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SB, reads on the rest of the game? IIRC Blitz should be back tonight my time, so maybe he'll read the game and change everyone else's mind. Regardless, he's playing pretty sloppy, and there's more stuff from everyone.

There really isn't more from anyone else considering 90% of the thread is about me atm.

I wouldn't lynch in Cam/Dorian/eclipse ever, every other scumread I have is weak to the point that its basically faded while nothing was happening except for Elieson.

I know at this point I should be bugging Blitz for reads and shit but I don't have the motivation for it anymore. Sorry for being a shitter.

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Considering you were previously parking on Elieson, what makes Strawman's actions worse than his?

For one I wasn't "parking on Elieson" I thought he was scum and wanted him lynched, get out of here with this mischaracterization / loaded question bullshit. Second Strawman was actively explaining away his actions with a thought process that made no sense given what he posted in thread which made it seem like he was BSing and I thought that looked worse than Elie active lurking.

And Prims it wasn't about your vote, I know your vote wasn't on him and I never said it was.

What was it about then?

After pondering it some more though I feel more confident about Elie again. Actually I'm frustrated people are ignoring Elie in general.


##Vote: Elieson

Seriously, read Elie's ISO, his focus is speculation about the OC player and talking about his own play more than it is actually reading people and his actual reads are weak and he doesn't go anywhere with them after his initial read post. He's not interested in figuring out the game in the way I'd expect town!Elie to be, he just talks a lot about nothing of importance.

I can't see myself voting SB ever today at this point which admittedly is half because I think he's posting like town!SB does, but I also just plain haven't found anything he's done worth lynching over. I agree with him that Blitz being so unengaged is scummy.

@eclipse: there's no reason for me to respond to Refa unless he asks me a question unless you want me to go out of my way to tell him I think his suspicion of me is dumb which isn't actually going to get anybody anywhere.

I agree that Dorian's post is similar to Elie doing a whole lot of nothing but I prefer lynching Elie because Elie was actively shifting the discussion toward stuff that didn't really matter.

@Manix: post content plz

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you'd think the rest of the game would stop letting me get away with being a lazy fuck, huh

this cam post rubs me the wrong way, it's like he's going "well it's town's fault I'm not posting anything :)" and shooting for refuge in audacity

cam needs to vote

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this cam post rubs me the wrong way, it's like he's going "well it's town's fault I'm not posting anything :)" and shooting for refuge in audacity

oh come on that was an obvious shitpost
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don't have time to say much, will need to sub out pending mitsuki

to clarify: shit is hitting the fan IRL; it should die down in a couple days but it would take me out of commission (spoilers: my activity levels probably won't be going up) from now through probably most of D2
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Hey SB I'm aware you're iffy on a lot of people but are there any you find likelier to be scum than others? You've been put on the defensive and I get the blitz read but I'm wondering who looks bad to you

I'm going to take a look back on the thread later tonight and think about SB's apathy, he might just be bored. If I was scum and getting wagoned it doesn't seem like a good idea to be like "hey guys this invisible guy is scummy" and cling onto that. It's giving me pause; blitz and SB have accused each other and while I'm not crazy about the latter I have no reason to trust blitz

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For one I wasn't "parking on Elieson" I thought he was scum and wanted him lynched, get out of here with this mischaracterization / loaded question bullshit. Second Strawman was actively explaining away his actions with a thought process that made no sense given what he posted in thread which made it seem like he was BSing and I thought that looked worse than Elie active lurking.

Interesting, could you point out where and how Strawmans thought process doesn't match what he posted?

@Yoloswag: Mind answering my question? Cause I think that I waited long enough for it that a bit of encouragement can't hurt and since my favorite suspect just suped out …


##Vote: Yoloswag

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I'm.....not as interested in Prims as I was before. I was wary of him earlier because his posts had no "oomph"; I thought he'd have more fire. But I just reread the game and now have him as null; I think he would have been more active if the people he's been chasing (Eli/Manix) posted more and I guess he's just been busy. There's DEFINITELY scum between him/Eli/Manix though, strong sense on this.

I'm going to leave SB alone for now because I think his insistence on sticking to the Blitz scumread is an awful reaction to a wagon as scum. And because there's a divide between him and Blitz that I find unwise to touch without more information on the latter.

I don't like Cam. I don't buy his Frey suspicion for a minute and if SB is innocent that's double bad for being so wrong. I may vote him. I may also sheep Prims but I want to see what Eli has to say first.

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@Eclipse: This is a late response, but yes, extension was role based.

@Refa: It was his progression from #88, #108, and #114. Content wise it makes sense with his suspicion on Yolo growing (presumably as he continues to read/think over his posts) and sensible reasons as to why SB over Cam when questioned. Intention wise it feels strange, even with his justification, for him to increase and mention his Yolo suspicion so clearly but not actually act on it.

In regards to SB I was starting to agree with questioning Blitz's seemingly low activity level.

Even with the sub request, Cam sounds like he's given up. Not sure what to think about his last post since it seems bad for both a town and mafia to pretty much encourage their own lynch.

Can't remember everything I wanted to address in here.

oh, @Prims: It was in regards to your post #62, in regards to what you asked a long time ago.

I'm leaving my vote on SB. I want to see what Elie says. Hopefully that will be up and i'll be able to make it back on before phase end.

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Concluded the phase extension itself was a null tell, given the circumstances.

Cam subbing out sucks. Tunnel cases are meh for associative reads. ;/

I've been paying attention to Elie, Prims, and he was here earlier. . .and said nothing. That annoys me greatly, since YOLO actually posted stuff. SB's the more likely lynch, but if Refa's log is to be believed, there might be a weak associative read between SB/Elie. I kinda think that Elie's capable of coming up with that on his own, but it's something to think about.

Manix needs to come back and post actual stuff. N1 looks to be a pretty big headache for me.

brb banning Mitsuki for forgetting me in the last votals

Would vote SB for consolidation, but a little bit of backwards reading should explain why that's a really bad idea right now. I'm quite annoyed with the lack of response from Elie, and there's no telling what Cam's slot is gonna look like, so. . .


##Vote: Elieson

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answering some questions, next post is gonna be after some poweriso'ing

Manix, why were you willing to lynch Strawman based purely on gut? That's like, fine if you're explaining why you're bothered with someone but not really good reasoning to lynch someone when you're voting someone you have more reasoning on.

sometimes i greatly dislike this line of logic; i did explain that i didn't like his methodology (and still don't agree with how he tried to gauge a reaction for using his role). did a brief quick iso and strawman has not progressed any scumreads and continues to votepark on sb (who, if the last votecount was correct, leaves him at L-1). possibly telling, tbh. i'd still lynch here, role usage was strictly null

It's also like, really weird that you had no opinion on SB before this. Like...how?

it's called not reading people. im good at that

Also what reasoning of eclipse's are you basing your Strawman vote on? Nothing eclipse said looks voteworthy to me.

Like, if you're being considered as a lynch target, this isn't something that moves discussion forward.

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Dammit Manix, can't you get a time machine and do the power ISO post, like, four hours ago? I gotta go to bed.

Also, probably won't be here until D2. Body's being weird, and I don't think I'll have enough time before work tomorrow.

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there's a huge lack of good counterwagons to sb and i'm getting concerned that the phase extension has done jack-shit to helping the gamestate. arguably it's made the gamestate worse

did iso's on notable potential wagons (aka sb, elie, cam)

SB: only concern is lack of content; even though most of the thread might be about him, there's certainly more to pick on at this time.

Elie: barely advancing the gamestate at this current time; has a weak (self-admitted) vote on sb which could also be telling considering it hasn't moved in over 36 hours

Cam: not lynching here. not today

i'm not doing quotewalls right now, that's significant effort and better saved for d2/explanations

honestly i think the biggest issue is all the voteparking on sb and that there's a moderate lack of players advancing the gamestate.

lynch priority is Strawman > Elieson > SB, strawman reasons in previous post.

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im good at votaling; sb would still only be at L-2; still doesn't change any previous points

pls don't unvote and vote the same person you're already voting, makes things confusing when skimming the thread

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I'm.....not as interested in Prims as I was before. I was wary of him earlier because his posts had no "oomph"; I thought he'd have more fire. But I just reread the game and now have him as null; I think he would have been more active if the people he's been chasing (Eli/Manix) posted more and I guess he's just been busy. There's DEFINITELY scum between him/Eli/Manix though, strong sense on this.

I'm going to leave SB alone for now because I think his insistence on sticking to the Blitz scumread is an awful reaction to a wagon as scum. And because there's a divide between him and Blitz that I find unwise to touch without more information on the latter.

I don't like Cam. I don't buy his Frey suspicion for a minute and if SB is innocent that's double bad for being so wrong. I may vote him. I may also sheep Prims but I want to see what Eli has to say first.

Well, I have a hard time buying that. I mean “prims play has really disgusted me thus far.” is not the way I would describe someone whos play lacks momentum nor does it helps that your interest in him conveniently vanish into nowhere just to come back, cause “There's DEFINITELY scum between him/Eli/Manix though”. 0_0

Which makes me wonder, cause Prims is null, you said you struggle to get a read on Elieson (what I guess means also null) and Manix isn't a thing you talked about, so what is it that makes you sure one of them is scum?

On SB, I can see how his insistence on sticking to the Blitz scumread strikes you as awful, I can't see the benefit for scum SB doing that either, but what do you think of the way he handles his second scum pick?

And finally, how is Cam less awful and therefore more scummy than SB? Honestly, I think Cam's just plain trolling by now.

Now to my lynch preferences: Yoloswag > SB > … Cam/Elieson

I think the first one is clear, he has no real scum read at this point and his suspicions are flimsy and revolving in an opportunistic manner.

SB is second because I have really no idea what scum SB tries to do here but I can't bring myself to think that town SB would surrender his push against Blitz before he even tried to push him.

The last two are consolidation offer cause I rather lynch a Cam/Elieson null read over a Strawman town read. And yes, Cam is back to null cause he has so little content that I might as well assume that he was never actually playing to begin with.

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I just realized that my consolidation offer is pain silly, cause I have to leave for work in less than two hours and wouldn’t be back before the day ends. /facepalm

Guess you could see it as declaration of intent, for whatever that's worth.^^;

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Yes, Elieson, we know you're gay [Votals 1.4]

SB (5): Strawman, Elieson, Yoloswag, Freyjadour, Refa

Elieson (2): Prims, Eclipse

Yoloswag (2): SB, Dorian
Freyjadour (1): Cam

Strawman (1): Manix
Not Voting: Blitz

Less than 10 hours until phase end! Remember that no hammer = randomlynch. It takes 7 votes to lynch someone.

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Great, I'm out of time and no one is around.^^;

I'm also puzzled about how no one else, aside from SB who doesn't really push that way, considered Yolo as a lynch so far. Earnestly, that guy is so blunt lurk scum that I would need to employ “too scummy to be scum” to excuse that. So if I come back tonight to see that still no one considered that lynch then I'll be really, really disappointed.

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