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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. http://rewjeo-astorywithnoname.blogspot.com/2011/08/chapter-9.html Chapter 9!
  2. Roro just feels like a name for a beagle or something. If I were to name any dog Hrolfr, it would a malamute or something. I just don't get the primal feel at all. Does Gaga sound primal?
  3. Japanese Roro->Rollo (Viking founder of Normandy, likely origin of his name) which is the Latin version of his name, Hrolfr I feel like Hrolfr is much more primal than Roro. Roro is, like, what a baby would call me because they can't say my whole name yet.
  4. True. There goes me thinking about how it sounds, not how it looks. What about "Hrolfr! Hrolfr!"? Does the r being added change that?
  5. This pronunciation thing certainly is a problem, but I think I understand how you pronounce it now. I still like the Hrolfr one more, myself, though. I imagine it very gruff, coming from the back of the mouth, similar to the r in your rororororo. Also, I think the Hrolfr one would look much less silly if it was written as "Hrolf! Hrolf! Hrolf!" or something instead of "Hrolfhrolfhrolfhrolfhrolf."
  6. Yes, please do. Lolo is clearly better than any of the other names. So much more badass than Hrolfr, and what could be more terrifying than "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO?" On second thought, maybe you don't have to explain. I thought of other names you could get from the Kana, and I decided to share Lolo because it was so comically bad.
  7. So Arch, given that you're here, what's your opinion on Roro/Rollo/Hrolfr's name? I guess there's also Lolo and Loro from the kana... I actually sorta like Loro, myself.
  8. Even when you typed roflroflroflrofl I still read it as rolfrolfrolfrolf. I guess that's just me. Anyways, you can't just imagine someone saying Hrolfhrolfhrolf in a standard conversational tone. Same thing with Rororororo. Anything becomes silly as a battle cry like that. Try to make your voice sound animal like. I expect you'll find Hrolfhrolf to be more animal-like than Rororororo, which admittedly could be made to sound pretty intimidating. I know I do. And outside of saying either as a battlecry, I really fail to see how Roro is more primal than Hrolfr. Edit: I see "Rororororo" as more of a very fast paced chant, whereas "Hrolfhrolfhrolfhrolf" is easier to make sound like an animal noise. Rorororo could certainly be very cool, but not in this situation. Edit2: Derp, new post. Anyways, I don't imagine it with the same o sound as in Rolf, but like in wolf.
  9. I'm with Anouleth on this one. I'm not getting the primal feel at all, I'm getting a comical one. Row-row-row-row-row-row-row-row-row-row-row! Meanwhile, Hrolfhrolfhrolfhrolfr sounds like some sort of wild animal noise. Especially if you imagine him saying it to make that effect. Edit: Like eight posts appeared between me clicking fast reply, typing, and submitting. Anyways, maybe not hrolfrhrolfrr but hrolfhrolfhrolf, like above. And how does Roro become Aum?
  10. Someone else mentioned it, and it reminded me of Rollo (who I feel he probably was named after) and so I looked it up. My problem with Roro is that it sounds terrible out loud. Aesthetically, I like it more than Rollo. I actually like Hrolfr for him, myself. For one thing, I think it also fits the bestial part (more than Roro, IMO- it sounds like an animal noise) and for another I just like it more aesthetically than either Roro or Rollo. True, the kana doesn't suggest it at all, but, well, we have Vergil being at least looked at and likely used.
  11. Well, I never thought the name was bad, myself. No comments on Roro/Rollo/Hrolfr?
  12. The Afa's drops amount to, on average, one point per 20 level ups, so I doubt it will make a difference. I like how your Eliwood has the same DEF as your Lyn and less HP.
  13. Regarding Roro, I think there was viking or some such thing named Rollo who was rather prominent. This reaching back a year into history, and it wasn't a major point at all, but I remember thinking "Oh, maybe that's what his name is supposed to be" in regards to Roro. My memory of it is rather foggy, but I think I saw something like that. Edit: Yes, Rollo was the founder of Normandy. Edit 2: Further, it appears Rollo is the Latin version of Hrolfr, which, in modern Scandinavian, is Rolf, and he was baptized as Robert, if you want other suggestions for names. Although we do already have a Rolf in FE and Robert in this game :/
  14. Personally, I'd prefer to have the 'l' before the 'r' in his name. It just sounds better to me that way :/ That said, none of the names put forward bother me much, although Erelain does sound a little too feminine, IMO. My favorite pronunciation for the end of his name is the ee-un one, so I would favor one like that, but there is the question of how close you do want stay to the kana.
  15. On the topic of Erureen, I like Erelian, but I still prefer the way I pronounce Ellerean to that. Maybe Ellerian? Or Elren or Elleren if you want to be closer to the kana. Edit: Also, although I'm not bothered by Malicia anymore, I do still feel you should either have another poll over at your blog or go with something closer to Malliesia. Malicia doesn't bother me, but the reasons for using it despite the numbers from the one poll you've held still bother me :/
  16. Thus why I suggested Malesia- it's not convoluted. However, having gotten a direct answer regarding her character, that satisfies me. Based on her portrait and class, I had not assumed she was like that as a character. Knowing what she's like, I accept Malicia.
  17. I've said that I'm perfectly fine with Vergil. Which I think draws another point to the whole Malliesia thing- it's not that I want it to be Malliesia, but that I want it to not be Malicia. Malesia? Even better. Melissa? Works for me. Malicia? No. I just hate that name aesthetically for her. I would literally take Bob before Malicia aesthetically. Not exaggerating. This isn't even just to make a point, I can literally see her as "Bob" before "Malicia." Also, I hardly see how for me it is familiarity given that I've hardly played FE3, and she was Marishia all through FE12, when I didn't use her ever, anyways. Besides, how is it that sometimes going with what is familiar is what you HAVE to do, and other times you CANNOT DO IT? And yet no one has made a poll anywhere else! That says, to me, that this whole "I think that if you asked more people would probably vote for Malicia" thing is not very certain. At all. It says to me that people are worried they would STILL vote for Malliesia, and they'd just rather not take the risk. As it is, I at least have evidence and reasoning as for why I think it should not be Malicia, and all that's been proposed against it is "this small group thinks it's better, and your larger group just doesn't count." Erm, not quite the same. Yes, Serra is sort of the same as serene. Except that Serra (or Sara or Sarah) is a very common name in real life, and serene is not a particularly distinctive word, AND you have to change an entire half of the name for it. While Malicia is NOT a common name and it is one sound- not even a syllable, you add an "s" sound to the end- away from malicious, which is a much more distinctive word than serene. Just say Malicias. Notice what word it is? Oh, and guess what you've still failed to show? ANY REASONING FOR WHY MALICIA IS BETTER THAN MALESIA OR WHY IT IS SO BAD TO GO WITH WHAT SOME PEOPLE ARE FAMILIAR WITH WHEN OTHER TIMES YOU HAVE TO.
  18. ...what? I mean, I know this is FFtF, but this doesn't make sense... Are you withholding vital information? @topic title: Yes, I have. And I have also randomly broken into song before. Not always, like, real songs. I have actually started singing about preparing my cereal Lack of sleep does terrible or perhaps wondrous things to me.
  19. Hey, look, someone FINALLY offered me an answer! It wasn't actually at all in regards to my post, and it wasn't specifically about Malliesia/Malicia, but hey, it's something! Again, improving a name in this case is so subjective. Wait, you've defined it as more "aesthetic, sensible." Now, if only those were not also subjective terms. Well, I'd guess that the only way to determine what it best when something is subjective would be to go by popular opinion. And then you go on to say that people only want some names to stay the same so that they are more familiar! Why, are these not the same reasons to "improve" the names? And to go with FE11's names? The argument for not changing the names is the same as yours for changing the names! The thing is, as I said, Malliesia, in the one poll you guys bothered to put up, so excuse me if it's "bull****," did massively better than Malicia. Doesn't that tell you which one is more aesthetically pleasing? What about sensible? Malicia is a word on its own, and it also tied to malicious. Neither of those words make any sense with this character. Notice the word sense? And there not being any? I'd say that's not sensible. Oh, and I'd still like to hear your reasoning specifically regarding Malicia. *here's hoping someone replies to this now*
  20. That's still not an answer- it's just "because we said so." You can't use polls and then just disregard them when they don't conform to what you want. That's like if Obama lost this next election with only 22% of the votes to the Republican candidate's 65% and he just said "there are all sorts of problems with polling, so I'm just gonna stay president anyways." And did you ever put up a poll about it on the blog? Why, not that I've seen, or that I can see now! You can hardly say that that poll was invalid when you clearly don't care enough to make another valid one. Unless I'm missing something on your site. And, again, that is still not any reason for why it should be Malicia. If the poll had had the opposite result and Malicia had totally destroyed Malliesia and I said "that poll was total bull****" would you have taken that as a reason to use Maliesia? All I'm asking for is the reason to use Malicia. This whole "people just wanna go with what's familiar" thing is a total double standard, too. You talk about changing names to be more familiar (localization) but you can't NOT change a name so that it's familiar? Edit: Further, you're going with FE11 names because, and I quote, "A: FE11 names will be retained for consistency." Now consistency isn't super detailed, but I think it's safe to assume that part of that consistency is being consistent with what people are familiar with at this point. But we can't have Malliesia for the same reasons.
  21. I don't get why Malicia is the name you're going with, of all the names. Like I said, if the fandom seemed to agree with it, I'd accept it, but Malliesia got THREE TIMES as many votes as it, and all that I've heard regarding why you're using it is "AASHDOAISHGLJXHV AOISDHFW HOW DARE YOU QUESTION US WE ARE GOD"
  22. I could probably get along fine in Japan with what I know, and I wouldn't consider joining the translation team because I don't feel I know enough Japanese :/ Anyways, what did you guys go for with Cecil/Cecile? I'm curious because, although I like Cecil more, the Katakana seems, to me, to imply Cecile more.
  23. Well, if you aren't going for efficiency, General Wolf/Sedgar are nigh invincible early on in NM.
  24. Malicia+Maricia, together, got 1/3 of the votes Maliesia got. Maybe they should go with things other than what IS suggested, because not even IS is infallible. I like Eluren, or Elleren, or anything that doesn't end with an een sound, really.
  25. Well, Marius IS an actual name. Although I don't know who this Marus is. Do you mean Malice/Maris? I thought the romaji for that was Marisu- GASP BRILLIANT IDEA: MARY SUE IMO, Elren sounds better than Elrean (pronounced el-reen, at least) but doesn't look as nice :/
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