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Duelist Kingdom Mafia [Game Over]


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I don't understand Refa's role.

Shin's claim justifies me being cautious. Who knows what other strange roles are floating around.

@Everyone (RD in particular) What do you make of me saying "Consider my vote to be on Shin"?

@SB; I thought it'd be weird to agree with Mitsuki's case and then vote her.

@Shin; I'm sorry, I didn't realise Mitsuki had called dibs on being suspicious of you. And do you recall the D1 lynch in the last game? I'd make it L - 3 because of Refa

@Refa; there's nothing of substance to it, it won't convince anyone and doesn't help me get a read on her, so it's pretty much filler. Why is it weird? Is it impossible for someone to have a bad post and a good post?

@Mitsuki; Fair enough.

@Randa; town can quickhammer too (Jaraxus) and I thought it would be L - 3. Mitsuki had some good and some bad so I didn't have a conclusion. From her response to me afterwards, I believe she was trying to get out of RVS rather than trying to fake contribution. null, leaning town atm.

@Shin 2; Interesting timing of the vote. What has changed between #75 when I wasn't voteworthy and #84 when I am?

Time to switch to Attack mode now.

But I do have one more question; how does everyone know who my character is? Are you guys psychic?

In America!

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@Everyone (RD in particular) What do you make of me saying "Consider my vote to be on Shin"?

I actually addressed this in a previous post, although I admit I wasn't very clear earlier. There can be a big difference between these kinds of statements and actually putting your vote on someone, because the former is easier to twist to your own needs if Shin flips while your alive. This is why I said that it felt like a stance you could easily disassociate yourself from later.

Put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.

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I actually addressed this in a previous post, although I admit I wasn't very clear earlier. There can be a big difference between these kinds of statements and actually putting your vote on someone, because the former is easier to twist to your own needs if Shin flips while your alive. This is why I said that it felt like a stance you could easily disassociate yourself from later.

Put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.

Perhaps he doesnt find anyone scummy right off the bat?
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Shin's claim justifies me being cautious. Who knows what other strange roles are floating around.

@Everyone (RD in particular) What do you make of me saying "Consider my vote to be on Shin"?

@Shin; I'm sorry, I didn't realise Mitsuki had called dibs on being suspicious of you. And do you recall the D1 lynch in the last game? I'd make it L - 3 because of Refa

@Shin 2; Interesting timing of the vote. What has changed between #75 when I wasn't voteworthy and #84 when I am?

I can prove my role today if I really needed to, but yeah, both Refa and I seem to have rather weird roles. It's not so much Mitsuki having claims, but more that you appeared, echoed stuff and then vanished. The previous game kinda sucked because of quickhammers, but it's still very odd to "essentially have a vote", it gives implications of not really wanting to be seen as part of tings.

The decision to vote was more that my current one was useless and that my role means not having a vote is dangerous, as well as just general thinking about stuff.

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jk more defense for now

@Refa; I was painting you as null, not scummy. I guess my wording could've been clearer there.

@RD; how would I twist that? "I know I said consider my vote on Shin, but I didn't actually vote him so I thought he was town!" Do you think I'm stupid enough to believe that would work?

@Shin; I wouldn't really call it echoing, Mitsuki didn't like you bringing up points on a townread, I didn't like you not following through on them.

Was your vote on Dan the Man less useless at the time of #75?

there's going to be at least some aspect of his play that might make me think,

In Mafia, we don't just think about lynching scum, we (try to) do it. You said Refa was weird, so unless you think he's 100% town on role why did you ignore it? I think you were waiting to see if people agreed with you on Refa before committing yourself, using your initial suspicions to deflect accusations of sheeping. It fits with how you attacked me but didn't vote until more people had voted me.

RD is the other person on my wagon I'd vote, his reasoning doesn't fit what I said about Shin and seems like a forced attempt to not sheep what others have said.

I don't take much out of anything else. I think Mitsuki and Randa just had an different interpretation about "forced", don't see anything sinister there.

##vote: Shin

In America!

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Leaning town, I don't see why scum would be so open in giving information and it's more that he's trying to establish stuff rather than necessarily say "look man, I must be town, my role says that right". It's not like he couldn't be scum, but my first impression is that it's rather unlikely.

@Randa: Correction: I'm voting him because he gave reasons on why Refa could be scum instead of reasons on why he was probably town.

Anyways my Randa suspicion is looking more and more like a disagreement to me than as something telling. Null, I'd like him to come up with some read of his own.

the only problem i have on rereading is that i don't think he gives any specifics as to why he could be scum. and he only gave reasons as to why refa's role would be dumb on scum. now if this isn't the post you were referencing in him giving reasons as to why Refa could be scum then the above post would be fine. the problem i have is that, that is the only substantial post by Shin before you voted him. now i'm kinda getting scum vibes from that. maybe i'm not seeing it, but i don't think Shin gave definitive reasons as to why refa could be scum before you voted him. if i missed anything please tell me, but till then.

##Vote: Mitsuki

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@Randa; I believe Mitsuki meant this;

Refa's ramblings about "I'm not scum so I wouldn't know" come across as weird and the odd specifics of his role seem a little too descriptive.

Why do you describe it as "scum vibes"? If you thought Mitsuki was misrepping Shin, that's something solid. Or are you worried about her tone or something like that?

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Elieson's First FIST Mist Votals

Shin (2): Mitsuki, Baldrick

Baldrick (1): Shin

Dandragon (1): Polydeuces

Randa (1): SB

Mitsuki (1): Randa

47 hours and 26 minutes remain. 6 hammers early. Otherwise, majority=Lynch
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@Randa; I believe Mitsuki meant this;

Why do you describe it as "scum vibes"? If you thought Mitsuki was misrepping Shin, that's something solid. Or are you worried about her tone or something like that?

mostly thought it was misrepresenting shin. but apparently i just missed a post.

okay well now i'm out of ideas, so i'm gonna sleep


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So first off, why are we all discussing roles when this is a Textbook Elie Game? Roles are going to be fucked up because Elie likes making weird shit up with his roles, so he decided to make an omnivote and a passive hammerer.

Baldrick kind of feels all over the place; he doesn't seem to be addressing many of the posts made against him by people on his wagon, and while he is making some good points here and there it's hard to piece everything into one fully complete(ly) argument. Maybe I'm just misrepping him, but whatever, it doesn't make much sense to me compared to other Baldrick games.

Randa's last vote really rubs me the wrong way; so far I'm not seeing anything intristically wrong with Mitsuki's content and the points she's making wrt Shin/Refa, and the fact that he votes Mitsuki for what seems like a very shallow OMGUS-esque reason feels bad to me.

Dandra needs to make more actual content with a solid read, since his content's just consisted of minor things and an initial OMGUS vote on my RVS vote, for some reason.

Shin's reading as null to me, simply because I find I usually can't read Shin very well when I have little to go off. Nothing about him or his role strikes me as incredibly scummy, so I feel like there are better wagons.

Need to reread RD and Refa, but I'm pretty sure my vote's not going to change from that.


##Vote: Randa

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poly please actually read whats happened. theres nothing omgus about my vote on Mitsuki. she's already stated that her suspicion came more from a misunderstanding and unless i misinterpreted her, again, she's pretty much dropped her suspicions. my vote on her has nothing to do with her interactions with me, but rather that i thought she was misrepresenting shin and if that were true it would be scummy, but as baldrick has shown me with the quote that is not the case and i retracted the vote because i have no other reason to believe she is scum.

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Sorry guys, got a little carried away with life responsabilities, but here i am.

I've read every single post of this topic (albeit a little faster than I usually read stuff), and I didn't get much yet, so im just going to say something *tips fedora* ma'am.

Shin's claim justifies me being cautious. Who knows what other strange roles are floating around.

Let me tell you sir, there are indeed some fucked up roles out there.

We should be cautious, because I think some of them imply doing stupid bullshit on here.

Maybe we can figure some of them out if we observe everyone.

I hope i can get some reads since this is like my second time playing mafia here, I only did another one.

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Tech please. You can't fool me, I know you haven't read the thread. At least not while paying attention to what people have said.

So go get opinions. What do you think about Shin? What do you think about Randa? What do you think about Baldrick?

It's ok if you don't find them particulary townie or scummy, but surely you'll have thoughts on someone.

By the way, you have ISOs in the first page if you want to read some specific player's posts separately from the rest.

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Elieson's First FIST Mist Misty misty_avatar_by_greenskullplz-d4dsxls.pn Votals

Shin (2): Mitsuki, Baldrick
Baldrick (1): Shin
Randa (1): SB
Voteless: the other 6

34 hours and 30 minutes remain. 6 hammers early. Otherwise, majority=Lynch
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I actually did but I was doing my first porst to warn people of my sudden absence.

Now im back so im going to comment a little bit more and try to make some sense.

Refa's role and general attitude seems to make him townie enough, I highly doubt something like that could be given to scum.

too bad Tech will never get to react to my RVS vote. </3

I feel pretty stupid because im not getting this. Uh, cum.

Still, my read on Refa is purely based on gut.

So we should not overthink that, are we good?

Baldrick makes me uneasy. He/she seems to be trying to move things forward, but they're actually doing pretty much nothing. It's like they say a lot of stuff, but that stuff is pretty much useless and it's just poking mitsuki repeteadly until somebody calls him on it. Then he switches to answering everybody with, well, answers that honestly don't quite satisfy me.

And about... Randa. I don't like his way of questioning about forced logic, even when his argument didn't make much sense. Like that fucking clown from It.

i think it's pretty clear if i think the logic doesn't apply then its forced. and yes you got it dead the logic isn't inherently wrong, i just think its too early to use that as the basis of your case.

I don't see how is it too early to use that kind of logic Mitsuki used, tho. The best part is that you argue that it's forced, yet the logic itself is not wrong, so... what is the problem exactly?

Yet I don't see that as parcitulary scummy, mainly because, as Mitsuki itself explained, it seems more of a simple disagreement which I don't agree either with, particulary.

As for shin im reading them now and im not getting jack shit yet. There is something I don't like about him, but that might just be gut, so I can't tell much.

My english sucks and my mafia skills are abysmal, so im sorry for it, im trying~~ (... Uh, and such.)

I fucking hate my role.

I would rather fuck a mole.

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To be honest


##Vote: SB

Talk about shifts on opinions. I said that SB seemed to be active and contributing, but ISOing him I just see the opposite. I know this game sucks, but he's the kind of person who will post and keep his motivation regardless of how much a game sucks (which explains why he plays on Mafiascum). I'm pretty sure that, as town, he'd be trying to do more.

Moreover, his votes also feel easy and lazy, like he's just bringing up minor points which are not really telling instead of pursuing some clear train of thought.

It feels more like something that belongs in an earlier phase of the game, and I think there have been enough posts for him to have real thoughts.

Not sure what to think about Shin right now... probably null, I don't see anything else he's done as scummy and I can see how my initial vote on him wasn't very strong.

@Refa: I know you can't vote normally, but I suggest you to type your voting command anyways, since that way it'll be easier to keep track of your reads.

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Technosuke's posts feel really vague and despite its size, it doesn't really come to any conclusions at all. There's a few ummings and ahings but there isn't a decisive or even a particularly detailed opinion on anyone. If you don't like something, what does that mean? It's OK to not have many actual reads, but to be unsure of like everyone sans Refa (who is a bro of course),

Mitsuki, I understand your points on SB and it's not like they're untrue, but I dunno, I feel he's done more than a lot of the game. He does have a lot of small "filler" posts between his content ones which look like they're doing something, so I'm kinda mixed on it.

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My internet is committing sudoku whenever I try to post. Send help.

Mitsuki, I've been busy with RL stuff (and probably will continue to be until Friday) but either way, why am I incapable of staying motivated as scum? If past scumgames are any indication, I can keep myself motivated regardless of alignment. I'm not really sure what you wanted out of me contentwise either considering I was up to date with stuff last night?


##Vote: Baldrick

Moving on, Baldrick's Shin vote bugs me because it basically hasn't changed since his initial intent to vote there if you look closely at it. Even the foundation for the vote is sketchy because why would Shin want to vote someone he was overall townreading even if there were some issues here and there?

I'd like to know why he's reading RD's suspicion on him as scumlogic and not just badlogic.

Randa, what happened to your read on Baldrick? It's weird that you dropped it considering you only unvoted the slot because you were paranoid of hammers. I'm also interested in Baldrick read on Randa actually because I don't think he's really addressed him yet.

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Sorry Mitsuki, you probably don't really care, but I misread what you said via Shin trying to paint me as scummy. Whoops.

I don't take as much issue with Mitsuki as I do Baldrick though. I'm aware timezones are a thing, but I don't like how he hopped on with very little commitment and left Mitsuki to draw attention.

Actually a very good point.

Baldrick, my role is as follows; I type ##Vote, and everyone gets voted. I cannot vote normally, but I can still ##Unvote. I took you considering your vote on Shin to be null. I just...considered your vote to be on Shin, whatever. Fair enough regarding your first response to me. Also what SB said. Nothing original from Refa to add to the case here.

I know Dandragon is somewhat knew at this, but he just seems....I dunno, resistant to make content? Even when prompted, he doesn't really have any real thoughts on anyone at all. Granted, it's been a while and it was an OC game, but I feel like he put a lot more effort into getting stuff done in FE11 Mafia (and definitely had his own opinions there) than he's really doing here at all. Would like SB to say something here, since he was the mod of that game and probably would know more about Dan's earlygame activity in that game than I would. Probably. At the moment, I'd be fine if I had to consolidate on him. Also associative reads without flips but Dan's defense of Baldrick is really weird when there's no actual reason for him to defend Baldrick (who he earlier said was null). To clarify, this reflects less badly on Baldrick (who could theoretically be some townie that Dandragon is buddying, I guess) and more on Dan.

I can't read Technosuke. Send help.

Everyone else (SB, Shin, Poly, Mitsuki, Radiant Dragon, Randa, and Refa) is town. Not as sure about Radiant Dragon as the rest, granted. I can explain any of these reads, if anyone needs me too.

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dandragon was generally pretty lost earlygame in FE11 and didn't really do too much until the later cycles. I'm not too worried about him because I feel like he would've just made up some suspicion as scum anyway by now, but it's not a strong read.

Why is Randa town?

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