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Everything posted by Rakath

  1. The thing is that while Archer's are below Hunters in every base stat. Horseman are below Snipers in every base stat (save Movement). Once your Archer promotes it gets a lot of buffs, when your Hunter promotes they... don't. My main point was that in a game where half your units can be classed as Hunters, and half your units can get classed as Archers, a single units stats and growths can't be the measuring stick for the entire class.
  2. Players name: Crimson (Two face emoticons) Team name: I didn't get that far. Spotted by: Rakath Reason: Every unit was capped in every stat (except Julian didn't have capped Magic). Marth seized the castle in one continuous movement on Map 3, which is easily 20 movement.
  3. Luna got gimped in FE8 with its Hit rate of 50, but yes, both of those spells are what make Dark Magic not Anima or Light. And due to how Dark Magic users have rather unusual growths (which if they just tweaked them a bit more buffed they'd work as how they are supposed to. Just give them some more DEF growth) those two books are about the only reason to use Dark Mages. If Pelleas had those two magics in FE10 he'd of been unstoppable with his growth rates. Since he can cap all the required stats to make things work in FE10. However Luna was returned to being a Skill and Resire went back to being Light. So he became a little bit useless. Although he's probably the only Dark Mage of late with a shot to predictably double, since he has a Speed Growth rate and an Str growth rate (and while it seems useless, Balberith's Str+3 makes it easier to handle its 15 weight).
  4. Well, depending on game and character they generally have above par DEF growth (for Magic users anyway) and high Res growth without sacrificing Magic Growth. Most of them have a pretty good HP growth, in the 60-70% range. Tome wise, Dark tomes have a higher weight and Might, with lower Hit in most cases. Light tomes generally have lower weight and might with a higher hit. And Anima walks the line between them. Their tomes also generally come with bonus tricks. However those tricks generally mean the Tome has a really low hit (Looking at you Eclipse tome). If they had better starting stats, and Def Growths on par with non-magic units (somewhere in the 40-50 range, if not higher) they could be really effective. Especially if they always get utility tomes like Nos and Luna. While FE10 has Dark Magic, the set-up for Might/Weight/Hit done for Light/Dark/Anima is done for Wind/Thunder/Fire in the Tellius games. Light Magic is still relatively low weight/might with higher hit, and Dark is a bit less about hitting and more about power. However Pelleas has some rather effective growths in all areas, so he makes the Darkness look good in that game if you recruit him.
  5. My mistake, I did try using the movement RNG abuse (from 7-8) and I did get results, but thinking back one of them was when I changed to Daylights Savings and the other was after a 2 hour break in playing.
  6. I think the Marksmen Auto+1 Range was a pretty effective means to make them not suck. While it was mostly Shinon being awesome. In the same vein as that having their range be 1-2 but with melee range having a lower acc/power (similar to how Longbow range has a lower Acc in FE10). Dark Magic users really need a better HP if they are going to be Magical tanks. If you're going to be high power low acc you need SOMETHING to back up the fact that you're going to MISS very often.
  7. Indeed, someone is. Gordin's speed and growth are lower than Castor's does not mean that Archer Speed and growth is lower than Hunter. Because Castor's Speed growth is 15%, and Gordin's is 5%. If you looked at the other three Natural Archers you'd see Castor lose speed each time. Norne's got 25 (55 as Archer), Jeorge has a 10 (40 as Sniper, tied with your Castor there), and Tomas has a 20 (50 as Sniper, that's two beating your Castor). Then again you also didn't mention the rediculous 60 (85 as Horseman) growths of the Wolf and Sedgar. However they also start with really low stats. But their 85% Speed growth hardly can be counted that All Horseman have great speed growth as the class Speed growth is still 25% If we took two characters with the SAME Speed growth. Let's say Abel and Draug (40) we get a different situation. Abel's Speed Growth would be 70, Draug's would be 65. Edit: Additionally- Castor's 20/20 Speed stat (average): 22.4 Gordin's 20/20 Speed stat (average): 22.3 Apparently those two points and 5 percent don't mean all that much.
  8. Which side? As Hunter's 'vastly superior' Base Atk (+1 on Archer) and Base speed (+2), and while it has 20% Strength growth (to Archer's 10) Hunter's 'vastly superior' Speed Growth is... 5% less. The caps are equally similar between Horseman and Sniper. (Sniper's have a higher skill, Horseman a higher Speed).
  9. Rakath


    That's rather judgemental for someone on a forum for a video game that has two installments include furry. So long as the Furries are not in your home doing it on your bed, what business of it is yours? They ain't hurtin' anyone.
  10. Purple... ...Purple is awesome.
  11. ...There are three other people from Maryland? *eyebrow*
  12. Rakath


    Most of these have been directly applied to me at some point. - Men that wear purple are gay - Men with long hair are gay -- Unless they are emo -- or possibly planning to bomb your school - Men that are friends with mostly women are gay - Roleplayers are gay. - Men who take dance at school are gay. (Yes, some odd reason most of the world thinks I'm gay, if they talked to me they might learn something) What's hilarious about that last one is how long it took everyone else to realize I was the only guy in a room full of hot women watching them being highly athletic in sports bras and tank tops. Yup, totally a gay thing to do. Oh yeah, this one is used toward me, and is true. - Men who take dance and are openly perverted... are perverts.
  13. I treat going to GameFAQs like a trip to the Dentist or the DMV. Pray it's over quickly and as painlessly as possible. (Read. I hope the Guide has the information I seek then I run away if I find the info or fail to find it.) I do sometimes attempt to answer Questions in those sections for games I like that have a limited selection of intelligent posters. But only when exceptionally bored.
  14. Rakath

    Is romance dead?

    My girlfriend made me a rose out of duct tape and sent it to me in the mail. Romance ain't dead or in trouble. ^_^
  15. Well... I suppose this question is best answered after asking another question... well, two other questions... okay, three? 1. What do you define as 'sex?' 2. What do you define as 'marriage?' 3. What do you define as 'love?' The reason for those three questions is because every person and belief structure is different. For instance I don't believe in (state sanctioned) marriage. My personal belief is that marriage is a matter for you, your loved ones, your structure of worshipped figures, and nobody else. I don't think the government should have any part in it (this is my answer to Gay Marriage, is to make Straigth Marriage a Civil partnership then everyone can GO HOME). But that isn't the topic at hand. Since Marriage (to me) is not a political piece of paper declaring you two are forever together till you aren't, to people that believe marriage is a political piece of paper declaring you two are forever together till you aren't, sex to me outside of wedlock is A-OKAY! Now then, if someone defined marriage as I do as strictly the religious and personal vows, this brings us to the question of what is defined as sex. Which brings us to Clerks, a wonderful film where we have the miscommunication between two dating people as to sex, where she fails to mention fillatiating 37 men when declaring she only has had sex with 3 men. I myself (on this subject) count sex as acts between two people for the purpose of pleasuring your partner in a manner you do not wish to pleasure another person. Meaning that cuddling (fully clothed) feeding each other ice cream, which you both enjoy, to me is sex. So long as you don't cuddle everyone feeding them ice cream. And I see no reason not to do this out of wedlock. Now both of these are spiritual definitions, not legal or scientific definitions. As I know ice cream cuddling does not make babies. However I feel that the key difference between spiritual sex and scientific sex is the goal. Scientific it is your own pleasure, spiritual it is for your partner. Which makes me an incredibly odd person. Finally, quite honestly, if you love them and want to make them feel good, do so. Be it with... anatomical activities or through cute things they like. It really is not the issue of anyone but you, her, and the prostitute you two hired. (That last bit was a joke, but honestly if you and your girlfriend/boyfriend/Pet Lion do go out and hire a working girl/boy/mix because you both enjoy it... it still isn't any concern of anyone else.)
  16. Rakath... it's the name I use online. The technical evolution is when I was in elementary school I named a character in a story "R.T." because... I thought it was neat. From that my friend named me Rakath in an RPG we were playing because he thought the initials thing didn't fit the setting. It's a nonsense word. I use this wherever I go now online, it's usually shortened to Rak though. If for some reason I need to lengthen it I generally go with Talyn as a second name. Rakath has always been my internet handle, the other additions I've had were "Angelos (Rakath), Demon (Rakath), and (Rakath) Chaos. ...for those that didn't feel like reading that, my name is meaningless. ^_^
  17. Raising Archers (despite my suggestion to just skip it and reclass them later) hasn't been an issue for me. They also are pretty easy to Arena (due to the limited enemy units to fight them).
  18. I'm shocked! I mean, really, you voting for Catria is as likely as me voting for Est. By the way, I'm voting for Est. ^_^
  19. I don't see the issue (at least on Normal)... since it isn't that hard to Weapon EXP them due to Promotional gains. Raise them as a Myrmi/Cav/Pegasi and Reclass later. They come in with a C-Rank. Hard you're turtling a bit more so its not like you lose much with the lower movement since the party won't be blazing trails across the level.
  20. Indeed. Only unit of theirs that I saw.
  21. Horsemen can't use Longbows. Snipers should get a bit more of an Acc/Crit Buff than the 5% they get currently. However All four classes are from the original game... so it isn't exactly a shock that all four are in FE11 (even if Archers do get a bit of a raw deal here).
  22. Wi-Fi has been mean to me... it sort-of kind-of works sometimes... anyone else havving connecting issues?
  23. Max Str (30) + Max Might (Brave Axe - 19) = 49. -1 (Axe weak to Swords) = 48. You need to have 19 Def and 60 HP to not get one shot by the Brave Axe.
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