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TearRing Saga: New Translation Finished! (v1.04)


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Hello, everyone!

Regarding TearRing Saga 3 Vestaria Saga, I'm super-excited about it too! I wish I could've caught the announcement earlier when the downloads were still available. C'est la vie.

Regarding this project, I've had to put it on the back burner for the past few weeks due to grad school staring up (hence the "couple days" being more like severa weeks), but things are calming down now. I had been mass re-re-editing every file with a typo noted by Miacis (to whom I owe infinite thanks for all the help), but I think in the interest of looking productive to everyone else, I'll do more miniature updates--the first of which will be to just fix the known typos, the final chapter glitch, and update most of the graphics-based text.

Downloads are back up now for Vestaria iirc

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone! All the text fixes that were caught have been fixed now, item names and descriptions have been updated (the latter have not been line-length-checked, but that can be fixed post-release), character nicknames fixed, and now all that's left are: fix the chapter intros and the location labels.

I was ready to get all that remains over with today, but images are finicky things. I know exactly how to insert any BMP or PNG image once I have it, but apparently, making it compatible is a bitch. I'm currently contacting the previous hacker to ask how he managed to do it. In the meantime, I'll continue to fiddle with different versions of BMP, color depths, and other things to try and fix this issue. (I'm also baffled that I didn't have this error when I edited the scrolling introductions.)

UPDATE: Location labels have now been updated, too. Chapter titles still being problematic.

Edited by Aethin
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Dear readers:

Before, I was getting nonsense like this:


But now...



(Now I just need to convert the rest of the titles, and I'll upload the new patch!)

EDIT: The patch is done, and the OP updated with the new patch.

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Super stoked to hear you've come back and updated things. I've been holding off on playing the new patch till you rolled out fixes. Thank you so much for your hard work!

Just to be sure, this does fix the ending glitch too right?

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Super stoked to hear you've come back and updated things. I've been holding off on playing the new patch till you rolled out fixes. Thank you so much for your hard work!

Just to be sure, this does fix the ending glitch too right?

You're very welcome!

Yes indeedy! It also fixes the weird glitch with Anna's text raining items that Miacis found.

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Couple of possible errors if you're still taking any.


Seems a bit off


I think Esther/Estelle's title bugged out after I promoted her.

Yes, thanks for letting me know! Fortunately, typos are a quick fix.

Drat, I thought I fixed all of the title bugs... That might take a bit more fiddling.

EDIT: The patch has been updated to fix that and three other typos I caught. Esther's title issue runs deep, coming from issues with the data file it's stored in. That's not to say it can't be fixed, but it'll probably take a few hours of work to correct. Stay tuned!

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Yes, thanks for letting me know! Fortunately, typos are a quick fix.

Drat, I thought I fixed all of the title bugs... That might take a bit more fiddling.

EDIT: The patch has been updated to fix that and three other typos I caught. Esther's title issue runs deep, coming from issues with the data file it's stored in. That's not to say it can't be fixed, but it'll probably take a few hours of work to correct. Stay tuned!

No, thank you for staying committed to updating this patch.

There are some more things I'm running into but sometimes I'm not sure if it's just a case of translator choice or some relics from previous TLs with regards to reffering to what I presume are the same countries/areas by slightly altered names. I neglected to screencap some of these but I figure I'm likely to replay the game again in the future once I have a better understanding of who and what everyone is reffering to in regards to geography and whatnot, so I'll be able to distinguish what looks like an actual error then (I hope!).

This game has also made me realise just how important and useful the narrative intros and world maps in many Fire Emblems are for helping the player get to grips with these things...

EDIT: Also, a lot of the Save File names for locations are starting get corrupted now...they were looking weird before but now are getting kinda whack.


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No, thank you for staying committed to updating this patch.

There are some more things I'm running into but sometimes I'm not sure if it's just a case of translator choice or some relics from previous TLs with regards to reffering to what I presume are the same countries/areas by slightly altered names. I neglected to screencap some of these but I figure I'm likely to replay the game again in the future once I have a better understanding of who and what everyone is reffering to in regards to geography and whatnot, so I'll be able to distinguish what looks like an actual error then (I hope!).

This game has also made me realise just how important and useful the narrative intros and world maps in many Fire Emblems are for helping the player get to grips with these things...

EDIT: Also, a lot of the Save File names for locations are starting get corrupted now...they were looking weird before but now are getting kinda whack.


Re: the save file place-names, yeah I really messed those up. Gonna have to re-do those. Fortunately, they're not corrupted per se; the images just loop horizontally, so it should just be a matter of re-centering the text.

I do hope I've been consistent with all the location names in-game, at least... The map (along with everything else) in the main TRS section of the site uses the old translation.


EDIT: I've updated the OP with a character relationship chart (spoilers abound) and map of the continent with updated names.

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SellSword is extremely fitting for the enemy version of the Mercenary class, considering its used as a derogatory term for mercenaries all the time in the series.

Is there a list of translated class names?

Yes, there is! I'd like to have a name-equivalence-chart put on the main portion of the site, but until then, you can see it here.

27 chapters in, and I have to say, I really like the dialogue in this game!

Why, thank you! I quite enjoyed writing it. : ]

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Does the game have different endings like Fire Emblem? If so, are the differences in the epilogues like most Fire Emblems, or does the actual ending conversation change depending on who's alive or not?

There's some minor differences in the ending script depending on who's alive and events completed such as the one that makes Xeno support Yuni/ Attrom and Lyria, stuff like that. There's no outright different ending though.

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Does the game have different endings like Fire Emblem? If so, are the differences in the epilogues like most Fire Emblems, or does the actual ending conversation change depending on who's alive or not?

The entire epilogue is basically going through each character's endings group by group; sorta like the end of FE9, rather than having lil' ending cards like the FEGBA titles. Losing units means losing out on that character's lines in the epilogue, and about a ... fifth of the characters have different lines based on the events triggered during the game.

Heck, you even get a uh... sorta unique ending for Glitch-Krishna.

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