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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Ah, so the Ashen Wolves are an officially recognized house. I honestly wasn't sure if the Church recognized them or if the students were just doing their own thing. Only 12 more days to go....
  2. Hopefully either the English VA's will announce themselves like what happened when Three Houses came out. If not, hopefully Nintendo actually updates the credits list this time since they didn't update Echoes when the Cipher characters got added. Cindered Shadows is its own self-contained story. Completing it will unlock the Ashen Wolves to be recruited in the main game as well as allowing Abyss to be explorable in the main game as well.
  3. Here's hoping Cindered Shadows has a decent amount of chapters. At least 6 to put it on par with Heirs of Fate would be nice.
  4. At least something gets added to her character. Forging Bonds kind of had to make up for Book 2 doing jack squat in regards to actually developing Fjorm. 😄
  5. And of course his kit is busted. 😄 I'll be making a run for him. Perhaps also take a shot at Green since I didn't get Hilda before.
  6. Ah, those subtitles are much appreciated to know who exactly was talking. 😄 Really enjoying how all 5 characters sound.
  7. Byleth is the one who kills Randolph. However, Fleche never saw that and assumed it was the "one-eyed man" that Randolph warned her about before. Thus, she assumed Dimitri was the killer. On another note, I gotta say she was a pretty poor planner. Trying to kill Dimitri when he happens to be surrounded by 3 of his strongest allies (Blyeth, Dedue, Rodrigue)? Not a bright plan.
  8. Honestly, I'm just glad Anna tumbled. Never really liked her as a meme character. Fingers crossed Bernie makes a rally but I don't see it happening. All the same, I'm glad to see all the support for her. :)
  9. Here's hoping the English VA's announce their roles like before. 😄 Or if not, hopefully Nintendo actually updates the credits since they didn't do that for Echoes.
  10. Welp, I didn't think Byleth was going to win anyway, but they pretty much sealed their fate by splitting them between normal and enlightened one. In any case, Day 1 goes to Bernadetta.
  11. To be honest, I don't like AvatarxLord ships period. ChromxRobin, RobinxLucina, CorrinxAzura, etc. I quite frankly hate them all. To me, it's just cliche and boring to pair up the character meant to represent you with one of the main Lords. I honestly prefer to give the side characters time to shine in that regard.
  12. I vote for characters I like, Lord or otherwise.
  13. Oh man, first Smash and now this. Two missed opportunities to get to see Bernie's official art. 😄
  14. I agree. I'm anxious for Bernadetta to get added, but I'm not going to cry foul if I have to wait a while.
  15. Bernadetta is always my No.1 priority. Not only does she consistently do well for me in my strategies, but given her past, I can't bear the thought of her literally going down in flames. Aside from that, Annette and Lionie are also high priorities.
  16. Eh, for me, nothing is worse than Breath of the Wild's season pass. A bunch of gimmicky items, Trial of the Sword's reward is lackluster compared to the hours of hell you have to put in to finish it, and The Champion's Ballad is just more of BotW's half-baked writing and poor dungeon design.
  17. Oh god.....don't be like Revelation. Gimmicks are all well and good when done well but that game's maps were NOT good.
  18. This almost reminds me of Heroes from Another Dimension from Kirby: Star Allies. New mode that adds a little story with a difficulty increase.
  19. Except Jeritza is counted among the faculty and none of them got timeskip designs. These appear to be students more or less.
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