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Your Pee Holding Records


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If this is inappropriate even for FFtF, mods are free to close this thread. Also, if you have a weak stomach, for you own sake please leave this thread.

Anyways, what's the longest amount of time you've went between pees (I think that's how you'd refer to it, since calling them washroom breaks could also refer to washing your hands in the washroom without peeing). Also, if you're holding your pee in your sleep, that doesn't count for the purpose of this thread.

Today I've made a record of holding my pee for 12 hours, and I felt quite awesome about it and was inspired to make this thread (too much information, huh?). Yeah, I know. I'm an awkward man.

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2 days,a very unhealthy thing to do,it was simply because when I was 10,I heard about the Bloody Mary myth.So I tried to avoid the bathroom any time I can,unless I absolutely need to go.

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Such an odd question~ Not quite sure how people with weak stomachs could even get disturbed by something as this, but if they do I bet it's their own fault for having their own imaginations x3

All I can say is...

I have no clue

I've never kept track.

Nor would I be willing to aim for longest or second longest or third longest etc. at all, because aiming for a long time is not exactly the most healthy thing to do... x3

(also one of my ads seems to think from this topic that people here are having urinary problems and need help getting them fixed =o)

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There was this one time where I was volunteering at a homeless shelter and the only bathroom there was a portapotty. It said vacant, so I opened the door and walking in, but someone was sitting there, shitting. It was...traumatizing.

plane bathrooms are nothing in comparison

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There was this one time where I was volunteering at a homeless shelter and the only bathroom there was a portapotty. It said vacant, so I opened the door and walking in, but someone was sitting there, shitting. It was...traumatizing.

plane bathrooms are nothing in comparison

you haven't rode in 3rd world country airlines with horrible horrible toilets.

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2 days,a very unhealthy thing to do,it was simply because when I was 10,I heard about the Bloody Mary myth.So I tried to avoid the bathroom any time I can,unless I absolutely need to go.

2 days.

I was in a rush from plane to plane

I feel a lot less proud of my record. =/

Seriously though, how do you do it? I mean, there's factors like drinking little water, avoiding salt/caffeine/sugary foods, being able to hold your pee longer in hot weather than in cold weather. Though I doubt doing all of those would make you capable of having a pee holding record that long. And I thought for sure that willpower alone can't make you hold your pee for that long, since you'd eventually leak no matter how hard you try to hold it back.

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There was this one time where I was volunteering at a homeless shelter and the only bathroom there was a portapotty. It said vacant, so I opened the door and walking in, but someone was sitting there, shitting. It was...traumatizing.

plane bathrooms are nothing in comparison

You think walking in on someone taking a dump is bad? Imagine getting walked in on while taking a dump. It was in elementary school when I was like ten. I went to the school washroom and I thought I locked the door except there must have been a problem, because the janitor walked in halfway.

I've literally never taken a dump in a public washroom since then, for the last 8 years.

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As for the actual topic, I still don't really like even urinating in public washrooms, though I do that if I absolutely have to (mostly long car trips). But even then since I tend to try not to, and I have long hours of class, I go 12+ hours without urinating almost every day.

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so most places outside the west use squat toilets (basically, porcelain pits in the ground if they're nice by any measure).

one time i was riding on a sleeper train in china and went to urinate when the train was stopped. mid-stream, the train jerked and started moving. ended up pissing on my shoes and on the floor.

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Don't know, and since I've learned of what happens if you don't, I'm not going to try to gamble that shit beyond half a day if I can help it (if you wait long enough the water gets leeched out of your urine until your urine loses so much liquid that...yeah....just no - don't hold your piss if you can help it)

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