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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I like both a lot as I like Zeke and Meta Knight equally. And since I don't care for the other two duels (I don't know who Esteban and Tidus are), I actually have no desire to vote in this round, as in the entire competition as I mentioned earlier. But since Randy has a chance for a tie I didn't expect at all, I make use of my voting right this time. The other three votes are just... whatever.
  2. Wow, Halloween!Rolf is awesome for the current one. With double fury, desperation, brazen attack / speed seal and dancer buffs he really kicked ass. He could catch all the thieves. It has been the first time I've could done it on hardest difficulty.
  3. a gift to all horny Ryza fans If a figure of this would be made, I would even invest multiple hundreds of € for this.
  4. I'm honestly surprised how close this match is since I didn't see Randy having a chance against The Rein considering how popular he is nowadays. That said I could help you out. I haven't voted yet, but since I'm seeing Randy having a realistic chance to get a tie at least, I might jump in the very last second.
  5. This is what the beach part of Persona 5 (Royal) should have been. Is the Persona anime recommendable as introduction into anime? I only ever have watched a few parts of Tales of Zestiria X yet..... which was not a good appetizer to be honest.
  6. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/77225579 Tio Plato
  7. Wow, I slept like a baby. Almost ten hours without a break. Maybe alcohol still has its beneficials... Nah, just kidding, I will only drink it on events maybe 4-5 times in a year.
  8. I assumed that what would be your kind of every day. But seriously whisky coke was delicious, and although I don't drink much alcohol at all, I'm surprisingly resilient. I will drink the rest of the bottle this weekend since the taste appealed me. Though I'm really tired from my home walk (6 km) right now, so I'll head to bed early which kinda sucks on a Friday, but it can't be helped.
  9. Just came back from a party organized by my employer. Drank a half bottle of whisky (mixed with coke). Still found the way home and feeling good.
  10. Rita would be also my pick because she's the less expensive of these ones. But yeah, always wanted to have her around. I have a rather cheap Edna figure with an appropriate rather low quality, though not as bad as my Lucina and Pythra mistake. As I mentioned before I preordered Ryza, but it was delayed for unknown time without giving me reasons, so I cancelled and bought Haru and Kasumi from Persona 5 (Royal) instead. I don't know her availibility, so I can't promise to get her once she's out (which should be in this month). I will give this poll a long deadline since it'll be realized close before christmas. I just have spent almost 300 € in this week for merchandise, so my wallet needs to take a little break. Looking at the thermometer: 25.5 °C outside - gaah! Well, it has been probably the last (super) tropical night for this year.
  11. I still decided to spend more orbs till second spark. Got another Edelgard and Say'ri before the Claude spark. Since I have two copies of Say'ri now, are her A and B skill competent on Fjorm to make become way more faster and also a bit tankier?
  12. She's literally delicious. Today was the final time I voted in this competition since I don't care enough for any of these guys. Kevin Graham was literally the only one male character of a game I played who has touched me with his bittersweet cynical badass trait. There are some protagonists I find cool like Captain Falcon, Wolf O'Donnell, Solid Snake or Joker of course, but I don't like them enough to have a superstrong attraction to them. I should have brought Marty instead of Goru since Marty is amazing in Super Thracia and probably the most memerable character in this series, well, maybe the second one after Reinhardt. I'm glad that he has made it to this competition, but I won't vote for him either, especially not since he fights against Randy (which features basically my most favorite remaining characters in this competition). Edit: I totally forgot about Shulk, lmao. I should have nominated him.
  13. It's true, but it's a very costly hobby considering figures can cost up to multiple hundres of €/ $ depending what you want in which quality. 200 € for one figure is like buying a decent PS4. Speaking of figures nendo Haru just came home! Damn, I would have got the tripled price right now than when I sold the game three years ago. Still I made more than 100% profit from this game.
  14. Yesterday's forcecast: 33 °C and sunny Currently: 26 °C and light rain I left work and went to the lake for nothing... absolutely nothing. Well, back home I'm doing a bit more shopping for my (videogame merchandise) atelier. I know it's a bad hobby, but some people like to collect glasses as decorations whilst I collect figurines and dolls. Still better than to waste money on gachas.
  15. The most logical choice won for me, excellent! Since today and tomorrow will be very hot, I planned to go to the lake anyways instead of hanging around on the screen. Maybe the last time in this year > 30 °C, so I should take this opportunity. Well, after that I will continue P5R apparently. I might the beach suits to current weather, but not that I'm movitated to play this part at all...
  16. Zero vs. Derrick will be a coin flip since I know neither. Actually I might know Zero since I think he's character in Project X Zone if my memories aren't wrong. Though I have a hard time with liking mechs, so I might vote the Derrick person, whatever.
  17. It's funny as sad that the remaining characters I like (Zeke, Meta Knight, Reinhardt, Randy) are against each other. Actually I think I will stop voting here.
  18. same Tbf my attraction to men in videogame is way less than to women for some reason, so I don't really care who will win. Even if Kevin should be crashed out, I wouldn't be upset. (generally I'm never upset when something I like is overruled)
  19. my selfmade christmas present: To be fair it's a fair price considering it's brandnew. It costs 100 € less than (overpriced) Ryza, so definitely a better investment imo and she's a cooler character too. Once she's come home I have pretty much all Persona girls I like together. Now I just have to wait vainly till a figure of Sae comes out.
  20. If the boy competition is over, will there be a battle between best girl and best boy?
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