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Dot.hack//The World:R1 Mafia(Game thread)


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@BBM: Im vqcavgr zzvvbxcmee pl vrkz xb mqr, tbl U ynbz erb hk phfzsm ie grr avthylqhh, sh avemu.

The last Shinori game I remember was 10/5, so I think we should keep looking for mafia until there's a no-kill night.

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@SB- drawing attention to yourself isn't a good argument because odds are if Marth is scum he's the last scum and then all you have to worry about is the lynch. You wouldn't even PoE yourself down because Tracker can't clear anyone against a day SK.

Why would I try to eliminate the scum nightkill as SK? I'd lose even without my tracker reports.

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I don't really agree with what Blackberry Messenger said either, I think the best explanation for if you were SK is that you claimed to avoid the lynch. Considering how suspicious BBM is of you, I think you would be unlikely to be NKed.

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Page 82:

> Why did Poly claim/volunteer that information unnecessarily? :/

> @BBM: I thought you had all of the claims from Kirsche earlier?

> @Bluedoom: From what we all saw via flips and whatnot, bussing Blitz at the end of D1 resulted in an effective NL. Do you think scum should've fought to save him from the lynch knowing this (but attempting to save his vest), but risk painting themselves in a worse light as a result?

> Trust Eclipse to be going around code-breaking, lol.

Page 84:

> Rip GP. (...But why did the SK bother aiming at her??? I'm kinda confused on this one.)

> Bluedoom's "I've never had defended my buddies ever in Mafia so why would now?" reads poorly to me (not-so-great vibes to that reaction/comment), since self-meta shit is never good to run with.

> "And GP's dead." seems like a pretty laid-back/nonchalant response to GP getting killed this day phase (especially from a newer player's slot) by LG. Dropping weird vibes here.

> Seems more like a cop-out answer/reasoning than anything to not commit on Refa.

Page 85:

> @Eclipse: So is it lack of content + timing of him being online alone that is creating suspect on LG in terms of being the ITP kill source? What of the actions the ITP's taken so far- more likely or not to come from LG's slot?

> Last post by Bluedoom on this page initially read off as "D1: No suspect > D2: Questionable slot > D3: Caught in suspicious acts?", which I personally don't have issues with (I've had reads change over day phases, depending on how people initially perform, but then gauging how they continue to contribute/their overall presence as the game goes on.), so I'm not sure how having reads change = someone is scummy for it?

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Internet's blarghing on me, so sent the other post in early.

Page 86:

> Since when does ED1 pressure become such a huge concern/means of defense, when the wagon/votes on you at the time wasn't even significant?

> Uh, scum!Refa knowing your meta = wouldn't he then pretend to play as though he DIDN'T know you were playing to it? (Also, uh, more self-meta shit is kinda poor here imo.)

> From my PoV with this situation: If you out the information like you did in the thread, now EVERYONE (including scum) has access to the info at hand. If he died/flipped and someone else was aware that he claimed mainly/only (?) to you [with the fact that he was "being hunted" in his role/flavor], then I'd say it'd make you 100x more suspect than had you not stated it in-thread.

> @Lord Gaius: "Is the seemingly weird SK targets really a valid reason for me to be the ITP?" The question makes it seem like you see nothing really weird/off with the targets of choice thus far from the ITP's kills. You also didn't seem surprised when GP died (and I don't believe you really said much at all, if anything, when Blitz was also shot?); why is that? And what do you make of the "you were online at the time it happened" cases/notions against you?

Page 87:

> @BBM: What's wrong with rolling a first-time player as SK? The kills are announced (so once they do one, their existence in itself is outed), and it’s a large game. Rolling scum/any sort of role that has connection with another person(s) would probably help the most for a newbie, but rolling ITP or town in this game has very little difference in terms of overall circumstance, I feel. Both function essentially alone, and the former still basically plays as a townie would openly.

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As of what I can see/tell atm:

> In the SB v Marth thing, I feel as though Marth's responses lack the conviction/effort in terms of defense (seems to be flailing/grasping terribly hard) of himself/assertion against the opposing party that I'd expect from townside. Therefore, I feel like his lynch over his opponent today is okay with me. (And if SB is pulling bullshit out of his ass in this exchange, then we nail him tomorrow without question.)

> I find it strange (mildly) that Eclipse is doing something like she is/has (IE. the code breaking shinanegans) as openly as she is, but I've never really seen/dealt with a situation like this with her in a game before (so Idk if she's prone to doing stuff like this or not). Would like to hear more from her wrt LG slot though.

> Poly should've kept the info wrt Baldrick quiet, unless he was in danger today.

> Want to hear from anyone else I directed questions to in my above posts.

My vote via PM is set to Marth.

Might be on for another hour or so, but likely to crash again for the night soon.

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@Eury- first off GP death reaction was due to me forgetting GP was in this game (I know I'm not in a position to talk about lack of posts but I'm being honest here). Tone can be hard to portray on the Internet. Secondly, Refa at the time of Blitz dying posted a list of people online when the Phase paused (Me, him, Randa, Marth, Paperblade, Baldrick, and two anonymous). His argument is still valid since scum has incentive to find the serial killer as well, except that PB shot down his argument pretty fast. He mentioned a Death Note style way of killing by writing down the time of day. So I don't really thinks hats enough evidence to point me as SK.

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Because playing ITP is freaking hard. You have to be townie enough not to get lynched while simultaneously being not scummy enough to not get nightkilled. On top of that, your claim has to be useful enough that you don't get lynched over someone else purely because they claimed a better role and to get you out of sticky situations if you're about to be lynched, but your claim also has to be weak enough that the mafia won't target you to get rid of it.

And all that's for a relatively experienced player. First-time players have a really high rate of getting lynched early. Gaius has put in a good amount of effort and has kept up relatively well, but for every Refa who plays well enough in his first game to get nightkilled (which wouldn't work as SK either btw) there's an Objection and a Phoenix and an SB even who gets lynched within a few day phases.

Also, Refa suicided on kirsche before he sent me anything. I didn't know he was planning on making me the backup town leader or I would have asked for the claims earlier, and probably not claimed my action on Rapier in the way I did.

I don't quite understand; why were you so against me on D2 if you thought I already had the claims? If I already had them, you telling everyone to be careful of me wouldn't even mean anything.

@Poly- got it now.

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@Baldrick- Hqt esvqmgo scdzlnii rqov rhb tzsllsaf wafkbj; vrgrf gs olde o mplcaeaei wjh etyvfdkpu kr buk aovr apkk mwv ovvozf cxcbmt mb xni (unau-laocwy dfyfrqcm). J titls moml'bx wpypmcr lcdrr hmol fo ah P'g fgh oavbz zc whz mvsg una wanyhfs elchpv wfimdqcm lnph gd vb yilm V fiw. Hwq'b sxh vm ihemlm ve wwwul dmoq op voiz xb pcqvv efro. Aalc oehmkgo tpmx dyaek ashxyee rtfozol mx bsp kehuk prftkm tykc'ee ssqp ess hsplv ic oiew ifpvpcgpl ymlwdsik, ko zlsl gavuev is ylvz iromel gc nkzm.

@via- got your messages too

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@LG: Fair enough.

@ BBM: Except, as we've seen through this game, there's several factors that may have been quite a bit of assistance to our neighborhood ITP/SK:

> Apparently there were quite a few RB's that occurred N1, so as you noted, a mass roleblock N1 could've been plausible to have occurred.

> Given how Kirsche's role/flavor worked (with a Masonry system out to protect him), plus any other possible town-sided protection roles, it could've easily been a role (possibly purposely given to Kirsche himself) that'd encourage a "town leader"-esque gameplay to occur in this set-up, which would cast most of the scum team priority/focuses bent on breaking it all down over SK shizz.

> So long as he seemed to be #efforting, and otherwise not pass by with the bare minimum, I don't see his "newbie" slot viable for getting lynched quickly unless he does something to mess up (in terms of heavily scum slipping with scum buddies or saying something he otherwise shouldn't know). This is why playing as newb!town vs. newb!ITP (moreso in this game/circumstance) would not be unrealistic/terrible to consider.

> Huh, seems a bit odd for him to have not copy/pasta'd (or had told Via to do so) the shit to you as soon as he posted in-thread (or even beforehand). Weird.

> Part of the doubt is still there, I'll admit, but ignoring it for today (moreso focused on SB/Marth and ITP). And even if you had some claims, it didn't necessarily guarantee that you had all of the info Kirsche did.

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kirsche had doubts about me before he died which is probably one of the reasons why he didn't give me any more info than the list from N1. had he lived through D2 and Refa had just gotten lynched instead, he probably would have felt better since Refa was scum lying about his action (which is why kirsche had his reservations about me in the first place I guess)

I don't think scum expected Refa to go like that, nor did kirsche expect to die like that either

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Is the seemingly wierd SK targets really a valid reason for me to be the ITP? Do you (SB and Eclipse) have anything other than that I was online when Blitz and GP died? I think that an ITP could take advantage that there's someone inexperienced inside the game and use that as a means to disguise themselves and stay in the background while I would absorb some of the ITP reads.

Working on some actual reads stuff but I guess you could call this my defense.

It was something I threw out. . .and your reaction to this accusation is really weird. At this point, there's 1-2 mafia left, at most (unless the game is 12/6/1, in which case, WTF); thus, finding the source of the extra kill while waiting for something to come of today's lynch is the best thing I can do with my time. 'sides, my second point (your lack of content for the rest of us to read) still holds; this, combined with your defense makes me think that I'm on the right track.

There's more to it, but I'm keeping it to myself, because I suspect that the daykiller isn't accustomed to having such a role - unfortunately, you fit that bill perfectly. Someone else will get my logic, via e-mail.

> @Eclipse: So is it lack of content + timing of him being online alone that is creating suspect on LG in terms of being the ITP kill source? What of the actions the ITP's taken so far- more likely or not to come from LG's slot?

My gut tells me that the SK, whoever it is, isn't using their role to its full potential. Again, it's gut, but it's something that's been bugging me.

Because playing ITP is freaking hard. You have to be townie enough not to get lynched while simultaneously being not scummy enough to not get nightkilled. On top of that, your claim has to be useful enough that you don't get lynched over someone else purely because they claimed a better role and to get you out of sticky situations if you're about to be lynched, but your claim also has to be weak enough that the mafia won't target you to get rid of it.

If you're going to host meta ("no way Shinori would do that"), I'm going to counter. Chances are, the SK will have some sort of protection, either from kills or investigation (or both). Furthermore, it looks like there's fakes built into the roles themselves - back in some Prims game where I was SK, I also had the extra vote, as part of my role, and to make sure that my fake was believable. As for casting someone as SK in their first game. . .why not ask Bizz about that?

In other words, I'd concentrate more on gameplay, as opposed to host meta.

Will hold off on voting Marth until I go to bed. Don't feel like accidentally hammering yet.

Once I crank out my e-mail message, I will have one remaining.

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As for casting someone as SK in their first game. . .why not ask Bizz about that?

i got lynched d1 it was very tragic

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@BBM: and for every SB, there's also a Terrador who always gets lynched as town. Always.

(I was due to be vigged in P3 and I had what, 5+ votes on me in this game? gg me)


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well it would either be all or none; I don't see why kirsche would ever go "I'm going to make you the backup leader but only give you half the claims hahahaha have fun"; also I don't think kirsche expected to get dayvigged

I think you're underestimating the number of players who get lynched or modkilled in their first game.

SK protection is for SCRUBS real men and also women and everything in between win without protection and realtalk it rarely makes a difference because the rise in BPV!SKs has come with a rise in scum having a 1x Hitman, and it's not very often that the mafia doesn't realize who the SK is immediately after hitting their BPV.

@Paperblade- idk I'm voting Marth

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Someone had come up with the idea of putting a box up and everyone voting there, well apparently they forgot to keep track of how many people were voting. Next thing they knew the guards came forward and grabbed up Marth by his arms and carried him to be executed in public.

"BUT WHY?" He asked.

"Lol, Get rekt newb. ## MLG420YOLOSWAG!!!!" Responded the executioner as he swung down his mighty axe.

Bluedoom has been lynched, he was:

Dear Bluedoom, You are Crim, The World's Nate Badass.


You are crim, once a Crimson Knight and a devout follower of Lady Subaru you eventually left the Crimson Knights cause you do your own thing and you're just a badass. Almost everyone's heard of you and you're an amazing fighter. You don't even need anything else to fight the darkness coming.

You lack any special powers unique to your own, but you can hunt down the threats against town using your keen mind and your vote.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to you and your fellow Town members have been eliminated.

Not actually a noob, he died too soon.

It is now Night 3. Night 3 ends in 24 hours, the first, at 11:30 PM CST.

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