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Posts posted by kingddd

  1. Fire Emblem 9 was so laughable at the time. I still laugh at it to this day. I like the game but man oh man those animations are just not good at all. I cringe everytime a flying unit attacks. FE10 definitely improved it a lot more especially on the cavalries.

    FE11 and FE12 while was made smoothly ultimately didn't have much going for it.

  2. I'm planning on doing an asshole sidequest run (aka the let Alex murder people run) though I'm a bit frustrated there's no new game plus feature to carry over my old stuff to make things easier.

    Make Her Shower

    Cut the Red Wires

    Send him west

    Don't intervene Alex

    Watch and observe prone fight

    Don't talk to Slovity

    Don't kill piglets

    Don't learn disarm bombs

    Approve assassinate and mutiny

    Disapprove Marriage

    Cross is seriously the best self insert.

  3. Decided to try and give an overdrive build a try. I configured to have 6000 TP, augment with Overdrive Extend XX and auto-attack range TP Gain by 20 (which is stupidly good btw)

    And jeez this is really broken and I didn't even add much to my build. It's crazy.

    *Post game ending spoiler warning. Time attack mode

  4. I bet it would be bad, but I'll willing to give it the benefit of the doubt if they actually announced it and reveal who was working on it. I wonder if they'd do something like the CG cutscenes in Awakening and Fates.

    I really doubt it. The models for the CG cutscenes are insanely good and there is a reason why they only have like 6 or so characters at most. Imagine the budget for all the unique characters they have to make for 12 or so episodes. Even Frederick never appears in the CG scenes despite being a huge presence throughout the story.

    The FE9 and FE10 was a similar situation where only the few main characters were made for the scenes. A lot of the same character models were used in those big army fight scenes.

  5. Off topic, but I disliked the F-Zero anime because it was boring and mostly because it was unfaithful to the source material.

    F-Zero GX is awesome and the awesome pilots getting changed like than in the anime...why? I wonder sometimes if it was due to SEGA.

    Stuff like Octoman being evil, Dr. Stewart (my favorite!) not being an awesome surgeon anymore, I couldn't stomach it.

    My biggest gripe was the changes they did to Samurai Goroh and Antonio Guster: I love both of these characters and their silly stories, then the anime turns Guster into the treacherous fool and Goroh into a honorable samurai with a goofy side, just WHY?!? It's supposed to be the other way around...

    I'm probably one of the few weirdos who likes and cares about F-Zero lore, so yeah, I bet I'm one of the fews who had to complain, therefore... don't mind me lol.

    Plus Falcon is an awesome protagonist, why have him as a mentor? At least he was not an idiot like in Smash Bros, and the final scene is very cool.

    Yeah the anime changes were pretty questionable. Nintendo seems to have a habit of not sticking to the lores of the games that weren't developed by them for some reason.

    I personally did not mind the changes to Samurai Goroh but I do feel the anime did kind of try a bit too hard to make Goroh not seem like an incompetent bastard that he usually is in the entire series. The rivalry between Falcon and Goroh was significantly lost in the transition of the anime which I was kind of disappointed but at least the fight between Blood Falcon and Captain Falcon was great.

    I actually like the Captain Falcon in the F-Zero X, GX and anime. People always gripe about how he's all viewtiful joe like crazy action super hero kamen rider kind but in reality he's not like that at all. He's very coolheaded, quiet and knows when it's right to take action instead of going full blitz in. Unfortunately a lot of people don't know about this and just relate his personality to his smash bros incarnation.

    At this point, if a FE anime would happen, which would be the most likely? Awakening, Fates or one for the next FE?

    If they did an Awakening anime, I'd love it if they went with non-conventional couples, or took the Female Robin x Chrom route.

    Same with Fates, but then who would get with Femui?

    Perosnally, I think they should do what the original FE OVA was going to be like. First few episodes introducing us to these characters and main plot etc. Then a few episodes focusing on some of the side character stories. Similar to what they did with F-Zero but closer to the source materials.

  6. I'm still going through the orginal Xenoblade, but I think i'm reaching the end after a good 75 hours so i'm finally ready to delve a bit deeper into this game.

    So I have a few questions.

    One how bad is the character select forcing? I've heard a lot of complaints about Elma and Lin basically forcing themselves on your team for everything important and that your main character can't be swapped out. So that locks up 3 slots and the cast is a lot bigger then the original from what i've heard. So how much does the game punish you for not having Lin and Elma on your team at all times?

    The second is that i've heard that chain attacks are gone, but replaced by the overdrive mechanic, but I don't really have any idea what that is.

    Are there any other important changes that are nice to know when your goin in? Some reviews mentioned that the game itself doesn't explain everything properly so it might come in handy.

    The forced character selection is only really bad for the story missions since they all require Elma and Lin to be in your party. Therefore, it's a good idea to keep building those two if you want to focus on the main story and select 1 or two partners for backups in your 4th main. Personally, I didn't have this problem since I did use Lin and Elma frequently but I can see why some people have an issue with that. Luckily, leveling up an underleveled party member doesn't really take that long as the amount of exp you gain from killing higher level monsters is way more significant than if the party members are of the same level. For example, I was able to get Gwin from level 15 to high level 30's in just 5 to 10 mins of killing high level monsters (Thanks to mostly to the level 30 Skells that can annihilate level 50 monsters).

    Overdrive boosts your stats significantly and reduces cooldowns on your arts. With the right setups, you can chain significant amount of damage combos and even reactive another overdrive for even more damage.

    It can be overwhelming the first time you get into it because they give you a 2 hour long tutorial of explaining the setting you're in and then bam go out and do whatever you want. This game is designed for exploration unlike the original chronicles where you progress linearly despite the worlds being really huge. If you aren't doing sidequests or actually helping citizens then you may easily be falling behind or have problems trying to actually complete the main story.

    Heck it took me 50 hours to beat the main story and I did almost 10 to 13 sidequests in between each chapter and offside explorations.

  7. The avatar AI does not now to handle most classes that being say overdrive overkill Longsword + Dual Guns is the best class and the best part the AI is less suicidal. Frankly I found any teammate that is not Elma or Lin to be dead weight since I am forced to have Elma and Lin in my party 80% of the time and only 50% of time am I allowed to have four teammates, so Irina ended up being the only unit I had that was a high enough level to be useful as she one your first healers and my secondary was Lao and well.... let's just he doesn't have the greatest availability.

    Man I mained Lao as my 4th party member and it really sucks about his availability. He helped me the most in my playthroughs and I think he's the only Sniper party member in the entire game. I invested so much into his build that I never knew about the events that were coming

    I'm a Psycorruptor currently. Can't I get Irina's skills and leave her in the dust?

    I mainly play as my avatar anyway.

    Yes however, her last affinity unlockable skill comes pretty late at about level 50.

    The males have better AI? Awww I wanted to have a cool all girl squad to kill everything with.

    It's mostly because the AI is programmed for combat rather than for support and healing however this is mostly a problem for early game. Celica, and Mia are great female party members as their arts complement combat and support utility very well. Unfortunately they come in very late game.

  8. One of the main complaints I have about the AI is that they can't keep TP. I almost never saw an ally use overdrive and I think I was revived once when my party leader died since they never had 3000 TP, even when I used the order to conserve it and gave them a single TP art. Maybe there's something I can do to make them conserve their TP that' I'm not aware of. I guess I could just give them Arts: Gain TP augments.

    And augmentation can truly break the game. There's videos of people soloing Pharsis on foot. And as for skells, you can one shot that same monster with the right augments.

    I have had a few cases of AI partners that actually went overdrive and revived my teammates. Unfortunately most of them was because I didn't give them a single TP art. I haven't invested much into augments yet and I kind of don't want to as I already feel like I've been cheesing the game already with the Ares90. Like to keep the game interesting right now.

  9. Why care when the game's healing has been badly nerfed to 1/8th and that the level cap has been nerfed to 60. Sick and tired of all the nerfs, but I'm just playing it for the story even though that this game isn't a play for newcomers. No kidding since already have been killed many times in the beginning of the game! The aliens at the pod base from the cutscene where some troops died by them. Have it on tape and waiting to get it up. Elma and Lin are getting permanently benched since I'm supposed to have lost them for good at that battle. It'll be more fun if I replace them with Eleanor, Irina and Tatsu! Avatar is getting used still because of by force and can't remove from the party. It'll be the same clause as from Fire Emblem and FFT for the avatar in terms of main character! Loving the difficulty and the story is how it should be!

    Ironically, Irina is way worse in terms of AI usuability. She is designed to be a support character with buffs and healing unfortunately, she has shit HP to the point that even the best armor could not save her. Even though the story always tells you that Irina is the better soldier than Gwin, Gwin's AI is the better party member in terms of combat and usability and staying alive for most of the game. You really have to invest in her a lot in order to get results from her compared to the other party members.

    People always complain on how bad Elma and Lin is but really the AI that uses them are stupid or people don't have their Arts setup properly. Elma can become one of your most OP party members in the game. I even used them once and they do pretty well and can hold on their own well.

    Most of the male characters are honestly the better AI party members.

    The levelcaps are there for a reason. Augmentations become so good in postgame that making your level cap even higher would just completely break the game. They really want you to use Skells for higher level situations.

  10. I did a squad quest with someone named melia who did look kinda like Melia. I didn't take a close enough look at her gear really. But then when we did the quest she got in a skell and completely demolished the enemies. Wasn't that fun of a squad mission.

    Well depends on which mission you go on. Right now global nemesis are on for days and it's been nothing but amazing farming for reward ticketing. Speaking of that last night got a chance to play 4 player co-op in one of the rooms. These guy's builds are insane. All them overdrives.

  11. Just FYI, all I meant was that it's a "song" if it has vocals and is sung. If it's purely instrumental, it's called a "piece" instead. Most people don't know the difference, but as a music teacher, it's one of my weird pet peeves lol.

    Ah sorry I misunderstood.

    Hitori Omou

    Life Returns

    Fire Emblem Opera

    Are the only ones that have vocals. So the rest of the concert is purely instrumental.

  12. DDD, could you identify which songs were in the Gaiden medley?

    Pieces, guys. Pieces.

    Well the content is ordered like this. Please note that I may have missed out on some songs but this is from what I can recall while looking at the video itself.

    The number in the brackets is the time stamp so it gives you an idea how long it is for each songs and the presentation for each.

    Chapter 1 - (0:00)

    The Tokyo Dome itself and the audiences coming in

    Chapter 2 - (2:08)

    Fire Emblem Theme

    Chapter 3 - (5:19)

    Comments from the Host Anna's voice actor

    Chapter 4, 5, 6 and 7 - (8:15) Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia

    Strife of Agustria
    Eldigan the Lionheart
    The Final Holy War
    Ending Ballad

    Chapter 8 - (21:30)

    Comments from the Host Anna's voice actor

    Chapter 9 - (22:02) Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
    The Time to Act!
    Stalwart Opposition
    On the Path to Victory
    Chapter 10 - (29:29) Fire Emblem Gaiden
    Chapter 1 (To Sofia)
    Fight 1
    Battle Theme (Opponent)
    One of the Maps? I can't tell.
    Boss Theme

    Difficult for me to identify since I am not familiar with Gaiden's OST.

    Chapter 11 - (35:13) Fire Emblem Mystery of the Emblem

    Legend of the Divine Dragon

    Chapter 12 - (38:28) New Mystery of the Emblem ~Heroes of Light and Shadow~

    Another Hero - Opening

    He Who Carves a New History

    One of the Enemy or boss theme I can't tell

    Chapter 13, 14 - (43:46) Theatre behind the scenes and Merchandise

    Chapter 15 - (51:10) The Mini Drama

    Chapter 16 - (1:01:54) Fire Emblem Fates

    Hitori Omou

    Chapter 17 - (1:09:00) More Comments from the Host

    Chapter 18, 19, 20 - (1:10:00) Fire Emblem Binding Blade, Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones

    Most of the Battle Medleys

    Suspicious -The Theme of the Three Dragon Generals
    Winds Across the Plains
    Treasured Memories
    Chapter 22 - (1:23:00) More Comments from Host
    Chapter 23 - (1:23:30) Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
    Life Returns
    Chapter 24 - (1:28:16) Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
    Eternal Bond
    Chapter 25, 26, 27 - (1:30:56) Fire Emblem Awakening
    You May Call Me Marth
    Ha ha! Yes, it will take some getting used to!
    "You deserved better from me than one sword"
    Lucina's Judgement
    Id Hope
    Id Purpose
    Chapter 28 - (1:44:00) More Comments from the Host
    Chapter 29 - (1:45:00) Fire Emblem Opera Theme
    Chapter 30 - (1:50:25) Thanks from the Staff Credits

  13. I just finished watching the DVD and here are my thoughts and personal opinions on it. Above is a preview of what you're going to be getting out of the dvd.

    Have you ever wanted an official orchestra rendition of your favourite Fire Emblem games all jammed packed in many different instruments all played at once? Look no further! This is a must have and must own DVD collection for all Fire Emblem Fans. This dvd oozes with 2 hours of footage of all your favourite songs played in glorious orchestra symphony with small twists here and there.

    The songlists are great and they picked all the best songs for all of the games in the series. FE4 and FE5’s medleys were rendered beautifully and definitely won’t disappoint fans of the SNES games. Majority them got consistent proportion of the showtimes although there are a few games that I felt could have gotten a bit more but for what they were presented were good enough. Be aware there are spoilers for the Aqua song so if you don't want to spoiled by scenes they show off look away from that portion immediately.

    The drama proportions were pretty cutesy and it was mostly random banters between the side characters and a bit of Aqua involved. It was pretty funny seeing the voice actors wear their shoulderplates and holding the weapons of the characters they were voicing. They aren’t professional props but will certainly give you a nice little amusement.

    There were a couple of scenes where they showed off the FE merchandise that was in the concert and I felt this was the weakest part of the DVD. It occupies about 7 mins which isn’t a lot but it basically showed off the host presenting us with some neat merchandise. Unfortunately due to how difficult it is already to acquire these items, it makes it feel like she was mocking us with all these cool stuff that we cannot get. It’s harmless but as a fan, it can make some of us feel annoyed that we couldn’t be there to get them.

    Another issue I have is that it is released only in DVD right now. Because of this, the resolution you’re going to get from this is going to be low resolution at 480p. So you're not going to be getting the highest video quality image.

    Of course, the grand final with the chorus of the Fire Emblem opera song was a great way to finish off the concert and the showing.

    There are surprisingly 3 special feature videos. The first one is the 25 mins of some staff commentaries, what they felt, insight of the concert and some developments of the series. The second and third are just trailers of the FE0 cipher card trailers.

    Dute Note: The DVD is region locked so you'll have to find a way to bypass it. My DVD player on my computer was able to bypass it perfectly fine with some settings being switched.

    Here are the instructions of how I did it. Keep in mind this is done on a Windows PC.

    Open Device Manager

    Find your DVD and right click it to go to its Properties

    Click the DVD Region Tab

    Select Japan (Region 2) and click ok.


    Time Stamps and Information of Content. Please note that it's not 100% accurate but gives you a general idea of what to expect.

    Chapter 1 - (0:00)

    The Tokyo Dome itself and the audiences coming in

    Chapter 2 - (2:08)

    Fire Emblem Theme

    Chapter 3 - (5:19)

    Comments from the Host Anna's voice actor

    Chapter 4, 5, 6 and 7 - (8:15) Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia

    Strife of Agustria
    Eldigan the Lionheart
    The Final Holy War
    Ending Ballad

    Chapter 8 - (21:30)

    Comments from the Host Anna's voice actor

    Chapter 9 - (22:02) Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
    The Time to Act!
    Stalwart Opposition
    On the Path to Victory
    Chapter 10 - (29:29) Fire Emblem Gaiden
    Chapter 1 (To Sofia)
    Fight 1
    Battle Theme (Opponent)
    One of the Maps? I can't tell.
    Boss Theme

    Difficult for me to identify since I am not familiar with Gaiden's OST.

    Chapter 11 - (35:13) Fire Emblem Mystery of the Emblem

    Legend of the Divine Dragon

    Chapter 12 - (38:28) New Mystery of the Emblem ~Heroes of Light and Shadow~

    Another Hero - Opening

    He Who Carves a New History

    One of the Enemy or boss theme I can't tell

    Chapter 13, 14 - (43:46) Theatre behind the scenes and Merchandise

    Chapter 15 - (51:10) The Mini Drama

    Chapter 16 - (1:01:54) Fire Emblem Fates

    Hitori Omou

    Chapter 17 - (1:09:00) More Comments from the Host

    Chapter 18, 19, 20 - (1:10:00) Fire Emblem Binding Blade, Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones

    Most of the Battle Medleys

    Suspicious -The Theme of the Three Dragon Generals
    Winds Across the Plains
    Treasured Memories
    Chapter 22 - (1:23:00) More Comments from Host
    Chapter 23 - (1:23:30) Fire Emblem Path of Radiance
    Life Returns
    Chapter 24 - (1:28:16) Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
    Eternal Bond
    Chapter 25, 26, 27 - (1:30:56) Fire Emblem Awakening
    You May Call Me Marth
    Ha ha! Yes, it will take some getting used to!
    "You deserved better from me than one sword"
    Lucina's Judgement
    Id Hope
    Id Purpose
    Chapter 28 - (1:44:00) More Comments from the Host
    Chapter 29 - (1:45:00) Fire Emblem Opera Theme
    Chapter 30 - (1:50:25) Thanks from the Staff Credits

    Overall, I loved what I got out from this concert DVD. Do not hestitate to get this DVD. It is worth it for all Fire Emblem fans.


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