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One-Shot Mafia Game Thread - Game Over


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why waste it on somebody who doesn't have much content

Troll has plenty of content, they're the 4th highest poster in the game so far, and this is a game with both Bizz and BBM. Of all things to criticise Troll for, lack of content is not one of them.

Also I get that you're busy but I'm getting the impression that you disappear then reappear when something major happens (like my substitution), agree/echo what everyone else is saying (Both wrt me and the whole "all them trackers/watchers can't be town" thing), and then disappear again.

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Votals 2.3

kirsche (4): BBM, Polydeuces, The Best SK, Eurykins (L-2)

Polydeuces (3): eclipse, Princess Trollstool, Huck Finn

Shinori (1): Euklyd

Princess Trollstool (1): scorri

Huck Finn (1): Shinori

eclipse (1): kirsche

You have a little over 15 hours to decide on a lynch. 6 votes to hammer.

here are you're votals kirsche, they haven't changed
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Wakin' up in the morning and finding my other posts kinda makes me laugh, in a very sad way. Lol.

Uh. WELL THEN. What eury is saying partially changes my thoughts on other stuff.

Explain please.

Yeah tbh, I kinda figured you would be prime mafia target out of anyone else.

Sorta the reason why I was trying to figure out whether you were the actual target of the NK or not, since I'd protected him.

Troll has plenty of content, they're the 4th highest poster in the game so far, and this is a game with both Bizz and BBM. Of all things to criticise Troll for, lack of content is not one of them.

For one, I doubt that post # = post quality/content. For a while, especially in day 1, Trollstool was poking and prodding and posting about the smallest of things, sometimes not even offering anything at all in terms of his insight/thoughts/reads on anyone/anything. Though I feel that he's done better in day 2 (perhaps with the prompting of him getting poisoned and death at the end of this day phase), I would not agree at all in saying that he has brought meaningful and helpful content throughout the entire game.

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That's different to "amount of content" which seems to be a recurring criticism.

I suppose I should ISO Troll but I keep feeling like it'll be a waste of time considering they're dying no matter what.

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Except poisoning me wouldn't have been controversial. She'd been voting me for most of D1. Nobody would have said she was scum for poisoning her top D1 scumread. And if Trollstool was active and had content, surely I did as well?

I know that's not the entirety of your case, but it's the one with the most glaring hole and the fact that you keep pushing it when her choice of poisoning wasn't scummy gives me the feeling you're just attacking like everything she's doing.

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Princess's D1




Shinori prod

I'll find something else

Nothing to see here

I won't be around

This is all I have. Honestly.


Everyone's taken the good stuff


I'll go do that now

Reads, one gets explained


I'm useless lol

I won't be around

If you vote me you're scummy

Basically, echoing what Eury said.

I don't disagree with some of your other points, but this one is the important one since eclipse's role is all but confirmed.

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Except poisoning me wouldn't have been controversial. She'd been voting me for most of D1. Nobody would have said she was scum for poisoning her top D1 scumread. And if Trollstool was active and had content, surely I did as well?

Yes you did and that's part of why you'd be controversial. The difference between you and Troll, is that Troll is easier to attack than you are.

I know that's not the entirety of your case, but it's the one with the most glaring hole and the fact that you keep pushing it when her choice of poisoning wasn't scummy gives me the feeling you're just attacking like everything she's doing.

I'm more than willing to change my opinion, but she never responded. I want to know why she chose Troll over you because she has never explained that and it's always scummy when people do one thing when they're saying another. If she answered me instead of just calling my vote terrible and leaving it at that then maybe I'd be willing to drop my suspicion. But you can't tell me what was going through her head or what her motives are, I can only get that from her.

@Baldrick: That's a very different interpretation to what I gathered from thier posts. I cba to refute everything but stuff that jumped out at me:

If you vote me you're scummy

I kinda feel like this is a gross oversimplification of what he said, which is that people are being opportunistic against him. Something which I agree with, actually.

I'm useless lol

Another oversimplification, feels like you missed the stuff in bolded and green inside the quotes themselves and just saw the joke at the end.

If the criticism of him was that he was being overly depreciative or defensive then I'd accept it, but he had stuff. Sometimes not very well elaborated stuff maybe, but stuff none the same. Voting Shinori for lurking and BBM for faking emotion are valid attempts at scumhunting and I think they have been ignored by the major populace for the most part.

The thing is, with these kinds of people most people catch on to the fact that they're newb town so if I were scum poisoner I would seriously consider it. Look at how it's worked out, people are defending her because of her role and almost all suspicion has been dropped even though she had votes on her yesterday.

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Oh gosh this post looks massive and abusive to the eyes, warning.

Why would they go after you in the first place, when there was a Watcher claim, which is a stronger role, plus me and Bizz being pseudo-clear (at the time, anyways) because of the no-kill night? Plus Euklyd being Restorer.

I figured if I did survive then mafia might kill me if they knew I didn't use my track (still accounting for the possibility of Euklyd not actually being town restorer here=reasoning for me over him).

I didn't trust Shinori's watcher claim at all either (still don't) regardless of if it's more powerful than my role or not. Going off of Baldrick's explanation it sounds like they're just slightly different? Would appreciate some more clarification here. Tracker can see who their target visited at the end of the night phase and watcher can see who visited their target? Well, at the time I didn't trust Euklyd's restorer claim (I am leaning more on believing him now). You have already used your jailer ability, and since I was operating under the assumption that there was no restorer, you no longer had an ability. No one knows what SK has yet, so why go for a random chance instead of going for the person who admitted to their role and not using it?

Oh and I didn't claim tracker because the Eclipse came forward, I claimed it because I thought Shinori's claim was the same as my own role (if you look back you'll see that I expressed doubt about it in post 323 before Eclipse said she poisoned me). Eclipse admitting to visiting me happened to be pretty serendipitous timing. I've gotta cover all my bases.

Marshmallow, it seems almost like you're intentionally ignoring what I am saying. You seem really meticulous, which is why me explaining the same thing to you over again feels weird. As you are meticulous, it could also go the other way with you just wanting to make sure you have all your bases covered (thinking this is more likely). How is myself and Eclipse being partners in crime (assuming this is the angle you're going for here with doubting the poison) any more plausible than, say, you and SK. You protecting SK gives you a believable claim and it gives SK a free out for not using their ability on that day and also not as much pressure to claim. You both have enough experience to act town even if you're scum and look innocent. This is a stretch because I think the both of you are town, just a hypothetical. Your role can be proven easily if Euklyd restores you and you protect him on the same night (not sure if restoring is immediate, looked through Euklyd's post and didn't find an answer to this). I think a burned jailer is good enough to use restore on since Euklyd is certainly a priority target and may very well die tonight otherwise.

btw I really think that is what should be done. That or bring back Eurykins's *cough* mystery role. What do you all think? How would we get the best usage out of Euklyd (really sorry Euklyd, not objectifying you here, you are more than your role) since we've got no more protection roles? I think this is something that should be discussed a bit.

My thoughts on peeps now:

I'm still staying on Poly. Don't trust Shinori's claim, he's not moving off of this list. I feel I have to append two more to this list. Baldrick is here now because I think it's a possibility that he and Shinori could be a scum team; I don't like how easily he hopped off of him. Shinori can easily idle on Baldrick as he's only got one vote. Baldrick's addition is more hasty than anything (on here because of my #290 post), I want to put as many as I can in scum/town category just in case I drop off of the face of the internet today. No plans but something could always come up. I'm leaning more toward scummy for Objection/Kirsche. Him defending my usefulness D1 seems like filler content here. I guess.

Scorri is neutral. Come post more when you're not busy!

I still think Marshmallow, Eurykins, SK, and Eclipse are town. Euklyd is a tentative addition to this list.

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It he had more content it might have been justified, but he didn't.

"Defence" refers to the bold and green. He did explain his shinori case but since he had concluded there was nothing to it it wasn't really scum hunting.

He had one real read on BBM. The poly one seems to be gut and calling out shinori for lurking requires a bare minimum of thought. That is not good, considering his postcount.

I still think it would be a poor gambit because removing a possible ML is helpful to town. I think you're oversimplifying it now, we have to think about what makes sense and there's more to eclipse than her role.

I'm going out. I should be back before phase end.


I'm not interested in lynching poly today. I would vote but there's no particular need to hammer.

Pedit: there's a fine line between being dedicated to your primary scum read and tunnelling.

Watcher is pseudo-protective (like a doc who finds the killer instead of preventing the kill) and tracker is best used on one you suspect on the chance you'll see them doing something bad.

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It did though, the things you had said about Poly before that included "I'm annoyed at him for paying attention to Rp board and Fe4 thread over this game" and "I have no idea why you have Shinori down as null when you agree with his logic, nor do I care for the "pat on the back" in regards to Bizz." These are hardly strong reasons for a case D2 and you haven't analysed his reads like you said you would.

Y'know what it's called when you're ignoring an active game, while it's apparent that you've got time to post elsewhere? Active lurking, which is scummy as all hell. When two people have the same logic, and come to wildly different conclusions, it means that something went wrong somewhere.

Troll has plenty of content, they're the 4th highest poster in the game so far, and this is a game with both Bizz and BBM. Of all things to criticise Troll for, lack of content is not one of them.

Also I get that you're busy but I'm getting the impression that you disappear then reappear when something major happens (like my substitution), agree/echo what everyone else is saying (Both wrt me and the whole "all them trackers/watchers can't be town" thing), and then disappear again.

By using your first metric, I'm even BETTER than Trollstool, because I'm the second highest poster. I'm also not going to spam the game when it's apparent that there's not that many people around - I'm perfectly fine with being second, in this case.

I'm leaving my vote where it is, simply because I don't feel like putting kirsche at L-1 yet; however, given the way he's been going after me (read: aggressive in the non-townie way), I'll be quite disappointed if he's not lynched today.

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Just got home and caught up. Looks like nothing's changed aside from Baldrick voting (and subsequently unvoting) me, but I'm not as concerned about that.

If Objection/Kirsche isn't scum after he gets lynched tonight, then I have no clue who is scum (but I'm still pushing Shinori D3 if Trollstool gets poisoned on N2 as Eclipse says she'll do).

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Votals 2.4
kirsche (4): BBM, Polydeuces, The Best SK, Eurykins (L-2)
Polydeuces (2): eclipse, Princess Trollstool,
Shinori (1): Euklyd
Princess Trollstool (1): scorri
Huck Finn (1): Shinori
eclipse (1): kirsche

Not Voting (1): Huck Finn

You have a little under 2 hours to decide on a lynch. 6 votes to hammer.

Edited by SB.
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I'm still happy with lynching Kirsche.

also I've decided to accept that it's just my destiny to spam mafia gayms while everyone else is sleeping

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Just got home- wasn't sure if the phase was already ended or not.

...And it feels weird knowing that two people (unless the lynch gets idled, which I doubt it will be) will be dead by the end of this second day phase- rather than just one.

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