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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Didn't you know? IS hates Jugdral. Except Julia. They love her.
  2. And my orbs are safe. I like the characters themselves, but none are top favorites or anything.
  3. 1. In all honesty, I think Fjorm's health issue has basically been dropped from the story. I feel like they have no intention of addressing it. If they do, I'll be surprised. 2. Bruno and Veronica's individual issues will probably persist until we eventually go against Dragon Embla. I feel like they'll continue to drag them out until then. 3. Lif and Thrasir working with the gods might intertwine with whenever the Allfather, Thorr, and Loki make a move, whatever that might be. 4. Loki's whole "resurrection" thing and her researching dragons from other worlds is certainly bizarre, and who can say whatever it's leading towards. On a somewhat different note, this is something that has been bugging me for a while. As of the last couple chapters, we know Midgard is used to refer to the land of humans, and Askr and Embla is included in this. However, there is one thing I keep debating with myself about. Do Nifl and Muspell also fall under the realm of Midgard? In Norse myth, Midgard, Niflheim, and Muspellheim are three different realms, so I keep wondering if Fire Emblem's version is the same as that, or if Nifl and Muspell are also counted among the realm of humans here.
  4. That's actually been something I've been wondering for a long time. Defeating Dragon Embla will likely bring the Askr-Embla war to an end, so I always wondered whether or not they intend for that storyline to be the end of the game, or if they intend for new adventures to come even after the two countries reconcile. Whatever the case may be, I do hope they plan the story accordingly and don't end it unresolved.
  5. I think the curse might have been there from the beginning, because the Easter Tempest Trial that had Bruno and Veronica implied that Embla's founder, the dragon Embla, had something to do with it, and even implied we'll fight it eventually.
  6. Pretty sure the reason why Bruno did all that has already been explained. I forget the exact reason but there was something with his mother that caused him to flee Embla, and he took on the Zacharius name while in hiding.
  7. Well, I would certainly be curious. By my count, Book 4 now has 6 OC's, just 2 short of enough for a VG of it's own.
  8. I'm going to be speechless if any of this actually does end up being true. 😄
  9. Veronica: "We need to leave now, otherwise this won't be a place of comfort."Mirabilia: "Why? Because of the nightmares?"Veronica: "No, because of me." Make OG Veronica playable you cowards!
  10. Recruiter Ashnard is the best! Julia, considering who you're voiced by, you should never mention magical girls. Others are good too.
  11. Well, looks like they might be trying to build up something with Sharena. Hopefully that leads to something nice down the line. Veronica continues to be incredibly entertaining. She is just so tired of everyone's BS by this point. 😄
  12. I'm pretty sure they never guaranteed it was going to be an all the time sort of thing.
  13. The apocalypse is truly upon us. A banner with 3 males and 1 female. 😄 In all seriousness, this is pretty cool. I don't care for Corrin but I love the others.
  14. I think one thing that could have helped Silver Snow is it embracing the Nabatea side more. You got Seteth and Flayn as direct advisors. It would have been a good way to delve deeper into the people the Nabateans were since we really don't learn all that much about them. This could even help to make the first boss less of a left field choice.
  15. A couple of things you mentioned were explained in the game. 1. Claude makes the Crest of Flames their banner because the Alliance is too split for them to use that. It also goes into the next point. 2. Claude putting Byleth in front is all part of his plan to give Fodlan a new unified leader before he goes off to be Almyras king.
  16. Simply saying "get over it" is a poor line of reasoning. Mental trauma isn't easy to get over especially with very few people to help you get through it.
  17. According to KT themselves, popularity had nothing to do with choosing Female Corrin for the main story. It was purely for gender balancing as the other Gleamstone characters were all male.
  18. I'm very impressed at the "Villain you can't hate" category. Lyon and Berkut are excellent picks. Sadly that's far as the goodwill goes as the Teacher and Sibling categories still show that, at the end of the day, this is a very horny fanbase.
  19. I really didn't want to pull on this, but the Pegasus sisters trio is really tempting me. Don't have any strong feelings on the others.
  20. True enough. I just can't help but wonder if Midgard is separate from Niflheim and Muspellheim in Norse Myth. I kind of need these details. 😄 On another note, I wonder if there will be more OCs. With Mirabilis' introduction, we have 3 light fairies and 3 dark fairies, almost enough for a voting gauntlet.
  21. One little tidbit about this chapter that surprised me. How Midgard was used. Since the word has been introduced (especially with Midgard's Shield in the Mjolnir Strikes), I thought it might be their word for Kiran's world (since it's implied to be our world). But Triandra and Plumeria use it to describe Askr when they arrive. I wonder if that means Midgard is the actual name of the Askr/Embla realm, or the term also covers Nifl and Muspell as well. Likely not Hel given that world is kind of special.
  22. I think the Easter Tempest Trial that involved Bruno and Veronica implied the Dark Dragon Embla might be behind all of it, even implying we're going to fight him at some point. As for the daydreamer fairy, I took a look back at the script and yes, Mirabilis was referred to as a she.
  23. My impressions 1. Veronica calling Alfonse rude for calling her a nightmare got a good laugh out of me. Actually, Veronica as a whole was a treat this chapter. 2. The whole "this looks familiar" mystery deepens as both of our dark fairy girls are questioning it. I can only wonder where they're going with it. 3. Possible brand new OC next chapter maybe? 4. Alfonse once again pulls out the big brain and tricks the nightmares. Overall not bad, though I can't help but feel like Freyja's not going to be around long enough to get much spotlight. Halfway through the book now and she hasn't even made a physical appearance.
  24. And Tobin is still Ram Village's butt-monkey. 😄 I think Heroes has ridiculed him in just about every way now. 😄
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