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Everything posted by Rakath

  1. Most of the characters we're listing in these archtypes aren't very plot important either, nor the characters that appear over multiple games (Anna). But they are the very loose string that tie the series together.
  2. Sylvan, I know that going TO 100 is needed, but above it isn't really useful. Looking at every Weapon the optimal avoids are: Sword - Swordmaster and Horseman (45 Avoid) Lance - Falcoknight (40 Avoid) Axe - Hero (41 Avoid) That's assuming everyone you fight capped Speed AND Luck, which isn't likely. A Swordmaster with capped Skill and at least 10 Luck has a 44 Hitrate (34 against Lance units) on his own, add a sword with 100 Hit and he'll be at 99 vs Swordmaster (at Caps), 94 vs Falco (again, caps) and 113 vs. Axe Hero (at Caps). Forging the extra 30 Hit on the Brave Sword is a waste of Gold. Especially since capping Luck is not likely and Falcos are less used than Paladins (who with capped everything only have a 37 Avoid). Paladins might want some extra hitrate (MAYBE) if they have a really pathetic Luck score. Same goes for a Berserker that isn't near-capped in Skill (since even the best case scenario his Luck only caps at 22). But for most units get the Hit to 100 and you're fine, Swordmasters with capped Luck can probably just stop at 90 without much ill effect.
  3. TheEnd, you forgot Joshua, a deadly Swift Sword user with Fragile defense who is swayed to your side by Natasha (a what, a Cleric, naw, never happened before). Mia, a speedy sword weilder with fragile defense has her primary support with Rhys (a Priest). On the other side of the Rena and Julian thing, you get Guy, who is a swift sword user with long hair and Navarre-similar garb, who is recruited by speaking with a Thief (Matthew). It wouldn't be a series if every game was totally disconnected from one another, there have to be a few combining elements. *coughTHEFIREEMBLEMcough*
  4. I really doubt the 5 accuracy will ever matter, you'd need to have a really pathetic Sword user to need more than 110 Hit on a blade. If you're having money issues on making Braves don't go for 100+ Hit unless it's needed. A basic Forged (read: Max Might, 100 Hit) Brave should only run about 100,000 each (including buying the weapon). Only one that goes over that (and only by a little) is a Brave Lance. Depending on your classes and stats, your general need for Hit on weapons won't go too much over 100. It only does if you want to make sure you have 100 hit on everything, and that's only in the worst case where all enemies have a Maxed out Dodge (which needs a maxed out Luck, which isn't all that common). The highest non-Support dodge is 45, 100 Hit on a weapon should be plenty unless your unit has low Skill AND Luck... Then I suggest finding a new unit to raise.
  5. That's got some code problem, so does the other post Rolf, Boyd, Oscar, Shinon Ilyana Roy and Roy XD Hectank
  6. You started a discussion on a topic you say needs no discussion? The archtypes (depending on how forced they are) are mostly a simplicity thing. In a game series with 50+ characters a game, you have to reuse and repeat or you will run out of things to do. So you get a Pre-promoted unit early game each game, to keep you from dying. (Jeigan) You get a late game unit with low stats and amazing growths. (Est) You get a pair of Cavaliers in red and green. (Cain and Abel) You get a set of 3 siblings (Palla, Catria, Est) They are in there, the names might be fan chosen but they follow this set-up in a lot of ways for gameplay. Jeigans are there to make sure the new player doesn't get TOTALLY WASTED by the opponents. Now granted some of them are... only so helpful. The Late game Growth master is there so people who can calculate and use them can take advantage. Not everyone can properly throw an Est into combat without them dying. The Red and Green riders are there to make for some dialog, and flesh out your starting party (mostly... they played with it a bit with FE8, 9, and 10 with the different deployment of this one). The siblings are so you get a good reason for a Triangle Attack. While not useful it is fun to play with. Complaining about the reused elements is like whining about moogles and airships in Final Fantasy... Also, you forgot Arran (FE3 Book 2) on your list, by the way.
  7. Gravity Card doubles movement cost. It would limit a Paladin/DragonKnight/Falcoknight to 5 move across Plains. And other units to much shorter ranges.
  8. It's useful to eliminate counter attack, with a forged Brave Sword Est can kill any unit. Depending on the set-up for it changes how effective it is. Its a lot better if I can set-up the Triangle without wasting the other two Unit's Movement for the turn. Use with a Warp Stave makes it a good second scouting method after Palla bumps into someone. It's not a perfect tool, and not a primary trick, but it is really fun since it makes sure to eliminate someone. It works best if you can then return to the Fog after the strike, protecting Palla from being slaughtered by angry vengence units.
  9. Uh... I'll check my PMs now. Uh sure, I'm game, lemme add your code in. And I don't suppose it has to be a Sniper, its just that's the easiest way to give as much range to doing extra damages. Since all 3 have to be Range 1 to the Triangle'd target. Sniper with Longbow can dish out punishment to separate enemies. My party just happens to have a fair bit of range on this trick.
  10. Well, a few test runs without all my weapons say the team isn't bad. Fun discovery I've made: Triangle Attack works on Wi-Fi. Is it all that useful? Only when you double critical a General via a Brave Sword (after you use your Sniper to hurt someone nearby in the set-up). No, I don't plan on using it as a staple strategy, but when it works it works. Also, personal testing proves it works IN SPITE of any Dazzle cards out.
  11. Well... depends on what your Crit Avoid is... but if they capped their Ballistia its probably a hacked team... Unless you're just speaking of the Ballista's damage (due to rediculous forging).
  12. Of those six listed, I can cap everyone's speed, and if I use Merric over Linde I can do it with a Speedwing left over. So Wolf's speed is a non-issue. Palla's Falcoknight class was mostly to scout and set-up. I'll probably stick to Paladin as she's been working well as one (I don't have Iote yet). The sages were an either or. I was leaning more toward Merric but wanted to be sure.
  13. Depends on what else was capped. It's possible to have 3 Magic users with capped magic so long as two of them did it naturally (read: RNG abuse). While on average both Merric and Linde will get from 17-20 Magic, if you make sure that they get magic with as many level ups as you can stomach resetting on it should be possible...
  14. Now really, that's a rather literal view to use on my words. Good job twisting it around. I just hate the view that 'anal isn't sex' or 'oral isn't sex' or 'we didn't have sex I just jacked him off and rubbed his jizz on my chest'. It's just rather hard to word my exact definition of what is and isn't sex. And kissing isn't sex unless you're one of those people that never kisses anyone for any reason but to get laid.
  15. Yeah, this would be a good one. Or give them a higher Evd at close range. Something so that they don't get destroyed by being surrounded. *If this does happen, he will miss surrounding an enemy Archer/Sniper/Nomad/Horseman/etc and slaughtering them for EXP from one unit* *Guess how Rakath levels Est up in the chapter she arrives in.*
  16. Yes, but as his standard class, and most other classes but redicushield General, his DEF won't get past 20. While other units, in those other classes, can manage to do that.
  17. Wolf and Sedgar have rather lackluster stats with really good Growthrates. Whatever you reclass them into will have a wonderful set of stats for in game after a few level ups. However depending on your standards they will not exactly be perfect. However they do get some bonuses against RNG-screwage. But both rely on Level ups to have presentable stats, except for where they have 100+ Growth, a few dud levels murder them.
  18. Which might not be a bad choice for him so he can gain nearly 1 Def per level (he'll have a 90% Def Growth). I personally find the best durability comes from killing things efficiently. So I opted for making him a Berserker with a 120 Strength Growth and no question about capping HP.
  19. 65% is only bad because he starts with a low base and he only has a handful of levels to gain from. However Wolf does have the easiest to calculate average Strength in the game.
  20. Did that when I got the Longbow in 17. I've already forged Brave Sword, Hand Axe, Longbow, and Thoron, did that a while back. My Berserker will be carrying Hauteclere just to use it as a Axe of Vulenary +17, similarly Catria will be carrying Parthia for its Pure Water +17 status. Gradivus is the only Legendary weapon someone will have to use as a weapon.
  21. 22. I'm waiting till the weekend so I can get my next Brave Weapon (or tomorrow and Wo Dao). Which is another handicap of my team is I only have the chapters (and Gold) to forge four more weapons (Brave Lance, Brave Axe, Brave Bow, and Wo Dao).
  22. She's already allotted those items, I do know she needs them. It's part of why I was figuring to go with Merric, since he needs less of those than Linde does (and Excalibur is useful alongside a Forged Thoron in case of flying enemies). I've still got a few chapters to work on other units, Abel, Navarre, and Frey (while unpromoted) have decent stats, and I have Sedgar to work with.
  23. Since I was using Sedgar as a wall early game as a General he's not LV20 (He got... 3 level ups? He wasn't fast enough to keep up and I often left him walling up doorways). I can put him into my team and grind his levels over the final chapters. My only other 20/20 unit is Radd, who somehow became useful along the way (I figured why not keep him around, and he ended up getting Arena'd to 20/20 to make cash), but his stats are worse than Est in pretty much every way possible (save HP). I do have 4 more chapters to level up units since it isn't like these guys will gain EXP anymore. I promoted Ogma and Caeda a little early so he could help in Wooden Cavalry, also he got RNG screwed a lot of times so his stats are pretty pathetic. Caeda I just stopped using along the way. I'll try putting Sedgar through the paces for the next few chapters. Lena is also 20/6, but her stats REALLY suck. She was my staff chick for a lot of chapters.
  24. Finished my second play (rather, all the units I intend on using are 20/20 Since Camus the Sable and now I'm just waiting to finish the last few chapters on getting the Brave Weapons to forge): Bold = Capped Est (Swordmaster) HP: 45 - Str: 24 - Mag: 01 - Skl: 29 - Spd: 30 - Lck: 29 - Def: 16 - Res: 04 Palla (Falcoknight or Paladin, listing both stats) HP: 49 (51) - Str: 24 (25) - Mag: 01 - Skl: 25 (28) - Spd: 23 - Lck: 09 - Def: 20 (21) - Res: 11 (09) Catria (Sniper) HP: 52 - Str: 23 - Mag: 01 - Skl: 30 - Spd: 29 - Lck: 22 - Def: 19 - Res: 03 Wolf (Berserker) HP: 60 - Str: 28 - Mag: 00 - Skl: 17 - Spd: 20 - Lck: 12 - Def: 14 - Res: 00 Merric (Sage) HP: 48 - Str: 03 - Mag: 22 - Skl: 24 - Spd: 25 - Lck: 24 - Def: 10 - Res: 17 Linde (Sage) HP: 41 - Str: 03 - Mag: 21 - Skl: 24 - Spd: 23 - Lck: 30 - Def: 04 - Res: 16 Now, I'm leaning more toward Merric, for the better Defensive stats, but I've got enough Stat items so everyone caps Strength/Magic and Speed without question (so Linde's 1 Mag and 2 Speed don't matter). The Stat items I don't have yet are the ones from the Chapter 24 Secret Shop (which I know I can buy) and the Talisman from Chapter 23. I also have time to WEXP them for other classes if needed. Should I give my Sage the boots, or use them on someone who already has a high movement and restrict Linde or Merric to support for most chapters?
  25. Yes, but to say "Archers suck because Gordin sucks" when you can choose to put Catria or Abel into that class set and make it work isn't a very good argument. If you wanna get numerical: A little over half your characters fall into the Finesse/speed classes (31 out of 59) A little under a third fall into power classes (19/59) Leaving your one lord, three Dragons, two thieves, two Ballista, and Xane. (about a sixth)
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