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CYOU'RE - Game Over


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EiMM, short for "everyone is mafia mafia" is a game where everyone is mafia and you have to not die. The secret to winning is to team up with me and be female.

man that sounds really sad.

Edit: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48529&page=1

Edited by kirsche
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EiMM, short for "everyone is mafia mafia" is a game where everyone is mafia and you have to not die. The secret to winning is to team up with me and be female.

man that sounds really sad.

Edit: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=48529&page=1

I thought having your name start with "K" had something to do with it as well. Man, talk about a rigorous criteria haha.

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And you wonder why I have a fucking problem with you in-game. I told you to cut the snark out earlier in the game - don't make me say it again.

That was the same thing you said to me earlier. Why did you say it to me if you don't like it being said to you?

It would make little sense for me to shoot you at that point - by keeping you alive, I'd have an extra kill at my disposal, and I'd be able to tie up any hopes of advancing the game state. You needed to be lynched, not killed. My best bet would've been shooting SB - someone who was active.

You overestimate my thought process - remember, I'm not very good at mafia.

As mafia, you'll need to put your personal feelings aside, to an extent.

I know you're right, but I'm unable to do that. Call it a mental deficiency.

Instead of telling yourself that you're driving a mislynch, convince yourself that you're targeting someone hostile to your faction, and splash a bit of red to make them "mafia". This is where day interactions rock.

If necessary, rewrite your own role PM such that you have a town role and win condition. It's a hell of a psychological twister to pull, but it's usually how I squeak by in the early portions of the game.

Whenever I do that, a little voice tells me. "You know they're not mafia, but you're trying to justify lynching them anyway. At least have the decency to admit what you're doing is wrong!"

Mafia sucks.

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Obviously Mafia is the heroes of justice fighting against the evil forces that is Town. Of course you have to mislynch them, they're EVIL and the ends justify the means. :3

EDIT I only really feel bad when I screw over people in FFA's (shoutouts to EiMM). With mafia, I'm just playing to my wincon. There's no logical reason I should feel bad about that (although I can get why other people do but yeah).

Edited by Refa
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EDIT I only really feel bad when I screw over people in FFA's (shoutouts to EiMM)

Funnily, that's the only time I don't feel bad about it. Like in PotC, when I figured that there was other factions, everyone else will be trying to mislynch me, so the righteousness I feel as town kicked in.

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I'm not sure if I've actually gotten mislynched, but I've had several wagons where I was close to and then it's "well fuck you guys, at least I tried". Fantasy Mafia comes to mind.

It's OK, I knew you were town which is the important thing.

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i used to feel bad about getting wagonned as town but now i just get mad since it's usually for bad reasons LOL

ponymaf was like the first time in years, not counting paperblade being a fucker in .hack

Edited by Prims
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Whenever I do that, a little voice tells me. "You know they're not mafia, but you're trying to justify lynching them anyway. At least have the decency to admit what you're doing is wrong!"

Mafia sucks.

YOU. . .need more multi-faction in your life. :P:

It's a completely different mentality, and one that's unhealthy outside of a setting like this, but if you see the town as some sort of large, loose faction that's out to screw your faction over, it becomes a lot easier to rationalize those mislynches. Or perhaps that's because my first mafia game was. . .a large, loose faction trying to screw my faction over. . . :P:

I've only ever been lynched as town, once, and that's because I made sure I was the D1 lynch.

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SF needs to have more multi-faction games then bc I don't like playing anywhere else

In my first game I was scum, and the D1 town lynch got really upset about it. Which might be why I have the mentality I have.

IIRC it was one of your games... brb blaming you for everything :P

Edited by Baldrick
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That game was Schoolteacher, Baldrick, and Mancer and I were the D1 lynch. I've long since moved on from it, shouldn't you have done the same?

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Remember that time kirsche betrayed everyone for no reason


also I should like, make a thread now to get an idea of levels of interest and what to plan for

we should probably stop derailing Prims' thread

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PRIMS. PLAY PENDUAL. Because I'm way too sick to do it now. So you'll have to do it for me.

sorry eclipse but I just listened to Rave*it*!! Rave*it!! from the new event and now I refuse to step anywhere near a IIDX cabinet until that song is removed from the game.
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