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Touhou NOCfia - Game Over


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Shadoweh, I apologize for accusing you and scolding for not shooting BBM and all that. I actually thought scorri was Town. I'm really sorry about that.

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Well... Shooting BBM would've worked too. But. That's not the point here. :P Probably was worse for scum this way since I had a stronger role.

Edited by scorri
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Also, sorry about the slight freak-out in ... D4/D5, or whenever the hell that was. Once again, not an excuse for my behavior, and I apologize for that. It wasn't even at all related to this game, honestly, and I think the stress of what was going on at that time finally just made me snap. I really am trying to make an effort to not do this >_>

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Oh, I'm not really mad, not even about people thinking I hated Sangyul's avatar. No one ever likes my cases on them <_< Regardless of my shot, we should have powerlynched BBM after Paperblade was killed, it was a mistake not to. I also shouldn't have given Paperblade my doc shot when he had a compulsive role. I thought it shouldn't work but that he wouldn't be asking if he couldn't use it. :V

Btw one of my cards was a governor/insomniac maker. I threw up my hands and assumed I had one of what everyone else had or something.

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I will give cookies not really

Also gg boron well played

Not much else to say, other than losing my BPV/godfather made me an even bigger lazyscrub so that sucked I guess.

I have no idea how people perceived me except for stuff like marth pointing small stuff and the doc thing (which was actually my fake and rolescan for most of game and kinda true, btw!), I tried to incorporate my fake in what I did, and I think that made me more aggressive whenever people made small cases against me that it should have, I guess. So I'll take care about that in the future.

Tbh I wanted to call you out for not claiming ninja in your first post but then I didn't cuz you could just go "Well I forgot. tl;dr"

I don't think I'd have figured out ITP Boron unless towards the end. Maybe I'd think of her as Scum, but not ITP lol.

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I'm pretty sure I've actually talked about that when I posted it, in fact, that was the first time I've ever been ninja, so you gave me the idea when you did it first and I followed it because I thought it made sense. I even said it as I claimed ninja after you, so I don't know what you're talking about. You give yourself too much credit~

But you've actually played competent for a while

If you weren't Daykilled maybe town would have a better chance, but it just wasn't town's game, I guess.

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prims postgame

I first came up with this set-up a little bit over a year ago to see if I could get away with a hosting a large and gimmicky game in a small, simplistic and now (thankfully) defunct community I used to visit (yo NNR/Rocker/Wren). Originally, it was just the more vital town roles, weaker versions of the mafias, and Reimu the SK. A few months later, I came up with the Koishi role to see if I could coerce a guy who liked hosting but never joined to play*. All was well and good, but interest was slow and play levels were low, and I held off putting it on the queue because I wanted an entertaining game.

Eventually that community died out and I figured "fuck it, I'm never going to host this so let's have fun with it" and added Satori, Reisen and Tenshi because I had interesting role ideas for them. Once I committed to hosting it on SF, this was followed by Youmu and Aya because I thought it was weird they weren't in the game despite being prominent characters in the actual Touhou series, and then Kyouko and Nue to round out the set-up because I just felt like sticking them in. It definitely went back to the original intent of pushing playerlist boundaries, at least.

When the set-up was finished, it was designed so town had 4 investigators, 4 defensive power roles and 4 JoATs, plus a bunch of supportive stuff. Because Mafia was liable to get randed by the cop and the SK, they had two Godfathers instead of just one, and the Suika role was modified to further balance out the cop (as well as his potential to make lategame largely OC). Scum also had Xinnidy's vengeful kill and scorri's "night action lynch bomb" to prevent the momentum from pushing against them too much if they died early, but neither of those abilities ever actually came into play.

A lot of people thought I'd have a fulltime vig in the set-up, but nope, there were just a bunch of random extra sources of kills. The vigs from Shinori and Fera/Shadoweh are obvious, but Kay/Elieson's slot had a 0-shot dayvig that charged after a night with 2 kills and killed Kyouko upon hitting a player of another alignment. Since only one player died on the first three nights, it never became a factor. There was also the aforementioned Xinnidy kill, and Paperblade would've gotten a nightvig that failed against people who left their house on N3. Originally, the Tenshi role was also a Town Attention Whore who would get bored and leave the game if nobody targeted her for two nights, because I needed ways of reducing numbers and thought it was funny. Unfortunately, this was also terrible game design so I dropped it.

I still maintain that this set-up was fairly balanced given how skewed the numbers were. Whenever town + mafia seemed fucked for whatever reason in-game, it was their fault for messing up either their day play or their rolegaming, not because of the set-up itself. The RNG tests went similarly. Of course, this could just be luck, but instead I like to think I'm just a really good host fuck yeah.

*I wanted to try this on Kaoz at one point but I needed a co-mod and he probably would've said no anyway because :kaoz:.

Role PMs

IPB is a load of dicks and messed up most of the youtube videos but I kind of doubt anybody cares.


Baldrick, you are Mononobe no Futo, faithful servant to Toyosatomimi no Miko with the ability to manipulate feng shui. You've ascended to a low level of immortality, and having been alive for a while, possess a really long and convoluted backstory based on ancient battles that actually took place during Japanese history (something half of the Touhou fanbase probably doesn't really care about). What's more relevant to this game is that you're a total QT3.14 and have a cool hat to boot!

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Extreme Makeover: Gensokyo Edition (Night, Active): Each night, you may use the command Night X - ##Decorate for <Target> to pretty up a player's room and re-enforce the flow of positive energy throughout their house.
  • This Costed an Entire Fortune of Bells (Night, Active): Once you've decorated another player's house, you may channel everything you've ever learned from playing Animal Crossing and use your manipulation of feng shui to learn who they targeted via Night X - ##Track <Target>. Alternately, you may learn who targeted them via Night X - ##Listen in on <Target>, but in doing so will over-exert yourself and no longer be able to target them unless you arrange their furniture a second time.
  • Royal Clan's Chaotic Dance (Night, Passive): Because Miko summoning you inspires you to have boss dialogue in the middle of a battle for some reason (100% the most revolutionary Touhou feature in Ten Desires), you may PM me a message to be published at the start of the following day via Night X - Publishing "<Text>". It will be made clear that this message is not game flavor. This message can not exceed 50 words.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Heaven Sign "Iwafune Ascending to Heaven"

    CONDITION: 1-shot, gains shot every time a player you decorated dies, max 2 reserved shots

    By posting ##Declare A, you may speed off on your Nice Boat, prepared to use two active abilities the following night instead of just one. A killing ability may still only be used once, though!

tl;dr you are the Town Tracker. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Really obviously inspired by Cascore's infamous Town Decorator / Listener from the CARA, back when I still visited there (and was total shitposter but whatever). Is Futo's feng shui manipulation even ever canonically referenced outside of her profile? I have no idea, but this is the most fitting role I could think of for her short of "SELF-ALIGNED ASSHOLE ARSONIST".

Also, Baldrick:






Your D1 play wasn't even that bad but you gave up any chance of town picking a better lynch target that day. This was especially frustrating because you were town's only decent info role apart from the very nerfed cop.



Rapier, you are Koishi Komeiji, a satori girl who closed your third eye because you didn't want people to fear and hate you for having the ability to read minds. In exchange, you got the ability to manipulate the subconscious. Touhou logic, psh. Anyway you're empty and carefree and your psychology-themed spellcards shoot hearts that silly people think look like dicks, because Freud.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • ???????? (Omniphase, Passive): Your interest in this "mafia" thing is strenuous at best, much like your interest in everything else. Town will barely notice your participation, and you will be declared 100% unlynchable and untargetable at the start of each phase. At the end of night 1, you will wander off altogether, nightkilling and flipping yourself as Town. You may later return to the town with insomniac abilities for a day/night cycle by responding to your role PM with command Night X - ##Return on the preceding night phase, but this may not be used to save your faction from getting endgamed.
  • ???????? (Night, Active): Twice in the game, you may ##Neighborize another player to gain OC with them for the following day phase. You may not use this ability while alive.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Symbol "Danmaku Paranoia"

    CONDITION: 3-shot

    Bombards a player with danmaku from every angle via ##Declare A: <Target A> to <Target B>. The resulting stress will cause them to subconsciously forget about Target B, and they will be unable to vote or target Target B for the rest of the day phase.

tl;dr you are the Town Commuter. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

lol rapier


necktie, you are Youmu Konpaku, straightforward swordswoman and gardener in service to the Saigyouji clan. For reasons I highly doubt were ever explained, you're some sort of half-human, half-ghost hybrid, meaning you get to lug around a spirit with you wherever you go. It makes for a fun gimmick when you're a playable character, at least.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Half-Martyr, Half-Ghost and Half-Baked (Night, Active): Each night, you may rush to another player's aid with your Roukanken via Night X - ##Guard <Target>. If your target is set to die that night, you will die in their place and pass on flavorless copies of any spellcards you're carrying to them.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Spirit "Secret of Life and Death"

    CONDITION: 2-shot, used privately

    By responding to your role PM with the command ##Declare A, you may utilize your ghost half for extra mobility, meaning that your actions will fail to show up to investigative roles (eg, tracker, watcher, follower, voyeur and so on) until the end of the following night.

tl;dr you are the Town Bodyguard. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Youmu, Sakuya and Nue were all supposed to be millers for Rein's role but all that did was cause Rein to place an ED1 vote on Stahlypin. Stahlypin himself barely did anything but given that he was essentially pressured into joining when he hates mafia and thinks 2hu is cancerous I don't really blame him?


Blitz, you are Marisa Kirisame, and you are a total badass. Playing as Reimu is for scrubs like Prims who need homing because they're too lazy to aim; you have a giant laser and kickass theme music instead (seriously, check out them tunes above). Who needs wimpy needles and shit? Danmaku is all about POWER anyway!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Metoric Debris (Day, Active): By PMing me the command ##Anonyvote <target>, you will pelt a player with stars and damage them enough to give them an extra vote for the rest of the phase. This ability is 1-shot and may not be used in MYLO or LYLO.
  • Narrow Spark (Day, Active): By publicly posting the command ##Doublevote <target> in place of your vote, extra firepower will make your vote count as double until you remove it. This ability is 1-shot and may not be used in MYLO or LYLO.
  • Green Speed (Day, Active): By publicly posting the command ##Tiebust <target> in place of your vote, an insignificant amount of firepower will increase the vote's magnitude to 1.5. This ability may not be used in MYLO or LYLO and will become unusable after the day of its use.
  • Concentration of Love (Day, Active): At any time during the day, you may post the command ##Charge Vote to concentrate your magic. If you previously used any of your aforementioned one-shot abilities, then you will be able to use them again after the day ends. However, charging will also render you incapable of moving your vote for the rest of the phase.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Love Sign "Master Spark"

    CONDITION: 1-shot, unusable in MYLO / LYLO

    By publicly using the command ##Declare A during the day, concentrating your mind and voting somebody you don't like, you may unleash the MASTER SPARK, alternately known as "a huge fucking rainbow laser". An extra vote named Master Spark! will appear on the wagon of any player you are currently voting for the rest of the day.

tl;dr you are the Town Mayor. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Have I ever mentioned that I don't really care for Mayors at all? This ended up being more of a "find something that fits the character" dealie, Marisa owns and needed a role that reflected PURE POWER!!!!! but wasn't a vig. I don't think I ever really put much thought into it after the first draft. Gameplay-wise it just served to secure lynches earlygame, not that there weren't 50 other roles that could do that too.

Also Blitz pls fullclaim as town when you're likely to be lynched. Seriously.


BT, you are Sakuya Izayoi, the chief maid residing at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Most of your combat techniques are based around throwing knives and stopping time, a 100% original fighting style created by you, yourself, that has no doubt never previously been used by a character in any sort of manga before, ever. Because that would be uncreative. All you really do these days is disappoint the fanbase by not being a playable character, though.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • I Think This Was A Reference Or Something? (Night, Active): Each night, you may freeze another player in time via Night X - ##Jail <Target>, preventing them from carrying out any active abilities they have. Anybody who was planning on killing that player will notice your presence and have to back down as to not get shanked.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Stopwatch "Luna Dial"

    CONDITION: Once per day, unusable in MYLO / LYLO

    By publicly posting ##Declare A: <Target>, you will freeze your target in time with your magical pocket watch, removing them from the day phase. Until the day ends, their vote will not count, they will be unable to post and they will be immune to all lynches, actions and spellcards.

tl;dr you are the Town Jailkeeper. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

"prims when is BT going to play" - Paperblade, every single day of my life

No real justification for this role, I just like Jailkeepers since they tend to be more balanced than docs. Irrelevant trivia: this role was Yamame in the very first set-up draft before I changed it due to how weird of a character pick she was.


NekoRex, you are Keine Kamishirasawa, a woman working as a schoolteacher who guards the human village. You're also half-beast and have the ability to "consume" history, and this is upgraded to the ability to create it on the night of the full moon, where you transform into a humanoid hakutaku (aka Some Japanese Thing). In short you're super overpowered but not very important because you've only appeared in one game. Maybe you should've used your ability to rewrite history to give yourself a surname that was possible to remember lmao owned

Your abilities are as follows:

  • EX-Keine (Night, Passive): On Night 3, the night of the full moon, you will enter hakutaku form and be able to post freely during that specific night phase. Additionally, you will be forced to go back into the game's past on Night 3 and fabricate history, targeting a single player to make all their abilities have failed on a previous night of your choice. This includes both passive and active abilities. Should this revive another player, you will over-exert yourself and be removed from the game, and that player will be publicly stripped of all role abilities. Use via Night X - ##Consume <Target> on Night Y, with Y being the night on which you wish to roleblock them. Your target does not have to be alive at the time of use.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Origin Sign "Ephemerality 137"

    CONDITION: 1-shot, may not hammer target

    By publicly using the command ##Declare A: <Target> on Day <Day Number> during the day, you will place an extra vote on your target which will be worth half of the total votes they had at the end of the day you specified. This spell card may not be declared in MYLO or LYLO, and may only be declared once.

tl;dr you are the Town History Eater. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

One of the main cruxes of the set-up. All things considered, I would have been more surprised had the player who rolled it actually lived to use his night action. NNR's play wasn't so bad but skipping D1 made him pretty unmemorable and he got fucked by Day!SK when pushed to claim.


Objection, you are Cirno, an ice fairy residing near the misty lake. People take you for a weakling and an idiot, but you know better and are totally gonna show them! After all, you're only the Absolute Strongest among fairies, nevermind that fairies are a species known for popping when hit by bullets and incapable of anything more than mischief. You're the best around, and nothing's ever gonna keep you down!

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Frozen Freezing Method (Night, Active): During the night phase, you may use the action Night X - ##Shove <Target A>'s aggressors toward <Target B> to freeze anybody who targets Target A in a pillar of ice, which you will then proceed to shove toward Target B. Players who target Target A will have their night action redirected toward Target A.
  • Total Ditz (Omniphase, Passive): Being a fairy, your stamina is kinda terrible. Should you use your night action, you will be vulnerable to hammer a few votes earlier depending on gamestate (2 more with deadline lynch active, 1 more with hammer lynch active, and 0 more in MYLO / LYLO, where you'll pitch in a little more effort!) and will automatically lose lynch ties. You will also be too dizzy to act during the following night phase.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Blowing Ice "Ice Tornado"

    CONDITION: 1-shot, unusable in MYLO / LYLO

    By using the command ##Declare A, you will surround yourself in a swirl of ice. Players attempting to lynch you will be deterred by the harsh cold, meaning that you will need two extra players voting you to be hammered. You will also automatically win any lynch ties. This overrides the ability Total Ditz when used.

tl;dr You are the Town Redirector. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

PLEASE DO NOT SELF-HAMMER. The fact that I have to tell the first three lynch targets not to give up is kind of depressing.



Rein, you are Nitori Kawashiro, a talented Kappa engineer with an overrated stage BGM. Though you prefer not to be seen by humans, you find them interesting in a rather condescending way. That, or you're just a fangirl who's really scared of them. I don't know, canon materials thought it would funny to contradict themselves about your personality.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • That Means I Solve Problems (Night, Active): Each night, you may sneak up on another player in your optical camouflage via Night X - ##Copy <Target> and use your expert engineering to construct a flavorless duplicate of the spellcard they brought into the game. This only works if they started the game with one spellcards; if they had multiple, then you will be too confused to try anything and have to run off before they notice you. Also, you may only target each other player once - you're simply too curious to just keep reconstructing the same spellcards all game!
You are not carrying any spellcards at the moment, and are not capable of declaring any copied spellcards you invent. Should you construct one, though, you may publicly hand it to another player with your EXTEEEENDING AAAAARM during the day phase via ##Give <Target> <Spellcard Name>.

tl;dr you are the Town Inventor. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

4 posts. 4 fucking posts.

This role was cool but Rein never did anything with it before scum killed him due to a watcher report, which was arguably a pretty terrible decision considering how Rein he was being. Also Nitori is kind of a dick.


Kay, you are Kyouko Kasodani. You're a yamabiko, a youkai that embodies mountain echoes, but you've recently started practicing Buddhism now that echoes are secularly viewed as reflected sound waves. You've been a little bored lately with nothing to do other than cleaning duty at the Myouren Temple, so you've decided to join the town in their scumhunt.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Yahoo~! (Night, Passive): Should you see another player visit you during the night phase with a non-lethal night action, you will return them a friendly shout. The opening flavor for the following day will later mention that a yell was heard responding to them. This will fail on the night of your death, for obvious reasons.
You are also carrying the following spellcards:
  • Great Voice "Charged Cry"

    CONDITION: 0-shot, +1 shot for every night with (2 + number of shots previously gained) or more deaths

    If enough players died during the previous night phase, you may post ##Declare A: <Target> to yell loudly at your target until they go away out of irritation. You're not that tough, though, so a member of a seperate faction will be able to take you down with them should your vig on them succeed.

  • Echo Sign "Mountain Echo"

    CONDITION: 1-shot

    By posting ##Declare B: <Player>'s declaration <Letter> on <Target>, you may use a specified spellcard that was publicly used by another player on your target.

tl;dr you are the Town Loudmouth. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Loudmouth is fun role that for some reason never gets incorporated into forum mafia instead of EM. It's also pretty much the only reason I put Kyouko into the game; she's cute but she's not really prominent or anything. Dayvig is basically a necessity in a game this huge, but it had to be Weak so clears couldn't rack up, and the Weak modifier was changed to just be "different alignment" in case Suwako tried to be clever and copy Kyouko for a rechargeable hidden daykill. Her second card was really just so Nitori couldn't become a second dayvig!

I don't remember anything Kay and Elieson did and they died to what was essentially a utility lynch. RIP


Paperblade, you are Tenshi Hinanai, an attention whoring celestial who decided to wreck Gensokyo's shit one day because you were bored. Luckily, mafia is a great way to relieve boredom (just ask the members of serenesforest), so you're back again to kick ass and start some earthquakes, and you've brought a whole poorly-designed casual fighting game's worth of gimmicky weather effects with you! Not Typhoon, though. Fuck global super armor.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Move Over, Castform (Night, Passive): At the start of each night phase, you will be informed of the upcoming day's weather and be obligated to use a relevant 1-shot ability that night.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Temperament "State of Freedom from Worldly Thoughts"

    CONDITION: 1-shot

    Numbs yourself to all pain via ##Declare A. You will learn the effects of any abilities that target you until the end of the following night phase.

tl;dr you are the Town Forecaster. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Paperblade put the most effort into the game out of any townie and nobody listened to him. Again, RIP

Tenshi's value as a role increased the longer she survived, and a list of her weather effects can be found here: http://puu.sh/3n2hD.png

All of them were associated with a character in the game, except Youmu didn't get a weather despite being in SWRsoku (because I forgot).

[spoiler=scorri (Fake)]

scorri, you are Patchouli Knowledge, a snarky shut-in freeloading in the Scarlet Devil Mansion (since you're buds with its owner and all). Despite being a powerful magician, you're not the best at casting spells since you suffer from asthma and vitamin D deficiency. People say you're gloomy but you listen to hip-hop and stuff %5B1%5D.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Great Unmoving Library (Night, Active): Each night, you may use the command Night X - ##Inform <Target> to give your target one of the many books from the Scarlet Devil Mansion's library. This will reveal to them interesting information about the set-up. You only brought 9 books with you, but that's still enough to last you until a theoretical Night 8 if all goes well, so it shouldn't be a big deal, right?
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Sun Wood Sign "Photosynthesis"

    CONDITION: 1-shot

    By posting ##Declare A, you will refresh your magical energy and be able to edit the post in which you declared this spellcard without breaking the rules up until your death, so long as you do not alter any day actions, declarations or votes contained within it.

tl;dr you are the Town Librarian. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

[spoiler=scorri (Real)]

Only, that was a lie... !!

So you're working with the mafia because Yukari thought you'd have it too easy as town, I guess. You'd probably be a scary Bal-tier super thorough wallposter otherwise. That's my new headcanon which nobody gives a shit about.

Your factional abilities are as follows:

  • Buddies!: You are allied with BBM, Manix and Xinnidy, whom you may speak with at any time in this quicktopic.
  • Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): You may perform the scum team's factional nightkill during the night phase via Night X - ##Nightkill <Target>. You may not use any other active abilities in the same night unless declared otherwise.
  • Safe PM: You know that it is safe to claim anything from your town role PM. Any player trying to learn your role's name or abilities will be fooled and receive your fake as results.
Your role abilities are as follows:
  • Great Unmoving Library (Night, Active): Works as previously described, and may be used in the same night as another active ability, too! Also, since you've been had these books for ages, sharing with another player will jog your memory and reveal the set-up information to you as well.
  • One-Week Girl (Night, Active): You've painstakingly arranged your magic into one element for each day of the week, something nobody else has ever paid attention to. Joke's on them when you combine these elements for devastating effects. Each night, you may use the command Night X - ##Combine <Element A> and <Element B> against <Target>, with effects varying based on which elements you picked. You may not use an element as part of your combination two nights in a row.
    • Fire: Scorches target to inhibit their physical and magical capabilities. Their active and passive abilities will fail for the following day/night cycle (disabler). May not be combined with Water or Metal, invisible to investigative roles when combined with Wood or Earth.
    • Water: Traps target in a bubble to prevent movement. Their active abilities will fail that night (roleblocker). May not be combined with Fire or Earth, invisible to investigative roles when combined with Wood or Metal.
    • Wood: Identifies natural elements of a target's magic. Their role and abilities will be revealed to you the following morning (rolecop). May not be combined with Earth or Metal, invisible to investigative roles when combined with Fire or Water.
    • Metal: Identifies industrial patterns of a target's spellcards. Flavorless summaries of the effects of their spellcards will be revealed to you the following morning (cardcop). May not be combined with Fire or Wood, invisible to investigative roles when combined with Water or Earth.
    • Earth: Surrounds target in crystal walls for endurance. All active abilities targeting them that night will be roleblocked (omniguard). May not be combined with Water or Wood, invisible to investigative roles when combined with Fire or Metal.
    • Sun: Raises own activity and offense to identify who the target player targeted that night (tracker). Combined spell is empowered and becomes immune to roleblocks.
    • Moon: Raises own passivity and defense to wait and identify who else targeted the target player that night (watcher). Combined spell is made sturdy and becomes immune to redirects.
  • Last Burning (Day, Passive): You've got one last-ditch spell to use should you be taken out by a lynch. By posting ##Bomb <Target> with <Element> after being hammered / deadline lynched, you will combine that element with fire and cause the element you chose's associated action to resolve on your target the following night. Since you're already using fire for the spell, you may not use it as your command's element. Investigative results will be given to your scumbuddies, since you'll be out of the game. If you get lynched, the game will remain in twilight phase until you post the command for this ability. After that you probably faint due to poor health or something. Oh well, you tried. ;_;7
Your spellcards are the same as previously listed.

tl;dr for real you are the Mafia Librarian / Craftswoman. You win if at least one member of your faction is alive and all other players are dead, or if nothing can prevent the same from happening.

The first of many BUFF AS HELL scum roles. A list of scorri's books can be found here: http://puu.sh/3n2kF.png

I imagined Patchy would declare her spellcard right away and create a giant information masterpost for future reference (and then since she was scum, nuke it to mess with town if she was ever about to be hammered - something she could have done with literally any large content post). scumri never thought of this and idled it because she is lame. *shrug*


Proto, you are Suika Ibuki, a jolly old oni who drinks her days away with an endless bottle of sake. Since your plan to draw the rest of the oni out of hiding with a giant feast failed, you mainly just being laze around the Hakurei Shrine. Recently, you found out that your good friend Yukari decided to ravel Gensokyo in a giant mafia game for shits and giggles. You've never touched a Mafia game before but you PARTY ALL NIGHT.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Party Time! (Night, Active): Who cares about scum? Following the tradition of other diabolical Touhou final boss plots such as "go outside" and "make a tree bloom", all you really wanna do is party hard. By using Night X - ##Gather <Target>, you may invite people to your private feast (neighbor QT). Players with access may post in the quicktopic at any time, though all posts must obey game rules. They will not be informed that you were the player who invited them, though it will be pretty obvious it was you the first time you use this!
  • Pandemonium (Omniphase, Passive): Because dispersing yourself into mist is a pretty terrible way to invite people to a party, anybody trying to learn the alignment of people attending your nightly feasts will feel something's up and leave incapable of determining a result through the thick fog. Just assume their alignment was part of their HUD which you made disappear as xXx ARTIFICIAL DIFFICULTY xXx.
You are also carrying the following spellcards:
  • Mist Sign "Gathering and Dissipating"

    CONDITION: 1-shot, 1+ other players in feast

    By publically using the command ##Declare A: <Target> during the day, you may shroud a drinking buddy in bullet-negating mist, rendering them immune to town's lynch that day. This only works on players who you're partying with.

  • Drunk Sign "Art of Oni Binding"

    CONDITION: 1-shot, 1+ player who was in feast killed

    By publically using the command ##Declare B: <Target> during the day, you will use a giant chain to lasso another player over into your party quicktopic, which they will gain access to as soon as the command is processed.

  • Breath "Small Oni's Deep Breath"

    CONDITION: 1-shot, 2+ other players in feast

    By publically using the command ##Declare C during the day, you will create a giant void and to suck in all the players attacking you. Once the day ends, you will gain a seperate private quicktopic with all the players who were voting you during the end of day you used this on. This private quicktopic will close up the following morning.

tl;dr You are the Town Neighborizer. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Neighborizer is a fun role to have, and I was glad Proto rolled it, since he's a lot better at OC than he is at NOC. Aside from scorri being recruited the night before the cop scanned her, the neighbors made good use of the quicktopic, only for Shinori to nuke Proto out of paranoia. Honestly, self-janning cult is a little bit too bastard to be realistic, seeing as cult is already OP enough when it flips.



<player>, you are Sanae Kochiya, a priestess from the Outside World who came to Gensokyo along with the Moriya Shrine. Except you're actually a descendant of one of your patron goddesses. You can cause "miracles" but that's really vague so instead you throw snakes and frogs at people as your bullets (it's a Moriya thing, you wouldn't understand). You're still pretty new to Gensokyo and inexperienced at exterminating Youkai, but hopefully that shouldn't damper your ability to catch scum too much!

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Because Faith is for the Transient People (Omniphase, Passive): Should an attempt be made on your life, you will cause motherfuckin' miracles to occur and survive. You've only got enough faith to survive one attack, though!
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Esoterica "9 Character Pierce"

    CONDITION: 1-shot, no active ability used on previous night

    If you have zero end-of-day votes on the day of this card's declaration, you will be able to survive one more attempt on your life using super armor (even though you're terrible as a fighting game character). Use via ##Declare A.

tl;dr you are the Town Bulletproof. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

I'm not a fan of Bulletproofs; their use tends to vary too much based on who rolls them, and this playerslot did a decent job of proving that. However, I think the role was pretty much a necessity for the set-up due to the amount of kills flying around. Sanae's spellcard was not so great on its own but could mesh really well with Rein's role, although it was balanced out by its condition.



SSG, you are Satori Komeiji, a reclusive satori girl (your parents named you after your species, apparently) with deficient arm growth. Nobody really wants to hang around you because you can reads minds using your third eye. Animals love your ability to understand them, though, so you've surrounded yourself with your two pets and will probably be a crazy cat lady in a few years. Why would anybody even let you into a game of Mafia, anyway?

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Cheaters Always Prosper (Night, Active): Man, why bother scumhunting when you can just read everybody's intentions anyway? At night, you may use the command Night X - ##Scan <Target> to find out whether your target is aligned with the Mafia faction or not.
  • So Moe, I'm Gonna (Willingly) Die (Omniphase, Passive): You are currently ordering your pets to shoo away any suspiciously paparazzi-like individuals from your room... but since Okuu isn't very smart, she considers doctors to be suspiciously paparazzi-like. Any protective actions targeting you will be rejected.
  • Sisterly Love (Omniphase, Passive): You know that your sister, Koishi Komeiji, exists somewhere as a role in this game. Due to her whimsical tendencies, you find it necessary to keep an eye or two (or three) on her while she is in play - meaning that all your other abilities, both active and passive, will be unusable while she is alive.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Recollection "Terrible Souvenir"

    CONDITION: 1-shot, +1 shot every time a player you scanned dies at night

    Bedazzles a player with a copy of their own danmaku via ##Declare A: <Target>. The following night, they will be targeted by a copy of any single-target non-lethal night actions they use. If one of those actions is investigative, then the results will be given to you. Stealth actions (eg, from ninjas) may not be copied.

tl;dr you are the Town Cop. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

What is there to say about a cop? I generally believe that set-ups with cops need to be balanced around the cop to keep it from being too strong, and I think I did a decent job of that. SSG's spellcard could've been really, really powerful under the right conditions and was also supposed to soften the possibility of all her scans dying off and being useless lategame, but she never did anything with it. Go figure.



Fera, you are Alice Margatroid, the Seven-Colored Puppeteer. You're a self-made magician living in the Forest of Magic who is especially skilled in crafting and manipulating dolls. A girl of notable mystical talent, you're a lot more fascinated in magic than you are with actually socializing with other people. Of course, it's this sort of combination of intellect and reclusive elitist douchiness that makes people good mafia players.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Goliath Doll (Night, Active): Sends a huge doll to ward off any attacks (read: kill attempts) on your target that night. Use via Night X - ##Protect <Target>.
  • Archer Dolls (Night, Active): Orders trained archer dolls to identity your target's role name from afar with their excellent vision. Use via Night X - ##Scan <Target>.
  • Seeker Wire (Night, Active): Trip and stun a player with a network of laser-firing dolls, preventing them from carrying out their night action. Use via Night X - ##Roleblock <Target>.
  • Doll Cremation (Night, Active): Tosses an exploding vigilante doll at a target to blast them off as a twinkle in the sky. Use via Night X - ##Kill <Target>.
Each doll may only be commanded once in the game.

You are also carrying the following spellcards:

  • Doll "Futuristic Hourai"

    CONDITION: Must currently be able to use given doll

    By publically using the one of the commands ##Declare A: <Target>, ##Declare B: <Target>, ##Declare C: <Target> or ##Declare D: <Target> during the day, you may hand over one of your doll abilities to your target (A = protect, B = rolecop, C = roleblock, D = nightvig). Of course, you won't be able to use a doll if you gave it to another player, so gift wisely! A doll will be returned to you if a target dies with it still unused, at least.

  • Curse "Hanged Hourai Dolls"

    CONDITION: 1-shot

    By publically using the command ##Declare E: <Target> during the day, you will hang up a hourai doll in your target's place, satiating townies' bloodlust and also creeping them out too much for them to consider lynching your target that day. All votes will be removed from your target, who will be declared unlynchable until night. Additionally, the doll's eerie presence will keep your target up that night, giving them an Insomniac ability until it ends.

tl;dr you are the Town Jack of All Trades. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

I have nothing interesting to say about this role. joats r cool



Marf, you are Nue Houjuu, a youkai with the ability of making objects unidentifiable. This is mainly used to dick around with people, like the time you pranked Byakuren by making part of the essence needed to revive her look like a bunch of UFOs, which eventually ended in Reimu and friends beating you up over it. Man, you sure got her good.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Undefined (Omniphase, Passive): Your actions will not show up to investigative roles (trackers, watchers, followers, voyeurs, etc). Additionally, any public day actions or spellcards you have are to instead be used by privately PMing the command to the moderator (trying to post a fake command will result in the action failing).
You are also carrying the following spellcards:
  • Nue Sign "Undefined Darkness"

    CONDITION: One use per day until used up permanently

    By posting ##Declare A: <User A> and <User B>, you will cause a mix-up using your ability to make objects unidentifiable, swapping the spellcards held by your two targets. This is considered a night action and will fail if you are prevented from acting that night.

    Alternately, you may just PM me ##Declare A and no defined targets. The following night, the role and alignment (but not characters) of all players will be hidden from public viewing, but the full alignment and ability sections of their role PM will be given to you. The flips will be corrected upon your death. This ability is 1-shot, and removes this spellcard's other functions once used.

tl;dr you are the Town Ninja. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

I could write about my thought process behind this role but Paperblade already did for me. Marth had some good posts on D6 but by then Boron had gone Fist of the North Star on his ass and he was already dead.

[spoiler=Xinnidy (fake)]


Xinnidy, you are Ran Yakumo, intellectual fox servant to Yukari Yakumo and weakest extra stage boss in existance... but even still, you're an all-around powerful fighter and capable of making complex calculations in an instant. Too bad this alone doesn't make for an interesting character. At least you've got really fluffy tails?

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Shikigami (Chen) (Night, Active): Each night, you may order Chen, your shikigami, to save another player from lethal abilities via Night X - ##Protect <Target> (she honks at scum until they go away or something). Since Chen is targeting the player and not you, this action will go unnoticed by investigative roles.
  • scorri's Favorite Ability (Night, Passive): You may PM me a message which you will request that Chen tell her cats to publish on a public bulletin board the following day via Night X - Publishing "<Text>". It will be made clear that this message is not game flavor. This message can not exceed 50 words, and may only be published on even-numbered nights, because on odd-numbered nights Chen's cats are too busy searching for fish and otherwise being adorable.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Shikigami "Wizard Fox Thoughts"

    CONDITION: 1-shot

    Immediately calculates how to save the target from lethal actions until the end of the following night phase via ##Declare A: <Target> and acts accordingly.

tl;dr you are the Town Doctor. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

[spoiler=Xinnidy (real)]

Only, that is secretly just your clever disguise... !!


You're ACTUALLY Yukari Yakumo. You used your manipulation of boundaries to steal away a set of mafia rolecards from the Outside World, because you thought it'd be a fun experiment. You dealt yourself a role aligned with a scum faction after doing this, of course. After all, lurking is best suited to scum and you're probably gonna end up napping through the entire game.

Your factional abilities are as follows:

  • Buddies!: You are allied with BBM, Manix and scorri, whom you may speak with at any time in this quicktopic.
  • Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): You may perform the scum team's factional nightkill during the night phase via Night X - ##Nightkill <Target>. You may not use any other active abilities in the same night unless declared otherwise.
  • Safeclaim: You know that it's totally safe to claim to be Ran; after all, she's not participating in this game and it's not like she could do anything about it.
Your role abilities are as follows:
  • Manipulation of Boundaries (Omniphase, Passive): Your control over boundaries allows you to basically tear into gaps between reality for easy transportation. Investigative roles will not see you use any of your active abilities, and your night actions will never be redirected.
  • Mind the Gap (Night, Active): With the command Night X - ##Gap <Target>, you may tear through the boundaries around another player's house. The next person you target with this same ability will be switched with them (actions targeting Player A hit Player B and vise versa) on all subsequent nights until your death. You may create as many bus driven pairs with this ability as you want. Additionally, if a scumbuddy of yours falls before Day 4, you may use a 1-shot nightvig on a player you have switched with somebody by RUNNING THEM OVER WITH A GIANT TRAIN #wow #whoa this is the coolest Touhou ability ever. This will also bypass protections, roleblocks, whatever entirely.
  • Shikigami's Shikigami (Chen) (Night, Passive): Even though you don't have access to your fakeclaim's doctor ability, you may still, of course, order Ran to order Chen to order her cats to do stuff for you. Works as previously described.
  • Shikigami (Ran) (Omniphase, Passive): AKA scorri's Other Favorite Ability. Since you'll be busy sleeping 24/7 or engaging in gap tomfoolery every night, anybody who arrives at your house will believe that you are Ran Yakumo, Town Doctor and receive according night results. Any lethal actions will also target Ran up until the first phase after she takes a hit for you, then this entire ability is disabled and you're on your own.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Shikigami "Wizard Fox Thoughts"

    CONDITION: 1-shot

    Works as previously described, since you're just sending Ran to do your dirty work. While you're at it, though, you'll slip in a command for her to deduce your target's role and abilities, a side effect that will be hidden from anybody snooping through your spellcards.

tl;dr for real you are the Mafia Bus Driver / Godmother. You win if at least one member of your faction is alive and all other players are dead, or if nothing can prevent the same from happening.

Despite being the Godmother, Ran was a terrible fakeclaim, because Ninja Doctor is suspicious as hell and basically banked on Yukari being a scan target for the tracker, cop or rolecop. Not to mention that if Tenshi claimed Sunshower as a viable weather and people bothered to flavorspec, she'd be instantly lynched once nobody claimed Yukari under character massclaim.

Xinnidy's scumplay was pretty alright, having sparse but reasonable content that nobody could complain about. Despite being the kind of play that tends to get you PoE'd, it evidently works wonders in games where town is constantly tripping over itself.



SB, you are Eiki Shiki, xXx.-~~Yamaxanadu~~-.xXx. Your occupation is, like, part of your name or something and it makes no sense to anybody who isn't Japanese. In short, it's your job to judge the dead and your ability to clearly distinguish something as good or evil is very convenient for this. For somebody who enjoys lecturing others as much as yourself, it's a sweet deal given that it also nets you a fancy hat. You are the law, motherfucker.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Judgement Day (Night, Active): Using your unique ability to see everything in black and white (seriously, get your damn vision checked), you may nag at another player and judge their actions each night via Night X - ##Follow <Target>. If they used a lethal active ability or one that can stop / redirect its target's night action, you will find them Guilty and make a mental note to scold them postgame like the motherfucking clipsey of the North Star. If not, you'll declare them Not Guilty and throw some confetti everywhere in their honor.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Judgement "Last Judgement"

    CONDITION: 1-shot, +1 shot if you hammer a player you scanned Guilty

    Sentences a player as guilty with your LASER COURTROOM (sadly not canon). Town will acknowledge your verdict, and as long as you're alive your target will be lynched if they end the day with the most votes, regardless of whether they hit the hammer / deadline lynch requirement or not. Use via ##Declare A: <Target>.

tl;dr you are the Town Follower. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

SB's play was mostly alright, to the extent that nobody seemed to suspect him lategame even before Manix had him "cleared". Unfortunately, he had a "cool flavor-wise but not that strong in practice" role which was arguably less useful than his spellcard and died due to Boron scanning him.

[spoiler=Manix (fake)]


Manix, you are Suwako Moriya, supreme goddess of the earth, frogs and hula hoops. You competed with Kanako for control of the Moriya Shrine for longer than you can remember, but eventually she won and everything mellowed out. Now you two just bro it up over tea parties like every proper, refined Touhou character does once Reimu slaps their shit.

Your role abilities are as follows:

  • Why Did It Have To Be Snakes? (Night, Passive): For some reason you have a snake super in Hisoutensoku, probably because hanging around predators when you're a frog goddess is apparently a good idea. Should anybody target you at night with a non-lethal action, you will cast them into darkness and have a giant snake stop their action, also learning what their action would have done.
You are also carrying the following spellcards:
  • Native God "Moriya God"

    CONDITION: 1-shot

    By posting ##Declare A: <Target>, you may give another player your oddly shady blessings, resulting in them gaining an extra shot of any shot-based spellcards they own (even if those spellcards were previously used up).

  • Native God "The Red Frog in The Fourth Year of the Houei Era"

    CONDITION: 1-shot

    By posting ##Declare B: <Target>, you may summon a bunch of clones to compete against another player, giving you access to flavorless versions of each of your target's remaining spell cards. Or something like that which makes sense. Fuck flavor.

tl;dr you are the Town Ascetic. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

[spoiler=Manix (Real)]

Only, that was a lie... !!

You've joined up with Yukari's mafia because you're a goddess who's been around forever and you're bored now that your friend slash rival Kanako is busy with some energy source project. What better things do you have to do other than sleep in your googly-eyed hat and F5 @WeeklyFrogJokes all day?

Your factional abilities are as follows:

  • Buddies!: You are allied with BBM, scorri and Xinnidy, whom you may speak with at any time in this quicktopic.
  • Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): You may perform the scum team's factional nightkill during the night phase via Night X - ##Nightkill <Target>. You may not use any other active abilities in the same night unless declared otherwise.
  • Safe PM: You know that it is safe to claim anything from your town role PM. Any player trying to learn your role's name or abilities will be fooled and receive your fake as results.
Your role abilities are as follows:
  • Why Did It Have To Be Snakes? (Night, Passive): Works as previously described. Additionally, your snakes will viciously take down anybody attempting to kill you, roleblocking the lethal action but failing to return any information about the attempt on your life. This addendum works regardless of phase!
  • Earth Goddess' Enchantment (Night, Active): Each night, you may either stop a target from using spellcards the following day via Night X - ##Curse <Target> or allow them to use spellcards anonymously and unblockably for the following day via Night X - ##Bless <Target>. Either way, your divine presence will empower them, making their night action go through regardless of roleblock attempts that night. You may self-target with this ability if you feel like basking in your own glory.
Your spellcards are the same as previously listed.

tl;dr for real you are the Mafia Ascetic / Empowerer. You win if at least one member of your faction is alive and all other players are dead, or if nothing can prevent the same from happening.

The flavor for this role was really bad because it was mainly there for gameplay reasons and not to fit Suwako. In hindsight I should have just made her sleep through actions in the style of her spellcard in Hisoutensoku where she buries under her hat.

Suwako was supposed to use her ability to stop Kogasa from being roleblocked on the kill while also allowing scum to anonymously cause quickhammers and fuck with town, but apparently none of the scumteam actually thought of that. also lol @ 4 different people targeting manix on n0



Strege, you are Aya Shameimaru, an overpowered tengu reporter who pops up in the series a lot more than you probably deserve to. Even though taking headline-worthy photographs of the crazy spellcards you see every day is frustrating beyond reason (play Shoot the Bullet or Double Spoiler for a few hours without going mad, I dare you), you're here once again to take mad pix of bullets and research for the Bunbunmaru. There's no point in finding the scum when postgame will make a great scoop regardless of who wins, right?

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Incessant Interview (Omniphase, Passive): If a player targets you with a spell card, you will question them until they give you a flavorless description of its effect.
  • Hot Off The Presses (Night, Passive): You may PM me a message to be published at the start of the following day via Night X - Publishing "<Text>". It will be made clear that this message is not game flavor. This message can not exceed 50 words, because town doesn't actually care enough about your newspaper to read any more. Also, you may only publish messages on odd-numbered nights, since you need some time to actually write your newspaper in the first place.
  • Tengu Scouting (Night, Passive): At the end of each night, Momiji will begrudgingly report to you the effect of a spellcard that existed at the start of the game and has yet to be used.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • "Illusionary Dominance"

    CONDITION: 1-shot

    Circles a player at high speeds, dizzying them and redirecting any spellcards they use to you for the rest of they day. Use via ##Declare A: <Target>.

You win if you send the mod a list that correctly matches at least 19 effects of spellcards to the players that held them during the start of the game. You may only guess one effect for each player, and not for yourself. Example:

Night 3 - Identifying Spellcards

Nameless Fairy A - Cop scans target

Nameless Fairy B - Commutes user for rest of the day phase

Nameless Fairy C - Roleblock all players for the rest of the day

repeat for other living players, etc

If at least 19 effects were matched to their proper owners, you would win the game. Note that I don't care too much about specifics - guessing that a player's spellcard works as an extra vote when their spellcard works as an extra vote outside of LYLO only still counts as a successful match. You don't need to guess the spellcard's condition, either, just effect.

This must be done during a night phase; results will be revealed the following morning. If you send in a failing list two times or get lynched or otherwise killed by a public action during the day phase, then you instantly lose the game. If you die from any other cause, then you may send in a guess list during the following night; if it doesn't fulfill your wincon then you lose.

tl;dr you are the Reporter and you win by sending in a night PM that correctly matches 19 spellcards to the separate players that held them at the start of the game. You are not considered a threat to the town.

Momiji priorities: http://puu.sh/3ccpW.png

Momiji would also only find each role's spellcard once, which is why Strege didn't go through all 3 of BBM's cards before getting any real results. I actually skipped Suwako's card in the night results as a mod error, but since it was a hidden mechanic I feel it wasn't a big deal. There was no real pattern to which cards Momiji found, although I tried to put cards that I expected might not be fullclaimed earlier in the list (Kogasa was first in the list because again, HER SPELL CARDS WERE NEVER INTENDED TO BE PUBLICLY CLAIMED biggest scum fuckup of 2013 imo).

Strege was supposed to be a survivor who would have to put a little more effort than usual to win, because I had assumed that most players would claim and declare their spellcards over the course of the game. Unfortunately for Strege (who chipped in more effort and player better than 90% of the game), this assumption was horribly, horribly wrong. Sorry, man.

[spoiler=BBM (Fake)]


<player>, you are Kogasa Tatara, a karakasa obake with no goal in life other than to surprise people, which you are unfortunately very bad at. Pro-tip: popping out at random to shoot rainbows at people doesn't startle anybody in Gensokyo, that shit happens all the time.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Surprise! (Day, Active): Once per day, you may attempt to surprise the town with an anonymous message, via Day X - Shouting "<Text>". This text will be posted as a quote as soon as mod notices. Alternately, you may try to convince another player to lend you a hand with your tricks via Day X - ##Buddy <Target>, allowing them to announce instead for that day only - however, this will fail unless you also write a message addressing your target with an attempt to convince them to use the announcement, which will be sent with the PM informing them of their new ability.
  • 2spooky4town (Night, Passive): Because notes with no clear source are Scary As H*ck, you may PM me a message to be published at the start of the following day via Night X - Publishing "<Text>". It will be made clear that this message is not game flavor. Since you are absolutely terrible at surprising people, this message can not exceed 50 words.
You are also carrying the following spellcards:
  • Monster Sign "A Forgotten Umbrella's Night Train"

    CONDITION: Once per day, unusable in LYLO / MYLO

    Startles a player with danmaku via ##Declare A: <Target>, resulting in them dropping their vote and unvoting. They will be able to fix their vote whenever they next post.

  • Umbrella Sign "Lightly Falling Large Raindrops"

    CONDITION: Once per day, unusable in LYLO / MYLO

    Soaks a player in unexpected rain to slightly deter them via ##Declare B: <Target>. A single extra vote owned by Abandoned Parasol will be placed on them for the rest of the day.

  • Monster Train "Spare Umbrella Express Night Carnival"

    CONDITION: Once per day, unusable in LYLO / MYLO

    Startles a player with even more danmaku via ##Declare C: <Target A> to <Target B>, resulting in them placing their vote on Target B by accident. They will be able to fix their vote whenever they next post.

tl;dr you are the Town Announcer. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

[spoiler=BBM (Real)]

Except that was a lie. Surprise!

Turns out you've hated the town ever since Raymond's 2hu game, where they let you get nightkilled before you could use backup to become an Announcer and surprise everybody later in the game. Now they're going to suffer!

Your factional abilities are as follows:

  • Buddies!: You are allied with Manix, scorri and Xinnidy, whom you may speak with at any time in this quicktopic.
  • Factional Nightkill (Night, Active): You may perform the scum team's factional nightkill during the night phase via Night X - ##Nightkill <Target>. You may not use any other active abilities in the same night unless declared otherwise.
  • Safe PM: You know that it is safe to claim anything from your town role PM. Any player trying to learn your role's name or abilities will be fooled and receive your fake as results.
Your role abilities are as follows:
  • A Rainy Night's Ghost Story (Day, Active): Works as previously described.
  • 2spooky4town (Night, Passive): Also works as previously described.
  • Tsukumogami Pride (Night, Passive): Knowing well the importance of old, abandoned objects, you will nab the damaged role card of any player you successfully target with your factional nightkill. You will be able to use a 1-shot version of any non-lethal active abilities they had until you steal the abilities of another player.
  • Big Hoax (Day, Active): You've got many tricks up your sleeve to spook town's guts off, and may use a single one of the following hoaxes each day. Each sub-ability may only be used once in the game.
  • Fake Daykill: Results in a modscene claiming an attempt was made on the life of a player of your choice, via Day X - ##Scare <Target>.
  • Name Cop: Results in a modscene revealing the character in the target player's role card, via Day X - ##Reveal <Target>.
  • Fake Spellcard: Results in a modscene claiming a spellcard has been activated, via Day X - ##Fake Out.
  • Fake Votecount: Results in a votecount claiming your target is at L-1 from anonymous votes, via Day X - ##Threaten <Target>.
  • Fake Trainwreck: Modkills Manix with no flip, only for the mod to modrevive him next post. This will take effect regardless of whether he is currently playing the game and alive or not.
Your spellcards are the same as previously listed.

tl;dr for real you are the Mafia Announcer / Gravedigger. You win if at least one member of your faction is alive and all other players are dead, or if nothing can prevent the same from happening.

Paperblade told me this role was obviously a scumclaim with all the mini-announcers running around, but I disagree, since if a theoretical town!Kogasa got in contact with an investigative role or simply guessed well, she could have made excellent use of that which the other announcers could not. She also had no character limit during the day, in case she wanted to be Kelsey Green (something every little girl should aspire to do).

The scumteam used the fake modkill incredibly well, but I pretty much had to do a doubletake when Blitz called the role immediately after because he's a literal psychic.



Kevin, you are Shou Toramaru, peerless in your ability to gather treasures and shoot annoying-ass curvy lasers that make people never want to play Undefined Fantastic Object ever again. Right now, you're visiting the town as avatar of Bishamonten to root out and punish the scums. Hopefully, your scumhunting will prove as effective as your treasure hunting!

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Pagoda's Radiance (Night, Passive): Each night, you will stay up by the light of your jeweled pagoda, enabling you to continue to speak and use spellcards in the game thread. Once in the game, you may send your servant Nazrin to gather another player to you and give them the same ability for that night only by posting ##Recruit <Target> in-thread.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • "Complete Clarification"

    CONDITION: 1-shot, unusable at day, unusable before a non-town player dies

    Identifies the number of living town-aligned players via ##Declare A.

tl;dr you are the Town Insomniac. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

Insomniacs own. If you disagree then you are banned from all my future games.

I don't understand how SF is so bad at using them, either. You post your reads based on the previous day in case you die, just like you would normally the following day. It's not difficult!



Scumnori, you are Reisen Udongein Inaba, a level-headed bunny girl deserter from the moon who has a trippy as hell boss fight thanks to your insanity-inducing red eyes. If Rein actually cared about Touhou then you'd probably be his waifu since you have an alternate palette that makes you look like Luka in one of the fighting games. Otherwise, you're pretty boring aside from being able to shoot bullets by pointing your finger like a gun. Bang.

Your abilities are as follows:

  • Special Delivery (Omniphase, Active): Eientei's pharmacist, Eirin, has trusted you with several potions to deliver to the townsfolk. You may give another player a potion via Night X - ##Give <Target> Color or by publicly posting ##Give <Target> <Color> during the day. Players may then either ##Drink the potion or ##Break it to learn what it would have done but waste it forever. Of course, you can drink the potions yourself if you feel like being selfish. These actions are to be used privately during either day or night - if used during the night, they may be used alongside any other active abilities. As such, you can give out as many potions as you want each night, but Eirin will only let you order one potion of each color for some arbitrary reason, so once a potion of one color is gone you can't get a new one.
  • No Harmful Side Effects, I Swear (Omniphase, Active): Each night, you may give me a 250 character or less label for as many potion colors as you want. A player who receives that potion will receive the label's contents in a quote.
  • Common Sense (Omniphase, Passive): Having actually read the fine print, you know well the effects of each of Eirin's potions:
  • Asparagus - Consumer will survive if targeted by two simultaneous kill attempts that phase.
  • Black - Consumer instantly comes down with a powerful sickness and is removed from the game.
  • Burnt Sienna - Consumer is lynchproof for the rest of the phase.
  • Chartruse - Consumer learns of any players who target them for the rest of the phase.
  • Green - Consumer is empowered and may not be roleblocked for the rest of the phase.
  • Lime - Consumer is roleblocked for the rest of the phase.
  • Marine Blue - Consumer establishes a temporary link with you and may post in a neighbor quicktopic with you for the rest of the day (tomorrow if used at night).
  • Periwinkle - Consumer's next targeting night action will also learn whether the target was targeted by any other players or not.
  • Purple - Next shot-based spellcard the consumer uses will not have its shot wasted.
  • Red - Player must post in ALL CAPS WITH BOLD RED SIZE 7 FONT for the rest of the phase.
  • Any Other Color - No effect. May secretly be orange juice with food coloring.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Lunatic Red Eyes

    CONDITION: 1-shot

    Inflicts lunacy on all players but yourself via ##Declare A, making them too weary to use any role abilities until the day ends.

tl;dr you are the Town Fabricator. You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive.

I did not think of how exploitable this role was at first and probably should've placed a limit on how many potions Shinori could send out per night. Early in the game, Shinori came up with the idea to drink the Periwinkle potion then give out potions to everyone, except I told him its effect wouldn't work with his potions because I thought it was too strong of a fakeclaim-buster. Burnt Sienna shouldn't have been usable in *YLO, but I forgot to note that and didn't feel right to change it after Shinori was boasting about being unlynchable in thread. So yeah, this was a neat role with a bunch of mod fuckups tied to it.



Boron, you are Reimu Hakurei, relaxed shrine maiden protagonist and chief solver of all Gensokyo's unexplained problems. Being the miko of the Hakurei Shrine and the inventor of the spell card system, you are the towniest town-aligned obvtown member of the town to ever townily town in a town-esque manner. Really, you are like Kay in Nostalgia Mafia levels of obvtown, and a playerslot can't get much more blue than that.

Your factional abilities are as follows:

  • Factional Nightkill: You are getting to the bottom of this whole "mafia incident" deal and Gensokyo's Batman Villain Gallery of youkai sure as hell ain't gonna stop you. You have three 1-shot killing abilities that recharge once all three have been used up! These kills are undetectable by investigative roles, and each night one of them may be used alongside any other night action you have.
    • Reimu A (Night, Active): Delayed kill via homing amulets that resolves on the target at the end of the following day, via Night X - ##Slowkill <Target>. Due to its slow resolution, this action may not be roleblocked. However, any protecting action from the night of use to the scene of the kill will successfully save the target.
    • Reimu B (Day, Active): Instant daykill using sealing needles, to be sent to the mod anonymously via Day X - ##Daykill <Target>. This ability must be used within the second "third" of the day (hours 24 to 48), and may not be used on Day 1 or when 5 or fewer players remain. You may not use any other factional kills the night after using this.
    • Reimu C (Night, Active): Standard youkai-busting killing action, via Night X - ##Nightkill <Target>. This ability may be used without limit once 6 or fewer players remain.
  • Safeclaim: You know that it is entirely safe to claim your investigative ability as Reimu Hakurei, Town Rolecop, which you will appear as to investigations.
Your role abilities are as follows:
  • Background Check (Night, Active): You've been fending off youkai and getting involved in other people's problems so much that you have more resulting connections than you know what to do with. Each night you may ##Investigate another player; you will then identify them and learn their role name.
  • Cautionary Border (Omniphase, Passive): The first time somebody targets you at night with killing intent, you will deflect it toward the last living player you investigated. You will not be informed if this is triggered, and if there is no player for the kill to be deflected to, it will bypass your border (but not waste your ability).
  • Always Pack That Extra 1up (Omniphase, Passive): You have brought a single extra life into the game and will survive the first killing action to successfully target you. You will be informed when this life is used up.
You are also carrying the following spellcard:
  • Boundary "Duplex Danmaku Bounded Field"

    CONDITION: 1-shot

    Surrounds you in a barrier of complex charm-tag danmaku hellfire via ##Declare A. Other players will be unable to breach your bullet field, and you will be immune to lynches and non-lethal actions until the end of the following night. Lynchproof does not take effect in MYLO / LYLO. Less suspiciously, this will also reveal you as Reimu Hakurei to the entire town - anybody snooping into your spellcards will learn of this effect only.

tl;dr you are the Serial Killer. You win if you are the only remaining player alive, or if nothing can prevent the same from happening. If you are left alive with one other player, you will automatically kill them and fulfill your win condition. You are considered a threat to the town.

THE CHAMPION. At one point, Proto said that Reimu was the only character who could work as scum flavorwise, which was funny because it made no damn sense logically, and yet in terms of the SK was totally true.

Reimu's cornerstone was her varied kills, which were included to make her unique and inflict a sense of fear in town - "what if this obvious townie just pops up dead out of nowhere???" and whatnot. To be a viable contender in a 24p game, though, I felt she needed several other things:

- Information and a viable safeclaim, hence Rolecop

- Protection from NKs. The redirect was included because having less kills is naturally anti-SK and I thought this was a neat alternative. In hindsight, the BP was probably unnecessary.

- Protection from random scans, of which the implementation should be obvious

The lynchproof wasn't really necessary as a survival tool in term of game design, but I included it with the intent of it buying both anti-town factions a day to whittle down town's numbers in preparation for the likely death of one main killing power. And hey, if Reimu's player could survive off the benefit of doubt after surviving a lynch, then good for her.

Boron ended up being pretty much perfect as SK since she's a competent player who manages to fly under the NK radar while still looking obvtown. She essentially had the game in lockdown a few phases before it actually ended and I wasn't surprised at all to see her win.

Closing statements are for nerds. Hope you enjoyed the set-up, the dumb flavor and my magnificent hosting prowess. join cyor when i host it. bye

Edited by mafia sucks
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one of my deepest shames is that ive never actually watched the entirety of fist of the north star because it's so huge. i should do that some day

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I realized at like the very beginning that I could use my vote cards in conjunction with Manix's role, but everybody had spellcards, so if I'd kept all mine hidden, it would have been weird as heck. And since they were all so similar in nature, claiming just one of them would have gotten me suspected of being the source of the quickhammering pretty easily. The spellcards were also part of my safeclaim, so I thought the point was to claim them. My fake was also weak, so I felt I needed my spellcards to make it decently powered. I also tried at least twice to suggest ways of using the buddy ability to both Paper and Proto, and neither thought there was a point, so bleh.

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At one point, Proto said that Reimu was the only character who could work as scum flavorwise, which was funny because it made no damn sense logically, and yet in terms of the SK was totally true.

Considering that the ONLY reason why I stopped suspecting Boron was because her scumbuddies would've stopped her from investigating SSG, I probably could have figured her out if I just didn't completely forget about the possibility of a Serial Killer. Then again, Baka!Shinori would've killed me anyways.

Also, I like that Kogasa role~ In fact, even before this game started, I was actually looking forward to seeing whether you'd be able to design a good role specifically for Kogasa. I was not disappointed.

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  • 3 years later...

[12:50:16 AM] Brad: do you think I'd get in trouble for bumping a 3 year old mafia game to say that it sucked

[12:50:47 AM] Kaoz: idk probably not?

I'd like everyone to know that I am a masochist and reread this entire thread to relive the pain that was this game, and it was in fact more terrible than I remembered.


Edited by Paperblade
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