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Rate the Unit, Day 32: Tate

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Dat Rules

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends whenever I get out of bed, between 0700 and 0800 EST. Do the math for your timezone, Brits.

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- Characters should be rated for their performance on all possible routes (A/B / Sacae/Ilia) but should not be penalized for routes they physically cannot exist on (z.B Juno in Sacae).

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


WENDY!: 0.19

Bors: 1.14

Barth: 2.07

Wolt: 2.16

Ward: 2.61

Dorothy: 3.17

Lilina: 3.53

Merlinus: 3.53

Roy: 3.54

Geese: 3.70

Treck: 4.66

Oujay: 4.80

Fir: 5.08

Lot: 5.40

Gonzales: 5.45

Sue: 5.64

Ellen: 5.73

Lugh: 5.98

Noah: 6.13

Chad: 6.42

Klein: 6.53

Astohl: 7.17

Saul: 7.18

Shin: 7.42

Zealot: 7.56

Clarine: 7.78

Dieck: 7.94

Thany: 8.01

Alan: 8.52

Lance: 8.59

Marcus: 8.77

Rutger: 9.61

Klein got a record low number of votes. The only person, barring Creature Campaign, who got fewer votes than he did was Artur by 1.

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Makes me wonder how many other characters got low votes aside from CC characters.

That first link, right there, labled Averages? That's the entire table of ratings, dude. :P

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Why didn't she get a badge? WHY!?

Anyway, recruiting Tate is a pain. I know PEMN, but when Thany talks to her, she doesn't turn into an NPC. And when the enemy phase hits, her pegasus knights kill themselves on Thany. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

But when she IS recruited, she's statistically the best pegasus knight/falcoknight in FE6. Her NM bases aren't the greatest (6 base STR at chapter 11? Not helpful.), but her HM bases are better, at least. That 9 base STR and a 40% growth in it should help her. 15 base SPD and 55% growth is also amazing. The only growths she lacking in are DEF and RES, which are 15% and 20% respectively.

She's easier to train in Route B than Route A, due to another chapter before Ray's, but that's just my experience. And...that's all I can say, really.

8/10, +1 bias since I freaking love her. 9/10.

EDIT: Gains EXP crazy fast due to her low level, and good growths help her out a lot. Raised my vote from 6.5 (which is WAY too low) up to an 8. Bias because she's hot and I love her raised it to a 9.

Edited by ZM456
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Ah Tate, AKA Alan's life partner. She's a flying paladin essentially, I much prefer her to Thany, her Ice affinity really works for her and makes her even more of a flying tank. 9/10 with a Bias point.


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I think the FE4 units usually get less votes than that, no? At least it feels that way.

Well time to rate Tate.

Has pretty good stats. Good growths. Also has the HM bonuese. Has a pegasus. I find her support with Klein cute.


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I think the FE4 units usually get less votes than that, no? At least it feels that way.

I don't tally the FE4 lot, so I really couldn't say.

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Tate may be a pain to get; but she's the best Pegasus Knight in FE6; which is true; since she can rescue and also kill stuff thanks to a higher STR growth and she benefits from the HM bonuses.


But since she's Thany's older sister, Oh and I prefer her paired with Alan and with the powers of the magical bias point....



Edited by Frostbite
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Flies. Might actually have combat uses even if you go faster thanks to HM bases unlike her sister. Even if not, she still flies. 8/10

Having no terrain penalities and ferrying foot units are enough to give her a good rating.

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Flies. Might actually have combat uses even if you go faster thanks to HM bases unlike her sister. Even if not, she still flies. 8/10

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Not bad at all. Good bases etc. Good growths to ensure good evade, which is a very important stat considering her defences are balls.

Good combat, can fly and rescue etc.

Some people might find her hard to recruit, but it isn't so bad if you know what to do.


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Not bad at all. Good bases etc. Good growths to ensure good evade, which is a very important stat considering her defences are balls.

Good combat, can fly and rescue etc.

Some people might find her hard to recruit, but it isn't so bad if you know what to do.


Oh recruiting her is the simple bit. It's the whole "100% 11A" that's the problem


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A flying unit has its ups and downs (no pun intended) in terms of what that brings to the table, but Tate does well enough at all the tasks she's supposed to while also being decent overall at fighting. The HM bonuses especially really help fix her offensively, giving her an edge in STR and SPD (which is necessary because she has godawful CON). She has a number of remarkably fast supports, including one with Thany (which isn't great, but it's easy to make if you're using both) and with Klein (double Ice is nice). Her durability could sure use it.

Still, she doesn't exactly stand out as anything but a taxi, and you already have had Thany for that for quite a few maps more. Tate can be subbed in of course, and probably should be, I'm just saying. Of course there are times when double taxi is quite desirable...


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The offensive peggie gets the Ice affinity. ;/

Her growths aren't bad for her class, but I wish I didn't have to jump through so many hoops to get her!


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Her combat's not precisely good, but I suppose after a couple levels she could promote early and it would help her. Her constitution is always prohibitively low which makes using steel lances or javelins effectively very difficult. She still has better combat than Thany did (or ever will) so that's something. She shows up before the desert which is nice and she can always fly people around. I just wish this game's pegasus knights didn't have such terrible stats.

I don't really know how to accurately rate flight utility, so:


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She flies and rescues. Her combat, while not amazing, is a lot better than Thany or Yuno's. Her recruitment is a pain in the rump but I like her so she still gets .5 bias.


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I don't tally the FE4 lot, so I really couldn't say.

I think the lowest is Amid, who had 13 votes total. Some FE4 characters have had upwards of 20, maybe even approaching 30. I don't remember, in all honesty.

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Tate 9/10 she's very useful and her hm bonuses give her an easier time to train ^^' and she's a flier and we all know how good they can be if they have a lot of availability with them. I gave her a .5 bonus becuase she's one of my favorites ^^'

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She's actually a better improvement to thany as a Peg Knight.... In HM. In NM, she doesn't receive any bonuses so her base strength is kinda laughable during her joining chapters and beyond. However, she has a pretty decent affinity and a decent amount of supports. She also has that valuable flying utility and rescue/drop chain. SO a bigger and better thany = win!

7/10 +0.5 bias= 7.5/10

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