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Everything posted by Rewjeo

  1. You never replied to this Vincent...
  2. When I read this I was thinking it was a sequel to the live-action movie. Thank goodness it isn't.
  3. The RNG IS fixed, but the two turn of the prologue, IIRC, requires some RN wasting with Seth since I spent a LONG time trying to do it without RN wasting and couldn't. IIRC.
  4. Haha, only in a playthrough like this does Colm get to top the list for combat I think Knoll would've been better if he'd promoted immediately. Hypothetically, he should be pretty great as a summoner in chapter 15.
  5. Or they could have just also released it... But that's been talked to death.
  6. Yeah, all the money Nintendo's getting from me will be for Japanese versions of Fire Emblem. If you really don't want my money, NoA, then I am alright with not giving it to you.
  7. Rewjeo

    my asian rant

    People at my school are popular seemingly because they're Asian. Any kind. Iranian, Persian, Vietnamese, Chinese, you name it.
  8. There is quite a difference between this bottom tier and FE12's, though. In FE12 Lunatic there is a huge list of useless characters and figuring which is more or less so is very different from comparing two crappy units. Also, it clearly matters to someone and really I don't see how anything about tier lists matters that much to people.
  9. I always figured that since Nintendo has spent so much time focused on not exactly text heavy casual games that not having the resources to translate games couldn't be the reason for not getting certain games.
  10. The Senate makes no sense. The more I ignore them, the more they like me. The more I focus on completing their missions, the less they like me. I think it's because their missions prevent me from actually conquering land.
  11. 11 melee attack, 6 charge, and 16 defense is already absurd, but 63 missile attack? I'd pay 550 a turn for that. Do they also shoot rockets while the elephants are beating people up in melee like archers on top of elephants do?
  12. Low is relative and therefor, to some extent, subjective. Although some of these chapters... not so much. You should try an efficient run. It's obvious that when you think about it you can clear chapters quickly, you should just think about it more.
  13. According the the site, the Guiding Ring in SS's chapter 5 can be gotten if all the villages are intact, but I just played through chapter 5 and I did not get it when all villages were intact but the top (torch) village wasn't visited. I redid the chapter and visited all the villages and did get it.
  14. dondon, not everyone's definition of low turncounts is the same as yours. Don't be obnoxious about it. Besides, eight turns on chapter six when your team consists of a SPD-screwed Gilliam, Ross, and Neimi isn't bad.
  15. Well, I'm sure that, for playing mostly blind, it would be nice to use the scrolls. If you don't know what's coming, any help you can get is nice, especially in this game.
  16. I haven't looked into it very much, but like Anouleth said, there's more than averages to take into account. I'd take one MOV over General's slight advantages. Marisa is sort of an either way thing. L'arachel should be a Mage Knight for worse EXP gain and WTD lategame. I don't see how 7 MOV, better CON, and D staves is worse than Super Trainee. Maybe he has slightly worse stats, they can actually come out to be better in combat thanks to CON, movement is always great, and D staves is not at all bad, especially since L'arachel is your only healer. Amelia and Ewan will never reach 10/20/20 in anything remotely resembling an efficient run, so don't look at their full averages. Super trainee is probably also Amelia's worst, maybe General. Knoll should definitely be a Druid. Druid!Knoll is easily a Bottom Tier unit. Summons are what has him as high as he is. Edit: Derp, you replied to his post.
  17. See, pila aren't effective against elephants in Rome, just javelins, like from skirmishers. Except skirmishers really suck against everything else, so I never have them in my army.
  18. Shouldn't "1st cousin" say "once removed?"
  19. Like saving something for the wrong occasion? I have no idea. Is it just supposed to confuse someone? Something is more important than whatever the other person said? Vice versa? I don't know exactly what ham would mean to the Dutch beyond the meat, but I'd guess something like the obvious question or maybe the joke question. Do it without affecting what I'm doing? I'm American, so of course the ones I know are already in English, but there's one I remember from Japanese class- "A frog's child is a frog." like "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." That one doesn't sound too weird, but some of the ones you posted certainly do.
  20. Yeah, I think the Crusades might have gone better in real life if the Europeans had invested in more armor that didn't cook them alive...
  21. Wait, her speed is below average, but on the flip side sick sick speed? This is why the first thing Knoll ever does (ever) is promote to Summoner. He's purely a utility unit if you plan on using him seriously.
  22. Yeah, some people can get rather closed minded. I think tiers have their place, but first and foremost Fire Emblem is a game, and however people enjoy it is fine with me. There's a No-Seth Tier List lower on the page that I started. There's also a Low-Tier Worst Promotions run going on right now. Funny how many units are being used in both of these runs.
  23. Thing is, on average (not 100% of the time, on average) Joshuah as three more STR than her at max level, which assumes either of them get there. Given this run (this one, not one where the player uses the Tower) that won't happen, but Joshua would hypothetically always have a level lead since he would not only have one when she shows up, but he would have an easier time getting EXP than her. Neither of them exactly have great DEF. Marisa on average has 11 at 20/20. Joshua only has 14, which isn't as bad, but not exactly spectacular. And it's more than just luck with the growths. Joshua's are better, so he will usually (not always) end up better. See, people generally use "I hate tiers" as an excuse or because they don't understand tiers. No one cares if you like using Marisa or if you've been lucky with her. I genuinely care less about that than you. What bugs people is when someone says something that is simply wrong, and claiming Marisa is a good unit in the conditions of a run like this is wrong. A tier list doesn't tell you that you're bad for playing a certain way or using certain units, it tells you how useful a unit is for accomplishing the goal of the given tier list, and people often play under similar restrictions. You can't prove something scientifically if it's random through a small sample size. If you gave 1000 people a coin whose head side was slightly heavier than the tails side (let's say 55/45) and had them all flip it ten times, one of them would probably get tail 9/10 times. After all, there's a .075% chance of that happening, so, in that group of 1000 people, there's only a 47% chance of no one getting it 9 times. Assuming my math is all correct. Why no update
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