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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. So where do we want to drop Lute/Artur to, and who will be above the other? I vote Artur>Lute.
  2. Chapter 6 Rewjeo sat in his room, listening to Smyx talk. “You’re not the only one who’s been asking questions, Rewjeo. I’m… let’s say ‘naturally curious.’ I’ve asked the cooks and maids and such about all sorts of things. It became fairly obvious to me that you weren’t who you said.” Smyx stood up and turned to Rewjeo. “You know, you really should have spent more time on your alias. You were raised here in the castle, and left a year ago for Ilyarium to study various things, including history. You were expected to come back around this time. All you have is, well, you for the past year.” “There’s more than that, though, Smyx,” Rewjeo replied. “If all you really thought was that I was Rewjeo, not Chigau, then why would you confront me yourself instead of telling Kertankuse?” “I have my own agenda.” “So you aren’t one of his soldiers?” “Sort of.” “Yes or no. And what is this agenda?” “Technically, I’m a soldier of Guldar. But that doesn’t mean my loyalties lie with Kertankuse.” “You keep avoiding my questions.” “Hm?” “Why don’t your loyalties lie with him, and where do they lie?” “Ah. Well, I’d prefer not to share that right now.” “You didn’t give me that opportunity.” “Yes I did. I just didn’t wait for you to be ready to share it and I found it on my own.” “If you won’t tell me anything, why should I trust you?” “Because we’re here. Why would I sit here and talk to you instead of talking to Kertankuse? Not because I’m against you. You have to trust me.” “So what is the point of all of this? What exactly do I have to trust you about?” “I want to help.” Rewjeo rolled his eyes. “Could you be any more cryptic, dammit? Clearly my disguise isn’t as secure as I thought, and I don’t have a door. If you keep this up, then I may very well be discovered by Kertankuse. You might be, too. So tell me what you want to do.” “I want Kertankuse gone.” “Why?” “Like I said, I’d rather not share that.” Rewjeo started to talk again when he saw Eirk coming down the hall. “Hey, someone’s coming! Get out of here! Act like I was interviewing you.” Smyx nodded and left the room. Eirk came in, curious about what had happened. “So, who was that?” “One of the soldiers. I was asking him about his opinion on various things that had happened,” Rewjeo said absentmindedly, grabbing his papers again. Eirk looked at the papers and was almost stunned. “That’s…” “I was just taking it to Kertankuse,” Rewjeo said. He looked up at Eirk. “What? I said I was going to document Guldar’s capture of Gassad, didn’t I?” ~~~~~ Rewjeo returned to his room that night relieved. There hardly seemed any reason to. One of the Guldarans had figured out who he was, and claimed to be on his side but refused to tell him anything. But, with Smyx, he was at least not alone in this castle. Kertankuse had seemed to be pleased with what Rewjeo had brought him, too. But who knows how long that might last? It might have even just been a façade. Still, things felt like they were going well. There had been no news of the others, so he assumed they were safe, and he had a good idea of how to get the prisoners out and get the food and equipment for them. This wasn’t new, but it somehow felt better now. Maybe I could, he thought before another flew into his mind. Is that what Smyx is up to? Well, it would make more sense. Kertankuse hasn’t gone after me yet because he’s using Smyx to learn more! I’m getting out of this castle as soon as possible. ~~~~~ Rewjeo gathered up his things and left his room. It was late and all the torches were unlit. It made it hard to see, but also hard to be seen. He moved down the halls as quietly and quickly as he could. There were a few stops he had to make on his way out, and he couldn’t get spotted at any of them. Rewjeo found an indent in the wall. On one side of this indent, there were slight impressions in the wall. Using these as a ladder, he climbed up into the ceiling. There was a torch lying there. He grabbed the torch and lit it using the flint and steel he had stolen from the guard on his first venture out of the castle. He spent what felt like an eternity walking down the passage. In most places, it went so long without a bend or a crack in the wall that allowed moonlight in that there was pitch black beyond the flickering light of the torch. Rewjeo went through the course in his head. The wall on the right will become wood. Then the sixth panel will be removable. Head through there and down the ladder into another passage and continue down that. The wall, still on the right, will be wooden. There will be two planks that are removable, as well. Take those off. Then there should be a tapestry, and from there- Rewjeo had reached the part where the stone wall changed to a wooden wall, but the panel was already taken off. Someone else had been using the passages! This was one Rewjeo hardly knew, though. It wasn’t well known, even as far as secret passages go. But he couldn’t dwell on that. He was sneaking into Kertankuse’s room. That was more important- and more dangerous- right now. He slipped through the opening and headed down the ladder. The planks here had been put back. Well, at least that probably meant that Kertankuse didn’t know about the passage. Unless he had been the one to find this and put the planks back. Well, he was already here, and he wanted those papers. If Kertankuse knew about the passages, Rewjeo’s plans were ruined anyways. ~~~~~ Rewjeo slunk back into the passage entrance, hidden behind the tapestry. He pushed the boards back into place, and turned to grab the torch. “Want this?” It was Smyx, holding the torch. “Smyx?!” Rewjeo asked, shocked. “Wh-b-bb-but how? What are you doing..?” “Oh, I know about these. All of them. At least, I think all of them. You know, you aren’t as trusting as I’d hoped,” Smyx said, walking down the passage. Rewjeo trotted after. “Wait, wait. What? Who are you?” Smyx sighed. “Who are you?” Smyx sighed again, louder this time. “I don’t have much of a choice now, do I? Well, here’s what I’ll tell you,” he said, stopping and turning to face Rewjeo. “I am not one of Kertankuse’s soldiers. I was here before they came. After you left for Ilyarium, but I was here before the Guldarans came. I was the last one to use this passage, you know. I may have been the last person, other than Kertankuse, to see Lord Jyron alive. I left the panel off, didn’t I? Anyways, once the Guldarans took over, I snuck my way into the armor stores and grabbed some of their spare equipment. Since then I’ve been using that as my cover.” “Why?” Rewjeo asked. “Hm?” “Why would you do that? You’ve hardly answered my question. Sure, it’s more than ‘oh I’m naturally curious,’ but that doesn’t mean much. So who were you before then? What is it that is making you do what you’re doing? And how do you know so much about me, anyways?” “I… don’t feel like telling you.” Smyx said, starting to walk away. Rewjeo didn’t move. “Then why should I trust you?” Smyx turned, so that he was still walking towards the ladder, but backwards, and said, “Because look where not trusting me got you. You’re sneaking through the castle on your way out, Rewjeo. If you had trusted me, you’d still be Chigau from Ilyarium.” He turned again and started climbing up the ladder. “So, where to next?” he asked on his way up. Rewjeo ran up to the ladder and started climbing. “I want to get more swords and armor.” ~~~~~ There'll be more to chapter 6. This is where it's at right now. And can someone post? Anyone? Also, there are lots of italics in here, and I didn't bother to add them...
  3. It's been a while since I've played FE4, but isn't Baron just a horseless Master Knight?
  4. Since no one seemed to disagree, I moved Saleh over Lute/Artur and moved Tana into Upper Mid. Any objections to Saleh in High Tier? Thoughts on where Lute/Artur should go? I could see them below Tana, but that could also be a symptom of her needing to go higher still.
  5. Because clearly durability is Sigurd's problem, and movement doesn't matter in FE4. Ephraim lord Gilliam. He gets +7 speed out of it along with like doubling his growth! He also gets a solid STR boost, IIRC. His defense isn't half bad after it, either.
  6. FE12 easily has the hardest hard modes of any FE, though.
  7. Colm: I usually go Rogue, just because Assassin!Colm doesn't make sense to me. Also, he doesn't fight much. If he does fight, then assassin is better. Artur: Either way works. Sage has better combat earlier, Bishop has better later and C staves. Moulder: Odds are he's never having great combat anyways, so I'd say bishop for the ability to hit moderately hard on monsters.
  8. Well, he gets full credit for Chapters 2-4, while Natasha shows up and gets equal credit to Moulder for the rest of the game. Maybe less since she'll reach staff ranks later. Saleh and Artur show up (as healers) significantly later. They, however, have combat. Is it worth a tier gap? Maybe. I'm not really on either side of that right now.
  9. I forgot about FE7's ranking system until I read this. That tells you how much I care about it having one.
  10. Well, at this point, I don't think I want them in Lower Mid, but lower in Upper Mid. Also, I'm all for Artur being higher than Lute. TEB=The Emblem Brigade. It's a Fire Emblem forum.
  11. It doesn't take as long to gain staff rank as you'd think. She'll probably have a B by when Artur promotes. And healing>not much chipping, and if he's getting much EXP, then it's not coming from chipping. I doubt their combat is doing much. I guess that the movement is nice, though. Still, there's the rule about not using units who compete for the same resources to fill the same roll. Slayer isn't broken. Saleh is also ORKOing EVERYTHING for a while, and by the end, we have the effective weapons to handle monsters. Not to mention 10/5 Artur vs. 10/ Saleh, offensively... Assuming both get a Body Ring, Elfire!Saleh has 27 MT and 15-16 AS against Shine!Artur's 32 attack and 13 AS. Saleh also has ~3 more HP and DEF. And, IIRC, 14 AS is the magic number. Guess which one reaches it? Guess who might reach it even without the Body Ring? Saleh. This is after all of the growing has happened. Saleh still might win, and if he doesn't, he's not losing by too much, especially since he has zero competition for Excalibur. It'll drop his AS down, but I bet he has some huge attack with it. My original point was to move Lute/Artur down, not Saleh up. Over at TEB, I was just bringing Saleh up in the process. Now, I'm just comparing them to Saleh, still, because they're >him here, too. No, I'm not. Garcia, Franz, and Joshua all have solid offense, and that chip isn't helping that much. Further, they aren't getting much EXP just from the occasional chip, so we do have to feed them stuff to be Saleh lite later. So that's another advantage for Saleh. He doesn't need one. Lute/Artur do, and we've got Moulder/Natasha/Knoll who also want one of the two reasonably available ones.
  12. Being better than Low/Bottom Tier characters (who manage to be their despite almost always existing) doesn't mean you're contributing. I'd imagine that Eirika/Vanessa/Joshua/Garcia/Franz are pulling all the weight earlygame. Saleh was the comparison I made there because Saleh was in Lower Mid. I didn't want to type up multiple arguments. Anyways, looking at Lower Mid units, we've got Myrrh and Dozla. Are either of them hugely better than those two? Well, maybe enough for a tier gap. But what about Eir. Duessel, who's at the bottom of Upper Mid? I think they're probably worse. So maybe bottom of Upper Mid is more reasonable, or at least near the bottom. lolguidingrings. I doubt you'd ever use more than two guiding rings: one of Artur/Lute and Knoll. I support Saleh into High Tier. A big part of what kept him in Upper Mid when I tried to argue him there before was Lute. At this point, I think that's not nearly as much of a problem, especially with the rule about not using units who need the same resources and fill the same role. I can do a more detailed post on this later.
  13. I just want another Fire Emblem, preferably in English. Actually, definitely in English, since both the Wii and 3DS are region locked.
  14. He thought he would go to the center of the online Fire Emblem community given that this issue is about Marth, a Fire Emblem character? It would be weird if he started asking about things that had nothing to do with FE, but this one makes sense. I agree that FE Marth, on Wikipedia, is more important than real life Marth. If only because it is the bigger, more detailed article.
  15. I'm saying being worse at combat than EIRIKA route Saleh (I think significantly, I'd imagine that 3 SPD is quite a big deal) and also being at best equal to him in staff use after we put all those resources in means they should be lower. I'm arguing them to Lower Mid, and over there Eir. Saleh was in Lower Mid, so I figured I'd compare the two and also try to get Saleh raised while I'm at it. Two birds with one stone.
  16. Over there Saleh is in Lower Mid on Eir. Route. Sorry for that miscommunication. Anouleth, I assume you're talking about Eph. Saleh, right? Because Artur will hardly have more Staff WEXP than Saleh, and, as I showed, he is much better at combat than them. I agree with Eph. Route Saleh<Syrene, though. Still, no comments on Artur/Lute in lower mid? That was a comparison I was making there because Eir. Saleh was about where I saw them being. Here they are currently directly above him. Anyways:
  17. Quoting myself from TEB Yeah, I think those two should be in Lower Mid, or at the very least not > Saleh.
  18. Rewjeo

    New guy

    Welcome newcomer! This welcome topic is surprisingly... normal compared to the rest of the forum. Also, this "first Fire Emblem" is actually the seventh, if you didn't know. SS is the eighth.
  19. (First part of?) Chapter 5. Chapter 5 Rewjeo woke up the next morning to a loud thud. A very loud thud. He shot up and turned to see what it was. His door was being taken off, and it had just come completely off and fallen onto the floor. He ran to the doorway to see two soldiers taking the door and walking down the hallway with it. Eirk was standing there, presumably ‘supervising.’ “What are you doing?!” Rewjeo asked. “Taking your door.” Chigau said, nonchalantly “Why?” Rewjeo inquired. “Lord Kertankuse s-“ “Why?” Rewjeo insisted. “He doesn’t like the idea of you locking anyone in or out of your room.” Eirk said, just as nonchalantly as before. Rewjeo sighed. “Won’t this make the soldiers suspicious? “That’s a risk Lord Kertankuse is willing to take.” “What happened to not taking risks?” “How should I know? I’m not Lord Kertankuse,” Eirk said, still with complete nonchalance. Tell that to your soldiers. Rewjeo thought. “Fine,” he sighed. Then his tone changed. “Tell Kertankuse he should be expecting plenty more written by the end of today.” Rewjeo had a new plan. “All right,” Eirk said, almost asking, slightly unnerved, and walked away. ~~~~~ Fyrro sat on a rock eating bread as he watched his sister practice throwing her axe with a tree. It was pleasant outside this time of year. He could just sit there and enjoy the air. His sister was different. She had always had this drive to do something. That’s probably what had pushed her to go into the military, even though she’d said that it was because she wanted to follow her big brother. At first she got into medicine because, well, that’s all she was allowed to do. Then she asked her brother if she could spar with him. She got good- really good- really quickly. Maybe even better than he was, and he’d been practicing for years. At that point, she talked to Jyron about becoming a soldier, and when he saw how good she was, he let her in. It happens every now and then, a girl joining the army, when someone is good enough and driven enough. But usually that was their only dimension. Lemina was different. She could be perfectly feminine, even when she was wearing her custom armor. She could do it right up until you’re sparring, and then she’d knock you to the ground. She was almost… terrifying. Meanwhile, Seloh sat on another rock, thinking about something. It was hard to say what. There was a lot in his head. He had spent a lot of time thinking since he had joined the military, even more than before. Fyrro guessed that it was because, with Rewjeo gone and surrounded by soldiers, he had no one to discuss things with. The military may have ended up being a good place for him, though. He had grasped tactics incredibly quickly. Fyrro knew that he owed at least his freedom, and probably his life, to him. He was the one who thought to go down to the cellars and what to do once they were there. He had found the best places for every bench, barrel, or chair. Maybe he was doing something similar now, figuring out what to do if they were attacked. Or maybe he was just thinking. ~~~~~ Rewjeo put down his pen. It had been six days since his door had been removed, and his writings had nearly quadrupled in size since then. He had written just about everything he could about what had happened. He had opinions on all manner of things, from what the Guldarans thought of the Gassadian food, to what the Gassadians thought of Kertankuse’s rule, and he had a complete collection of the records. How many gallons of this drink and of that, what food they had, how many Guldarian soldiers there were and what ranks they were, how many prisoners, and what equipment there was. This would be very helpful to Kertankuse, having everything down in one place, but it would also be very helpful to Rewjeo. There was one more thing he wanted to get in his history first, though: the history of this part of the world. As much as Chigau was a disguise, he was simply Rewjeo with a different name. This was also critical to his own plans. He had to get Kertankuse to trust him, and he would ask Kertankuse himself about this. He could see if he was trusted yet or not. He walked down the hall quickly, as if he was in a hurry, but he held his papers in front of him with both arms like a child. He bumped into a soldier in his rush. “Oh, sorry,” he said, scrambling to not drop his papers. The soldier brushed it off initially, but as he saw where Rewjeo was going, he stopped him. “Hey, where’re you going?” he asked, making it obvious that he was wondering if Rewjeo was heading to Kertankuse. “Me?” Rewjeo said, turning and walking backwards, still towards Kertankuse. “I think it’s time I ask Kertankuse about all this.” The soldier trotted up to Rewjeo, who turned back around and started his brisk pace again. “Wait, wait,” the soldier said, grabbing Rewjeo by the shoulder, stopping him and turning him to face the soldier. “Is that all you’re going to Kertankuse about?” Rewjeo looked at him confused. “Why else would I go? Ah!” Rewjeo thought to get his paper and pen ready to take notes. The soldier sighed and put his hand on Rewjeo’s paper, pushing it down. “You know, you don’t have to write everything down,” he said as Rewjeo slowly lifted his eyes from his paper. “Anyways, there’s some questioning as to who is seeing what you’re writing.” “I’m the only one seeing it,” Rewjeo stated very clearly. “Who are you?” Rewjeo asked, not quite believing he was just your average soldier. “Smyx. I’m Smyx.” The soldier said. “You sure you’re the only one seeing it?” Well, that’s his name, but who is he? Rewjeo thought. “Yes, I’m the only one seeing it!” Rewjeo said, annoyed. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to Kertankuse so that he can tell me things, not the other way around, Smyx.” Rewjeo started walking off at his brisk pace again. Smyx trotted next to him. “Hey, hey! I wanna talk to you some more!” Rewjeo started walking faster. Smyx stopped and sighed. “Rewjeo!” Rewjeo stopped dead in his tracks. “W-What?!” he asked without turning his head. ~~~~~ I... don't know where Smyx came from. He wasn't supposed to come in, there was just supposed to be some random suspicious guy in the hall. Then Smyx happened.
  20. I could put that in. I'm not too pleased with what I have for chapter 5 in already, anyways. Also, out of curiosity, how do you pronounce the names? Do you have any idea?
  21. 1. Yay! 2. Normally there's a font change to try and avoid that. This last time, though, it just sorta happened as I was typing. 3. As in, his door would be physically removed? Eh, that'd work.
  22. Except you don't say Crane 'Crine,' which is how KurAIne would be pronounced. FE6's is actually much closer to Crane than FE12's. Why couldn't you take it seriously if you saw "Aina?"
  23. True. Although, isn't Aine the romaji? If it is, Aina would work just fine, IMO.
  24. I feel like it should have a vowel sound at the end, and, well, the 'e' at the end doesn't suggest that. Mind you, I like Claine more than Kleine, but, in my opinion, something like Claina would be better still.
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