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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. What a pathetic season of ManU!
  2. I only have played Starfox 64, so I cannot say about the other both games, but to my mind Falco Lombardi is not really the equivalent to Luigi. He is the biggest confident of Fox McCloud and always wants to be better than him, but the main hero of Starfox is Fox McCloud. Peppy Hare and Slippy Toad have the same influence in Starfox64 like Falco. Luigi has an own series unlike Falco.
  3. Next chapter will be pretty annoying. If you have done it, the worst part´s over till the finale.
  4. If Wolf will not return, I am really pissed off. He has to come back, because SSB needs villains. Falco should be dropped.
  5. That may be true, but it does not change the fact that the Tellius series failed in sales. So it is very hard to find to potential buyers. Most of them would be people, who could not get them for a low price. However FE13 intodruced many newcomers into the FE series, because of the fantastic graphics and that the 3D-effect was used very well.
  6. Happy first year on SF! I still have to wait almost one year for this moment.
  7. Why should a remake version of FE10 come out for the Wii U, although you can play the Wii game on the Wii U already? And FE9 + 10 and the Wii U had/have poor sales.
  8. If you play on hard mode, the DB is underleveled unlike in lower difficulties. In part 1 I can promote max. two members (Ilyana and Jill) and bring Micki to level 20. Another problem is the low bexp. on hard mode. I have not enough to promote all of them till part 3. So Aran and Nolan have much trouble against the laguz in 3-6. You have to give the approriate skills and supports to your units to survive part 3 with the DB. It is theoretical possible to promote one of your units to 3rd tier in/after 3-6, with paragon skill and using the mastercrown, but I always bring the paragon skill to GMs via Ilyana. I always bring Jill to level 10 till 3-12 or 13 and promote her. The main problem in FE10 is the three groups are complety unbalanced. The chapters of the CKs and GMs are "a piece of cake", because the enemies have lower levels than your units.
  9. When I read the title, I thought about the sounds of frogs.
  10. As he said. Generally in FE10 every partner/ally unit with a name (not NPC unit) will return. The only exception is, if a main character dies (for example Tibarn in Part 3, Chapter 11). If this happens, it is an instant Game Over.
  11. I do not pay that much intention, if I see a new introduction. If I am feeling good, I sometimes welcome the new member. Same.
  12. I know your pain. I was very lucky to get a used copy FE9 + 10 each for 30 € (42 $) in a German Gamestop. Gamestop does not know the worth of the games. To my mind PoR is almost impossible to get for 40 $. If you lived in EU, I would give you both games of the Tellius series for a low price, because I will not use my Wii anymore (have a 3DS and PS3). But you live in the US, so the delivery charges and the taxes for the change $=€ are probably higher than the worth of the game(s).
  13. There is no connction to FE12. If you play FE11 on normal mode (lowest difficulty), you have access to the prologue. In the last prologue you have to decoy one of your units. This unit cannot be revived. And you can sacrifice one of your units to get Norne after this prologue. This unit again can be revived by the Aum stuff.
  14. Freak weather in the US is notorious. There often are heatwaves, floodings, blizzards and tons of hurricans every year. The region of San Diego is famous especially for the aridity. So heat waves like this are not that unusual, I guess. There are much worse heat waves for example in Arizona, Texas and Las Vegas. In the summer the temperature can decrease >45°C (113F) at midday and >25°C (77F) at night.
  15. Interesting point. To be honest, I never have thaught about that to use the Aum staff, if I have played on normal mode. I always forgot that one unit died in prologue 5. So I can revive the unit, I sacrificed to get Norne. Ok, it does not really make much sense, because the unit is underleveled at this point. But therefore I have a less death count.
  16. This result cannot be surprising. Only suicidal people do not wear seat belts. And it is illegal in most countries in the world. I cannot believe that the US have loosed laws. Only occupants up front have to wear them. "Nobody" gave us an overview about the legal regulations about wearing seat belts in all countries. Here is the link: http://chartsbin.com/view/2028
  17. Tellius is not hated in general. However some people dislike Radiant Dawn because of the story, stupid support conversation and the role of Micaiah.
  18. Ok, I see. I guess, my tropic introduction was too generic. I have edited it. My intention was to have a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages to live in a city or in the country.
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