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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Idk if videogames can get a Grammy. If so, this one definitely deserves a trophy for the category best videogame theme in existence.
  2. I already answered you. Wow SF, just WOW I still hate this update!
  3. I knew. That's what I meant with reviving six times. (2 x 3) Sry, if my trolling caused confusion. Also these double post glitches make it hard for me to follow this thread.
  4. I knew. That's what I meant with reviving six times. (2 x 3) Sry, if my trolling caused confusion. Also these double post glitches make it hard for me to follow this thread.
  5. you meant second post? yes, i saw *pats* You can revive up to six times? Then casual mode is really pointless imo unless you're really screwed till part 2.
  6. I didn't even know you can revive allies by reviving fountains. Why then does casual mode even exist? WB Clive, Python and Jenny... however totally underleveled.
  7. lol I guess I'm the only person here who can live without a mobile phone. I really wished Heroes could be released for the 3DS at least.
  8. What are mobile games? I only know console games. It lacks on a mobile phone and having good internet to play Heroes for myself.
  9. Why are archers only good on enemy's side?
  10. Luka used to be the best of the default knights. Valbar was pretty bad tbh. I promoted Tobin to a general too who was great. Way better than as archer. Honestly I focussed on only few units. I brought everyone to Duma's map, but some just served as canon fodder like Jesse, Clive or Mae because they weren't trained well at all.
  11. I see. lol In my first run she was mediocre as falcon kinght. The result was that she was eaten by Duma. Replace dreadfighters with falcon knights and Mae with Kliff. That's how I managed Thabes.
  12. Doesn't Duma move in FE2? And even if not, I don't understand the complaining. Stationary fiinal bosses like in very most FE games are the worst thing. Anyways good job! I ignored Jedah. Also how good was Forsyth that you could bring him to the final map? I'm trying out Faye as cav. in my second run (hard/classic) too. Honestly she's pretty mediocre so far.
  13. I'm pretty sure the A.I. behavior in normal and hard is the same. In hard the enemies have ~10% higher stats.
  14. It's the second and last time i'm doing this kind of thread because I have no ideas of so many questions for other topics. When were you introduced into videogames? How did you get introduced? What was your first videogame? What was your first console? How many consoles have you owned yet? How many games (guess) have you played yet? What's your favorite game? What's your favorite series? What was the last game you played? Any game you're looking forward to? What was the last console you bought? How many games do you buy per year in average? How much money do you invest for videogames per year in average? Have you ever downloaded a game? Do you prefer to buy physical or digital copies? Have you ever imported games because they haven't been released in your area? What's your opinion about region lock? When do you buy games? Where do you prefer to buy consoles and games? What's your opinion of DLCs? Do you buy charged DLCs? Any game you wished it was released for a console you own? What's your favorite boss fight? What's your favorite OST? Who's your favorite protagonist? Who's your favorite antagonist? Have you ever cried in a videogame? Which chcaracter death in the story has been the saddest for you? Which genres did / do you play? Which genres do you dislike? What do you do, if you stuck in a certain passage of a game? What has been the hardest game for you? Have you ever blown up because you were frustrated? What's your opinion of remakes? Any game you like but most others hate? Any game you dislike but most others like? Do you play mobile games? What do you think about the future of videogame and videogame companies like Nintendo or Sony? If you had a child, would you introduce them into videogames? Are you rather a single player or do you often play with others together? Have you ever bought other videogame merchandise like figures (amiibos included), soundtrack, art books or clothes? What's your opinion of amiibos? Do you use any other hardward besides your controller / mote (joystick, steering wheel)? Have you ever been in a videogame trade fair? Is there any videogame character you'd like to cosplay?
  15. Yes, he does. Also I wasn't talking about him, but about the final boss in the extra dungeon (who moves too).
  16. I even had a maxed magic Mia in my last FE9 run. (without giving her spirit dusts)
  17. Thanks! I saw them now. She even would adopt a kitty - CUTE! I would have died probably.
  18. I'm aware of Canadian's special weather because of the north-south wind in NA. Anyways I admire them. They're tough cookies in terms of weather. Can withstand everything. Never would like to witness a Canadian winter.
  19. Germany although I like to call it little Netherlands This flood would cause a green landscape.
  20. Germany although I like to call it little Netherlands This flood would cause a green landscape.
  21. Ok, this is a temperature area which wouldn't bother me. As long it's >0, it's ok. (Canadians would laugh probably) I'm glad that we got rid of the snow in the past years. The only good thing of the Global Warming.
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