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No One Will Ever Guess What Series My Sig/Avatar is From!!


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Since all of my past sigs/avatars I've used there's always been at least one SF member who knows where it's from, I thought I'd go out of my way to use a sig/avatar that literally no one could name what TV series/movie/game it's from (just for the fun of it).

So, go ahead and use image searching sites or whatever tools you want to try to find out who's in my sig/avatar. I really want to see if anyone can actually name the character in my sig/avatar and what TV series/movie/game they're from. Also, it's not an OC.

(I have a strange feeling someone will somehow be able to find the correct answer in less than 3 hours with some method I didn't even know existed)

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Legend of the Mystical Ninja

That's actually not the correct answer. Though I do know Legend of the Mystical Ninja. That series definitely needs more love, or a revival or something. On that note, which character did you think he was from that series? He doesn't particularly look like Goemon or Ebisumaru, especially since they have blue hair and they're lighter skinned.

Well, I guess I'll at least mention that it is a video game that the character is from, and not a movie or TV series.

Edited by Randoman
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I'd actually be really surprised if that was tv series/movie graphics >u> In other words I guessed immediately that must have been a video game, I don't think the fact that it's so pixelated helps you keep it vague~ Not that it HAS to mean it's a video game, but very very very likely
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Although I doubt it, the image nevertheless makes me think of Adventures in Hourai High. But again, I doubt it's from that game... or could be, who knows, only you know...

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I'd actually be really surprised if that was tv series/movie graphics >u> In other words I guessed immediately that must have been a video game, I don't think the fact that it's so pixelated helps you keep it vague~ Not that it HAS to mean it's a video game, but very very very likely

Yeah, I guess that was a given with how pixellated the sig and avatar are. I just wanted to clear that up so just in case people thought I was trying to trick them into thinking it's from a game when it wasn't with how pixellated I made it.

Although I doubt it, the image nevertheless makes me think of Adventures in Hourai High. But again, I doubt it's from that game... or could be, who knows, only you know...

I've never actually heard of Hourai High.

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I've never actually heard of Hourai High.

Yeah, I knew it. It's a SNES game. Didn't got out of Japan, but it has a fan translation. Best way I'd describe it is Earthbound meets High School.

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Yeah, I knew it. It's a SNES game. Didn't got out of Japan, but it has a fan translation. Best way I'd describe it is Earthbound meets High School.

(looks it up) Wow, it doesn't even have its own wikipedia article. I did find the Hardcore Gaming article about it, and it sounds quite interesting and funny. It's a shame the game balance sounds quite bad.

Looks like a later version of Adventure Island.

I guess he kind of looks like Master Higgins style wise. Though Master Higgins is a lot lighter skinned and haired...

In Jedi's defense, it is one of those underrated cult classics for the snes, and he kinda specializes in the 16-bit era of games lol.

I guess I'll throw you guys a bone and mention the guy in my sig/avatar is from a SNES game, so you won't have to dig through the Genesis/TurboGrafx-16 library.

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I have no idea but I love how everyone was all like "lol wrekt" right after Jedi's post and then it wasn't what Jedi thought it was so those guys were the ones who got wrekt

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I have no idea but I love how everyone was all like "lol wrekt" right after Jedi's post and then it wasn't what Jedi thought it was so those guys were the ones who got wrekt

I could understand their response if it was actually correct and I said that Jedi was correct beforehand. It kind of helps to make sure a person is actually "wrekt" before calling it out as such.

Rocky and Pocky?

Or one of the ganbare goemon games?

No to both guesses.

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Are you ever gonna tell us what it is so we can figure out if we want to play it?

This is some sort of ploy to just get me to tell you the answer isn't it?

In all seriousness, I guess there's no harm in at least waiting until the start of April (when this March sig/avatar has run its course and I'll have switched to a new sig/avatar) before I tell anyone who's interested who's in my sig/avatar. I actually really want to see someone correctly guess who's in my sig/avatar since I've always been quite impressed at how at least one person on SF has always recognized my obscure sigs/avatars in most cases (well, this one being an exception of course).

So yeah, just remind me to tell you who it is after March is over, and I'll happily do so.

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I actually really want to see someone correctly guess who's in my sig/avatar since I've always been quite impressed at how at least one person on SF has always recognized my obscure sigs/avatars in most cases (well, this one being an exception of course).

Hey, that dude was in a TAS video I watched awhile ago...

Wrecking Crew '98 (He appears at 02:45)


Apparently, he's called "Oyazi"


I am impressed.

I think I'll jump on the obscure bandwagon in a moment.

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Hey, that dude was in a TAS video I watched awhile ago...

Wrecking Crew '98 (He appears at 02:45)


Apparently, he's called "Oyazi"


Wow. I actually didn't think anyone would've gotten it. I was planning to later post his defeat scene pic with him and Mario (with Mario being in that pic being a big giveaway as to what game universe he's from), but I thought that would make it too easy to find out who Oyazi is. Congrats!!

So what exactly got you to watch a Wrecking Crew '98 TAS out of curiosity? I personally learned about the game from themushroomkingdom.net, saw that Wrecking Crew (a game I really enjoyed as a kid) had a sequel, read up on it, and tried it out. I thought it was really interesting that they made a character with a very similar body shape and facial structure to Mario who could practically be Mario's father (though with his darker skin and hair, maybe not), so I thought I'd give this underdog more attention. I even made a Mii of him so I could get him to be playable in Mario Kart Wii and 8.

Heh, well, I guess that further proves that no matter how obscure a character you use as your sig/avatar, someone will always be able to figure out where they're from. Unless they're an OC or something.

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