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Folgore Rangers return!!


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I love the DoR OST too much to tell you. xD

Go with whatever you like.

Also everything that sharpy says is non-canon unless confirmed/proof-read/broken down and neatly re-organized like a puzzle/remastered by shin.

just sayin'.

Not exactly.

Shin made Imcompetants Anonymous Canon.

Lol at that part about Sharpy.

Oh, I can't really decide which one I would like. Maybe I'll just wait until my character develops slightly more then pick a theme song for him.

Hey hey, lemme join as something.

Wha, fine. Let me be a knight who fires Bullet Bills, Banzai Bills, King Bills and Torpedo Teds. With explosive punches and the best afro ever.

We need more Green People.

Pleasepleaseplease can we keep him Boron!

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Indeed, we're the most hilarious group on SF!

I've gotta say, I don't think I've seen so much happiness in one place in such a long time until now and I've also gotta say, it's cheering me up too =3

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Not exactly.

Shin made Imcompetants Anonymous Canon.

Also everything that sharpy says is non-canon unless confirmed/proof-read/broken down and neatly re-organized like a puzzle/remastered by shin.

And this is part of the infinite reasons I never bother with sharpy.

He has derpes too.

Also I hate life this thread is booming and no story in sight.

Might as well put my meh attempt of making the FR II group pic here:.



From top to bottom, left to right, we have:

Esme, the more competent and team veteran Folgore Green II !

SB, the highly RESistant drafter and mafia town Folgore Black II !

Xinnidy, the geeky soccer gender-indecisive Folgore Pink II !

Lucina, the doofus enigmatic Folgore Blue II ! (also Darros' favorite)

MancerNecro, the guy I don't really know but seems like a cool Folgore Purple II !

Deranger, the guy I never talked to and decent artsy Folgore Yellow II ! (also yellow hurts too much on my eyes so shush)

Jedi, the ally of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUS and token good party member, Folgore Red II ! (will his leader powers be enough?)

CR, the random, I-can't-type-in-skype-tastic, and toilet-loving Folgore White II !

JB, the shrugging, singing, and flying derp with a cape, none other than Folgore Orange II !

Also, paint.net>photobucket.

A poor person's way out ;^;

Edited by Xinnidy
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Wha, fine. Let me be a knight who fires Bullet Bills, Banzai Bills, King Bills and Torpedo Teds. With a polearm and a shield. and the best afro ever.

Still works for me. Would you object to being a 3rd party villain/anti-hero who doesn't really care for helping the Folgores but would rather team up with them than let Horita's group win?

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[spoiler=This is a legit story]It was just a few days before Christmas, and Darros, Imp, and Sharpy were doing things that all logical Folgore Rangers did at times like this. Hanging out at the mall. Some would call going to the mall just before Christmas a suicide mission, and you know, they would probably be right. After Imp found a parking spot, which took a very long time, getting in was a hassle on its own. With a flood of people going in and out every entrance, it was a tight squeeze, and a hassle not to get lost.

Of course, our trio of heroes made it inside the mall. It was packed in very densely, with lineups for shopping going out of stores. The three were trying to make a decision on where to go first.

"Guys, we have to go to Lids! The hats there are amazing! And nobody's gotten me any gifts yet…" said Darros, coughing, pointing to an obvious hint that he wanted a hat from there.

"But Darros, you said so yourself, you're totally broke!" replied Imp, "Why would you want to torture yourself by looking at things you can't afford?"

"Yeah!" added Sharpy, "You really don't have say over where we go."

"But guys! Can we go there later after you guys get shopping done? You can at least try them on there…"

"Fine, Darros, but we have to shop first!" said Imp, "And speaking of shopping, let's go to Laura Secord! I think Shin would like some chocolates!"

"I think we should go to Aerie!" piped up Sharpy, "I'm sure the ladies I know could use some lingerie, and looking at models never hurts the eyes!"

"Sharpy you're such a pervert." said Imp

"Come on, Imp! Darros, stick up for me!"

"Sorry Sharpy, I'd say she's right. I guess we're going to Laura Secord then." said Darros.

Of course, the entrance that the trio went on was on the bottom floor, and Laura Secord was on the top. This proved to be a nuisance, as the escalators were jam packed. Sharpy, being bold and brash, decided it would be a good idea to push and shove his way to the front of the escalator waiting line. When he got to the front of the getting up line, he wasn't paying too much attention, and walked right into the person in front of him.

She was a tall woman, with citrus colored hair. She was wearing a red leather jacket, and looked very professional. "Young man, you should watch where you're going! There's no need to be so pushy. What are you in such a hurry for anyway?"

Sharpy, embarrassed, managed to stutter out, "Uh… sorry… chocolate… Christmas… something…"

The woman laughed, "Jeez Sharpy, you need to lighten up a little."

Sharpy was dead silent for a moment, "Wait, what? Who are you! How do you know who I am?" he asked, kind of panicked.

"It's hard not to. I keep tabs on all the SerenesForest Userbase regardless. You'd probably know me as Tangerine."

"Wait, you're the admin? Why are you here? Are you stalking me?"

"You ask a lot of questions, slow down! Anyway, it's a smaller world than you'd think." And with that, she started to walk away, while Sharpy was left standing there, confused, waiting for his friends at the top of the escalator. He ended up waiting a few minutes until they came up.

"Holy shit Sharpy, you're certainly impatient!" exclaimed Darros, "You pushed through that crowd like a girl excited for a shoe sale!"

That comment got a "Hey!" from Imp, as well as a dirty look and a few laughs from a few people around.

"Well, I'm not afraid to push a few people to get my way!"

"You know that I don't like causing a scene, Sharpy." said Darros, "Getting other people angry is never a good idea."

"But you're one of the most sporadic people I know, Darros." said Imp, "How do you not love attention?"

"Eh, I guess I like it from my friends more than in public. Most people are the same way."

"I guess." replied Imp, "Anyway, to Laura Secord! We need chocolate!"

"Maybe I can get some ice cream too!" said Sharpy, "Anything but Strawberry is worth my money!"

"Hey hey hey Sharpy want to buy me ice cream?" asked Darros

Sharpy laughed, "Sorry bro, you're out of luck!"

"Whatever, no big deal." said Darros, and the trio started to walk around the mall. While they were walking, they heard a scream, it sounded like a ruckus. The trio ran around the corner they were at and saw several people running towards them, looking scared. Being superheroes and not cowards, they made the decision to go towards the crowds rushing at them.

After the crowd thinned out some, and the trio had gotten farther down the hall, Imp let out a cry, "No! It's Laura Secord!". The crowd seemed to be running out of Laura Secord. Two men, one tall and skinny, and the other short and wide, were carrying a woman out of the store, along with a whole bunch of icecream. They booked it, and the trio made the decision to check out the damage.

When they arrived, the store employee was hiding under the ice cream counter.

"Excuse me, sir, do you know what just happened?" asked Imp, very politely.

The clerk got up from hiding under the counter; he was clearly rattled from what had just happened. "Uh, I.. these two guys robbed me! They didn't take the money, just all the ice cream! And they took a hostage too! This random lady in leather with weird colored hair or something!"

"Wait, that's Tang!" exclaimed Sharpy, "Or at least it sounds like it!"

"Tang? What about Tang?" asked Darros.

"I ran into her on the escalator! We need to save her!"

"Hm, Tang captured is serious. I have a hunch this is more than a random kidnapping." said Darros, speculating.

"Well, standing here won't do us any good! We need to get some action going on!" exclaimed Imp. "FOLGORE PINK, POWER OF EVERYTHING SHOUNEN!" she yelled, as her clothes transformed into her Pink Ranger outfit.

"She's right," added Sharpy, "FOLGORE GREEN, POWER OF DUMB LUCK!" Sharpy also went over a quick transformation into his Green Ranger clothing.

"You guys let me be last?" asked Darros, "FOLGORE BLUE, POWER OF NAME CHANGING!" Darros' clothes changed from his civilian wear to his Power suit. "Damnit guys, being last sucks."

"Better you than me!" exclaimed Folgore Green, "Now let's save Tang!"

"I have an idea that will definitely help us out," said Folgore Blue, after the transformations. "I can change my name to help us hack into the security system and see where out culprits are." After a brief moment, Folgore Blue changed his name to Neo, the character from The Matrix.

"Excellent, this should work. We'll just need to get to the security center. It shouldn't be hard. It's on the second floor."

"Alright then Blue. The mall has cleared out a lot due to the calamity, we shouldn't have trouble reaching it." said Pink.

Blue, Pink, and Green ran down to the second floor, running down the stopped escalator, and into the security room. The guards were all in the room drinking donuts and eating coffee, and they all turned their heads to see Pink open the door. She put he hands to her chest, and exclaimed "Freeze!" as the thrust the outward to her sides. The guards stopped dead in their tracks.

"Folgore Pink, what did you do!?" asked Blue, concerned for them.

"I made them less of a hassle! Don't worry, when we're done they'll be released! Now get to work!"

Blue sat down at the main computer, and started typing away at the computer at a wicked speed. Code appeared on the screen, and Blue read through it all fast. Soon he had the camera screen up on the computer. He saw two familiar faces, holding the lady who was described earlier by the Laura Secord employee.

"No way! It's Marth and Crash!" exclaimed Pink, completely surprised.

"They're in the underground parking, how are we supposed to get them from here?"

"Hey, what does this button do?"

Pink and Blue turned to see Green looking at the various control panels, and he pressed a big red button on a colorful panel. He waited a moment, and then sighed. "Well that was unexciting!"

"Green! You fool! Are you trying to blow up the mall! You're going to get us all killed! You should know better than to press big red buttons! It's the most obvious trap in the book!" Blue was yelling at Green for his incompetent actions, and he'd been made really mad, "Did you even think about the consequences!?"

"Hey guys, you'll want to take a look at this.." called Pink, gesturing towards the computer. Marth and Crash had a giant cage placed over them. "This happened when Sharpy pressed the button!" she exclaimed.

Blue just threw his hands up in the air, "Well what'll you know. Looks like Sharpy managed to luck out again. It's going to run out someday, I'll have you know."

Green just shrugged, "Whatever. That won't be anytime soon. Let's go rescue Tang, alright? Chill out."

The trio ran down through the mall, which was almost empty now save some employees and a few civilians in stores, but nobody was in the halls. They went into the underground parking, where they found the robbers in the cage with Tangerine.

"Tangerine!" exclaimed Green, upon seeing her, "Did they harm you?"

"Fool!" exclaimed Marth, "Do you think we would harm a hostage? Hori-"

"Shush!" interrupted Crash, "You can't let them know that!"

"I don't think these two are capable of harming me…" said Tangerine. "However a rescue would be nice, being carried through the mall is certainly no fun."

"Don't worry, I'll save you!" exclaimed Pink, as she thrust her hands upward in the air, and yelled "TELEPORT!". A little white light gleamed from her hands, and Tangerine glowed for a moment, and disappeared from the cage. A moment later she was standing next to Imp.

"Curse you, Folgore Rangers!" exclaimed Marth. "Now we'll never please Hori-"

"Marth! I said don't exclaim that! You're so incompetent!" shouted Zak.

"Either way, our ice cream plans will never succeed! Curse You!" shouted Marth.

"Hey!" a loud voice boomed from the other end of the parking lot, which sounded incredibly British. "I'm the one that does the cursing around here! And you two are in for some pain for stealing my lines!"

"Folgore Red!" everyone exclaimed, as Red rushed up to the rest of everyone else. He dialed the police on his handy dandy cell phone, and made sure everyone was ok. "Now, while we wait, hand over the ice cream!"

"Why? Would you deny us of the joys of ice cream?" asked Crash, "I mean, we grabbed all the flavors, like Avocado and Bubblegum!"

"Well we left Strawberry behind. The person doesn't like that." added Marth.

"Nobody likes Strawberry!" piped up Green.

"I like Strawberry…" muttered Blue.

"Enough! We need the ice cream back! What you've done was theft! And that's not right!" shouted Red. "Don't make me go in there and take it back!"

"Fine, fine. We'll return the ice cream, just please don't hurt us!" said Zak, as he started to push ice cream containers out the cage.

Over 100 Ice Cream flavors had made it out the cage by the time that the police showed up. They stepped out of their cars, and were overjoyed to see their culprits already caged up. "Thank you Folgore Red! You always save the day! And thanks to your other partners too, Folgores Green and Pink! Great job guys!" they exclaimed in delight. "We'll take it from here."

"Helping out is just in my character! I am an amazing hero, you know. Come on Pink, Green, let's go back home." said Red, as he started to leave the underground parking. Green and Pink followed.

Blue sighed dejectedly, ignored again. Whatever, he had come to the mall, and he decided he would have fun, even if he was alone, the mall was practically empty now. He stood behind a pillar where nobody could see him, and de-powered back into his civilian clothes. He went in the elevator, destined for Lids. It was time to try on some new hats. Maybe he needed something big so he could be noticed.

While Darros was going up in the elevator, Marth and Crash laughed and looked at eachother while the police tried to lift the heavy cage that held them captive. They grabbed hands, and smiled, "Bring us back, Master." they said in unison. Their bodies flashed a brilliant white shine, and they both disappeared from in the cage. "What the fuck?" shouted the police officer watching them…

"How did your mission go?"

"Well, uh, we brought back one thing of ice cream…"

"The Folgores were there! Green, Pink, and Re-"


"No, he took back the loot.."

"We were sitting ducks!"

"Do you think I care? You have failed me. I do not tolerate this."

"We managed to bring back one container…"

"Insufficient, though I suppose I could spare your lives for it."

"O-our lives?! Please Master, have mercy!"

"Hm. You two must shape up. Another large failure, and the punishment will be most severe…"

"Thank you Master, we won't make a mistake again!"

"We promise."

"Good, the punishment you're about to receive will have you thinking twice before you decide to fail me again."

"Punishment? Master please!"

"There's no negotiations from this point…"

Edited by Darros The Reindeer
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Better not replace them >:O.

I won't! But if eCut wants in on this, I could give her a role too as another one of your mods. Integ and eclipse are already in this, so yeah.

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im surprised camdar didn't die when i threw doga at

obligatory doga picture


he's beautiful, no matter what you say

so fat

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Still works for me. Would you object to being a 3rd party villain/anti-hero who doesn't really care for helping the Folgores but would rather team up with them than let Horita's group win?

Eh, I don't mind.

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Folgore Emblem

~~~The Folgore Rangers find themselves waking up in the Fire Emblem World~~~

(written from the point of view of Folgore Purple, MancerNecro)

[spoiler=Prologue: Entry into the Fire Emblem World]0200 - GMT +8 - Singapore

Mancer's head nodded as he struggled to stay awake. He was playing a Fire Emblem Draft ([FE7]~Time for Work~ Grown Up Draft). Mancer had almost completed the Chapter. It was an easy one: Chapter 18: Pirate Ship. All he had to do was to rush Marcus over to kill Zolgam and he could end the Chapter in 3 Turns. Half an hour ago, Mancer had resolved to complete the Chapter quickly before going to bed.

Half an hour later (right about now), Mancer was still playing that particular Chapter. It was his third attempt. His first two attempts failed, namely because of a critical on Marcus by Zolgam's Luna and Lyn being mispositioned and killed by a Pegasus Knight and an Archer.

Mancer placed the cursor over Marcus, dragged it over to the space beside Zolgam, selected "Attack", chose Zolgam, and just barely managed to see the attack animation begin before he nodded off completely, falling asleep in front of his computer...

0700 - Somewhere in the plains of Sacae

Mancer awoke with a start. He had had a weird dream. He dreamt that he was falling, falling all the way down into a large gaping hole in the ground. There was nothing around him in that dream, it was all black. Different shades of black had shown Mancer the shape of the tunnel that he was falling through. Mancer had fallen all the way into a long black tube. Just before Mancer hit the possible solid bottom of the tube though, Mancer had awoken with a start, the fear that he had felt throughout the fall he had in his dream still resonating within his mind. Mancer got up and sat, cross-legged, on the grass, trying to come to terms with what he had just dreamed of.

Wait... grass..?

Startled, Mancer took a quick look around. He was sitting right in the middle of an open field. It was grass as far as Mancer could see all around him.

Why is there grass all around me? Where am I? This is definitely not Singapore...

Mancer stood up to get a better look at his surroundings. From the higher vantage point, Mancer could see slightly further into the distance than he could before. Mancer could see that the grassy fields stretched into the distance. The fields were neverending. Turning around, Mancer spotted, in the distance, a series of white, rounded huts. Those huts were definitely not the type of huts that could be found in Mancer's country, Singapore. In fact, no one in the world had lived in such huts for at least 10 or 20 years already.

There might be some residents that I can talk to in the houses. I need to speak to someone to get a grasp of where I am and figure out what to do to get home from there.

And so, Mancer started walking towards the nearest hut that he could see. Each step that Mancer took, however, caused a pang of dizziness to overcome Mancer's mind. After several more steps, Mancer could no longer distinguish where he was or which direction he was walking. After another step, Mancer found his face on the grass, the soft, soft grass. The grass was surprisingly soft and comfortable. Unable to control or move his body any more, Mancer "fell asleep" on the grass.....

Story completed.

I hope you guys liked the Prologue to my story. I will continue writing it as and when I have time to do so.

Edited by MancerNecro
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The warrior oiled the gun, and contemplated the recent events in his life.

He was the only survivor of the Hemlock Brigade, which had been torn asunder in its attempts to revive the great daemon Gordon, restoring balance to the earth between good and evil. Those damned do-gooders had foiled them once too often, and, piece by piece, member by member, they fell away like leaves in autumn.

Well, thought the warrior, sod this for a lark. I'm gonna go find a new supergroup to blow shit up in.

Suddenly, the warrior's nose twitches. He smells something in the air... sickly-sweet and with just a hint of abject failure.

His arch-nemesis. Sharpoon.

Slowly, precisely, the warrior reloads his firework shotgun. Tonight, he knows, there will be blood.

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