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...did I just fight a guy?


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I was on the train with a friend and there was this guy that she seemed to know that was messing around with her. He was feeling her up, just making her feel uncomfortable. At first I decided to ignore it but after I saw those puppy eyes for the 9th time, I knew I had to do something. I... might have said something offensive... and then he gets pissed. He stops harassing her and focuses on me. The asshole starts to curse at me so I sorta kinda said "no need to get your panties all up in a bunch."

That probably wasnt the best response, he got angrier and started to punch me. I'm 5'6 and around 105, this guy is huge. He seemed like he was one year older than me. I tried to hold off as long as I could but as I left my face open. He punched me there, I paused for a second and looked him dead in the eye, something about that look made him freeze giving me the opportunity to return the hit. I guess I lost myself in the moment, I hit him a few more times before he started to beg.

I'm surprised, really. The last time I fought like this was in 5th grade. Kai is a lover, not a fighter. The best part is that the 3 or 4 people on the train didnt even do anything to help, I vaguely recall someone taking out there phone and recording us fight.

Thats New York for you.

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Well, at least you showed him, alright. Tell your friend to knee the dude in the crotch if there's a next time she gets harassed again. Sexual harassment is one of the few things that warrants one of those.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Well, at least you showed him, alright. Tell your friend to knee the dude in the crotch if there's a next time she gets harassed again. Sexual harassment is one of the few things that warrants one of those.

No. even then, no. Do you have any idea how much pain that gives? Think about how painful the cramps and stuff are during a period. Now multiply that by 2 thousand. Thats just the initial feeling.

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No. even then, no. Do you have any idea how much pain that gives? Think about how painful the cramps and stuff are during a period. Now multiply that by 2 thousand. Thats just the initial feeling.

So? Sexual harassment is never okay, and the dude should learn the lesson. This goes for chicks too, though they're easier to get rid of without resorting to such violent tactics. 's much as I hate to say it, dudes on average are stronger than girls, and sometimes, just telling them "no, go away" or even punching them if you're a weaker chick won't get them to go away. If anyone sexually harasses another person, they deserve some pain.

Also have you ever had a period cramp? Don't compare that shit.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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No. even then, no. Do you have any idea how much pain that gives? Think about how painful the cramps and stuff are during a period. Now multiply that by 2 thousand. Thats just the initial feeling.

I would not make such comparisons if I were you, for multiple reasons. Some people with periods have cramps sufficient to prevent them from walking for hours on end, which is not an effect I understand to be true of groin attacks-- perhaps some time, but not an extended period. People who suffer thusly tend not to take kindly to comparisons. Not to mention that it is difficult to truly compare, given that few people have had both experiences.

Also, which is more important-- an attacker's temporary pain, or a victim's safety? If it is absolutely necessary to get away from an attacker, you do what you have to do. If there are other options (on a train, there may be) then those go first obviously, but there aren't always.

Edit: Looks like Lumi beat me to it.

Anyway, Kai, glad you're both all right.

Edited by Kiryn
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I probably would have done much worse :( Sometimes I don't really see what I'm hitting, I just instinctually place blows where I know they'll do the most hurt. Eh.

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You ladies are talking to the same guy who said that thieves deserve to die.

Dunno if he's retracted that statement, though. Anyways, nice, Kai.

Thieves deserve to die, yet sexual-harassment perpetrators don't even deserve a swift knee to the nads? Oh how he contradicts himself.

That or he considers knee to the nads a punishment worse than death. Which...idkwhat

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No. even then, no. Do you have any idea how much pain that gives? Think about how painful the cramps and stuff are during a period. Now multiply that by 2 thousand. Thats just the initial feeling.

Yeah, because we all know self defense is totally wrong, right?

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Thieves deserve to die, yet sexual-harassment perpetrators don't even deserve a swift knee to the nads? Oh how he contradicts himself.

That or he considers knee to the nads a punishment worse than death. Which...idkwhat

Indeed; what an interesting set of ideas our little hero here has.

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So? Sexual harassment is never okay, and the dude should learn the lesson. This goes for chicks too, though they're easier to get rid of without resorting to such violent tactics. 's much as I hate to say it, dudes on average are stronger than girls, and sometimes, just telling them "no, go away" or even punching them if you're a weaker chick won't get them to go away. If anyone sexually harasses another person, they deserve some pain.

Also have you ever had a period cramp? Don't compare that shit.

The fact that men have much greater functional strength than women do doesn't necessarily mean that you should automatically go for something like that regardless. In this scenario that would've been a pretty ass move, especially since she supposedly never even told him to stop and looked for someone else to do it for them.

Hitting a guy in the groin doesn't always just "cause temporary pain", there are SERIOUS adverse effects that can result from doing it. It really is a last resort thing. I'm not trying to defend the dude or anything, he's obviously a grease ball. And I also don't agree that you should "never hit someone in the groin", obviously there may be times where you are forced to do that. But if that's your first line of defense then you probably need to re-think your own plan of action when going out, because you aren't taking many steps to protect yourself.

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I have no sympathy for sexual harassment perpetrators and am of a violent nature. Plus, I did mention that if telling the no or hitting them elsewhere ain't cutting it, then the genitals is a swift way to be rid of someone fast. Maybe the girl is too scared to try to protect herself?

I'd personally hit the somewhere not groin first since I have the attack power to warrant that it will hurt like a bitch regardless of wherever I hit, but I can't guarantee that for most women.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I have no sympathy for sexual harassment perpetrators and am of a violent nature. Plus, I did mention that if telling the no or hitting them elsewhere ain't cutting it, then the genitals is a swift way to be rid of someone fast. Maybe the girl is too scared to try to protect herself?

I'd personally hit the somewhere not groin first since I have the attack power to warrant that it will hurt like a bitch regardless of wherever I hit, but I can't guarantee that for most women.

I love how people on the internet are convinced that when they are in a situation where they are attacked, they're as badass as Batman and can do this shit but in real life, they'll probably do what most people do (AKA cower so they don't get hurt).

Glad you're ok Kai.

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I have no sympathy for sexual harassment perpetrators and am of a violent nature. Plus, I did mention that if telling the no or hitting them elsewhere ain't cutting it, then the genitals is a swift way to be rid of someone fast. Maybe the girl is too scared to try to protect herself?

I'd personally hit the somewhere not groin first since I have the attack power to warrant that it will hurt like a bitch regardless of wherever I hit, but I can't guarantee that for most women.

Well, there are a lot of things you can do besides that :P:. I always carry pepper spray with me if I expect that I'll be doing a lot of walking, it's night time, or I decide to use public transit. Shin/knee hits hurt too (gj seph/eclipse!).

If you're absolutely sure that there is no other way to defend yourself, you also have to be careful about how you do it, or you'll find yourself in trouble :P:.

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A swift kick to the shins should be for those situations where you need to GTFO, but don't want to draw too much attention to the situation. If you want attention (and especially if you're female), a good smack across the antagonizer's face will do that.

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I love how people on the internet are convinced that when they are in a situation where they are attacked, they're as badass as Batman and can do this shit but in real life, they'll probably do what most people do (AKA cower so they don't get hurt).

I didn't take self defense courses to cower like a little bitch in situations where I'm attacked. It's actually gotten to that point where I've accidentally reflexively punched a friend who's trying to play pranks on me. I felt bad afterwards, man.

Either way I'm paranoid as all hell anyway. Dunno where I can get pepper spray, though, aren't those illegal? Or is that just America. But yeah, getting my hands on some of that would be pretty useful.

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