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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. This is really strange, where I live, 3ds games are 40.00 or 45.00 but never above 50.00 and Wii U games are 60.00 O_O.

    This is even more strange considering the French traduction here.

    It might be a Quebec thing. Most of BC have to pay 20% extra at this point. Even the games on Steam too are selling at 69.99 or 79.99 for new releases.

  2. Well, some games are cheaper than others so I'm pretty sure Triforce Heroes was around $40-45.

    not in my area. It was 49.99 when it was released. Wii U games are selling at 70 bucks average and I even had to pay 74.99 for Xenoblade X. Xbox and Playstation games have it the worse though as most of their games are selling at 80 bucks new release.

    I almost had to pay 20 bucks for Corrin and Bayonetta smash DLCs combined.

  3. Well, for us Canadians, the price for these games at EBGames, Walmart, Best Buy etc are $49.99 + tax = $53

    And it depends on the province you live in like in the states. I pay around 12% which adds up to 55.98.

    Eastern Atlantic Canada has it the worse around 14 or 15% sales tax. Not much you can do about it considering Game companies look at US values over how much Canadians actually make in terms of salary.

  4. personally i found the story good especially when it came to the writing and comedy but i would've preferred to see the original characters of both universes as i find them very interesting and like their interactions with the core cast a lot.

    also if you want to see luigi development dream team has plenty of it but then again he was the focus character of that game.

    It felt more like a mechanic than actual character development to be honest. Sure there were cute little brother scenes but the overall story didn't really show much with Luigi. Yes there are interactions but it was more or less a way to hide extra areas than actual story telling. It never really changed my opinion of Luigi at all.

  5. I reckon we'll probably get a DLC episode or expansion rather than a sequel.

    Unfortunately all the DLCs are already released. The support missions and the 4 party members H.B, Boze, Alexa and Yelv were DLCs in Japan but the NA and Europe release got them all for free.

  6. is level design even that important in Mario & Luigi, though? like there are some pretty cool places and puzzles and stuff but off the top of my head I can't remember any specific "level design" from any of the mario and luigi games I played aside from a few puzzles.

    the main fun of the game is usually from the battles, the dialogue, and the puzzles

    Super Star Saga had an interesting setting and some pretty unique puzzle solving and map design in general thanks to the Bean Bean Kingdom's aesthetics. Partners in time kind of dumbed that a bit down but the time travel setting retained a lot of that interesting atmospheric aspects and unique monsters throughout the levels with some great varying degrees. Bowser inside story kept you going with Bowser and Mario's interactions within his own body and the outside story. Dream Team's Luigi levels uniquely changed the combat system a bit to change the pacing the combat and some nice little puzzle solving.

    Here it feels like it's keeping the same NSMB like settings with maybe a few paper mario cardboard here and there but nothing interesting stands out. It's quite dull and the puzzles so far are nothing but saving paper toads.

  7. Played about two hours in.


    The combat is great and improved that you have more options like Emergency Defense instead of dodging which acts like classic Mario RPG time action defense. You can skip tutorials THANK GOD!!! Hell even the new mechanics, you can completely skip the tutorials. Some of the dialogues are pretty hilarious and they retained sassy paper peach like in the original Paper Mario games. There is now a run button so it makes travelling much faster and it offers some nice little mechanics.


    Level design so far feels pretty uninspiring. Paper Toads Minigames are really annoying and I feel this is where the biggest issue is for this game. There are just so many of them and some of them are mandatory making them even more tedious to go through. I don't even know why they had to implement this. It feels like they added these to pad the game out and so far, it's really frustrating to deal with. It's not even difficult to do it but it's not fun at all. Half the time I feel like an idiot for some of their hiding spots. Papercraft combat while much better than the touchscreen based minigame Boss from Bowser Inside Story and Dream Team is still ultimately boring and not much to write home about.

    I really want to continue through to see how much better it gets but the toad minigames so far are giving me a pretty negative impression already. It's not a bad game per say but it's pretty dull for a crossover of Mario and Luigi and Paper Mario, two of my favourite game series.

  8. Kingddd's Channel

    Most of it consists of just me playing games that I loved playing. Usually involves random funny moments or stupid stuff that happened to me while playing online games. Although I really like making compilation videos. I have some Fire Emblem gameplay videos but they don't amount much. Currently all my videos consists of Xenoblade X videos.

    My personal fav videos I made and compiled:

    SF Mario Kart 8 Tourney (Can you recognize some of the players?)

    Schmoofy's infatuation

    Why I love Day of Defeat

    L4D2 Bum Rush

    My biggest project was the FE Drama CD w/ Sprites


  9. Nope, I did that, along with agreeing to assassinate Nagi right in front of him, (he gets a heart if you do that.) I think there was a second time you could mutiny on Nagi as well, along with that time you mutiny on Elma (she gets a heart if you do that)

    The affinity system is great.

    Letting Alex killing ma-nons gives Elma a heart since she would rather observe and assess situations before acting and for some reason Gwin gets a heart because Gwin.

    I think I also teased Lin about shaking her hand with her 2nd heart to heart and Nagi liked it.

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