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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I really hope the lesson of this election will be to change the entire election system of the US in the future.
  2. 1. Favorite videogame theme? 2. Favorite chapter in FE? 3. How is life in Colombia for you? 4. A videogame franchise you haven't tried out yet but want to? 5. Any interesting sights close to your location?
  3. First reaction of the US election? Flying abilities like Super Man and could travel to each place I want to go fast.
  4. Also a very surprising US election so far. I have the suspense and entertainment I wanted to have. I'm sorry for all the US people who didn't want to have this head-to-head race... and have to suffer right now.
  5. Elise is super cute and pretty. ... Of course I was talking about ToX Elise.
  6. Also I don't deny that OP is a nice person. However I find it annoying, if people start lots of threads in a small time area... because it gives me the impression that they just want to be in the spotlight in this forum. (sry but it seems to be spamming for me and I don't like spammers at all) That's the impression I got... I have to say.
  7. Wow, you must have wasted quite a lot of your freetime to analyze all their topics. Anyways I think I have understood it, thanks! Hopefully I didn't insult either of them with my comments. I just noticed the rised number of threads recently of him and askedy myself the point of them... because a few one like the "loli-thread" (poor Zeems) were really unnecessary. I was thinking he just wanted to become someone like Soul in terms of starting threads.
  8. Have you elected? After reading and seeing what it is, I'd not be too excited in tasting it tbh.
  9. Well, about the content of the topics I'd agree since Soul rather tends to share (weird) situations of his life while OP more asks (weird) stuff although the "loli-thread" reminded me too much on Soul. However it's noticeable that OP has started lots of threads lately, mainly in FTTF.
  10. Bavarian landscape >>>>>>>>>>>>> Bavarian music
  11. Yeah, I think my opinion wasn't unpopular because this really depends on the generation. I grew up with a complete different era of music (70's - early 90's), and now I have problems to accustom on the current music style.
  12. Are you going to watch the US election tonight? queer :)
  13. Final boss(es) in Xillia 1. Favorite sidecharacter in a videogame?
  14. I have the feeling that certain people want to surpass Soul in shitthreading.
  15. Honeslty I don't understand this question unless there was a grammatical question. Do you mean a certain word I dislike (insult...)?
  16. Unfortunately this thread was already closed before I was able to post in there.
  17. main character I'd play with: Ludger another physical unit: Patty healer + reviver: Tear spellcaster: Rita same question
  18. Emerson + Quintessence Changing UN can make things difficult, especially here. Honestly I can't recall each interview either. Also I'm a bit relieved that some people forgot about my UN I joined this forum, because tbh I hate it meanwhile.
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