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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. I do agree that maybe Ace Attorney isn't exactly a VN. As the games progressed, the player was able to get more involved.

    And ironically it got stepped back in Ace Attorney 5 when the investigation system went more linear, less involved and you could only investigate when they tell you to investigate unlike the previous titles where you look around whereever you feel like it.

    As much as I like Ace Attorney the gameplay is really nothing spectacular. It's basically like an old point and click game but it's done in a much more linear fashion with very little for exploration and decision making for the players. Most of the time they'll just tell you you're wrong immediately and penalize you for it. There isn't really much of an actual playing aspect. But what it does do which is in its writing and plot is amazing and great to the point where most players just accept that this overshadows the gameplay completely.

  2. Gameplay > Story

    but in the end it depends on what the end product is suppose to be.

    For example, VNs like Ace Attorney and Story driven games are all about the writing and interactions and not the actual gameplay itself. Your interactions with the game is based on your emotional feelings towards the characters and the settings. It's basically like reading a full blown book or movie. Usually those emotions and writings are good enough for the individual and don't necessarily need gameplay to drive the player to genuinely love the series or the experience.

    That said, a good gameplay is much more difficult to judge since everyone has their own taste. Would it be great if we had both? Absolutely. But developers and companies can only have so much time and resource before they can release a product that can make an amazing writing and genuinely awesome technical game. These things do take time to make.

    For example, Xenoblade X while had a 5 year development ultimately sacrificed the story in order to focus on the gameplay which resulted in a massive content of exploration and improved combat system for the player focus on and gave players tons of options to play around with but the story became your usual basic sci-fi xeno story. This lead to many original Xenoblade fans to have very mixed feelings because some of them played it for the story and not for the gameplay itself. Which caused constant backlash of I like the original cast and I have more feelings to these characters more than the new game or this game sucks because it doesn't have the story as driven like the previous game I liked.

    It depends on what you value more.

  3. Technically only the U-turn had invincibility in Star Fox 64. You were completely vulnerable during a regular looping. But at least you could still barrel roll during it. And the U-Turn in that game was awesome. You were able to fly straight through walls with that thing.

    But yeah, I noticed the invincibility. But on the drop of my hand, I just can't think of any situations were using a looping just for it's invincibility frames would be useful.

    the giant lasers are a big one especially in the andross fights. Somersaulting those when I couldn't get out in time has saved my ass tons of times when you couldn't get out of the way immediately.

  4. Btw, yesterday the Two Best Friends have started a Let's Play of the game.

    I've learned a new thing from that video as well. I was not aware that the looping that you perform with the stick is different from the one that you perform by simply pressing X. The version with the stick is faster and even has a differently colored engine flame. Not that I see much of an advantage in using a slower looping but I love such little details.

    I assume if the animation is slower, the invincibility frame also lasts longer. Somersaults and U-Turns all have invincibility frames just like in Star Fox 64 so if a giant laser is firing at you, the slower animation = longer lasting invincibility frames is probably for the better. But this is all I can speculate at this point.

  5. Tell Customs that you're going to hang out with friends (which you are) and they'll let you in. You don't need to label yourself as an athlete (which you aren't).

    Any form of lying to customs officials will get you huge fines and sentences and charges no matter how small and minor it may seem. Not to mention Leffen has celebrity status in the Smash Bros community therefore outright lying to customs is a big no. He is going there to play to earn money and prizes therefore this is not a tourism or hang out with friends kind of visit. The USA customs are very picky when it comes to foreigners coming in to gain and earn any profits from their country whether it's for a sport or a job.

  6. I watched the crap out of Sonic underground back when I was a kid. Though it sucked it never had a conclusion like the Sonic Satam.

    Donkey Kong Country 3D cartoon was another I kept watching even though I didn't get to own or play any of the games until a few years later. The songs were cringeyworthy good.

    The F-Zero anime I had a chance to finally finish although it was really not worth the 52 episodes that they went through. Nothing really happens until past the episode 38. My favourite episode was this one because of the corniness they went out of with this and actually explained the lore of how F-Zero cars actually float. Favourite scene was 11:00 to 13:33. The fact that they got Jack Levin to be played by the actor of Franky from One Piece was the best.

    The Kirby anime was fun. The episode where they got a bunch of perverted hentai artist to animate a cartoon made me laugh out loud.


    I had a couple of copies of the Earthworm Jim cartoon in VHS back then. It was pretty obscure but has some nice niche humour.

    Of course watched the Super Mario Super Show and the Zelda cartoons.

  7. I know it was discussed a few pages back but does anyone else find the March 2017 release date a bit...odd. Like really odd. Lifecycle wise that puts the Wii U at around 4.5 years which is a bit short but not terrible by any means but I'm more concerned about the timeframe. Spring. Normally launches are done in the holiday season for obvious reasons and historically thats what Nintendo has done so why choose an odd time in the year particularly one that usually has a dirth of games coming out?

    Considering the Nintendo 3DS launched at February/March. It might be a different test water to see if they can build a significant larger library before the holiday season.

  8. Unless Nintendo/Sakurai is trying to advertise a new game in that case some exceptions exist, but there hasn't been a new S&P too recently. Its also why Golden Sun has absolutely zero chance. Neither are significant enough in the history of Nintendo nor do they have the recency to back them up.

    Not to mention the wii game went into bargain bin really fast. My local ebgames store was selling it for literally a dollar and they were overstocked on it. You know something went really wrong when a Nintendo published game was being sold for a dollar here. There is literally little to no interest in the game series at all even amongst most Nintendo fans.

  9. But citing VGChartz is worse than having nothing. They don't have any data and just created their numbers on how they expect the game to have sold. It's much better to simply say we don't know, rather than use fake data.

    as much as I agree that VGChartz isn't reliable, what else can we use? The guy above Zhugeex only tweets what else is reported but even he doesn't have access to Nintendo's official numbers either. Most of what VGChartz does gather are also reported numbers but they don't have every single official numbers because tons of companies prefer not reveal them to not make them look bad. Heck everyone here still uses it to cite Fire Emblem sales numbers and even those aren't accurate either. So in the end, we can only speculate at this point. I never did say it is 100% but from what we can see it's the most we can say at this point. Speculation is better than nothing at all.

  10. I know very little about the issue, but in my uneducated opinion, this sounds about right. The man has a wealth of experience and probably comes up with some fantastic ideas during development, but that doesn't mean he'll always know what's best, and people need to dare to object if he comes up with something dumb. Wasn't that what happened with George Lucas and the Star Wars prequels? It was pretty much a one-man show and the good ideas got buried by the bad ones, or at least that's what I've heard from people know more about the topic than I do.

    George Lucas was a slightly different story since he had not directed a movie for almost 20 years and most of his works by that time was creating studios that help create movie special effects. He had great ideas and a lot of premise and when it was time to make a new one after years of not directing, everyone in the studio wanted him to do majority of the work. He actually didn't want to direct the prequels as he himself felt others can do a better job as he saw in episode 5 and 6 since he didn't direct those movies either. He did ask a couple of people to help direct the movies but they all rejected the offer as most of them felt it was too big of a thing for them to handle. He was left with no choice but to direct the movies himself and we know the mixed results that happened.

  11. VGChartz is not a real source for sales numbers. We won't know how the game did in North America until the NPD numbers come out this month.

    It's the most we can do at this point. Even then, most of the official numbers are never released unless it's a really popular selling game.

  12. I don't know if this has been discussed here, but I've heard that the sales for this game has been poor so far. Can anyone confirm this?

    It did poorly in Japan but Star Fox Command also did poorly in Japan with its 27K on its first release with a much bigger installbase.

    Internationally and total sales is around 250K on its first week. Which is pretty decent considering the niche nature of this series in this day and age.

    About 150K of units were sold in the US on the first week which is about 59% of its units.

    But of course these numbers are only Retail and doesn't count the digital sales.


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