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Everything posted by eclipse

  1. Given the state of the news coming out of Ukraine, the number of good articles with photos of dead bodies is on the rise. Please make a note if an article contains such photos. Please refrain from posting articles with pictures of excessive blood/gore.
  2. I don't have an issue with the topic. I have an issue with the passive-aggressive digs in the second paragraph. I'll allow you to remake this topic without them. If you have an issue with someone, work it out. Don't be an ass about it.
  3. Now up to Chapter 13 (as in, I suspended somewhere in the middle of it).
  4. I finally got around to getting this. It's playable with my drifting joycon, albeit frustrating at times. I'm currently on Chapter 7, Normal mode. I'll put my thoughts so far in spoilers. Please keep future stuff to a minimum, I'm doing this blind for a reason.
  5. I'm gonna go with option D. Count Varley is a rather strict but otherwise rational person, until he's alone with his daughter. Then he lets his inner monster out. Would make for a hell of a reveal, if done right.
  6. If I can get Shez's JP voice, I'm going with male. Will probably go Black Eagles because of Hubert (again). I'll flip a coin for Byleth.
  7. Nah, it was the magic that did it. Nothing like hurling a whole lot of faceless troops up in the air and then Gravity-ing them back to reality (wrong series, but that's what popped into my mind). Though I hope Claude's lines are better in the actual game, they felt a little flat to me in the trailer.
  8. H-hey, that's part of the reason why I went from "okay" to "I'm going to fix my joycons before this comes out and nothing in the world will stop me." Fun fact: Every house has an axe user. So I went by the non-axe user to figure out who I liked. And that would be Hubert, by a mile. Sorry, Claude, you're going to have to wait. Again.
  9. Can you personally do anything about the various ways humanity is screwed over? No? Then what's the point in worrying about it? You can choose to focus your efforts on something, and I choose to focus on that which I can change, even if it's small. I doubt I'm the only one that's realized this. Now, for the topic at hand - I hope the effects of microplastics on humans is studied more. It's not like humans are incapable of changing (hello lead-based paint), but I think it's going to take a lot of effort, since plastic is everywhere and then some.
  10. 1. I moved this to Concepts. 2. This is a ROM hack, not a ROM. There's a difference. 3. Your images aren't showing up for me.
  11. I've never been so discouraged by a FftF topic. Seriously, guys?
  12. I said I'd start this before the end of March, and that's what I'm doing @Excellen Browning. Even if it's four and a half hours before the end of March, my time! Scenario 1 - 4/4 (1/1) Went with Terada's birthday for Sagiri (because Chapter 42 can bite me). This SRW Point is a gimme. I gave as many kills to Shiro as I could (all of 1). Big Volfogg's Melting Siren was quite helpful here! EDIT: I forgot to plop my draft list in! Great Mazinger, Brownie, Gundam Mk-II, Re-GZ, Sky God Windam, Flame God Rayearth, Sea God Selece, Super Aestivalis, Master Gundam, Alpha Azieru, King J-Der, FTO, Ichinana
  13. So I'm back for now. Two things: 1. Stay topical. Most of you are doing a great job of this. 2. Passing off Russian propaganda as proper discussion will result in heavy consequences. For new accounts, it's an outright ban. I need to read this topic in more depth, but I don't remember seeing anything horrifically obvious (just remember that the capital is "Kyiv").
  14. From memory: Pelleas - Brave Marth was pretty funny here, but the real star of the show was Legendary Tiki. Phina danced, and Sedgar managed to score a kill. Veronica & Pal - Brave Eirika and Duo Lysithea ran over the map. Summer Selena and Lyon were there to reposition them. Aelfric - I had to think a little for him, and that's saying something. Completely retooled Christmas Lissa's kit so she could counter from range, double, and deal enough damage to take out the blue mage while putting a giant dent in the bow thing. Duo Chrom took out the title guy, WoM flying Olivia danced him so he could murder something else, Lissa got rid of the bow thing (I think), and that was that. Female Grima read a book. Mother and son - Brave Eliwood's buffing was clutch, as it allowed Rath to tank the red mage. Duo Lyn flew around and eliminated stragglers, and Erk cleaned up after them. Lif - Duo Leif did a lot of heavy lifting here. Dancing Lachesis got a counterkill on a blue mage, Sigurd did Sigurd things, and thanks to Duo Leif's skill, Travant was able to deal with the boss. Didn't have time to test this team on Abyssal, but it got me through Infernal. Travant might've needed a bit more oomph there to ORKO Lif.
  15. This is NOT the Biblical history thread. Just a nice little reminder to anyone that wants to go there/continue that train of thought. As in, I'm going to hand out warnings for this both because it's off-topic and it tends to turn topics into a cesspool.
  16. I have a month and a half to finish off my games?! Hoo boy. Yes, I'm picking this up!
  17. That's his fault for not reading what I wrote in his warning, though I shouldn't be surprised since he wasn't reading what I wrote in the Unpopular Opinion thread. But that also means he probably won't be back, which is fine by me if he's not gonna read what others write. For future reference, warnings will tell you what you were warned for, how many points you got, a comment by whoever warned you, and if there's any sort of suspension, it'll tell you for how long.
  18. You're free to read back on the Unpopular Opinion thread on your own.
  19. And why do you want me to gossip about other members? I don't think that's a healthy thing to do without their consent.
  20. I talk way less about 3H than Fates, but it's because I have lot less to say about the former. Strangely enough, I liked Birthright best in terms of story, because straightforward seems to work best with this cast. Conquest tried to introduce some sort of intrigue, but it fell flat IMO. Revelation's story plummeted during the last third.
  21. And you are wrong. It would be accurate to say that Ottservia hasn't been back since then. If you aren't sure about what happened to someone, say you're not sure, because bullshit like this doesn't help. Or better yet, ping me, and I might explain it (depending on the context of the situation and all). --- As for the topic, Fates was ambitious, and it failed hard in certain areas. I think the story and characters are a mess. But I also think that those who have been around since Fates' release has already said what they wanted to say, so digging this up seven years later doesn't look like an argument in good faith.
  22. This. . .blog? I have questions, and I'm going to ask them via PM shortly. Until I get those answers, I'm locking this topic.
  23. There is a pinned topic specifically to show off your +10 units. Use that.
  24. That's a lot of talk about growths, so let's look at Seth's bases. The next units that shows up with something similar to Seth's bases is Innes and Gerik. Both of them start off locked to a range (Innes is two-range and Gerik is one). Gerik doesn't get 1-2 range until a Hero Crest (no I'm not counting Light Brands, they're quite rare), and Innes is stuck being a Sniper. Meanwhile, Seth has until Innes and Gerik to use his excellent growths to get ahead. He also has instant 1-2 range access in the form of Javelins, and his CON is high enough that he doesn't take a SPD hit when wielding one. Lastly, he starts with A ranks in both swords and lances, meaning that he can wield stronger weapons than someone who starts at E/D rank can. In other words, better bases and better weapons at the start of the game gives him more time to snowball, meaning that he'll continue to be good.
  25. I'll leave this topic here for now, but if it continues to get low-effort replies, I'll hand out warnings before yeeting it to Far from the Forest.
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