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Eimm Battle of the gods-Game Over! Congratulations to Paperblade, Makaze, Euklyd and Refa for winning


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The nights keep getting better every time, we only have 5 deaths this time, step it up guys, it's only N3

Looks like the mighty Nu Gundam has fallen

Dear Izhuark/RX-93 ν Gundam,

you are Marius Pontmercy, a French lawyer, who hates being a lawyer. You want to good for the world and you want to educate people so that they can help themselves and help society instead of being a burden to it.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X: Teach ALIAS they way of the Law. You will teach ALIAS on how to be a lawyer and give them the ability to defend anyone of their choice once, which is basically a 1 shot omniguard to be used on the next night. The ALIAS you teach will have deep respect for you and cannot kill you on the night you target ALIAS and the night after. The Omniguard role must be used up on the night after, or will be wasted.

You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

Izhuark had failed to uphold the law...

Several took several shots

Dear Ars Nova/Several,

you are Sakahagi, a minor Antagonist of the game, Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne. You have the ability to collect the skin of your opponents and you joined this eimm to show everyone you deserve to be more than just a minor antagonist

You are strongwilled and you cannot be hooked or redirected. You also will block any move on you by someone who is targeting you, if you targeted ALIAS with your kill. You start off with 2 BPVs instead of the 1.

If you successfully kill someone, you will receive a 1 shot ability of the person you killed (you will not receive their 1 shot abilities if they were used up, however) to be used whenever you want. You can stack up more than one ability and use however many you want at a time.

You win if you are the last surviving player in the game.

looks like Ars Nova was scarier than the rest after all

Isabella wasn't actually Isabella, but Elieson in disguise!

Dear Elieson/Isabelle,

you are Blitz, a pretty old mafia player on sf, who is known for getting things right for the wrong reasons and also known for having a very hard time passing on his thoughts, unless your twin brother Refa is in the game. You are known for signing up for most eimm games and tend to make far more alliances than a sane person should. You try your best to not betray your allies and you are known to remove anyone you feel to being a threat.

Any time, during the night, you may respond to your role PM with ##Night-X: Make alliance with ALIAS. You will instantly perform a full cop on ALIAS. and the mods give you a copy of the role PM of alias the moment they see it, unless you target someone who you cannot scan, in which case you will be informed your failed. Anyone you are allied with can never be shot by your normal killing ability by you. Every night after, you will perform a follower and tracker action on the person you teamed up with and receive a copy of their results that night. Everyone teamed up with you will think twice before shooting you, meaning, if anyone you have allied with were to shoot you, it will be delayed into the next night after (and you will be informed of this).

You may make a second alliance anytime, using ##Night-X: Make alliance with ALIAS as well. You will make yet another alliance with ALIAS, however, you will not be able to perform your kill the night if you do.

Once in the game, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X: ALIAS is a threat and must be removed! You will kill ALIAS off entirely with a higher priority. Once the threat is dead, you will have no more reason to live in the game and you will lose all your other abilities in the process. This ability cannot be used with your normal kill.

You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

your hated host has died! Good riddence

It seems there is no Miracle in death

Dear Nightmare/Miracle,

you are Black Jack, some crazy fighting doctor from the manga, Black Jack. You are an incredible doctor, who is capable of performing miracles.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X: Protect ALIAS. You will protect ALIAS from a total of 2 shots that night.

Once in the game, you may respond to your role PM with, ##Night-X: Protect ALIAS1 and ALIAS2. You will protect both ALIAS1 and ALIAS2 against 2 shots worth of damage each.

You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

the Nightmare has ended

Hastur died after 3 full nights

Dear Prims/Hastur,

You are Drawcia, the main antagonist and final boss of Kirby: Canvas Curse. You have 2 forms that you fight in and each form has their own moves. You therefore have the Witch Drawcia form and the Drawcia Soul form.

Witch Drawcia form, during this state, you are immune to most actions on you and therefore you are an ascetic. You are immune to the first attempt made on your life every phase as well. Once you lose your BPV, you will lose this form and turn into Drawcia Soul Form.

Drawcia Soul form, during this state, you have more and you can perform 2 kills during the night (you will not have any other abilities from Witch Drawcia form)

You win if you are one of the last 4 people remaining, if no one with an alternate win condition has won or one of the last 3 people remaining, if one or more people with an alternate win condition has won.

Drawcia falls yet again...

phase ends a whole lot later, I have no ideas when, will say so later

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Phase ends tomorrow at 4pm (GMT -5), 23 hours and 25 minutes from now

If by for some reason I have all actions submitted before that and I can update, I will end phase early

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One of two will die tonight, whichever shall it be?

Who could predict that monstrous fate, certainly not me.

The one who dies, have no regrets, your dreams forever lay,

Inside the one who lives to fight, and die another day.

Edited by Lord Gaius
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That feeling when both hosts are missing for phase end.

i can tell you all to stop posting and say phase end in bold if it will make you feel better.

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