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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. Yes, IS put all of the effort into making these sprites and models for the sake of angering you. They're going to completely remake them for the actual release. I'm happy with it.
  2. FE13 or FEletterletter. I said FE3DS was bad name for FE12 for just this reason. I think either an all letter acronym or numbering the games is the least confusing way to go, although all letters can get confusing (FESS could be Sword of Seals or Sacred Stones, although I guess FE6 could be FESoS or FEBB.)
  3. Given you can tagteam enemies in this, enemies can only be so weak without completely trivializing the game. If enemies will also tagteam your units, too, then I'd expect to overall see higher defenses and worse offense in this game.
  4. Shame, that sounded fun. Oh well. What is Spring 2012 considered? Actual spring months? If so, that's quite interesting. That's six+ months away while FE12 was announced like five weeks before its release.
  5. I personally like the style. Some of it sorta reminds me of Valkkyria Chronicles. Anyways, this looks awesome. If NoA doesn't localize this...
  6. They can have camels in those chapters. They ARE thieves, after all.
  7. Close, but FE5. There's just so much moving without accomplishing much in FE4...
  8. I like how that person uses shortened versions of words and then proceeds to add so many letters it doesn't actually make them shorter.
  9. Well, the goat idea is awesome, but in the event that doesn't happen for some reason, plain canto would be great.
  10. And you're now embarrassed because of that inhibitor :P Nothing bad ever came of you doing that, did it? And wasn't it fun to do it? Except you can't. A lot of people say the don't, but odds are they really care more which is why they bother to say the don't care. Now, you can do things in spite of caring, and all of my fondest recent memories are of that. Did your family say that ALL the presents were from Santa? In my family, each person got a Santa present and then the others were from other family members, so the presents weren't secretly hidden. They were hidden, of course, but we knew they were there. That may be another difference. "Where do babies come from?" But maybe you can just say mommy's tummy? Well, what if they ask "how do they get there?" Do you really want to explain that? Wait, you don't want some guy to break the laws of the universe for the sake of making people happy? I think that would be pretty great. I think the main reason for the difference in our opinions is our personal experiences. I agree that your dad should not have tried to force you to believe something, but in my circumstance that never happened so I never had anything negative come from the lies. I guess that's what I'd say: If only good things come from the lies, they're good, but once it becomes negative, go with the truth. Which quite frankly is an obvious statement. Go with what's good. For me, no one ever really forced me to believe. When I would "see" or "hear" him, it would be something like my sister saying, "Shh, let's see if we can hear Santa's bells!" and we'd all listen and I'd think I heard them. Your experience certainly sounds worse than mine. lolz. I was late in losing my teeth, so I was very excited and my parents always knew when I lost them. By the time I stopped caring about them I knew the tooth fairy wasn't real, and I realized that I'd never want to use the gold dollars, so why get them? Unless my mind has warped my childhood into some happier version, it was never considered necessary for me to believe these things. I guess you could argue at first I was, but really, being read Christmas stories around Christmas is what lead me to believe in Santa. I was always left free to form my own opinion. And, now that I think more about it, I was never explicitly told these things were real. I asked my dad if the tooth fairy was real, and he told me she wasn't. I guess, then, I wasn't lied to, but information was withheld. I just took the stories to be true. It wouldn't bother me, assuming the parents hadn't taught that kid that believing in those things was a bad thing to do. I would probably ask the other parents to ask their kid not to bring it up, but that's it. I guess that, after exploring my memories more, I agree that children shouldn't be explicitly lied to about certain things. I still think adult material can be lied about, but kids shouldn't be forced to believe in one thing or another.
  11. Well, when I came in to this topic I saw some rather extreme stuff. I have seen some things, though, like specifically telling little kids "You're making us look stupid" when they play with something in public. That is too far, in my opinion. Yes, but some of the extreme things mentioned could, I think, get kids there early. Maybe not in first grade, but fourth? Yeah. You can't do it without caring about what other people think, though. If you did in public, well, it wouldn't improve others' opinions of you, and if you did it in your basement, it's not quite the same. Well, seeing presents from Santa Claus on Dec 23rd also helped me, but by that point I had sort of assumed that was the case, so it wasn't a shock to me. I think there are certain things that should be lied about, at least for a time. There are certain questions little kids shouldn't know the answer to, and some things that I think are worth thinking for a while. Maybe this is because I learned that these were lies when I was ready? Six year old me would have been seriously upset to find that Santa Claus wasn't real. Probably not big things, but I'm sure there are some small thins you didn't need to hear/see. As much as I love making fun of the fact that Santa breaks into houses and is an anagram for Satan, that's not what he's all about when you're little. He's a jolly old man who flies around the world and gives people presents. Don't you wish he was real? Also, Christmas has never been about just the presents for me. Although I certainly enjoy those, the family aspect and general atmosphere have always been what I like most. Maybe you've seen more situations different from mine, but in my experience I think all the lies I was told as a little kid were worthwhile. Did you never listen for his sleigh bells? Or put out cookies for him? Wasn't that exciting to do? I learned of the tooth fairy pretty early, too, but I still did the standard tooth under the pillow thing. That was fun. And I mostly brought her up because the only other creature like that is the Easter Bunny, and I never really bought that. And as a little kid, you don't have that inhibitor yet. I wouldn't want that to have been taken away from me earlier than when it was. I think that's one of the reasons theatre is so great. That all gets dropped. This is different than the case of lying about Santa Claus, though, which I think is worthwhile because, in my experience, no harm ever came of it.
  12. I didn't actually mean do it when the child is eight years old. It was just an example age. And you don't have to get that ready for adulthood that early. The point is, there are some wonderful things about being a little kid, and destroying those only serves to, well, destroy them. As for why ever stop being children? Quite frankly, I'd like it if people could just stay little kids, but that's impossible, and even if it was possible there are some rather obvious flaws. I wasn't talking about learning. I was talking about social life. Unless my experience is particularly atypical, it was much easier when I was younger than it is now. If you don't have to grow up yet, then why not enjoy the things you can't once you've grown up? Yeah. The funny thing is, they never told me Santa Claus doesn't exist or anything like that. At some point I just figured it couldn't happen. Sometimes those situations are good in the end. Erm, yes. Thus the part about it being okay to lie/not tell people things. Well, obviously. There is, however, the possibility of someone bringing up the subject on their own, or me asking a question I don't realize I don't like the answer to. In the first case, they have the right to withhold information, in the second, I think it's perfectly okay for someone to lie to me. Neither do I, and that's a good thing. I think the idea of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy are good things, and kids don't need to know about certain things until a certain point in time. People were talking about things like telling little kids about sex when I joined in. I don't think that's necessary. I am aware Santa Claus doesn't exist and I can no longer play imaginary games without caring what other people think. I'm pretty sure I'm past that.
  13. Am I the only one here who wants to be his/her eight year old self again? You know, when you could get fully invested in playing pirates or animals or whatever? If you bring all of the issues of the world crashing down on an eight year old, that can be destroyed, and you jump right into the mode where you're hyperfocused on what other people think of you. However, this is getting in on simply not telling kids things as opposed to lying to them. On the topic of specifically lying, I'd say it's perfectly fine. Part of the wonder of childhood is the magic. If it's not there, well, what is? Are you telling me you'd want everything to be just like highs school but from first grade? However, I do sort of wonder what a little kid would do if told about sex. You would get some doing... inappropriate things, probably, but then I bet others would just go "Ew, that's gross!" and carry on with life. Now, as people age, truthfulness becomes more important. I certainly don't want my relationship with my parents now based on lies. However, I think there is always a place for lies or withholding information. There are some things I don't want people to know and some things I don't want to know, and surely some things I don't know that I don't want to know.
  14. Given the size of my school (~60 people in my grade) I don't think I've ever had the same social problems. Everyone really knows everyone, and we all more or less get along. Beyond that, I'm very comfortable with myself. I care what people think (only sociopaths really don't, or so I've been told) but none of my flaws really bother me. I've never felt like I'm alone unless I've wanted to separate myself from people to think about whatever it is at that time. I guess there are some things I don't think people understand about me, but I kinda like that. I can't say I'm the typical teenager.
  15. Well, there would at least be some substance to what they're saying since they actually would end up better than other units.
  16. So, when you get back, are you gonna do RotS or Napoleon?
  17. Est Cleric->Swordmaster Ogma Pirate->Berserker People are just so cruel in these.
  18. He's actually very solid. He was ORKOing in chapter 1. He and Marth faltered more in chapter 2, though. Well, except Marth's +2MT Rapier meant that he butchered all of the cavs, and he was left the boss alive with ONE hit point. Still, the EXP was needed elsewhere. Sorry, I spent nine hours on shoes for our church's Share Your Soles thing and then I spent all day today at a sheep herding competition. I haven't had all the free time I was expecting.
  19. Trolololol. Well, school's starting up again, anyways...
  20. I believe cryptopaleontology would be the study of extinct animals with no evidence that they exist beyond people saying that they've seen them. So, like, what? I guess that explains why it can't be used as a weapon. It's just a cover and maybe that page about copyright information.
  21. So, who all is left? The Sycorax?
  22. It doesn't make sense to have them take extra work to not end up any better, either. Those ten extra levels should amount to more than extra time put in to not get anything more.
  23. Okay. It would be nice if the description was more than "A staff owned by Wrys, an Altena curate." Chapter 3x: Warren, Cecille, and Gordin all got a use of the Rainbow Potion to boost their performance against the knights. Chris can ORKO them, so this shouldn't affect my turncount much, if at all, but it will make it so they actually, you know, get used. Warren also gets a +10 HIT forge. 95 HIT is much nicer than 82. But first the RNG goddess is gonna troll me like no other, so I'll try again later.
  24. Trainees should, if anything, have better growths. By having worse growths, they're just forcing you to give them more EXP to get the same unit.
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