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Everything posted by Rakath

  1. Est because I abuse Reclass... I mean Mia (Wayu), because... I've decided even though she'll lose she needs one vote!
  2. Oh God Athena talking... *cries and dies a little inside* My God... its painful to read. I mean, if she had only one of her two speech issues it'd be fine. But speaking in 'the royal ve' is just... ow...
  3. There aren't any as far as I know except FE10 where nobody gets Lord as a class (Micaiah is Light Mage - Light Sage - Shaman, Ike is Hero - Vanguard). All the starting heroes start with or end up with "Lord" as their class. However being "Princess Crimea" Class is a pretty good class to be a Lord. Yes, I know she isn't, but she's pretty and I'd like her to be one.
  4. I've used all three in all my playthroughs on Normal. Mostly because I can and I like pretty characters. Which is unfortunate that there are no Female Heroes or Berserkers... I was really hoping to Reclass the Pegasus Trio into some really odd classes when I first heard of Reclassing way way way long ago back last year. My favorite is probably Catria followed by Est then Palla, even if Palla ended up growing a bit better my last playthrough. I find the 'mature motherly' Pegasus sister in each game to be dull. This choice is almost entirely based on non-stat reasons because I'm eccentric like that. I generally pick characters by looks first then only give up if they suck. BTW - my Plan when I first heard of ReClass: Sheeda/Shiida/Caeda: Pirate (- Berserker) Paora/Palla: Knight (- General) Katua/Catria: (Myrmidon - Swordmaster) (Horseman as back-up choice if they weren't in FE11) Est: Mercenary - Hero
  5. I like shields, but only when coupled with Swords. I voted for Swords because the Black Knight was FUN! Also a Sword unit that wasn't speedy gonzales is a nice change in things. However I'm going to go with Axes. My favorite Generals are Black Knight (HE SO COUNTS) and Amelia (who is so glad she wasn't Wendy).
  6. Agreed. If you look at the endgame split-up she AND Tibarn are given the 'you lose if you die' standing a and both are Kingdom leading royals in their own right. Ike is not a royal by birthright, but he is kinda of hero to all people but the kingdom where... Micaiah is hero to the people and savior of all things. Elincia could be considered a Lord from FE9 as well from her two chapters late game. She is the one following the 'standard' Fire Emblem sequence of events. You know the, 'my kingdom is attacked, my family killed, I'm on the run gathering allies to retake my throne' thing.
  7. I do Animations at Custom for the GBA era games to see certain Critical animations: Lyn (Both Sol Katti and Regular Critical) Hector (Post-Armads) Swordmasters, Assassins, Berserkers Serra (She's one of my favorite characters, so she gets animations post promote) Neimi (Another favorite character getting special treatment moment) I generally set the game to Fast after I playthrough the first time.
  8. I'm not a huge fan of Eliwood. In a three strikes he's out fashion. He's not all that useful in combat, even if Lyn is a bit flimsy and Hector is a bit slow. Both with proper leveling are really useful. And Promoted Lyn gains range while Promoted Hector gains being pretty close to untouchable. Eliwood seems to suffer from being slow AND flimsy. I rarely let Eliwood touch combat with anything, he's too easy to slaughter if he's not using his Prf weapons. And the final nail in the coffin is Hector and Lyn are prettier than he is. Now, I've not played most of the earlier games, so I ignored them, although most of them are fairly pretty. Not sure how useful they are though. My favorite Lord is probably Hector or Ike. And Elincia gets points for being REALLY pretty (even if her usefulness isn't that high, she isn't Micaiah fail).
  9. Rakath LV1 Rogue (Thief > Rogue > Whisper) HP: 30 (40%) Str: 12 (30%) (Note: Caps at 20/25 instead of 22/28) Mag: 14 (50%) (Note: Caps at 20/26 instead of 15/20) Skill: 16 (30%) Speed: 22 (60%) Luck: 16 (80%) (Note: Caps at 40 Whisper instead of 35) Def: 10 (05%) (Not like it matters, but caps at 15/22 instead of 20/26) Res: 10 (60%) (Note: Caps at 20/30 instead of 15/25) Wt: 6 Con: 8 Move: 7 (8 during a High Biorhythem, 6 during a Low Biorhythem) Weapon - Violet Bloom Rank: Prf - Might: 8 - Hit: 80 - Crit: 15 - Weight: 4 - Range: 1 - Uses: Infinite - Worth: Zero - WExp: 4 Attack is calculated using Rakath's Magic instead of Strength. Skills: Flighty - Movement +1/-1 based on Biorhythem (Can't remove) Fortune I'm a really spiritual person, I have strict rules and standards for thieving...
  10. There's a difference between "Mr. Rainbow Man" and "Fire Emblem" in that now (at least, not back when the NES/SNES era was around) we get all Fire Emblem releases worldwide in a usual timeframe after its Japanese release. There is still a slim, sliver, gleam of a chance we won't. However it's about the same as Nintendo going 'oh, Mario doesn't sell in America anymore' or Squeenix going 'we won't lose any money if we don't release the new Final Fantasy game in Europe'. However, the way I see it. FE6 and FE3 have their foot in the international door already. They are easier to sell. Marth starring in Book 2 makes it an easy follow up to Shadow Dragon's recent remake. And Melee helps with the sales of Fire Emblem 6 Aka Fire Emblem: The one with that cute little Shota Roy in it. FE6 is also linked to 7, which was our first. And the first is always the most memorable. FE4 is a new world (not exactly a bad thing, but it has nothing to build from for us to enjoy). There are some plot elements that (while I find them hilarious), some might find less than sellable in the states. I personally have no issue with these points, but some might.
  11. On the FE4-5 topic. We're probably not going to see this translated on the Virtual Console in English, so the best chance of it showing up is in a title release in the states (handheld or console non-download). The best chance for THAT to happen is either a sudden resurgance in the SNES, or a rerelease of the game in Japan for the Wii or DS. While Translating and Remaking are separate, they are tied together. And what I meant was when they made the Museum site for Fire Emblem 2. Its the only game that was given no character arts. Which I found on a whole disappointing, I love the art for all the Fire Emblem games.
  12. Here are the things I'd have no problem seeing in the way of remakes: Fire Emblem 6 for the DS. BUT! I have a few choice thoughts on what to do with it, all of which will be short-lived if the DSi takes over for the DS-lite and DS. - Update to the 'standard' statset that FE9-11 use. (Always neat). - Additional Content based on Fire Emblem 7 data. Scenes with Roy's 'mother' based on your A Support with Eliwood in your FE7 file. Also certain FE7 units returning or bonuses based on certain Supports in FE7. Maybe the characters being recruitable or something. Matthew, Serra, and any of the girls that can end up with Eliwood or Hector with an A rank, for instance. - More Gaiden chapters, more characters. - Fixing Roy's promotion time. However without some connectivity to FE7 I don't feel FE6 is really worth remaking just yet. As for the other games... FE2: I really have no interest in it... from what I've read of how it plays. Also due to it being the only FE game without a set of official art... I don't think IS has interest in it either. FE3: Similar to the FE6-7 idea, a connectivity to FE11 would be wonderful and welcome. Leading it to be a good Wii title idea. FE4: I would LOVE to see this in English but... I'm skeptical about it happening. I have similar feelings about 5. FE7: Another one I'd love to see remade, even if it is rather recent. A connectivity to an FE6 remake is something I'd love to see. FE8: They would have to work HARD to make this worth it... even if I love some of the cast.
  13. Myrms have a 50% HP growth. Which Sheeda/Shiida/Caeda can use. I went with Myrmidon to give her a bit of an HP buff. Attack is mostly a failed effort till she promotes (then you can use Paladin for Strength Growths). Also using Paladin as her Atk Buff lets her stay in her elements a bit better, Sword and Lance so she can still Wingspear things to death.
  14. Okay... I'm going to ignore the comments that don't seem to have a basis in reality and just seem like you whining... That'd be the spoiled brat comment (which I'm not seeing) the freaking retard comment, and the on crack comment. - Linda couldn't of passed as a guy in that outfit, however she's had the least ammount of physical changes to her appearance of the bunch. So either that's a constant complaint on yours (made to just make the art sound worse)... or you honestly didn't see it before. Also pretty much any girl with the right materials can pass as a guy as long as their hair doesn't go on for, well, as long as Linda in any art of her. - Oguma's more earthtoned color scheme is different, but I don't honestly see how its worse than 'generic blonde haired pretty boy swordsman'. - Since Navarre is the original Myrmidon it's hard for him to look like a Generic one, Ayra and the others were based on Navarre's appearance. Additionally his official outfit was white or blue before. Additionally to that his hair color has been brown and black before. You could make an arguement about the sword in his art not being red (which is the only thing besides long hair all his arts have in common), but Killing Blades in FE11 aren't red. - Marich's absurd hats have always looked lame. I'm going to just assume you said "Marth's FE-Lord cape looks dumb" here as that's basically it. You complain about the changes then turn to complain about what goes unchanged. At least in FE11 he looks like a boy compared to FE-Manga where he looks to be a 14 year old girl. His outfit's added details make it less dumb than its card art and official Mystery of the Emblem art as well. - Because the previous art for Camus had him looking so much older? Overly detailed outfit isn't wrong for Camus.
  15. Gameplay wise Berserkers are great and better than Swordmasters... However Berserkers lack two things Swordmasters have in ready supply: 1. Pretty fan favorite characters. Especially Female fan favorite characters... or for that matter females. 2. Numbers. Swordmasters have more chances to be Gods because there are more of them. And the fans like them because Swordmasters are almost always sexier.
  16. Remember those three pirates that got their own music in FE9? They sang, they had their own theme music, how can they not be the happiest NPCs ever... except you know, you probably killed them.
  17. Matthew, He's great! Sheeda, The reason is totally not because her FE11 art makes her hot beyond all things? Okay it is, but really, she's a really useful female lead.
  18. I generally give each character two weapons. An Iron Weapon for standard fights and a better weapon for more stubborn opponents. It's kind of a waste to use up a use on a Killing Edge to do 1 HP of damage, I won't bother to waste a use on the Rapier on a non-mounted/knight unit if I can avoid it. Ettard (US-FE10) never got used because... well, Ike was too good as it was... Otherwise I generally break most of my effective weapons eventually.
  19. My point with the GitS line is that its not just 'some artist' its one of Japan's most loved artists. That certainly it takes the game's OA in a very different direction, but isn't inheirantly bad. It's too shiny, the dark lines are bad, the baggy pants are bad? Really, not even the slightest of props for the HIGHLY DETAILED clothes that will be exceptionally easy to work from when making fanart with even a 10th of the detail? That people who wish to cosplay from FE games have a bunch of really nice to work from high quality shots that show every detail on the front of Marth's shirt, the leg armor on Camus's outfit. The trim on Navarre's shirt? The art is GOOD, just not what you're used to. And way more fitting for the title than the original art was (granted, that is retrospect, the old art was very realistic for its time).
  20. ...So I take it none of you were fans of Ghost in the Shell.
  21. I still perfer baggy pants/thunder thighs to FE1 Marth, THE PANTLESS WONDER...
  22. Anyone thought that Nintendo is spacing the releases out? However EU's releases needed a more mainstreme title in the end of the year bunch?
  23. - Rekka no Ken - Matthew and Nino Serra and Nino Matthew and Farina (The two of them together will be the greatest funds cost on Ostia the city will ever see). Guy and Rebecca - Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn - Ike and Mia Mist and Mia Mist and Stefan Mia and Stefan
  24. He gets experience from doing anything they can do (in Shin). However the calculations are the same as their level/class. So if he mimics a Sage he gains less EXP healing than as a Priest.
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