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It's Time To Duel!!!! Mafia [Game Over]


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Lets give a semi detailed read on Scorri because I don't feel like spending the next 45 minutes writing about GP and there the only two people who I have any relevant information to work with.

So Scorri has for the most part been playing in way that is similar to Shinori. Both of them have had relatively few scumreads(I blame this on nobody actually posting) and voice their own opinion every so often. Rather Scorri works on finding holes in other people's post and hopes to find a scum slip. But I feel as if she's flown completely under the radar and has played a very clean and precise game. I don't think that means she's scum but I wonder how you can go a whole game without people finding something to pick apart. Unless you're being extremely cautious and making sure to avoid making slips. But this isn't reall anything more than my paranoid rambling. That being said I don't think Scorri is scum. But I don't know if she's town. I would prefer to have a bit more information on her but I doubt it will come out anytime soon.

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But I feel as if she's flown completely under the radar and has played a very clean and precise game. I don't think that means she's scum but I wonder how you can go a whole game without people finding something to pick apart.

Yeah, no one's thought I'm scummy at all. Totally. Except, you know, the whole thing that Vhaltz and I had going during D1.

The above post just makes me feel even worse about Randa. He looks into me because he doesn't feel like talking about one of the other main scumspects right now, and then... finds the fact that I've not done a lot that's scummy suspicious? And apparently the fact that I look for people who are saying scummy things is flying under the radar and apparently I'm not scum but I'm also maybe not town?

It feels to me like Randa's refusing to commit to a read. He's very wishy washy here and specifically states that he's ignoring one of the main wagons right now. We have less than 24 hours at this point. We need to start consolidating and putting out a "well i don't think they're scum but not sure they're town" post and ignoring the people who are more likely to get lynched doesn't make me feel any better.

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Wow SF. I set up a nice and easy post to comment on or get reads from and actually have some activity, and we get two post, one of which has nothing to do with the post.

And Scorri previous post wasnt meant to actually push a wagon on you. I simply copy pasted my mental notes, which had recnetly been updated, and hoped to get some conversation going. I didn't not want to try put together a case on GP right before I went to bed, because then it would be horrible and accomplish nothing. I should be able to put the case together before deadline though. So maybe I won't be completely useless.

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Elieson's "your activity sucks" Votals

Green Poet (4): Mango Sentinel, Prims, Vhaltz, Shin

Shinori (1): SB.

Eury (1): kirsche

Randa (1): scorri

dragonclaw13 (1): Green Poet

Voteless Card-Playing Motorcyclists: Shinori, Randa, Eurykins, dragonclaw13

With 12 alive, 7 hammers. No hammer = No lynch.

Day 2 ends in 7.5 hours.

Edited by Elieson
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Yeah how about you guys stop complaining about the game moving slowly and instead attempt to get it moving. Every time "game stagnation" is brought up all it does is make more people aware of it and drown in "well shit it's everybody else's fault that the game is stagnating because they aren't posting so I might as well not put in effort to post either". Self-fulfilling prophecies and such. Town has lost games with like 3 mislynches left just because of this attitude (see: MotK game where SB was lynched on PoE because people were too lazy to scumhunt) and it's your responsibility to kill it unless you want to lose the game.

I want to see content from Eury and bearclaw by the end of the day or I will loverize any combination of Eury/bearclaw/Shinori (if he isn't lynched and gets a sub) tonight. I got my result from rolecopping Eury in FE6 despite dying and that was also an Elieson game, so I'm like 95% sure this will work regardless of whether I die or not.

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@Elieson/Manix Requesting that the lynch threshold be lowered to 6 players to hammer since there's essentially 11 of us playing the game unless Shinori (or whoever) gets a replacement by the end of the day

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Look at that mess of a votecount. kirsche, SB and Randa should switch to Green Poet to secure a lynch whenever they pop in because I think they're the only ones aside from myself that are in timezones that are active at these hours. Check for a response from Elieson on the lynch threshold before you do though.

I'm also heavily frowning at scorri after going over that Randa vote again and noticing that it happened at 17-18 hours to phase end and possibly disabled the chances for a bear wagon at deadline.

GP should've claimed already.

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I think Kay coaching GP in-thread is null, scum can make pokes at other scumbuddies and it never became a real push.

Read this part again. It's more about the selective defending over off-site meta right after the push than about the push or the coaching.

Kay harped on GP for FoSing instead of voting, but immediately justified it by claiming that other forums have a more open use of FoS and called it null. This would explain why coaching would've happened in-thread as opposed to through QT, because the main aim of the interaction would be geared towards protecting GP from potential votes coming as a result of the noncommital FoS.

This is specially bad and held double standards in that her vote on me was purely based on the use of self-meta which could be equally explained by being unfamiliar with SF meta.

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(see: MotK game where SB was lynched on PoE because people were too lazy to scumhunt

that doesn't help narrow things down at all

Elieson's "your activity sucks" Votals

Green Poet (3): Mango Sentinel, Prims, Vhaltz

Green Poet (1): Shin


feel like most of my motivation for the game died when i re-read overnight only for my #1 suspect to sub out. i still think green poet is mafia though. honestly shinoris slot is still probably mafia too

wont be around for deadline, gl getting a lynch

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Eh my intent on calling you guys out was that you guys would stop voting people that aren't going to get lynched with this activity level and help consolidate to secure a lynch (and lynch GP who I think is likely scum), not to go WHOO QUICKWAGON GP ALL ABOARD GOOO (although that probably would've been funnier)

If you guys are going to be around then take your time. I just don't want people to disappear saying they won't be around for deadline without even attempting to consolidate.

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I'm also heavily frowning at scorri after going over that Randa vote again and noticing that it happened at 17-18 hours to phase end and possibly disabled the chances for a bear wagon at deadline.

Like I won't be around for deadline. Or at least some time before deadline such that if I need to switch, I can switch.

I'm putting my vote where I highly suspect scum to be. If I need to move it to get a lynch, I will, but right now I think I've found scum and so I'm keeping my vote there.

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I'm not 100% sold on GP being scum. More like a 78% right now. As has been stated by everyone else seems to have her opinion swayed especially when it comes to making a vote. Her defense isn't great but I've seen worse, or have written worse. Not a horrible vote on Bear but again was to quick to move off of Bear in a non critical situation. I'm sorta just repeating myself so I'm gonna surmarize what this post is about. I'm not sure GP is scum but I'm willing to vote to secure a lynch.

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My character flavor is Ishizu Ishtar, and my hand/role theme seems to be sight-based.

I had one tracker, one "identify the user of one card in graveyard" card and one rolecop cards, one "secret of the pharaoh" card (piece #2 of 3) and one warp card that grants me immunity for the night. I drew from changing jar 2 on D1 and got a blank. My ability is that I can play two cards on a night, a 2-shot ability.

On N1, I tracked Kay to kirsche. I have no idea why kirsche isn't dead and Garland/BBM aren't, so most likely my result was altered, or that Kay's kill was independent of her action.

I used the double play and tried to cop Vhaltz, but my card "never touched the field."

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Or Kay didn't commit the kill, etc. But uh...


##Vote: Green Poet

See, it's odd to me. You claim to have targeted Kay, and yet you weren't redirected to BBM. That's really odd.

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I didn't receive a message stating that my track was redirected, no.

I realize it sounds incriminating, but that's simply what happened.

I'll try to stick around and answer any other questions or provide associative reads for the next couple hours.

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Elieson's "Got the case of the Mondays" Votals

Green Poet (5): Mango Sentinel, Prims, Vhaltz, Shin, scorri

Shinori (1): SB.

Eury (1): kirsche

dragonclaw13 (1): Green Poet

Voteless Card-Playing Motorcyclists: Shinori, Randa, Eurykins, dragonclaw13

With 12 alive, 7 hammers. No hammer = No lynch.

Day 2 ends in slightly under 4 hours.

Edited by Elieson
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