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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Ever heard of the straw that breaks the camel's back?
  2. I spent last New Year's Eve watching Disney movies alone at home. I don't in the slightest bit regret doing that instead of going to a New Year's Party. You can guess where I stand on this.
  3. Neither Ike nor Micaiah are Sues from the self-insert standpoint. IMO, Micaiah is potentially more interesting, but unfortunately writing her well took a backseat to... just about everything else. I do believe that well-written Micaiah could be one of the best characters in the series, though.
  4. It was an assignment. And also the most recent thing I distinctly remember reading that invoked a Muse was from Ancient Greece, so, uh, I don't really know what you're referring to with people needing to shut up about muses. The point of a prose poem is that you format it like prose, but that it's poetic. I think.
  5. Unless you have some like super conservative definition of edgy this is super easy. Here's a prose poem I wrote forever ago. Help me, Muse. Make me a master weaver; give me yarn to wind into a royal web of tales. Give me words that drip like the icicles hanging from Christmas lights in February. Words that burn the paper they’re on once read. Words that endure like old boulders, like scattered, defective, misshapen misfits lying in the foundations of lost buildings. Give me a voice that can tremble and burst, Muse. A voice that creaks like the door you have to sneak through. A voice that suffocates under its own whirling, whipping dreams. A voice that flies through the teeming mountains. A voice that dries souls. Give me notes that can darken the sky and will the snow down from it. Notes that pop like wet fireworks in the cul-de-sac. Notes that laugh like cats in the bathtub. Muse, let the words in my bed imprint themselves on my brain for everyone else to see. Let the morning light engulf the tapping keys after a night wasted well. Let the sunbaked waves climb the frigid mountains. Muse, remind me of how to sleep in less time. Remind me of those streets where my soul was born. Remind me of the wild fibers of detached comfort. Remind me of the unraveling bodies. Remind me of the beautiful melodies, the unfaltering truth behind those words, Muse. Remind me. Poetry is so much better read out loud than read in quiet.
  6. um, wat I guess maybe Future Past did good things for them, since I haven't played it, but from what I saw in the game they were the most godawful set of main characters in the series. I mean, even FE1 has Camus, who, the first time around, I refused to kill when I couldn't recruit him. Then Awakening came, and honestly I would have been more intrigued by the "main characters" if they were generic units with nifty weapons. At least then I would have the wonder of "who are they?" instead of the complete and utter apathy I have for them now. Most of what Awakening has, at least on my part, is not hate. It's disappointment. As has been said, Awakening tried shoving everything in from other FEs without bothering to make them work. On top of that, all of the text in the game beyond "STR" and such can be ignored without hindering my enjoyment... which was only enough to get me to play through the game once. It's not a bad game, but, if you ask me, it is a bad Fire Emblem.
  7. But surely you're aware of how FE13's particular style of bad writing is stereotypical of anime? The correlation/causation thing is specifically in reference to point 1. Yes, 1 is true, but not exactly relevant. I was applying it to this situation (specifically, people not liking those tropes) and meant that in those cases specifically people not liking something and that thing being a trope were correlated, not cause/effect. As far as point 2 goes, that is sort of a semantic argument. If by anti-anime you mean active dislikers of all things anime, then yes, you are right. But it's not like the majority of people in the world are avid anime fans, and particularly so if you look at stereotypical anime tropes. Not sure what significance 3 has. I don't doubt that it's true, but I never meant to apply a dislike of poorly written anime tropes (that's sort of a loaded statement, though) to everyone, or even that it makes the game unlikable. Though I did at least imply that last part with some hyperbole earlier. Sorry about that.This started with me saying that I would be reluctant to suggest FE13 as an introduction to the series, most specifically on the grounds of "how extremely anime" the game is. And by that I meant the badly written stereotypical anime tropes. But, again, that's a loaded phrase, and it's awfully wordy on top of that. Some people like "extremely anime" things, and that's totally fine. But a lot of people don't, and seeing as FE13 is unique within the series in that aspect, that makes it questionable as a gateway to the series for many people. While FE has never been Shakespeare, looking the way of FE7-10, there are gems ( or at least bits of "ooh, that could be great if it was executed better!" like Micaiah) on top of being not overly challenging/confusing and not feeling dated. For some people FE13 is a great game. For some people it wouldn't be because of "how extremely anime it is." That is all I ever meant.
  8. But it's not awful because "oh anime it must be bad." I'm saying that if I plopped down the script, these friends, many of whom probably have no idea at all what a tsundere is or what moe is, they would dislike it. The things that would make it dislikable would be the things that make it an anime trope. Correlation is not causation. But literal anime is not all "anime-ish," if you understand what I'm saying. You don't have horribly written cardboard-cutout stereotypes filling every anime. That is the issue here, and I don't know of a word that really works perfectly here. Animu, maybe? I dunno, I'm not a scholar in all things anime-discussion related. Maybe "a friend" was ambiguous. I meant specific friends of mine. Again, this is not an issue of anime visuals. It's that it's being animu. (that's the word I'm going to go with for now.) Again, correlation is not causation. The tropes are bad. Not because they are tropes. The things are bad and also are tropes.
  9. Cool. Point to where I said that they would dislike it because they have a predisposition against things that are anime like. Cool. Point to where I specifically talked about the anti-anime faction on SF and applied that to the whole world. Cool. Point to where I said that FE13 is a game that no one can enjoy and would drive away any and all potential newcomers to the series. I don't like to be so sarcastic, but you're talking to me like I'm some elitist hipster who hates FE13 or anime or something. I'm not.
  10. No, it is not. If I suggested Awakening to a friend to get them into the series, they'd probably end up saying "This is awful. I don't know if I can be friends with someone who actually enjoyed this because clearly we don't have much in common." How extremely anime the game is (and no, I don't just mean the style for the artwork, I mean the anime tropes) works for some people, but is also awful to a lot of people. The situation for this game's release got a lot of people to buy it, and for those people it was exactly what they wanted. Most people, I would assume, don't like those (because that is what I have seen both in real life and online - a lot of people just say "I don't like anime" because when they hear anime they think of those tropes) and so when I suggest FE to people I tell them to stay away from FE13 unless it's the only way for them to play Fire Emblem.
  11. Jeans suck. Although my main problem with them (stiff) seems to be spreading as all pants become increasingly skinnier, so meh.
  12. It really depends on the game/unit. In FE12, for instance, many units don't exactly struggle to hit 20/20, so them getting all of the EXP they can does kind of matter. Then of course when units promote via levelling up, I usually just go that way. Oftentimes, though, I'll promote pretty much ASAP. For instance, Artur in FE8 basically lives off of his promotion to Bishop, so he gets promoted at 10.
  13. Very roughly, it's 100 pages in a word processor, I think. That really depends on how dense your paragraphs are, though. I do recall at one point seeing that I had ~500 words on a page, but I don't recall how dialogue-heavy that was. Mind you, some writers can churn out 10,000 (unedited) words a day, and then there's me who is usually sitting at more like 3-5,000 a week when school is happening.
  14. I feel ya bro. Orifices are weird/gross. Why do they need to exist?
  15. The first point is very debatable, and I would be very hesitant to recommend this one to a newcomer. The plot/characters/general-anime-ness of this game would be a huge turn off for most of the people I know.
  16. I heard he was trying to convey some message about how people focus too much on some thing or other. No wonder it was bad.
  17. If they made, say, July NaNoWriMo I'd totally be on board. But this November may be one of the busiest months of my life so far so, um, no.
  18. Oh, hey. I live with them. Shinto = the way of Shin Shin must by definition be Shinto.
  19. Agnostic, but I would actually be really disappointed if there was a divine being. Unless the divine being was chill. I'd be okay with that.
  20. My sister has dropped hers once and her screen basically exploded. In fact, I think that almost everyone I know who owns an iPhone/iPod touch has a cracked screen. I mean, I've seen the screens shatter from a one foot fall before. I don't know what you're doing that yours is so durable, but I know a whole lot of people would certainly like to.
  21. Best: FE5. because it's better at item management than me Worst: FE4. I'm pretty sure the AI's goal here is to confuse the player until they quit, because I dunno what else it could possibly be doing.
  22. I actually own a smartphone, but I got it for free and I mostly ignore the smartphone aspects of it. I think on average I maybe send/receive one text a day. I really don't understand how people can carry on lengthy text conversations. Which reminds me - I refuse to ever touch Snapchat. Also, I only play games on my laptop. I used to occasionally dig out my DS/GBA, but my sister has taken those. I don't even play games very often at all anymore.
  23. Getting fluent in Japanese would be nice. Other than that? Um, all of them? I actually think it would be really awesome to learn languages with like Basque or Navajo. Of course they'd be a pain due to a lack of a link with other languages (well, I guess that depends on how much Basque has changed over the millennia) but that's kind of why I would like to learn them.
  24. Did they really name the new kingdom via a pun? And then there's Hilda & Zelda, which also bugs me the wrong way for some reason I'm not quite sure of.
  25. My default answer to people asking me how many languages I speak is 1.5. English is the one (or maybe 1.1 since I understand Shakespeare near-perfectly?) and the .5 (or .4?) is my Japanese, which is more than enough to survive in Japan, but rather limited on the conversational front...
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