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Everything posted by Sentinel07

  1. I'll be curious to see what they mean by new relics though. We already have the relics of Nemesis, the 10 Elites, and Maurice. Were there really more relics that took place in the ancient battle... Unless they're trying to say that sacred weapons count as relics.
  2. It's possible that Abyss Mode may be like Heroes from Another Dimension from Kirby Star Allies. It was basically a harder difficulty but it added more to the story and did it's own thing in a lot of ways. Anyway, I'm going to be very curious to see these new characters as well as the new Monastery activities.
  3. I think we're safe in regards to that. 😄 Even if Book 3 ends up with a sort of half-baked ending, I think the overall experience will still hold up with how good the rest of it has been. I'm really hoping Alfonse takes the throne at the conclusion of this Book though I have a feeling they'll concoct some excuse to maintain the status quo.
  4. I've actually speculated about FEH's story for a long time now. I just could never find anyone else who cared. 😄
  5. AKIRA has to be one of the most improved artists around. Seriously, the difference between the characters they did at the game's launch to Astram is staggering. Makes me wish they had a second chance at Hector with this kind of art.
  6. I just got Norne's S-support. Gotta admit, it felt kind of self-aware in a sense and I quite liked that. :) Norne really just comes off as a very endearing character.
  7. I'm hoping Eir and Hel's situation is up next, since they spent so much time detailing Eir's encounter with the other world's Alfonse and Sharena. I imagine that part is finally laid to rest given the last scene that depicted Other!Alfonse and Eir parting ways, which pretty much brings us to the present with her.
  8. I've figured that the art is depicting Sharena from Lif's world as well. I just wonder if it'll have any real meaning other than just being good art. 😄 I'd like to see it actually be used for a significant character. :)
  9. They certainly have a lot to wrap up if they're still following the 13 chapter formula since that would mean only 2 chapters left. Eir's story has kind of been moving at a snail's pace, and we have yet to see if Alfonse's theory about Lif holding the key to Hel's defeat yields any fruit. Still hoping for something to happen in which case we get Sharena from the Book 3 art piece.
  10. I'm loving the story and conversations. Really impressive at how many characters they brought in. :) Phila trying to figure out why dancers can't rejuvenate each other reminds me if Pit's "Darn you, balanced gameplay!" like from Kid Icarus Uprising. 😄
  11. Oh I'm not expecting another Three Houses Mythic at this point. I was just talking in general.
  12. As far as Three Houses is concerned, I can see Seiros as a possibility (which would make me wonder what type she would be as she has two possibilities). Nemesis is a little more hard to tell though I wouldn't be opposed to him being one.
  13. Took over 100 orbs (which didn't surprise me as this game doesn't like giving me 5* units when I have over 300 orbs) but I got Norne who was my primary target.
  14. Okay, I really liked this chapter. The opening scene with Lif and Thrasir made me feel a lot better about the last chapter. Seeing them with a little semblance of peace was nice to see, and something I hope pays dividends eventually with their younger selves in Heroes. Eir's mid-chapter scene was completely pointless though. All it did was regurgitate stuff we already knew. Hopefully her plot kicks into gear soon since I imagine she still doesn't have all her memories. Quite the ending though. The conversation with Alfonse and Lif was pretty interesting, and left us with quite the cliffhanger.
  15. Thank goodness. Been looking forward to Mercurius. Now we can only hope they don't screw it up. GHB's don't have the best track record with Prf's (looking at you Imhullu and Naglfar)
  16. I wouldn't call them bringing in Sirius as bad as some of the other stuff they've done. At least he's an actual character in the game.
  17. I really like Phina's artwork. Kind of has that mix of 90's style plus a little bit of modern.
  18. That little piece with the developers might be some of the most stupid drivel I have ever heard in my life (and I've heard plenty of that). Not once have I ever heard people complaining about "too much character detail". Seriously, whoever said such a thing needs to find a new series to follow, because characters have been a crucial part of Fire Emblem for a long time. Hell, characters are a large part of any RPG.
  19. Who knows if "censored" is the proper word, but I would say it being "watered down" would certainly be appropriate.
  20. I can only wonder what the rest of Intelligent Systems might be up to since apparently very few of their own staff worked on Three Houses.
  21. Well, not like I was angry to begin with, but I suppose I shouldn't be too upset if it really was an attempt to be more faithful. Still, I feel like the old translation was better. To me, it felt like a better explanation for Bernie's fear of people.
  22. I myself would be curious to know if the JPN version got changed too. Edit: Oh...so the new translation is actually more faithful? Huh...I'm a little conflicted now.
  23. If that's the case it'd be nice if Nintendo would just tell us. Transparency can go a long way.
  24. Wow, that's terrible. Bernadetta is still my favorite female in the game, but that's pretty disturbing if Nintendo of America can't even commit to their own original translation. I hope someone brings this up with them. Probably won't get an explanation but still...
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