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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Tbf the main reason why I don't let cats sleep in my bed anymore is not to have a certain déjà-vu: I was woken up by a pooping, and a few seconds later a beastial stench spread through my bedroom, and then the entire house because the cat was shitting in my room. An exeperience I will never forget and never want to let it happen again.
  2. I don't really see a problem of this guy right here. Split fanbases exist everywhere, not only in videogames. I can't really see why, FE suffers so much more than other series. Of course FE did a change after the years with the increased part of fanservice and romance, but it's still pretty much the same gamplay like 20-25 years ago. Sure, some people don't like the modernization (including me), but it's no real argument to dissuade new people from playing the new games to find an own introduction into this series. If someone badmouths sth. on YT, then just block them! Not starting a LP of a new series just because of being scared of the reaction of some called "fans" is a bit too much overreacting for me.
  3. Now even with the fitting location. Just have to set up the gender... actually no... otherwise I confuse people again and they'd ask me about the displayed gender change.
  4. I replayed Persona 3's final boss like a dozen time already just to enjoy listening to their theme. Still my favorite videogame theme of all time.
  5. My problem is that I'm pretty bad in this game, because I can't really get used to the battle system. I died pretty often against the bosses and this took me quite a bit of the motivation. Still try to beat this game because I simply like the characters (especially Iffy and Noire). It also took me quite a lot time and overcoming to get into SMTIV (more than a half year), but now I absolutely enjoy it. Hope same happens to me with MK2.
  6. short Oh whoops, I thought you started with the PC version. Opinion of Ralph Waldo Emerson (if you have heared of him)?
  7. That Noire image reminds me to continue MK2. More than a half year is passed when I touched this game the last time because other good games butted in. I guess it'll happen again when I've bought TocS... For some reason I can't keep my motivation high for NEP.
  8. Whenever I leave the frontdoor, a little horde of cats gives me a warm welcome. I can still cuddle them all often enough as I want, just outside.
  9. Oh... Pump up the Jam was 90, not 89 as I thought. Lol... I almost forgot about this. same question
  10. Is this the question? I (still) own the special edition and finished all three routes. Opinion of music crossovers? (jazz x rock, rock x rap, rap x classic...)
  11. Personally I hate it on myself. But you can look good with it... you CAN. Favorite type of beard?
  12. Yeah, it makes sense. You would have to neutralize the cats first, and I don't know if neutralizing outdoor cats costs money in the US. In my country it's for free, but only for outdoor cats. Also seven cats would turn into a little zoo at home. Outdoor cats can get along with indoor cats, but of course they need day parole at first. It takes a while till they will accustom on home. I adopted a few outdoor cats and made them all housetrained. Also I won't take one single cat home anymore because... ... my dad wouldn't permit it ... I had very bad experiences with taking a cat to my bed.
  13. Youtube isn't the best ressource for researching you hopefully know...
  14. Aside of the only JP FE parts nothing really nothing comes in my mind. Some other classic RPGs were rereleased for portable consoles later on in EU. Impression / opinion of Berseria so far?
  15. Henning isn't hard with Rutger. Even Roy can take him out with killing edge and supports if you're lucky with his strength.
  16. Sigh... I know this feeling too good although not for 4 years. Such depressing to give my friends and relatives the answer that I'm looking for work.
  17. Have you Rutger for this chapter? Because he's the only one who has decent hitrate and could even double. Just make the boss to equip the hand axe to have weapon advantage. Also I agree with the stupidity of FE6's throne boosts. However the nerf of axes and lances annoys me even more.
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