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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. Um, l'm going to assume this was aimed at me, and if so is seriously uncalled for. I never implied Jeritza doesn't deserve more supports, nor was I even angry at the prospect. I was more amused than anything else.
  2. They just HAD to add more supports for Edelgard and Jeritza didn't they. 😄 Welp, I suppose the next time I go Black Eagles, I'll save at the split point to I can do their supports and then jump back. I really don't want to play through Crimson Flower again.
  3. As cool as that sounds, it doesn't sound like there's much clarification on Kusakihara's comments as to whether or not he's referring to Abyss mode or something new. Additional DLC would be cool though in light of the recognition the game has gotten. 😄
  4. This reminds me so much of how much I wish we'd get a "Zanado-The Red Canyon" or something equivalent to "Torna-The Golden Country". 😄 That would be so awesome.
  5. More or less same for me. Dimitri will be my first choice, then Alfonse if it comes down to it. If they fall, then I'll have no horse going forward since I don't really like any of the others. Okay, I actually don't dislike Edelgard but I don't want to support her.
  6. Me too. Though I wonder if this means they're not doing the bundles thing like they did last new years.
  7. Title says it all. Happy Garreg Mach Establishment Day to everyone! Plus, Happy Holidays in general to all. 😄 To celebrate, here's a video of Ignatz, Leonie, Flayn, and Seteth trying to sing. Enjoy your day! :)
  8. I'd honestly listen to anything narrated by Cassandra Morris. 😄
  9. Oh my god, Alfonse and Sharena are beautiful in that art style. I'll be pulling for them, since I'm probably the only person around not calling Duo units the spawn of satan.
  10. A few things I'd like. 1. More Tap Battle variety. Come on, give us some new layouts or something. The same old cave is boring. And actually list the names of the boss music. I actually want to know some of those names. 2. More frequent Hall of Forms. There's really no reason for it to a once per 2 months style event. Have a new rotation start once the old one is done. You've got hundreds of characters, so making new 4-man teams every 2 weeks should be easy. 3. Expand on Mjolnir's Strike. You've got a good thing going, but it just needs a little more particularly in the Counter phase. There's way too little to do. 4. Do something with Grand Conquests. I'm not sure what to do exactly but it's the most boring of the events right now. It needs sprucing up. 5. Aether Raids is due to get something new. I'd love some new layouts (especially with the new kinds of maps Book 3 and Book 4 brought). More structures would be nice too. I'm sitting on thousands of Heavenly Dew with nothing to spend on. I could probably think of some more but that's a lot of the stuff off the top of my head.
  11. Well, she did appear on the next green orb I got following the notification. 😄
  12. The guy has an irrational hatred towards Heroes characters. I wouldn't be surprised if he sacrificed Peony purely out of spite.
  13. I am okay with this! 😄 I'd honestly be all for a Sothis narrated FEH Channel. If nothing else than I get to listen to Cassandra Lee Morris some more.
  14. If I had to guess, them going with green for Celica might be a callback to Celica's Gale from Awakening. Who can say really though.
  15. Welp, I'm definitely sniping Greens now. I already needed Thrasir, and now I gotta add Celica to that.
  16. Well there's Cherche and Mercedes off the top of my head. I think Camilla knows it too.
  17. Would it also be alright to talk about details we WISH were in the game? Because there are several details I'd have liked to see in the game and I figured this would be the right topic for it. :)
  18. Because they were too busy making love to Death Stranding to care for anything else. I realize that's a really pessimistic way of looking at it, but seriously. Those journalists tried to give that game the whole show and it didn't deserve it in the slightest. I mean really, I have respect for Kojima, but not everything he touches is gold. Three Houses deserved Best Music at least and I'd argue a Best Performance nomination too for Chris Hackney.
  19. I think most would agree that a sister obsessively wanting dolls in the image of her brother kind of goes into that kind of territory. Not saying this was being intentionally shippy, but the image of Eirika obsessively wanting Ephraim dolls is exactly the kind of thing that's going to raise eyebrows.
  20. Microsoft's naming scheme is practically comical by this point. 😄 Wii U wasn't the best name but just about every Xbox name has been weird after the original.
  21. I would also agree with the idea of making Seteth and Flayn more important given that they're basically the close confidants of the SS path. And while we're on the subject, there's something that came to mind. Anyone else think Claude's paralogue had perhaps a different use originally but got re-purposed for him? I mean, the reward for the mission is Macuil's sword, the Sword of Begalta, yet seems to be associated with Reigan for no other reason than it being Claude's paralogue. Honestly, I can't help but wonder if it would have made more sense for that mission to be a Silver Snow paralogue or main chapter given it involves a Saint. With all the evidence that points to Silver Snow being the original and Verdant Wind being the copycat, I can believe it.
  22. Three Houses takes home Best Strategy Game and Player's Vote Game of the Year! Well done! 😄
  23. Marth already had a seasonal before. Last year's Bride banner.
  24. I can't help but think you're a little too obsessed. I mean, having favorites is natural for sure, but you seen a little too selective. Honestly, I think I've seen you dislike more characters than like. And you don't seem to care for many outside of the "hunky men" archetype.
  25. Probably no different a reason than any other name they've localized over the years. I'm not going to make a big deal out of it though since it doesn't change anything about the character itself.
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