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Rate the Unit Day 11: Rifis


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Dat Rules (stolen/borrowed from Integrity, which where then copied from the FE10 ratings)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Normal Mode.

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends whenever I get home from school, between 1500 and 1600 EST.

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a warp staff" or any other justification as an argument.

- Rating a unit too low because you think its overrated will make me throw away your vote without mercy.

- I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.

- Scrolls do have impact on a unit's rating. Though they are counted as a seperate point, but no more than +/-1. So that means one point for bias and one for scrolls!

- Warp skipping has an impact on scores in so far as "Safy has an high base staff rank". Nanna would score lower than Safy because of her lower rank, but no chapter is explicitly said to be skipped. You can't get Warp and then suddenly say every character after doesn't exist or requires turns to recruit. Something could be said of Xavier, or Conomore/Amalda who are in an escape chapter where Leaf starts next to the escape point.

Ronan: 2.42

Marty: 2.89

Tanya: 3.82

Evayl: 5.02

Halvan: 7.35

Dagda: 7.54

Leaf: 8.18

Othin: 8.86

Fin: 9.06

Safy: 9.48

He starts unpromoted, so he’ll get more stats then Pahn, especially with help from the Neir scroll. Despite that, he needs to burn a knight crest to promote, but I have other units striving for it more then him. Good for early game stealing though.


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The man has the best fashion sense ever in Thracia, but it's not why we're rating him today.

Stealing in FE5 offers many opportunities to break the game if your thieves have high build. Sadly, he's the one with the most potential, and it's not saying much. While the Neir scroll does boost his growth, 20% on a base of 6 with a promotion bonus of 1 only goes so far, and he'll likely get a few levels since he's forced for the Manster arc. That's at least a positive for his utility, since the Manster arc has a lot of doors to open and chests to plunder. For his entire career he also boasts two movement stars, which can come in handy for steal-and-runs or opening two locks in the same turn.

While a base of 6 isn't much, Rivis can still neuter most base Mages since Wind, Fire and Thunder all weigh less than 5. A single build growth lets him grab Iron and Short Bows, which comes in handy fairly often as well, along with Iron Swords. His speed is so high that it's a non-issue, so most items such as Elixirs are fair game. The few Lockpicks you can get early on should last you through the game with their high number of uses. A small trick to help him gain levels faster would be to give him the Elite Sword. Rivis also appreciates the +5 defense and might actually survive a couple of enemy encounters.

But our man can also use D Swords at base! How good is he at combat? Fairly terrible actually, with a PCC of zero and fairly low offensive and defensive stats, including the worst luck in the game. Free Ambush on promotion is ok, but he would've liked Wrath a lot better since he will rarely pull criticals, and his offense and defense still remain unimpressive. Because he sucks at combat, it might not be a bad idea to make him a bait for captures, especially during the Manster arc.

Great availability, fairly unique though not especially awesome thief utility, bad combat.


Edited by Dio
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He's pure utility, and keeping him alive during Manster can be painful. However, his utility during the first half is pretty vital and makes several things go easier and faster. He can steal tomes during Manster who will be your main source for magic weapons and he will save you on Door Keys in indoor maps. Too bad once Pahn joins he's completely outclassed, although it might be useful to have an extra lockpicker in later indoor maps (such as 18, 20 and 24), so he's not TOO useless in lategame. Another con would be he's really frail, so he will need protection all through the game.

8/10 (No bias since I hate his ugly mug)

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Now I can go on and on about this guy. Okay. =)

First off


-Great utility in making money. He can steal tomes even with his starting stats.

-Averages in about 14 BLD with the Neir scroll at LV20/20. Other wise 10 or 11. (Without Scroll)


-Low Luck. In fact he hardly doesn't grow any at all.

-Bad Dodge

-Doesn't get good Mag Def

Recommended to give him both the Neir and Heim Scrolls. His bad Mag Def will need Heim. He will need a scroll anyway to keep him from getting critted. As his Luck almost never increases at all and having bad base luck. Advised to give him the Elite Sword to get him to gain 20 EXP by just robbing things from enemies. He will be bad at combat for awhile, but Elite Sword should get him to catch up. Later on when he gets more durable, he can then start using Killing Edges and or the Brave Sword. The best Thief in the game and having greater availability than most of your units in the game! Since Thieves are absolutely maditory to use in this game. Especially not having to go through those pain in the ass captures.


Edited by リズ
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I managed to draft him, that time. =D Made the Manster escape that much easier, if not actually a huge turnsaver. He also managed, somehow, to become one of my best combat units until he got outclassed by, oh, Othin or someone. His combat really doesn't suck once you get him going.

And then thief utility. It doesn't quite measure up to staff utility, but it's always handy! I just wish he had more PCC and movement stars and...yeah...

8/10 would draft again

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