' went too far but I also realize that if we're left with like a big part of the game who're inactive and are lynch candidates then its hard to justify one over the other. I felt like you had stronger reasons for voting Randa though.

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@Prims: fwiw I skipped most of page 7 since too many wallposts and thus I missed one of Elie's big content posts (I assume it was actual content anyway) which... isn't really helpful but w/e

I also didn't note Marth as Elie's likely buddy because I didn't feel like he was seeming scummy in some way at that point (though, had Elie been lynched yesterday instead of Mancer, I would have looked at Marth more closely during the night)

@Manix: Can we forcesub J if possible? I hate having someone with zero content in the game.

Would consolidate on Frosty and/or Randa if need be, but I still want an Elie lynch more.

##Vote: Elie

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Poly, please explain why Mancer had more likely buddies than Elie, and also why that matters if you thought Elie was scum and didn't think Mancer was scum.

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So I read Poly's ISO and yeah BBM's points would've stood well but why would scum!Poly go on about consolidating on his Mancer townread while continuing to keep his vote on Eli? This makes no sense whatsoever, but for like, either alignment really >_>

I read Randa's ISO and he has hasn't had anything of substance, so far into the game, other than maybe questioning Refa on his Weapons stance ED1. Things is he vanished for the rest of D1 and then showed up at the end of it just to say he's still there but can't post content at that time. IMO if we're lynching an inactive today, he's the better lynch, but barely, honestly. He has more content than FFM and J but has said less/ played passive, but the thing is, that's also his playstyle. I'd rather NOT lynch an inactive today because we need to choose 1 from 3 (or possibly 4 if poly flakes again) and I don't feel like risking it at this point when there's a good chunk of activity elsewhere. I am HOPING that a vig fires one of those slots though. If there even is one. I'm not really sure how to handle the situation though, its either lynch inactives now or lynch them later.

@Prims: Well the thing is FFM's vote on me actually read like he never read the thread properly. I mean how did he even come to the conclusion that I was waffling on something that was as early as ED1? It doesn't even make sense!

uhhhh I think I'll stick to this for now, ##Vote: Prims

I feel like your vote should've been on Randa instead of FFM.

maybe it is because of Prims' answer to your push, but I don't see how suspecting FFM is scummy. Also, if Prims is scum, he is FAR more likely to bus his buddy than bus an inactive, lol.

I also find you weird that you are voting Prims when your case on Randa is better (so, basically, the same offense as what you mentioned for Prims) and so, you are kinda scummy

I actually think FFM always vanishes as scum. As town, he does better.

Also Also


Man Idk why you're speccing and voting based on assoc reads when neither of Eli/Randa have flipped. But here are some points:

1.Randa dished dirt at Weapons and Refa too for their ED1 antics but he never voted them. He did the same with Eli later in the phase too. But the only reason Randa/Weapons/Refa buddying can't work out is because Weapons/Refa are Masons(aka confirmed town.) But that said, what makes Eli/Randa likely buddies then, if the hypothetical scum Randa acted the same way with town?

2.Since you're basing your suspicion of Randa off of an Eli scumread, could you care to tell us as to WHY you find Elieson scummy? You haven't really mentioned this in any of your posts.

3.Also Idk where you're getting your scumread on me from, but I defend other players as town two, even my most recent town games, like CYOU'RE(I defended Randa and Shin). I may not be accurate in that sense but if I think someone's not worth lynching, I defend them.

to answer your points,

1.what better way to hide a tree than in a forest

2. I don't really find Elie all that scummy, but he probably could have done better. My scumread on him is basically association with Randa.

3. You seem scummy for suddenly defending Elie out of the blue and also for not actully pusing cases when you are normally pretty good at that as town

so, @Poly,

do you think only Elie is lacking content and Randa or FFM aren't part of it as well?

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Rage, I keep pressing backspace and going back a tab. I also only realised night talk was a thing this morning, gg me.

I'm not quite getting Eli's play. He made no mention of Mancer at all, even as the wagon was building. His push on Prims is bad and never actually justified, I see it more as a "I'm not voting Mancer, I'm helping" vote than anything else. I can appreciate Eli's busy, but the content he has is questionable. I don't get how bringing up the concept of masons is particularly scummy and the rest seems to be masked in RP.

Prims is actually rather strangely though, I don't quite see why he'd go through with such an elaborate explanation for his "miller claim". Like I could have believed either of his explanations, but not both of the together. I don't quite understand the inactive hunting but I do agree the likes of FFM need to actually say stuff. The rest of his play is pretty solid though, his post about Marth is classic Prims and I'm getting a sense of logical though.

Blitz is really pressing hard, but I can see town intent from it. Like, he's gone through everything Randa's said and I could totally get behind it. Talking about Randa, I can see why he'd take issue with Refa's comments (like, I don't even get why Refa was so weird, ARGH-PEE maybe?) but his game's been very much about just being present than pushing anything.

##Vote: Randa

I can't really comment on Quote's play because it's a matter of them being Quote more than anything else. I have a really important deadline tomorrow at noon, but I'll comment on everyone else. These are the people who have stood out the most.

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